The Government of Canada’s terminology and linguistic data bank.

THAT IS SAY [100 records]

Record 1 2024-02-01


Subject field(s)
  • Leather Bags, Baggage and Satchels
  • Drugs and Drug Addiction

... if you’re making contact with, let's say, cocaine or whoever packed your baggage might have some cocaine on them, that trace residue is usually transferred into that area, or your toiletry kit, or whatever else. The scan from the ion scan will help the officer identify whether you might be carrying something, whether it be body packed or around your person, in your shoes, in your pockets, in your jacket, or quite often, within a false-sided suitcase or whatever it might be.

Key term(s)
  • false sided suitcase


  • Maroquinerie et malleterie
  • Drogues et toxicomanie

[...] si vous ou la personne qui a fait les bagages avez été en contact avec de la cocaïne ou une autre substance, cela laisse des résidus quelque part dans la valise ou sur la trousse de toilette. Le détecteur ionique permettra à l'agent de savoir si vous transportez quelque chose, que ce soit contre votre corps, dans vos souliers, dans vos poches, dans votre manteau ou, bien souvent, dans une valise à doubles parois ou un autre dispositif.


Save record 1

Record 2 2024-01-04


Subject field(s)
  • Loads and Loading (Motor Vehicles)
  • Road Traffic
  • Transportation

The general theory of structures is based on a static calculation, which means to say that both the structure and the loads acting on it are at rest, or may simulate this condition because they act slowly. But the structure and load acting on it cannot always be deemed to be at rest, because the dynamic effect of forces may cause accelerations in it, which lead to failure. Wind and earthquakes are forces with a significant dynamic effect on bridges but it must also be borne in mind that traffic loads are moving and, in fact, the dynamic effect of these loads are taken into account via impact factors...


traffic load: designation usually used in the plural.

Key term(s)
  • traffic loads


  • Poids et charges (Véhicules automobiles)
  • Circulation routière
  • Transports

charge de roulage : désignation habituellement utilisée au pluriel.

Key term(s)
  • charges de roulage


Save record 2

Record 3 2023-11-22


Subject field(s)
  • Environmental Economics
  • Economic and Industrial Sociology

Greenhushing is when companies choose to not communicate their sustainability efforts.... Greenhushing should not be mistaken for greenwashing. And greenhushing is also not a type of greenwashing, although some people think so. In fact, it's more accurate to say they’re the opposite. While greenwashing deliberately exaggerates a company's sustainability claims to mislead people to think that they are more sustainable than they actually are, greenhushing deliberately under-communicates a company's sustainable practices.

Key term(s)
  • green hushing
  • green-hushing


  • Économie environnementale
  • Sociologie économique et industrielle

Le secteur de la finance est sur ses gardes. Accusé par les écologistes de s'adonner à de l'écoblanchiment, il subit aussi les attaques du milieu [politique] aux États-Unis qui lui reproche de contrevenir aux lois sur la saine concurrence. Si bien que les compagnies deviennent frileuses à exposer publiquement leurs engagements envers la lutte contre les changements climatiques, cédant au phénomène [de l']«écosilence».


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Economía del medio ambiente
  • Sociología industrial y económica

[...] estrategia seguida por algunas empresas con la que evitan hacer públicas las medidas que toman para que su actividad sea ecológica o sostenible.


ecosilencio; silencio verde; silencio ecológico: La Fundación del Español Urgente (Fundéu BBVA), con el asesoramiento de la Real Academia Española, indica que la voz "ecosilencio", escrita en minúscula y sin espacio ni guion, es una alternativa válida a "greenhushing", que se refiere al ocultamiento de información sobre el cuidado del medioambiente. [...] Se escribe en minúscula y en una sola palabra, por lo que no son adecuadas grafías como "Eco Silencio" o "eco-silencio". Otras opciones con uso e igualmente válidas son "silencio verde" y "silencio ecológico", pero presentan el inconveniente de ser menos concisas.

Save record 3

Record 4 2023-11-18


Subject field(s)
  • Risks and Threats (Security)
  • Communication and Information Management
  • IT Security

Some researchers say anonymous data is a lie, and that unless all aspects of de-identifying data are done right, it is incredibly easy to re-identify the subjects.


re-identify a person

Key term(s)
  • reidentify


  • Risques et menaces (Sécurité)
  • Gestion des communications et de l'information
  • Sécurité des TI

Le nombre croissant de bases de données et les progrès de la technologie permettant de coupler des bases de données créent de nouvelles possibilités pour la recherche, mais aussi de nouveaux risques d'atteinte à la vie privée. Il se peut notamment que le couplage de bases de données dépersonnalisées ou anonymisées permette de réidentifier des personnes.


réidentifier une personne


Save record 4

Record 5 2023-05-31


Subject field(s)
  • Electronics
  • Radar, Radio Guidance and Goniometry
  • Audio Technology

A random noise which has a continuous spectrum and a varying power spectral density in the frequency band considered.


Any kind of filtered noise signal can be called "colored noise, "which is just to say that it is not a pure white noise.


coloured noise: designation and definition standardized by ISO in collaboration with the International Electrotechnical Commission.


  • Électronique
  • Radar, radioguidage et radiogoniométrie
  • Électroacoustique

Bruit aléatoire ayant un spectre continu dont la densité spectrale de puissance varie avec la fréquence dans la bande de fréquences considérée.


bruit coloré : désignation et définition normalisées par l'ISO en collaboration avec la Commission électrotechnique internationale.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Electrónica
  • Guía radárica, radioguía y radiogoniometría
  • Electroacústica

Ruido errático que tiene un espectro continuo y una densidad espectral de potencia variable en la banda de frecuencias considerada.


ruido coloreado: designación normalizada por ISO en colaboración con la Comisión Electrotécnica Internacional.

Save record 5

Record 6 2023-05-16


Subject field(s)
  • Bioengineering
  • Meats and Meat Industries

The world’s first laboratory-grown beef burger was flipped out of a petri dish and into a frying pan on Monday, with food tasters declaring it tasted "close to meat." Grown in vitro from cattle stem cells at a cost of 250,000 euros ($332,000), the burger was cooked and eaten in front of television cameras to gain the greatest media coverage for the culmination of a five-year science experiment. Resembling a standard circular-shaped red meat patty, it was created by knitting together 20,000 strands of laboratory-grown protein, combined with other ingredients normally used in burgers, such as salt, breadcrumbs and egg powder. Red beet juice and saffron were added to give it color.


The first laboratory-produced meat patty(cultured beef burger) presented in London on August 5, 2013, by Dr. Mark Post, a physiologist from Maastricht University in the Netherlands, was dubbed the "Frankenburger. "The professor and his colleagues produced the meat-like substance by cultivating muscle tissue from cow stem cells in fetal serum and other growth-promoting materials(vitamines, amino acids, growth hormones, sugar, etc.). The laboratory-grown meat at this stage of development is prohibitively expensive, but might one day become a substitute for "real" meat. The product needs to be enhanced to improve its texture, taste and appearance. Some scientists predict that cultured meat might be commercially available within a decade. Others say that it will be possible to grow it in one's own kitchen within 20 years.


The development of meat substitutes is praised on ethical grounds by animal rights or welfare activists since these products have the potential to greatly reduce the inhumane raising and slaughtering of animals raised for meat. Environmentalists, economists and scientists support these products since they might one day be a cost-effective means of meeting world demands for meat, while greatly reducing greenhouse gas emissions and waste, as well as the use of water, farmland and animal feed that make intensive animal farming unsustainable. On the other hand, natural food advocates have serious doubts concerning ingredients needed to grow and enhance these products, and the long term safety of their consumption; and meat industry proponents argue that the technology still requires stem cell donors (the cells from a single donor cannot replicate indefinitely) and that the product remains a far cry from "real" meat. Only time will tell if these products will, in a perhaps not so distant future, entirely replace, or only supplement, the meat industry.


cultured beef hamburger: A "hamburger" is a minced beef patty. Terms such as "cultured beef hamburger" could therefore be considered pleonastic. The term "burger" is the shortened form of "hamburger." While burgers are traditionally made of beef, non-beef burgers have become popular, and modifiers such as "veggie," "tuna," "chicken," "nut," and "soya" are used to describe them. Given this relatively new reality, the use of seemingly pleonastic terms such as "cultured beef burger" may be justified.


The combination of terms such as "hamburger," "cultured," "laboratory," "in vitro" and their short forms to create neologisms designating this product yields an impressive number of synonyms. This will remain the case as long as terminology used to describe this relatively new concept is not well established.


synthetic hamburger; artificial hamburger: The terms "synthetic meat" and "artificial meat" designate products that imitate meat but that are not necessarily laboratory-grown from animal cells. Hence, the use of qualifiers such as "synthetic" and "artificial" might lead to confuse a cultured hamburger with, for example, a soy-based burger.


Terms such as "Frankenburger" that do not include the modifier "beef" might very well be used some day to designate similar laboratory-grown products made from animal cells other than beef.

Key term(s)
  • lab-grown beef burger
  • lab-grown hamburger
  • lab-grown beefburger
  • lab-grown burger
  • laboratory-grown burger
  • laboratory-grown beefburger
  • cultured hamburger
  • cultured beefburger
  • cultured burger
  • cultured beef hamburger
  • in vitro beefburger
  • in vitro burger
  • in vitro hamburger
  • test-tube beefburger
  • test-tube burger
  • test-tube hamburger
  • stem cell hamburger
  • stem cell burger
  • stem cell beefburger
  • cruelty-free burger
  • cruelty-free beefburger
  • cruelty-free beef burger


  • Technique biologique
  • Salaison, boucherie et charcuterie

Cet hamburger synthétique, surnommé le «Frankenburger», a été élaboré dans le laboratoire de l'université de Maastricht en trois mois à [partir] de cellules souches de bœuf. En septembre 2011, un expert en physiologie de cette université, Mark Post, avait annoncé son projet de développer avec son équipe une viande de synthèse. [...] Les 20 000 fibres de muscles ont été cultivées en laboratoire, pressées ensemble, colorées avec du jus de betterave et assaisonnées de safran afin de donner une couleur rouge au «Frankenburger» qui aurait eu un aspect naturel gris sans ces modifications.


Il s'agit du premier hamburger créé en laboratoire et présenté à Londres le 5 août 2013 pour dégustation. Ce steak haché de viande synthétique a été confectionné à partir de cellules souches de vache cultivées dans un milieu contenant des acides aminées, des vitamines, du sérum fœtal et des hormones de croissance. On y a ajouté de la chapelure, du sel, de la poudre d'œuf ainsi que du jus de betterave et du safran pour la couleur. Certains scientifiques disent que ce type de produit pourrait être cultivé à la maison d'ici vingt ans. C'est une solution envisageable pour diminuer les émissions de gaz à effet de serre attribuables aux animaux d'élevage tout en répondant à la demande mondiale en viande bovine qui risque de doubler d'ici 2050.


steak in vitro; steak cultivé en laboratoire à partir de cellules souches; steak de viande artificielle : Ce nouveau produit ayant davantage l'apparence et la consistance de viande hachée que de bifteck, ces termes sont employés pour évoquer l'idée de «steak haché» tel que lorsqu'on parle de «steak tartare».


La terminologie n'est pas bien établie pour désigner ce concept, comme en témoigne le nombre de termes utilisés. La combinaison de termes tels que burger, hamburger, steak, cellules souches, cultivé, laboratoire et in vitro, se décline à l'infini, et on compte, parmi les synonymes utilisés, de nombreuses locutions plus ou moins longues.


steak de viande artificielle; hamburger synthétique; hamburger artificiel : Étant donné l'emploi des termes «viande synthétique» et «viande artificielle» pour désigner des produits imitant la viande qui ne sont pas nécessairement cultivés en laboratoire à partir de cellules animales, il y a, sans contexte, risque de confusion avec des imitations à base de soja, par exemple.


burger de cellules souches : Le produit est fabriqué à partir de cellules souches, mais le produit fini est constitué de cellules de muscles plutôt que de cellules souches. (Les cellules souches se transforment en myocytes ou cellules musculaires qui forment des fibres musculaires.)

Key term(s)
  • burger créé in vitro
  • hamburger créé in vitro
  • hamburger de cellules souches
  • hambourgeois in vitro
  • hambourgeois cultivé en laboratoire
  • hambourgeois éprouvette
  • hambourgeois de cellules souches
  • steak cultivé en laboratoire
  • steak de cellules souches
  • burger artificiel
  • burger synthétique


Save record 6

Record 7 2023-04-28


Subject field(s)
  • Building Elements
  • Real Estate

... a half room is any room that's not normal-sized... a "normal-sized" room would be one that is no smaller than say, 10 by 12 feet.


  • Éléments du bâtiment
  • Immobilier

Petite pièce, alcôve ou grand vestibule dans un appartement.


Au Nouveau-Brunswick, on désigne un logement par le nombre de pièces qu'il possède. La salle de bain est considérée comme une demi-pièce.


Save record 7

Record 8 2023-04-27


Subject field(s)
  • Statistical Methods

A one-sample t test compares the mean score of a sample on a continuous dependent variable to a known value, which is usually the population mean. For example, say that we take a sample of students from the university and compare their average IQ [intelligence quotient] to a known average IQ for the university. If we want to find out whether the sample mean IQ differs from the average university IQ, a one-sample t-test will give us the answer.


  • Méthodes statistiques

Le test t pour échantillon unique permet de comparer la moyenne d'un échantillon ([symbole mathématique]) avec une moyenne théorique (μ) pour une variable quantitative. Ce test suppose que la distribution de la variable soit normale.


Save record 8

Record 9 2023-03-31


Subject field(s)
  • Psychology of Communication

Minimal encouragers are small signals that let the speaker know [the listener is] listening and understanding – words like "uh-huh, ""yes, ""no, ""mmm, "and little actions like nodding that show [that they] are engaged in listening. They encourage the speaker to talk, with minimum interruption or influence by the listener. Once the speaker begins to talk, the listener uses well-placed encouragers that are unobtrusive enough to not interrupt the speaker's thoughts, but which encourage them to say more.


  • Psychologie de la communication


Save record 9

Record 10 2023-02-27


Subject field(s)
  • Radiation Protection
  • Emergency Management

Intervention levels in emergency exposure situations are expressed in terms of avertable dose, [that is to say] a protective action is indicated if the dose that can be averted is greater than the corresponding dose for the intervention level.


  • Radioprotection
  • Gestion des urgences

Écart entre la dose que recevrait une personne exposée à un rayonnement en l'absence de protection et la dose qu'elle recevrait si elle était protégée.


dose évitable : désignation et définition publiées au Journal officiel de la République française le 21 septembre 2005.


Save record 10

Record 11 2023-02-23


Subject field(s)
  • News and Journalism (General)

Unless you specify otherwise and explicitly gain the prior agreement of the reporter... assume that everything you say is on-the-record.


[Anytime] you speak with a reporter, you’re speaking on the record unless the reporter has agreed to a different arrangement. If a reporter talks to you on the street, you’re on the record. If the reporter emails you, your response is on the record. If a reporter calls you out of the blue, that call is on the record.


  • Information et journalisme (Généralités)


Save record 11

Record 12 2023-02-23


Subject field(s)
  • News and Journalism (General)

Off the record... generally means a source's information cannot be used, but that is often misunderstood. Some people say they are speaking off the record when they really mean they are speaking on background.


  • Information et journalisme (Généralités)


Save record 12

Record 13 2023-01-04


Subject field(s)
  • Fish
  • Seafood and Freshwater Food (Food Industries)
  • Commercial Fishing
Universal entry(ies)
Sebastes marinus
Sebastes norvegicus
Latin, see observation

Family: Scorpaenidae.


golden redfish: Trade name recommended by the "Comité de normalisation de la terminologie des pêches commerciales" and by Fisheries and Oceans Canada.


It is difficult to say for sure that "marinus" and "norvegicus" are the same, but he felt that the name norvegicus could be provisionally applied.


  • Poissons
  • Produits de mer et d'eau douce (Industr. alim.)
  • Pêche commerciale
Entrée(s) universelle(s)
Sebastes marinus
Sebastes norvegicus
Latin, see observation

Famille : Scorpaenidae.


sébaste orangé : nom français commercial normalisé par le Comité de normalisation de la terminologie des pêches commerciales.


sébaste : terme officialisé par l'Union européenne.


Il est difficile à dire si «marinus» est identique à «norvegicus», mais il est d'avis que norvegieus peut être employé provisoirement.

Key term(s)
  • sébaste doré
  • sébaste chèvre


Save record 13

Record 14 2022-11-24


Subject field(s)
  • Occupation Names (General)
  • Performing Arts

A teleprompter is a piece of technology that shows the person reading a script what he needs to say next. A teleprompter itself refers to the technology, but a teleprompter operator is the person who runs the technology.


  • Désignations des emplois (Généralités)
  • Arts du spectacle

Personne qui, sur un plateau de télévision, fait fonctionner un télésouffleur, c'est-à-dire un appareil électronique installé sur le trépied d'une caméra de télévision et permettant, grâce à un miroir, de faire défiler devant les yeux de la personne filmée le texte que celle-ci doit réciter, notamment au cours de la présentation de nouvelles télévisées ou d'un reportage documentaire.


L'opérateur fait fonctionner le télésouffleur à l'aide d'un ordinateur et il doit se conformer au débit de la personne qui parle.


Save record 14

Record 15 2022-11-14


Subject field(s)
  • Non-Surgical Treatment
  • Toxicology

Microdosing is the act of integrating sub-perceptual doses of psychedelics, such as LSD [lysergic acid diethylamide] or psilocybin mushrooms, into your weekly routine for enhanced levels of creativity, energy, focus, and improved relational skills. When we say "sub-perceptual", we mean that the tiny amounts used, usually less than [one-tenth] of a standard recreational dose, are so small that you won’t experience any strong psychedelic or hallucinogenic effects.


  • Traitements non chirurgicaux
  • Toxicologie

Le microdosage consiste à consommer, à des fins thérapeutiques, d'infimes quantités de drogues hallucinogènes comme le LSD [diéthylamide de l'acide lysergique] ou la psilocybine (substance active des champignons magiques). L'objectif des utilisateurs est de prendre une dose trop petite pour intoxiquer, mais assez substantielle pour fournir certains effets bénéfiques, notamment une meilleure humeur, une diminution de l'anxiété et une meilleure créativité.


Save record 15

Record 16 2022-08-12


Subject field(s)
  • Social Problems
  • Sociology of Medicine
  • Sociology of Women

Specialists in sexual and reproductive health say that gynecological violence is a form of violence with many varied expressions, from unnecessary procedures, the pathologization of physiological processes, medical misinformation and maltreatment, aggressive practices that provoke harm and injuries, and even inappropriate and violating comments... all of which are experienced during gynecological care...


  • Problèmes sociaux
  • Sociologie de la médecine
  • Sociologie des femmes

Mais pour la quasi-totalité des personnes interrogées, les violences gynécologiques ne se limitaient pas à des violences physiques. Il y avait également la violence psychique liée au comportement, à l'attitude des soignant·e·s.


Save record 16

Record 17 2022-02-07


Subject field(s)
  • Codes (Software)
  • Programming Languages

The flow of execution basically refers to the order in which statements are executed. That is to say, execution always starts at the first statement of the program. Moreover, statements execute one at a time. It happens in order, from top to bottom.


  • Codes (Logiciels)
  • Langages de programmation

Le «chemin» suivi par Python à travers un programme est appelé un flux d'exécution, et les constructions qui le modifient sont appelées des instructions de contrôle de flux.


Save record 17

Record 18 2022-01-04


Subject field(s)
  • Mathematics

... evidence from the CMB [cosmic microwave background] and elsewhere is currently consistent with the universe having a flat geometry. Note, though, that the only thing that we can ever really say is that the cosmos(i. e., all there is, whether observable by us or not) is much bigger than the patch we see. It could be, for example, that the cosmos is actually closed and finite but we happen to be in a slightly underdense region that looks open or flat.


  • Mathématiques

Géométrie qui étudie les invariants par le groupe de transformations rigides (rotation, translation, réflection) où la longueur, la mesure des angles, la dimension et la forme des figures sont conservées.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Matemáticas

Geometría que se basa en el supuesto de Euclides según el cual por un punto dado sólo se puede trazar una recta paralela a una recta dada.

Save record 18

Record 19 2021-10-27


Subject field(s)
  • Programming Languages
  • Codes (Software)

Python can run equally on different platforms... So, we can say that Python is a portable language. It enables programmers to develop the software for several competing platforms by writing a program only once.


  • Langages de programmation
  • Codes (Logiciels)

Python est un langage portable qui peut prendre un code et l'exécuter sur n'importe quelle machine. Par exemple, supposons que vous exécutiez Python sur Windows et que vous deviez déplacer la même chose vers un système Mac ou Linux, alors vous pouvez facilement obtenir la même chose en Python sans avoir à vous soucier de changer le code.


Save record 19

Record 20 2021-10-19


Subject field(s)
  • International Public Law
  • Treaties and Conventions

reconsideration of ... international judgment ... or modification of a treaty.


The term "revision" frequently carries some political significance, being employed by States claiming that unjust or unequal treaties should be reviewed, and final dispositions of territory or frontiers adjusted. Such a re-examination, directed to the peaceful change of situations formerly accepted as final, may be a "revision" in the widest sense of the term, but is not treaty revision as ordinarily understood, that is to say the alteration of treaty provisions imposing continuing obligations. For this reason, the words "amendment" and "modification" are perhaps preferable to denote such an alteration.


  • Droit international public
  • Traités et alliances

Terme qui, appliqué à un traité, à un accord, à un ensemble de règles, à une situation, désigne l'opération consistant à procéder à leur examen en vue d'y apporter les modifications jugées nécessaires ou utiles.


La Charte des Nations Unies distingue l'amendement et la révision, ce qui implique que celle-ci a un objet plus large.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Derecho internacional público
  • Tratados y convenios

Con la entrada en vigor del Tratado de Lisboa, el Parlamento puede proponer la revisión de los Tratados, tal como ya podían hacer el Consejo, el Gobierno de un Estado miembro o la Comisión.

Save record 20

Record 21 2021-10-18


Subject field(s)
  • Cultivating and Tilling Equipment

The motor hoe is a small self-propelled agricultural machine... usually move forward thanks to the movement of the working organs and, in any case, pushed by the operator. The motor hoe's working organs are the blades, that is to say, sturdy L-shaped steel tools fixed radially in 4 or 6 on a rotating shaft moved by the propeller, almost always using a simple gearbox with two or more speeds, equipped with an appropriate clutch.


  • Motoculteurs et motobineuses

Petit engin automoteur sans roue, constitué par un arbre rotatif horizontal muni de griffes ou de lames et destiné à travailler le sol dans les travaux de jardinage ou de maraîchage.


Motobineuse. Engin automoteur conçu pour être conduit à pied : - avec ou sans pneu(s), de telle manière que les outils de binage assurent la propulsion (motobineuse), - entraîné par une ou plusieurs roue(s) directement actionnées par le moteur, et équipé d'outils de binage [motobineuse à roue(s) motrice(s)].


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Motocultores y motobinadoras
Save record 21

Record 22 2021-06-09


Subject field(s)
  • Dog and Cat Breeding

Cotons are known for a profuse white coat that is as soft as cotton(or, as the French say, "coton"). Their primary job is to provide amusement, comfort, and companionship.


  • Élevage des chiens et chats

Caractérisé par son pelage duveteux rappelant le coton, le coton de Tuléar est un petit chien vif et charmant qui adore la compagnie des humains.


Save record 22

Record 23 2020-11-18


Subject field(s)
  • Card Games
  • Games of Chance

The ratio of the current size of the pot to the cost of a contemplated call.


Pot odds are often compared to the probability of winning a hand with a future card in order to estimate the call' s expected value. Indeed, a common usage of the term is to say that one "has pot odds, "meaning that the present pot odds, compared to one's estimated chance of winning, make it profitable to call.


The ability to calculate pot odds is a necessary part of any poker players game.


pot odds: term related to the game of poker.


  • Jeux de cartes
  • Jeux de hasard

Rapport, exprimé sous forme de pourcentages, de fractions ou de cotes, entre la taille de la mise que vous faites ou que vous relancez et le total des mises du pot.


Un joueur de poker qui connaît les cotes du pot suivra donc seulement si son potentiel de gain est supérieur à quatre fois la taille de la mise qu’il doit faire pour voir une autre carte.


cote du pot : terme relié au poker.


Save record 23

Record 24 2020-10-07


Subject field(s)
  • Crustaceans
Universal entry(ies)

The hairy crab(kegani in Japanese) or horsehair crab is found in the Pacific Ocean and the Sea of Japan. It gets its name from the spiky hairs that cover its entire body. This little critter is smaller than the snow crab and the red king crab, making many people say it is more difficult to eat, but it has a dense, sweet flavor, making the effort of cracking open that shell well worth it.

Key term(s)
  • horse-hair crab


  • Crustacés
Entrée(s) universelle(s)

Sur l'île d'Hokkaido, le crabe royal, le crabe des neiges et le crabe kégani sont les trois variétés de crabe les plus populaires.


Save record 24

Record 25 2020-06-11


Subject field(s)
  • Psychology
  • Sociology

Whereas... cis and trans [are typically defined] as the presence or absence of correspondence between gender identity and gender assigned at birth,... gender modality [is defined] through 'standing in relation to’ because the all-or-nothing nature of ’correspondence’ may be too constraining for the nuances gender modality wishes to capture.... The terminology recognises the difference between, say, trans and cis women, while at the same time recognising that this difference is not one that makes trans women any less or worse women. Whereas trans and cis women have a different gender modality, they share the same gender identity : woman. Discrimination against trans people is often described as discrimination based on gender identity. However, it would be even more accurate to say it is discrimination based on gender modality, as trans people face discrimination because their gender identity doesn’t correspond to the gender they were assigned at birth...


  • Psychologie
  • Sociologie

Identité de genre : Sentiment profond d'appartenance à un genre, quel qu'il soit. L'identité de genre peut se décliner de la manière suivante : homme, femme, ou non binaire. La notion est aussi différente de la modalité de genre — le fait d'être cisgenre ou transgenre [...] La modalité de genre, c'est le type d'homme, de femme, ou de personne non binaire qu'on est.


Save record 25

Record 26 2019-02-22


Subject field(s)
  • Economic History
  • Economic and Industrial Sociology

In France the name given to this period of growth, prosperity and abrupt social change was "les trente glorieuses"-that is to say, the thirty glorious years between 1945 and 1975, or more accurately, between the liberation of France in 1944 to the economic downturn triggered by the oil crisis(crise pétrolière) of 1973.

Key term(s)
  • 30 glorious years
  • Glorious 30


  • Histoire de l'économique
  • Sociologie économique et industrielle

Période de prospérité économique et de changements sociaux qu'a connue la France et la plupart des pays européens entre 1945 et 1975 ou, plus précisément, entre 1944 (libération de la France à la fin de la Deuxième Guerre mondiale) et 1973 (crise pétrolière).


Trente Glorieuses : D'abord écrite en minuscules et souvent assortie de guillemets, cette expression, de nos jours, s'écrit généralement sans guillemets et avec des majuscules initiales.

Key term(s)
  • 30 Glorieuses


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Record 27 2018-12-11


Subject field(s)
  • Treaties and Conventions
  • Parliamentary Language
  • International Public Law

A representative may sign a treaty "ad referendum", [that is to say] under the condition that the signature is confirmed by his state. In this case, the signature becomes definitive once it is confirmed by the responsible organ.


  • Traités et alliances
  • Vocabulaire parlementaire
  • Droit international public

Un représentant peut signer un traité «ad referendum», c'est-à-dire à la condition que sa signature soit confirmée par l'État. En ce cas, la signature ne devient définitive que si elle est confirmée par l'organe responsable.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Tratados y convenios
  • Lenguaje parlamentario
  • Derecho internacional público

Subordinada a su aprobación posterior. Se emplea en derecho internacional, cuando un acta es firmada por un diplomático cuyos poderes no abarcan todos los puntos del convenio.


Reproducido del Glosario Provisional de Términos Jurídicos con la autorización de la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra.

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Record 28 2018-04-18


Subject field(s)
  • Internet and Telematics

... Internet of Me(IoM) [involves] personalisation in a real-time arena where everything is relevant and happens based on your choices, thereby completely removing traditional boundaries. Let us say you are shopping for boots online; you are bombarded with offers on different types of boots while you need only a specific kind. Internet of Me gives you a result of that one boot that you were looking for by using algorithms that track your previous website visits and interests.


  • Internet et télématique

[L']Internet du moi, concept qui va au-delà de l'Internet des objets[,] tend vers l'ultra-personnalisation des appareils connectés pour le consommateur, alors amené à vivre une expérience plaisante et engageante.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Internet y telemática
Save record 28

Record 29 2018-01-25


Subject field(s)
  • Biochemistry
  • Food Industries
  • Biotechnology

Water-soluble preparations (liquid, paste, powder or granules) obtained from e.g. brewers’ or bakers’ yeast ...


Yeast autolysates are concentrates of the soluble components of yeast cells and in Europe are predominantly produced by autolysis. That is to say, that the cell hydrolysis is performed without addition of other enzymes. Yeast autolysates are known under the name of "yeast extracts" and are mainly used in the fermentation industry as substrates and in the food industry as flavour improvers. In Europe, the major raw material for yeast extract is primary grown high protein yeast(strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae), which is grown on molasses based media. In the United Kingdom and in the United States, yeast extracts are also manufactured from debittered brewers yeasts(strains of saccharomyces cerevisiae or Saccharomyces uvarum). Other raw materials in use are yeasts such as Kluyveromyces fragilis(fermented on whey) or Candida utilis(grown on high carbohydrate waste-products of the timber industry or on ethanol).


  • Biochimie
  • Industrie de l'alimentation
  • Biotechnologie

La culture peut être réalisée sur différents milieux : milieu TYE (tryptone 0,4 p. cent, extrait de levure 0,05 p. cent, CaCl2 0,02 p. cent, MgSO4 0,05 p. cent), milieu d'Anacker et Ordal (tryptone 0,5 p. cent, extrait de levure 0,05 p. cent, acétate de sodium 0,02 p. cent, extrait de viande de bœuf 0,02 p.cent) ou mieux milieu d'Anacker et Ordal enrichi (5 p. cent de sérum de veau, 0,5 p. cent de tryptone, 0,05 p. cent d'extrait de levure, 0,02 p. cent d'acétate de sodium et 0,02 p. cent d'extrait de viande de boeuf). Après 48 à 72 heures d'incubation à une température comprise entre 15 et 17°C, on observe des colonies opaques, brillantes, pigmentées en jaune, non adhérentes à la gélose, lisses, circulaires à contours réguliers, d'odeur désagréable (qualifiée parfois d'odeur de fromage). La bactérie cultive à 5 et à 20°C, parfois à 25°C et jamais à 30°C. Aucune culture n'est obtenue sur milieu trypticase soja ou sur un milieu contenant 1 p. cent de NaCl.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Bioquímica
  • Industria alimentaria
  • Biotecnología
Save record 29

Record 30 2017-10-13


Subject field(s)
  • Oceanography
  • Geomorphology and Geomorphogeny

A land-locked sea has no connection with the open sea, and may be assimilated to a mere lake. This may lie within one... State or, like the Caspian Sea, between two States. In the latter case, there is a division of the waters between the two States concerned. The legal status of inland and land-locked seas is that of internal waters, that is to say they are under the full sovereignty of the coastal state. Foreign warships require special permission to enter inland seas, and merchant ships are required to satisfy any conditions which may be laid down by the territorial state.


closed sea: The term "enclosed sea" ... should not be confused with the term "closed sea." An enclosed sea was not a fully closed sea much as the Caspian Sea or the Aral Sea, which had no outlets to the open oceans. It was, instead, a small body of inland water, such as the Persian Gulf or the Baltic Sea, which had at least one outlet to the open sea.


  • Océanographie
  • Géomorphologie et géomorphogénie

Vaste étendue d'eau salée complètement enfermée dans les terres [...]


La mer Caspienne est une mer intérieure.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Oceanografía
  • Geomorfología y geomorfogénesis

Los mares interiores o cerrados suelen ocupar extensas depresiones endorreicas: son lagos muy grandes, de aguas más o menos saladas, entre los cuales destacan el mar Caspio y el de Aral.

Save record 30

Record 31 2017-08-25


Subject field(s)
  • Law of Obligations (civil law)
  • Law of Contracts (common law)
  • Tort Law (common law)

Legal duties: ... prescriptive formulations of conduct which by law should be done or observed.


It would not be correct to say that every moral obligation involves a legal duty; but every legal duty is founded on a moral obligation. A legal common law duty is nothing else but the enforcement by law of that which is a moral obligation without legal enforcement.


  • Droit des obligations (droit civil)
  • Droit des contrats (common law)
  • Droit des délits (common law)


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Derecho de obligaciones (derecho civil)
  • Derecho de contratos (common law)
  • Derecho de ilícitos civiles (common law)
Save record 31

Record 32 2017-03-13


Subject field(s)
  • Labour Law
  • Social Law

The direct interest exists regardless of the amount of monetary benefit. It is illogical to say that there is no direct interest because the benefits will not be implemented until after the employees return to work.


  • Droit du travail
  • Droit social

L'intérêt direct existe quelle que soit la somme des avantages financiers. Il est d'ailleurs illogique d'affirmer qu'il n'y a pas d'intérêt direct parce que les avantages ne seront pas mis en œuvre avant que les employés retournent au travail.


Une personne ne peut avoir un intérêt direct ou indirect dans une entreprise qui met en conflit son intérêt personnel ou celui de l'un de ses proches et celui de l'établissement.


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Record 33 2016-11-18


Subject field(s)
  • Cattle Raising

Charolais : In some English dictionaries, one can find the spelling "Charollais. "It is probably because "Charolles" is a community in the French region called "Charolais. "However, since most sources say that the term "Charolais" describes a breed of beef that originated from the Charolais area, the use of the spelling "Charolais" is recommended.

Key term(s)
  • polled Charollais


  • Élevage des bovins

charolais : Certains dictionnaires de français répertorient la graphie «charollais» pour désigner la race bovine provenant de la région du Charolais. Cette graphie correspond probablement à celle de «Charolles», nom d'une commune située dans la région du Charolais. Comme la plupart des sources consultées définissent le «charolais» comme étant une race bovine originaire du Charolais (ou un bovin de cette race), l'usage de la graphie «charolais» est conseillé.

Key term(s)
  • charollais sans cornes


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Record 34 2016-10-13


Subject field(s)
  • Law of Contracts (common law)
  • Property Law (common law)

One possibility is to say that the offeror makes two offers :(1) the principal offer and 2) a collateral one to keep the principal offer open once performance of it has begun : this latter offer is accepted by beginning to perform.


  • Droit des contrats (common law)
  • Droit des biens et de la propriété (common law)

[...] Lorsque le pollicitant ajoute à son offre de contrat qu'il maintiendra celle-ci pendant un délai déterminé, une seconde offre s'ajoute à la première et qui ne présente que des avantages pour le correspondant. Personne n'a intérêt à refuser une offre accessoire de délai de réflexion et comme l'acceptation d'une telle offre ne comporte aucun engagement pour le correspondant, on doit présumer qu'il l'a acceptée. C'est pourquoi l'obligation qu'a le pollicitant de maintenir une offre pendant le délai de réflexion proposé se fonde sur un véritable contrat secondaire formé par l'acceptation tacite du correspondant.


L'offre accessoire étant ensuite présumée acceptée par son destinataire, un avant-contrat serait ainsi formé.


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Record 35 2016-04-13


Subject field(s)
  • Law of Evidence

When the hearing resumes, the grievor will have the opportunity to lead reply evidence within the limitations normally associated with reply evidence. That is to say, reply evidence will be limited to rebutting testimony of the employer on new issues that could not have been canvassed by the grievor in her evidence-in-chief.


  • Droit de la preuve

Lorsque l'audience reprendra, [la personne] s'estimant lésée aura la possibilité de présenter une contre-preuve, dans les limites associées normalement à cette forme de preuve, c'est-à-dire que les éléments de preuve contraires pourront servir uniquement à réfuter le témoignage de l'employeur à propos de nouvelles questions auxquelles [la personne] s'estimant lésée n'avait pas pu répondre au moment de la présentation de sa preuve principale.


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Record 36 2016-03-11


Subject field(s)
  • Remuneration (Personnel Management)
  • Employment Benefits

The plan providing an annual pension equal to 2% of the participant's career average earnings, multiplied by his years of service, is a "career average" plan. Another way of describing this pension formula is to say that, each year, the participant accrues an annual pension equal to 2% of his earnings in that year.


  • Rémunération (Gestion du personnel)
  • Avantages sociaux

En vertu du régime fondé sur les gains moyens de carrière, nous supposons que la prestation de pension est égale à 2% du salaire annuel moyen de l'employé pendant les années au cours desquelles il a cotisé au régime, multiplié par son nombre d'années de service.


La tranche de salaire servant de base au calcul de la rente de retraite varie [...] Les principales bases de calcul sont les suivantes : le salaire de fin de carrière, le salaire moyen de fin de carrière [...], le salaire maximal moyen [...] et le salaire moyen au cours de la carrière.


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Record 37 2016-02-25


Subject field(s)
  • Photography
  • Document Classification (Library Science)
  • Types of Documentation (Library Science)

Archival and Permanent. Essentially these terms are synonymous and are frequently used interchangeably. To us they have the same meaning :that is, forever. To say that we are going to keep forever everything that is now classified as archival or permanent is a rather positive statement and one which none of us can guarantee. Yet it does express our intention in relation to records which have been appraised as being of permanent value, or archival.


  • Photographie
  • Classification des documents (Bibliothéconomie)
  • Documentation (Bibliothéconomie)

Document d'archive et document permanent. Fondamentalement, ces deux expressions sont synonymes et sont souvent employées indifféremment. Pour nous, elles veulent dire la même chose: à conserver pour toujours. Affirmer que nous conserverons indéfiniment toutes les pièces qui ont été classées comme document d'archive ou document permanent est une attestation pour le moins catégorique mais dont personne ne peut garantir la certitude. Néanmoins, elle précise nos intentions concernant les documents qui, d'après nos critères, ont une valeur permanente ou d'archive.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Fotografía
  • Clasificación de documentos (Biblioteconomía)
  • Tipos de documentación (Biblioteconomía)
Save record 37

Record 38 2016-01-19


Subject field(s)
  • Law of Contracts (common law)

At one time, a number of cases appeared to establish the rule that satisfaction was of no effect unless it was executed. While the satisfaction remained executory, that is to say, so long as the agreement to give satisfaction remained unperformed, the original claim was not discharged, nor would any action lie for breach of the accord. Even a tender of performance of the satisfaction agreed upon was adjudged insufficient. Only executed satisfaction would suffice.


  • Droit des contrats (common law)

Satisfaction : [...] action d'exécuter une obligation, paiement de la dette, accomplissement d'un devoir, acquittement, exécution.


satisfaction parfaite : terme normalisé par le Comité de normalisation, Promotion de l'accès à la justice dans les deux langues officielles (PAJLO).


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Record 39 2016-01-19


Subject field(s)
  • Law of Contracts (common law)

While the satisfaction remained executory, that is to say, so long as the agreement to give satisfaction remained unperformed, the original claim was not discharged, nor would any action lie for breach of the accord. Even a tender of performance of the satisfaction agreed upon was adjudged insufficient.


Executory ... that which remains to be carried into effect, as opposed to executed.


  • Droit des contrats (common law)

Satisfaction : [...] action d'exécuter une obligation, paiement de la dette, accomplissement d'un devoir, acquittement, exécution.


satisfaction promissoire : terme normalisé par le Comité de normalisation, Promotion de l'accès à la justice dans les deux langues officielles (PAJLO).


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Record 40 2016-01-18


Subject field(s)
  • Law of Contracts (common law)
  • Tort Law (common law)

The workman digging a hole in the road who accidentally but carelessly hits an electric cable causing a power cut can foresee that many factories may lose production and profit as a result of the failure of the electricity supply, but the result is so disproportionate to the act and the chance of such huge damages being met so remote, the law, as a matter of policy, gives no remedy to the factory owners for such pure economic loss; the judges say it is too remote, or as a matter of policy it should not be recoverable.


  • Droit des contrats (common law)
  • Droit des délits (common law)

Il en est ainsi du travailleur qui [...] sectionne accidentellement, mais par négligence, un câble électrique et cause une panne de courant. Il lui est possible de prévoir que la panne d'électricité interrompra la production de plusieurs usines et fera perdre de l'argent à celles-ci, mais ce résultat est tellement disproportionné à l'acte, et les chances qu'il puisse payer pareils dommages-intérêts si éloignées, que la loi, par principe, n'accorde aux propriétaires d'usine aucun recours pour une telle perte purement financière. Les juges disent qu'un semblable préjudice est trop éloigné ou que, pour des raisons d'intérêt public, il ne doit pas ouvrir droit à réparation [...].


perte purement financière : terme normalisé par le Comité de normalisation, Promotion de l'accès à justice dans les deux langues officielles (PAJLO).


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Record 41 2015-12-01


Subject field(s)
  • Chemistry
  • Water Pollution
  • Microbiology and Parasitology
  • Wastewater Treatment

The anaerobic digestion of sludge at a temperature of from 20 °C to 40 °C, thereby encouraging the growth of micro-organisms that grow best in this temperature range, that is to say mesophilic micro-organisms.


mesophilic digestion: term and definition standardized by ISO.


  • Chimie
  • Pollution de l'eau
  • Microbiologie et parasitologie
  • Traitement des eaux usées

Digestion anaérobie des boues à une température de 20 °C à 40 °C, permettant de stimuler la croissance des micro-organismes se multipliant de façon optimale à ces niveaux de temperature par exemple, les micro-organismes mésophiles.


digestion mésophile : terme et définition normalisés par l'ISO.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Química
  • Contaminación del agua
  • Microbiología y parasitología
  • Tratamiento de aguas residuales

Digestión anaeróbica de lodos a una temperatura de 20 °C a 40 °C, intentando estimular el crecimiento de microorganismos cuyo crecimiento óptimo se da en este intervalo de temperaturas por ejemplo, los microorganismos mesofílicos.

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Record 42 2015-11-16


Subject field(s)
  • Law of Contracts (common law)
  • Tort Law (common law)

One of the parties to a contract may, before the time fixed for performance, say that he will not perform, or incapacitate himself from performing. Such conduct is sometimes called "anticipatory breach". The other party then has a choice. He can try to keep the contract alive by continuing to press for performance, in which case the anticipatory breach will have the same effects as an actual breach. Alternatively, he can "accept" the breach, in which case his rights to damages and rescission are governed by certain special rules...


  • Droit des contrats (common law)
  • Droit des délits (common law)

accepter la violation : terme normalisé par le Comité de normalisation, Promotion de l'accès à la justice dans les deux langues officielles (PAJLO).


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Record 43 2015-11-16


Subject field(s)
  • Communication and Information Management
  • National and International Security
  • Federal Administration

All collected classified/designated waste(that is to say, edesignated Protected B and C-Confidential and above) is destroyed... using two disintegrators which reduce paper to a powder.


  • Gestion des communications et de l'information
  • Sécurité nationale et internationale
  • Administration fédérale

Tous les rebuts recueillis qui sont classifiés ou désignés (c'est-à-dire les documents portant les désignations Protégé B et C ou la classification Confidentiel ou une classification supérieure) sont détruits [...] au moyen de deux désintégrateurs qui pulvérisent le papier.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Gestión de las comunicaciones y la información
  • Seguridad nacional e internacional
  • Administración federal

Mantener copias de respaldo en un almacenamiento seguro y eliminar los residuos clasificados tan pronto como se tenga claro que aquellos son sobrantes y ya no se necesitan.

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Record 44 2015-11-13


Subject field(s)
  • Law of Contracts (common law)

The view urged by defendant and supported by the weight of authority draws no distinction between a three-party case where the new promise to pay additional compensation comes from a stranger to the original contract and a two-party case where that promise comes from the original promisor. There is an insufficiency of consideration, the courts adhering to the prevailing view say, since the performance or promise to perform does not involve a detriment to the promisee.

Key term(s)
  • consideration insufficiency


  • Droit des contrats (common law)

insuffisance de la contrepartie : terme normalisé par le Comité de normalisation, Promotion de l'accès à la justice dans les deux langues officielles (PAJLO).


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Record 45 2015-10-30


Subject field(s)
  • Chemical Elements and Compounds
  • Funeral Services

[After the cremation, ] the residues are collected... These residues include calcius, that is to say the products of combustion of the body, which have not had time to be reduced to ashes and are thus in the form of pieces.


[A grinding apparatus reduces the calcius residues to a powder.] The ground calcius are thus collected substantially in their entirety in the box [or urn,] which may be given to the family.


  • Éléments et composés chimiques
  • Pompes funèbres

À l'issue de la crémation, il reste des calcius qui sont transformés en cendres. Les calcius (résidus des 25 % de calcium du corps humain) sont refroidis puis pulvérisés en une fine poudre.


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Record 46 2015-09-28


Subject field(s)
  • Corporate Security
  • Recruiting of Personnel
  • Public Service

Ensure that you are aware of all conditions of employment that apply to the job (travelling, medical exam, security check, etc.).


Not to be confused with "security investigation. "In Canada, a "security check" is required for the basic clearance of the Confidential level. The candidate's completed "Personal History Form, "fingerprints, and other documents would be sent to RCMP(Royal Canadian Mounted Police) headquarters for security clearance processing, that is to say that the candidate's name would be checked against the subversive records and the candidate would be the subject of a fingerprint check.


  • Sécurité générale de l'entreprise
  • Recrutement du personnel
  • Fonction publique

Ensemble de formalités requises de la part d'un candidat à la fonction publique du Canada en vue d'établir sa situation vis-à-vis des normes de sécurité d'un ministère.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Seguridad general de la empresa
  • Contratación de personal
  • Función pública

Todas las personas que vayan a tener acceso a información [clasificada como secreta] se someterán previamente a una comprobación de seguridad para el acceso a dicha información.

Save record 46

Record 47 2015-09-25


Subject field(s)
  • Law of Contracts (common law)
  • Special-Language Phraseology

Doctrine of Anticipatory Breach... One of the parties to a contract may, before the time fixed for performance, say that he will not perform, or incapacitate himself from performing. Such conduct is sometimes called "anticipatory breach. "The other party then has a choice. He can try to keep the contract alive by continuing to press for performance, in which case the anticipatory breach will have the same effects as an actual breach.


  • Droit des contrats (common law)
  • Phraséologie des langues de spécialité


Save record 47

Record 48 2015-07-31


Subject field(s)
  • Security
  • Recruiting of Personnel
  • Public Service

Basic reliability status :... Those persons who are granted the reliability status at the basic level are permitted access to only non-sensitive information(that is to say, information that is not classified or designated).


  • Sécurité
  • Recrutement du personnel
  • Fonction publique

Cote de fiabilité de base : [...] Les personnes qui obtiennent cette cote peuvent avoir accès uniquement à des renseignements de nature non délicate (c'est-à-dire non classifiés ou non désignés).


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Seguridad
  • Contratación de personal
  • Función pública
Save record 48

Record 49 2015-06-16


Subject field(s)
  • Law of Contracts (common law)

A bank to which L22, 000 is owed is virtually certain to take steps to enforce its claim, but a dissatisfied purchaser of land is much less certain to take proceedings for rescission. It may, therefore, be quite reasonable to say that mere forbearance will amount to consideration in relation to the former type of claim, but that a promise to forbear is necessary where it is problematical whether the claim will ever be enforced at all. A promise to forbear is also, of course, necessary where that is what the debtor bargains for.


  • Droit des contrats (common law)


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Record 50 2015-06-10


Subject field(s)
  • Law of Contracts (common law)
  • Special-Language Phraseology

... where the plaintiff has undertaken performance or preparations to perform a profitable contract before the defendant's breach, it involves no distortion to say that the plaintiff's expectancy is really twofold, and includes(1) reimbursement for what has been done, and(2) a profit in addition. This broader expectancy we may call the gross expectation interest.


  • Droit des contrats (common law)
  • Phraséologie des langues de spécialité


Save record 50

Record 51 2015-05-11


Subject field(s)
  • Law of Contracts (common law)

One possibility is to say that the offeror makes two offers :(1) the principal offer and 2) a collateral one to keep the principal offer open once performance of it has begun : this latter offer is accepted by beginning to perform.


  • Droit des contrats (common law)

L'offre principale est celle qui, en principe, intéresse d'abord le consommateur et vis-à-vis de laquelle se pose la question de l'acte d'acquisition.


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Record 52 2015-04-14


Subject field(s)
  • Various Sports

What is snowskating?... it's skateboarding on snow. That's just the most basic explanation out there, but of course there a some more variables.... There is the technical side of snowskating that resembles the street style way of skateboarding with its flips and ollies. At the other end of the spectrum there is the surf-like snowskating style like longboards on snow, where you find your way through deep pow in a flow way of riding. The first snowboard was called the Snurfer which was invented around 1964. It consisted of some sort of small surfboard and a rope in front of the board to hold on too. There were no bindings present, so you could say the first snowboard was actually a snowskate.

Key term(s)
  • snow skating


  • Sports divers

Pratique sportive consistant à utiliser une planche à neige dépourvue de fixation.


L'élément sémantique «à cru» sert à rendre la notion de «sans fixation», un peu comme dans l'expression «monter (un cheval) à cru» qui signifie «monter un cheval sans selle».


planche à cru : terme publié au Journal officiel de la République française le 26 novembre 2008.


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Record 53 2015-03-31


Subject field(s)
  • Practice and Procedural Law
  • Law of Evidence

The witnesses would have been allowed to say that P. B. had made statements to them of sexual abuse by her stepfather. That is all that would be required-or permitted-to rebut the allegation by the appellant that the complainant's testimony was of recent invention.


  • Droit judiciaire
  • Droit de la preuve


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Record 54 2015-01-06


Subject field(s)
  • Copyright

... in the case of literacy, dramatic or musical work, to make any record, perforated roll, cinematograph film or other contrivance by means of which the work may be mechanically performed or delivered....


... the class of contrivance on which the work has been reproduced, that is to say, whether on discs, cylinders, music rolls or otherwise....


  • Droits d'auteur

[...] s'il s'agit d'une œuvre littéraire, dramatique ou musicale, de confectionner toute empreinte [...] ou autres organes quelconques, à l'aide desquels l'œuvre pourra être exécutée ou représentée ou débitée mécaniquement [...]


[...] la catégorie des dispositifs qui ont servi à la reproduction de l'œuvre, c'est-à-dire, disques, cylindres, rouleaux perforés ou autres [...]


Save record 54

Record 55 2014-08-06


Subject field(s)
  • Insurance

Mortality refers to the incidence of deaths whereas morbidity refers to the incidence of sickness or accident. Thus, to say that a group shows a high rate of morbidity means that the rate of sickness or the rate of accident resulting from the claim experience of the group is higher than expected.


  • Assurances

Le succès de l'assurance collective remonte au fait que l'employeur contribue dans une mesure très sensible au plan d'assurances collectives. Le plan en est rendu attrayant du point de vue des employés, ce qui assure une proportion satisfaisante d'adhésions, et partant, une expérience favorable sous le rapport de la mortalité ou de la morbidité.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Seguros

Número de muertes producidas por una enfermedad específica.


mortalidad: La Fundación del Español Urgente (Fundéu BBVA), con el asesoramiento de la Real Academia Española, explica que la palabra mortalidad hace referencia a la tasa de muertes en un tiempo dado, mientras que mortandad es una gran cantidad de muertes causadas por una epidemia u otro desastre. [...] De acuerdo con las definiciones del Diccionario académico, la mortalidad es la 'tasa de muertes producidas en una población durante un tiempo dado, en general o por una causa determinada’, mientras que mortandad es ‘gran cantidad de muertes causadas por epidemia, cataclismo, peste o guerra’.


Aunque la expresión tasa de mortalidad es válida, se recuerda que puede hablarse simplemente de mortalidad, pues su significado ya lleva implícito que se trata de una tasa [...]

Save record 55

Record 56 2014-04-03


Subject field(s)
  • Statistical Surveys
  • Electoral Systems and Political Parties

Another issue with simulated polling is about these evil push questions. What they basically do is say to the voters if you learned that candidate X was for the death penalty and candidate Y was against who would you vote for.


  • Sondages et enquêtes (Statistique)
  • Systèmes électoraux et partis politiques


Save record 56

Record 57 2013-11-01


Subject field(s)
  • Sports Facilities and Venues
  • Skiing and Snowboarding

When we say that Les Arcs is purpose-built we mean that the place was started from scratch, not much more than a cow pasture to be exact. From there apartments were built, hotels designed and a great ski area was developed... As in many purpose-built resorts, apres-ski entertainment can be limited, but we know of at least one lively hotel and couple of good pubs.


If like us, you dislike ugly purpose-built resorts, but like to cover a few kilometres on the piste, Meribel should be on the short list of resorts to visit ... The convenience of a purpose built resort is always a trade-off between easy access to skiing and ugly architecture ...

Key term(s)
  • purpose built resort


  • Installations et sites (Sports)
  • Ski et surf des neiges

Station de ski implantée dans un site vierge, suivant un plan d'ensemble et des normes de construction tendant à assurer l'unité de l'architecture.


Trois types de station ou centre ont été analysés : - la station-village traditionnelle [...] - la station intègre nouvellement créée et axée d'abord sur les sports d'hiver, telle Flaine en Haute-Savoie; - la station-village [...] ayant mis sur pieds une organisation du type «intégré».


Save record 57

Record 58 2013-10-11


Subject field(s)
  • Metrology and Units of Measure
  • Thermodynamics
  • Energy (Physics)

The temperature at which a gas would show no pressure if the general law for gases would hold for all temperatures. It is equal to -273.16°C or -459.69°F.


The concept of absolute zero as a limiting temperature has many thermodynamic consequences. For example, all molecular motion does not necessarily cease at absolute zero, but none is available for transfer to other systems, and it is therefore correct to say that the energy at absolute zero is minimal.


  • Unités de mesure et métrologie
  • Thermodynamique
  • Énergie (Physique)

Température égale à 0 °K ou -273,16 °C ou -459,72 °F.


Le zéro absolu se place à 273 °C au-dessous du point de congélation de l'eau, point zéro de l'échelle centésimale.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Metrología y unidades de medida
  • Termodinámica
  • Energía (Física)

Temperatura a la cual la energía del movimiento molecular es nula. En la escala de temperaturas Celsius corresponde a -273,15ºC.

Save record 58

Record 59 2013-07-12


Subject field(s)
  • Psychometry and Psychotechnology
  • Cognitive Psychology

To see what Fechner's Scale of Sensation would be like for loudness, for example, we may think of the scale as a ladder. Now let us imagine an experiment. Suppose I turn on a very faint sound, so faint that you cannot hear it. I increase its intensity until it stands just at your absolute threshold, where you can barely hear it. That gives us the first step on the ladder. I now increase the intensity until you say yes, that is louder—louder by a JND [just noticeable difference], which gives us the next step on the ladder.


  • Psychométrie et psychotechnique
  • Psychologie cognitive

Échelle de Fechner. Échelle de mesure des sensations élémentaires établie en faisant estimer des différences justes perceptibles entre deux stimulus semblables. (En ordonnant les échelons successifs ainsi observés, on obtient une échelle unidimensionnelle. Fechner a postulé que les échelons ainsi définis correspondent à une grandeur subjective constante).


Save record 59

Record 60 2013-06-27


Subject field(s)
  • Mechanical Components
  • Wind Energy

A speed-up effect created by wind pressure in a natural corridor which allows a wind turbine to harness wind kinetic energy stronger than in the surrounding area.


Speed up effects : Tunnel effect. If you push an ordinary bicycle air pump,... you will notice that the air leaving the nozzle moves much faster than the speed with which you are pushing. The reason, of course, is that the nozzle is much narrower than the cylinder in the pump. If you take a walk between tall buildings, or in a narrow mountain pass, you will notice that the same effect is working : the air becomes compressed on the windy side of the buildings or mountains, and its speed increases considerably between the obstacles to the wind. This is known as a "tunnel effect. "So, even if the general wind speed in open terrain may be, say, 6 metres per second, it can easily reach 9 meters per second in a natural "tunnel". Placing a wind turbine in such a tunnel is one clever way of obtaining higher wind speeds than in the surrounding areas.


  • Composants mécaniques
  • Énergie éolienne

Effet accélérateur engendré par la compression du vent dans un couloir naturel et qui permet à l'éolienne qui y est installée de capter une énergie cinétique du vent supérieure à celle de la zone ambiante.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Componentes mecánicos
  • Energía eólica

Efecto túnel. Si tomamos un camino entre dos edificios altos o en un paso estrecho entre montañas observaremos que el aire al pasar a su través se comprime en la parte de los edificios o de la montaña que está expuesta al viento, y su velocidad crece considerablemente entre los obstáculos del viento. Esto es lo que se conoce como efecto túnel.

Save record 60

Record 61 2013-06-27


Subject field(s)
  • Aerodynamics and Theory of Gases
  • Wind Energy

An increase in wind speed induced by terrain features, such as the curvature of a hill.


Speed up effects : Tunnel effect. If you push an ordinary bicycle air pump,... you will notice that the air leaving the nozzle moves much faster than the speed with which you are pushing. The reason, of course, is that the nozzle is much narrower than the cylinder in the pump. If you take a walk between tall buildings, or in a narrow mountain pass, you will notice that the same effect is working : the air becomes compressed on the windy side of the buildings or mountains, and its speed increases considerably between the obstacles to the wind. This is known as a "tunnel effect. "So, even if the general wind speed in open terrain may be, say, 6 metres per second, it can easily reach 9 metres per second in a natural "tunnel. "Placing a wind turbine in such a tunnel is one clever way of obtaining higher wind speeds than in the surrounding areas.


  • Théorie des gaz et aérodynamique
  • Énergie éolienne

Augmentation de la vitesse du vent résultant des particularités physiques d'un site, telles que la courbe d'une colline.


[L']effet accélérateur [est un] phénomène cinétique propre à un site dont la rugosité de surface est telle qu'elle engendre une accélération de la vitesse du vent, permettant à l'éolienne installée sur ce site de capter une énergie cinétique du vent plus importante.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Aerodinámica y teoría de los gases
  • Energía eólica
Save record 61

Record 62 2013-06-17


Subject field(s)
  • Property Law (common law)

(Conditions) are lawful or unlawful: ... the latter when they are such as the law will not allow to be made. (Black, 5th ed., 1979, p. 266).


"Unlawful" and "illegal" are generally used as synonymous terms, but a distinction is occasionally drawn between them; "unlawful", as applied to promises, agreements, considerations and the like, is sometimes used to denote that they are ineffectual in law because they involve acts which although not illegal(that is to say, positively forbidden), are disapproved of by the law, and are therefore not recognized as a ground of legal rights, either because they are immoral, or because they are against public policy....(Jowitt, 2nd ed., 1977, p. 1834).


  • Droit des biens et de la propriété (common law)

condition illicite : terme normalisé par le Comité de normalisation dans le cadre du Programme national de l'administration de la justice dans les deux langues officielles (PAJLO).


Save record 62

Record 63 2013-06-14


Subject field(s)
  • Property Law (common law)

Coparceners held in undivided shares. Each coparcener held a distinct but undivided share which might be equal or unequal in size to the shares of the others. (Megarry & Wade, 4th ed., 1975, p. 431).


Unlike joint tenants, tenants in common hold in undivided shares : each tenant in common has a distinct share in property which has not yet been divided among the co-tenants. Thus tenants in common have quite separate interests; the only fact which brings them into co-ownership is that they both have shares in a single property which has not yet been divided among them. While the tenancy in common lasts, no one can say which of them owns any particular parcel of land.(Megarry & Wade, 4th ed., 1975, p. 396).


  • Droit des biens et de la propriété (common law)

part indivise : terme normalisé par le Comité de normalisation dans le cadre du Programme national de l'administration de la justice dans les deux langues officielles (PAJLO).


Save record 63

Record 64 2013-06-14


Subject field(s)
  • Property Law (common law)

Title is a common term used to denote the facts which, if proved, would enable a person to recover or retain possession of something. (Reilly, p. 480)


The term "title" has been described as the means whereby the owner of lands has the just possession of his property. It is often used as a synonym for ownership and, in general, this terminology causes little difficulty. However, it should be remembered that the common law did not recognize allodial title, that is to say, ownership of the land. Rather it recognized tenurial title, which means ownership of an estate in land held either directly or indirectly from the Crown. Hence, it is more accurate to say that "title" connotes the lawful right of possession of an estate in land.(Anger and Honsberger, 2nd, p. 1258)


  • Droit des biens et de la propriété (common law)

Acception usuelle en droit des biens.


titre : terme normalisé par le Comité de normalisation dans le cadre du Programme national de l'administration de la justice dans les deux langues officielles (PAJLO).


Save record 64

Record 65 2013-05-29


Subject field(s)
  • Property Law (common law)

Over the years, the survey profession has developed different plans for different purposes. At first glance various plans might appear the same, on closer inspection they can be found to be quite different. For example, if the title to the plan says something like, "Plan of lot 10, concession 3", or "Sketch of lot 10, concession 3", in all likelihood it is intended to convey the impression that this is not a plan of survey. If the lands have actually been surveyed, the title to the plan will in all likelihood say, "Plan of Survey of", not "Plan of", or "Sketch of". In some local areas today, a surveyor may still insist that the word "Plan" means an accurate plan, and the word "Sketch", means an approximate drawing.(Lamont, "Real Estate Conveyancing", 1976, p. 557.).


  • Droit des biens et de la propriété (common law)

croquis : terme normalisé par le Comité de normalisation dans le cadre du Programme national de l'administration de la justice dans les deux langues officielles (PAJLO).


Save record 65

Record 66 2013-04-29


Subject field(s)
  • Property Law (common law)

A principle of law is a statement in general terms applicable to a large, and frequently uncertain, range of circumstances, such as: an employer must take reasonable care and precautions for the safety of his employees.... (Walker, 3rd ed., 1982, Vol. 1, p. 30).


Principles have a dimension that rules do not-the dimension of weight or importance. When principles intersect(the policy of protecting automobile consumers intersecting with principles of freedom of contract, for example). one who must resolve the conflict has to take into account the relative weight of each.(It is an integral part of the concept of a principle that it has this dimension, that it makes sense to ask how important or how weighty it is. Rules do not have this dimension. We cannot say that one rule is more important than another within the system of rules, so that when two rules conflict one supersedes the other by virtue of its greater weight. If two rules conflict, one of them cannot be a valid rule.(Dworkin, 1977, pp. 26-7).


  • Droit des biens et de la propriété (common law)

principe : terme normalisé par le Comité de normalisation dans le cadre du Programme national de l'administration de la justice dans les deux langues officielles (PAJLO).


Save record 66

Record 67 2013-04-26


Subject field(s)
  • Property Law (common law)

Title by prescription, known in the civil law as usucapio, arises from a long-continued and uninterrupted possession of property. (Jowitt, p. 1413)


A claim to an easement that has not been acquired by grant, express or implied, must be founded upon prescription, that is to say, a title acquired by possession had during the time and in the manner fixed by law. There are three ways of establishing a prescriptive title :(1) prescription at common law;(2) prescription based upon the doctrine of the lost modern grant, and(3) prescription based upon the prescription provisions of the Limitations Acts.(Anger and Honsberger, 2nd ed., 1985, p. 935).


  • Droit des biens et de la propriété (common law)

Selon le contexte d'emploi, il est possible de moduler pour que l'équivalent devienne, par exemple dans un titre, «acquisition d'un titre par prescription».


titre acquis par prescription : terme normalisé par le Comité de normalisation dans le cadre du Programme national de l'administration de la justice dans les deux langues officielles (PAJLO).


Save record 67

Record 68 2013-04-22


Subject field(s)
  • Property Law (common law)
  • Law of Estates (common law)

"The rule against perpetuities is not dealing with the duration of interests but with their commencement, and so long as the interest vests within lives in being and twenty-one years it does not matter how long that interest lasts. "That is to say, the perpetuity rule does not invalidate a limitation merely because it provides that an interest shall cease at some future date outside the perpetuity period.(Megarry & Wade, 4th ed., 1975, p. 244).


  • Droit des biens et de la propriété (common law)
  • Droit successoral (common law)

règle d'interdiction de perpétuités : terme normalisé par le Comité de normalisation dans le cadre du Programme national de l'administration de la justice dans les deux langues officielles (PAJLO).


Save record 68

Record 69 2013-04-03


Subject field(s)
  • Passenger Service (Rail Transport)

ARNK field... In order for the computer to book a continuing flight in the itinerary, it must be advised how the passenger is arriving at the boarding point. For instance, if we were to input Toronto-Ottawa and then Montreal-Toronto, such an itinerary is illogical to the computer and will cause the response... In such cases we say that the leg of space is "ARNK" or Arrival Unknown. In order to advise the computer of this we input our own I field.


  • Trafic voyageurs (Transport par rail)

Zone itinéraire en surface (ARNK) [...] Pour qu'il puisse réserver des places sur un vol de correspondance, il doit savoir comment le passager se rendra au point d'embarquement. Par exemple, un message d'entrée indiquant un itinéraire constitué des tronçons Toronto-Ottawa et Montréal-Toronto seulement est illogique pour l'ordinateur, qui donnera la réponse-erreur suivante : [...] Dans de tels cas, on qualifie le tronçon de ARNK (Arrival Unknown) ou Arrivée inconnue et on l'indique à l'ordinateur en introduisant une zone I spéciale pour le transport en surface.


Save record 69

Record 70 2013-03-20


Subject field(s)
  • Statutes and Regulations (Air Transport)
  • Surveillance and Formalities (Air Transport)

Let us say that we have the following PNR on our screen :... The first line is called a forecast header, and this PNR is in a FCST queue. Our passenger has called up to check on his flight departure time because it is quite foggy out.


  • Réglementation et législation (Transp. aérien)
  • Contrôles et formalités (Transport aérien)

Supposons que le PNR suivant apparaît à l'écran : [...] La première ligne s'appelle une en-tête prévision et ce dossier est dans la file d'attente FCST. Étant donné le brouillard, le passager s'informe de l'heure de départ de son vol.


Save record 70

Record 71 2013-02-26


Subject field(s)
  • Private Law
  • Sentencing

A number of qualities are required for a claim to inherit. It must, first as heir exists, that is to say... exist at the instant of the opening of the estate or have already conceived and born viable. Then it is necessary that the heir is not rendered unworthy. This is a forfeiture of inheritance rights is a private penalty...


  • Droit privé
  • Peines

Sanction civile que la loi inflige, parfois, à l'auteur déloyaux et qui aboutit à conférer un avantage à la personne qui en est victime.


On dit aussi que la responsabilité civile n'a pas qu'une fonction indemnitaire et qu'en présence d'une faute grave le juge majore les dommages et intérêts à titre de peine privée toutes les fois que le préjudice ne peut être exactement évalué.


Par exemple : les héritiers qui ont diverti ou recelé des biens successoraux perdent leur part dans les objets divertis ou recelés ainsi que le droit de renoncer à la succession.


Save record 71

Record 72 2013-02-01


Subject field(s)
  • Property Law (common law)

This term, as applied to an occupant of real estate holding adversely, is not construed as implying actual enmity or ill will, but merely means that he claims to hold the possession in the character of an owner, and therefore denies all validity to claims set up by any and all other persons. (Black, 5th, p. 1048)


"Hostility" is the very marrow of adverse possession; it has even redundantly been called adversity. To say that possession is hostile should mean nothing more than that it is without permission of the one legally empowered to give possession, usually the owner. Any kind of permissive use, as by a tenant, licensee, contract purchaser in possession, or easement holder is rightful, not hostile. The better view is that unexplained possession is presumed hostile, so that it is up to the one who wished to do so to establish that it is rightful.(Cunningham, Stoebuck, Whitman, 1984, p. 760)


  • Droit des biens et de la propriété (common law)

possession contradictoire : terme normalisé par le Comité de normalisation dans le cadre du Programme national de l'administration de la justice dans les deux langues officielles (PAJLO).


Save record 72

Record 73 2012-12-18


Subject field(s)
  • Diplomacy
  • International Relations

The active right of legation, that is to say the capacity to accredit diplomatic agents to other States, and the passive right of legation, which is the capacity to receive envoys from other States, represent essential characteristics of sovereign power...


  • Diplomatie
  • Relations internationales

Droit pour un État d'envoyer à d'autres États [...] des agents diplomatiques quel que soit leur titre ou leur rang.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Diplomacia
  • Relaciones internacionales

Facultad que tiene un estado para enviar una misión diplomática.

Save record 73

Record 74 2012-12-14


Subject field(s)
  • Property Law (common law)

"Estate" has acquired the sense of a juridical or fictitious person, as when we say that a debt is due to the estate of a bankrupt or deceased person, or speak of an estate being insolvent.... The idea is that the estate represents or continues the "persona" of the individual to whom it belonged.(Jowitt's, 2nd ed., 1977, pp. 723-725)


  • Droit des biens et de la propriété (common law)

L'équivalent rend uniquement la notion de «estate of a deceased person».


succession : terme normalisé par le Comité de normalisation dans le cadre du Programme national de l'administration de la justice dans les deux langues officielles (PAJLO).


Save record 74

Record 75 2012-11-23


Subject field(s)
  • Property Law (common law)

A conveyance is said to be "executed" technically only when all acts necessary to make it complete - signing, sealing and delivery - have been performed.... A conveyance, although signed and sealed, does not take effect until it is delivered. (Anger & Honsberger, 2nd ed., 1985, p. 1273)


In "Termes de la Ley" it is written :"Bailment is a delivery of things whether it be of writings, goods or stuff to another, sometimes to be delivered back to the bailor, that is to him that so delivered it, sometimes to the use of the bailee, that is to say, of him to whom it is delivered, and sometimes also it is delivered to a third person".(Crossley Vaines, 5th ed., 1973, p. 76)


  • Droit des biens et de la propriété (common law)

délivrer : terme normalisé par le Comité de normalisation dans le cadre du Programme national de l'administration de la justice dans les deux langues officielles (PAJLO).


Save record 75

Record 76 2012-10-24


Subject field(s)
  • Property Law (common law)

Both joint owners and owners in common have unity of possession, that is to say, whether their interests be joint or common, no co-owner has an exclusive right to any particular part of the property.(Crossley Vaines, 5th ed., 1973, p. 56)


  • Droit des biens et de la propriété (common law)

Acception juridique stricte qui vise le régime de tenance commune.


intérêt commun : terme normalisé par le Comité de normalisation dans le cadre du Programme national de l'administration de la justice dans les deux langues officielles (PAJLO).


Save record 76

Record 77 2012-10-15


Subject field(s)
  • Culinary Techniques

To spread out pastry or any other mixture (puff pastry, short pastry, sweet pastry, almond paste, etc.) with the aid of a rolling-pin in one uniform strip of varying thinness.


In the case of a biscuit or sponge, we say that it is divided in slices of the same thickness, or abaisses.


  • Techniques culinaires

Étaler à l'aide d'un rouleau une pâte ou une composition quelconque (pâte feuilletée, brisée, sucrée, aux amandes, etc.), en une couche uniforme plus ou moins mince.


S'il s'agit d'un biscuit ou d'une génoise, on ne dira pas qu'on l'abaisse, mais qu'on la partage en une ou plusieurs tranches de même épaisseur ou abaisses.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Técnicas culinarias
Save record 77

Record 78 2012-10-09


Subject field(s)
  • Property Law (common law)

Before the enactment of the Statute of Uses, 1535, the Court of Chancery held that as soon as a bargain and sale of land had been completed, the bargainor or vendor was seised of(or held) the land to the use(that is to say, for the benefit) of the bargainee or purchaser, so that the bargainor became a trustee for the bargainee. The Statute of Uses, 1535, executed the use in favour of the bargainee, that is to say, gave him the same estate or interest in the land as the bargainor had before the bargain and sale.(Jowitt, p. 190)


  • Droit des biens et de la propriété (common law)

vendeur sur marché; venderesse sur marché : termes normalisés par le Comité de normalisation dans le cadre du Programme national de l'administration de la justice dans les deux langues officielles (PAJLO).


Save record 78

Record 79 2012-10-09


Subject field(s)
  • Property Law (common law)

Before the enactment of the Statute of Uses, 1535, the Court of Chancery held that as soon as a bargain and sale of land had been completed, the bargainor or vendor was seised of(or held) the land to the use(that is to say, for the benefit) of the bargainee or purchaser, so that the bargainor became a trustee for the bargainee. The Statute of Uses, 1535, executed the use in favour of the bargainee, that is to say, gave him the same estate or interest in the land as the bargainor had before the bargain and sale.(Jowitt, p. 190)


  • Droit des biens et de la propriété (common law)

acquéreur sur marché; acquéresse sur marché : termes normalisés par le Comité de normalisation dans le cadre du Programme national de l'administration de la justice dans les deux langues officielles (PAJLO).


Save record 79

Record 80 2012-10-05


Subject field(s)
  • Property Law (common law)

"When you say a title is bad, the expression is ambiguous, and must be contrasted with what is called a good title. I understand a good title to be one which an unwilling purchaser can be compelled to take. Contrasted with that, any title which an unwilling purchaser cannot be forced to take is a bad one".(Stroud's, 4th ed., 1971, Vol. 1, p. 244)


  • Droit des biens et de la propriété (common law)

titre non valable : terme normalisé par le Comité de normalisation dans le cadre du Programme national de l'administration de la justice dans les deux langues officielles (PAJLO).


Save record 80

Record 81 2012-10-05


Subject field(s)
  • Property Law (common law)

Delivery, handing over, or giving for a specific purpose. (Oxford, 1933).


Bailment is essentially a delivery on terms... In Termes de la Ley it is written :"Bailment is a delivery of things whether it be of writings, goods or stuff to another, sometimes to be delivered back to the bailor, that is to him that so delivered it, sometimes to the use of the bailee, that is to say, of him to whom it is delivered, and sometimes also it is delivered to a third person. "(Crossley Vaines, 5th ed., 1973, p. 76).


(T)he quintessential characteristic of bailment (is) the division of possession and ownership, a division that results in the coexistence of two property rights - the bailor’s title and the bailee’s possession - in the same object. (Mendes da Costa & Balfour, 1982, p. 125).


The bailment may be, and generally is, a contract, e.g., for storage and the like, but it may be independent of contract, as where a man becomes a bailee by finding a chattel and taking it into his possession for safe custody ... (Crossley Vaines, supra, p. 70).


  • Droit des biens et de la propriété (common law)

baillement : terme normalisé par le Comité de normalisation dans le cadre du Programme national de l'administration de la justice dans les deux langues officielles (PAJLO).


Save record 81

Record 82 2012-10-01


Subject field(s)
  • Law of Estates (common law)

Admission of assets. A personal representative "admits assets", that is to say admits that he has in his hands assets of the deceased for which he is accountable, either by express acknowledgment to that effect or by some conduct exclusively referable to the existence of such assets in his hands.(Williams, Mortimer & Sunnucks on Executors, Administrators and Probate, 1982, p. 770)


  • Droit successoral (common law)

reconnaissance d'actif : terme normalisé par le Comité de normalisation dans le cadre du Programme national de l'administration de la justice dans les deux langues officielles (PAJLO).


Save record 82

Record 83 2012-09-14


Subject field(s)
  • Property Law (common law)

It should be remembered that the common law did not recognize allodial title, that is to say, ownership of the land. Rather it recognized tenurial title...(Anger & Honsberger, 2nd ed., 1985, p. 1258)


  • Droit des biens et de la propriété (common law)

titre allodial : terme normalisé par le Comité de normalisation dans le cadre du Programme national de l'administration de la justice dans les deux langues officielles (PAJLO).


Save record 83

Record 84 2012-08-08


Subject field(s)
  • Property Law (common law)
  • Law of Contracts (common law)

Where the statute of frauds does not require the acceptance to be in writing and signed by the acceptor, acceptance of an offer may be made by taking possession, making improvements,or other acts expressly or impliedly authorized by the offer. (91 C.J.S.)


Where, however, the parties are in each other's presence or, though separated in space, communication between them is in effect instantaneous, there is no need for [a special rule]. To hold otherwise would leave no room for the operation of the general rule that notification of the acceptance must be received. An acceptor could say :"I spoke the words of acceptance in your presence, albeit softly, and it matters not that you did not hear me"...(Cheshire and Fifoot, p. 44)

Key term(s)
  • accepter


  • Droit des biens et de la propriété (common law)
  • Droit des contrats (common law)

acceptant; acceptante : termes normalisés par le Comité de normalisation dans le cadre du Programme national de l'administration de la justice dans les deux langues officielles (PAJLO).


Save record 84

Record 85 2012-06-08


Subject field(s)
  • General Vocabulary

... the Controlled Products Regulations say that, even though all nine categories [of hazards] must be filled in as completely as possible, the words "not available" and "not applicable" can be used where information is unknown or irrelevant. "Not applicable" is self-explanatory; the category is not relevant to the type of product.


Where there is no information disclosed in respect of a category set out in column I of an item of Schedule I, the material safety data sheet shall disclose, under the heading for that category ..., the words "not available" or "not applicable," as the case may be ...


N/A: abbreviation used at the DTSD [Departmental Translation Services Directorate] - Indian Affairs.


not applicable; N/A: term and abbreviation to be used by the Department of National Defence and the Canadian Forces.


  • Vocabulaire général

[Expression] utilisée dans les formules pour indiquer qu'une question ou un article ne s'appliquent pas au cas présent.


S/O : abréviation en usage à la DSTM [Direction des services de traduction ministériel] - Affaires indiennes.


sans objet; s/o : terme et abréviation d'usage obligatoire au ministère de la Défense nationale et dans les Forces canadiennes.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Vocabulario general
Save record 85

Record 86 2012-06-01


Subject field(s)
  • Atomic Physics

Supersymmetry simply stated(say it ten times fast) says that each kind of particle that constitutes matter has a related force-carrying particle(Mukerjee, 90). Under the theory, fermion sand bosons are really just manifestations of one type of truly fundamental supersymmetrical particle that, at low energies, manifests itself in the apparently dissimilar fermions and bosons. The only problem with supersymmetry thus far is that there has yet to be any experimental evidence of a supersymmetrical particle.


  • Physique atomique

On pourra [...] chercher parmi les débris de la désintégration du Z° les traces de certaines particules encore hypothétiques mais qui jouent un rôle crucial dans l'unification des forces fondamentales. [...] [Parmi ces] nouvelles particules [figureraient les] «particules supersymétriques» [...]


Save record 86

Record 87 2012-03-08


Subject field(s)
  • Organization Planning

Cognitive psychologists claim that we learn by mentally drawing connections between new information and information already within memory. In a sense, the brain is organized into giant webs of ideas and concepts. Many creative ideas come from the novel combinations of ideas already stored in memory; that is to say, new ideas can come simply from drawing new connections. This is the logic behind atechnique called idea mapping.

Key term(s)
  • idea-mapping


  • Planification d'organisation

Selon les psychologues cognitivistes, nous apprenons en établissant mentalement des liens entre la nouvelle information et l'information déjà en mémoire. Notre cerveau est en quelque sorte organisé comme une immense toile d'idées et de concepts. De nombreuses idées créatives sont le fruit de la combinaison d'idées inédites déjà emmagasinées en mémoire; on pourrait donc supposer que les nouvelles idées peuvent surgir en faisant simplement de nouveaux liens. C'est la logique à la base d'une technique intitulée la cartographie d'idées.


Save record 87

Record 88 2012-01-16


Subject field(s)
  • Pollution (General)

Despite the gains of the environmental movement, considerable destruction continues to go on around us. We can find ourselves overwhelmed by this destruction, and by the amount of work that still needs to occur. It’s not hard to succumb to what some call the "doomsday syndrome," in which our goals simply appear unattainable.


"The Doomsday Syndrome" was originally the title of a book written by J. Maddox.


The human fascination with predictions of impending doom is one of the major factors in the emergence of climate change as a political issue. Some people would say that, as doomsday scenarios go, the greenhouse effect is more scientifically credible than most, and this credibility is increased through the temptation to view events such as the disastrous 1988 North American drought as the foretaste of things to come.


  • Pollution (Généralités)

alarmiste : Personne qui répand intentionnellement des bruits alarmants.


Le terme «syndrome» est généralement réservé au langage médical, on lui préfère souvent «attitude» ou «comportement».


Save record 88

Record 89 2011-11-17


Subject field(s)
  • Investment
  • Stock Exchange

An investment fund traded on stock exchanges, much like stocks.


Most exchange traded funds function like an index fund. For example, let's say you buy an S&P 500 Index exchange traded fund; that fund will own all 500 stocks listed in the S&P 500 index. It will not trade in and out of those stocks—it simply owns the stocks listed in the index. By buying a share of the fund your money is instantly diversified across all of the underlying stocks.


  • Investissements et placements
  • Bourse

Fonds qui est négocié comme une action sur certaines bourses.


Les [gestionnaires de] FNB ne sont pas tenus, comme les [gestionnaires de] fonds communs, d'effectuer des opérations pour assurer la liquidité du portefeuille et ainsi honorer les rachats des porteurs de parts. La raison en est bien simple : les FNB sont négociés de la même façon que les actions, ce qui en fait donc des titres liquides.


La plupart des fonds négociés en bourse suivent un indice boursier.


Save record 89

Record 90 2011-10-26


Subject field(s)
  • Dietetics

Calorie restriction is what most people call "dieting, "and it is a commonly used weight loss method. Some people also believe that a long-term commitment to a nutrient-dense, calorie-restricted diet slows down the aging process and leads to a longer, healthier life. Long-term calorie restriction has been shown to lengthen the life and improve the health of laboratory animals, but there is not enough evidence to say whether a similar diet can extend the lives of humans.


  • Diététique

Le régime de restriction calorique doit être institué après une enquête alimentaire soigneuse. Les régimes standards, de 1 200 à 1 500 kcal/jour, compatible avec la poursuite des activités socioprofessionnelles sont bien tolérés mais n'apportent qu'une baisse de poids lente ou modérée.


Les termes «régime» et «diète» sont souvent en concurrence, toutefois le terme «régime» tend à supplanter le terme «diète» dans l'usage.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Dietética
Save record 90

Record 91 2011-05-24


Subject field(s)
  • Trade Names
  • Artificial Intelligence

Scientists at the Los Alamos National Laboratory here believe they have created the "research rat of the future", a computer program that duplicates the complex systems of the human body. The duplicate is called HUMTRN(pronounced HYOOM-tran), short for human transport. It is a "living", or dynamic, computer data bank that gives simultaneous access to 10 million pieces of information on what happens when any chemically identifiable substance is taken into the human body. It is programmed to eat, breathe, work, perspire, eliminate waste, grow, develop sexually, age, and die. Anything put into the system-food), water, and air, for example-involves another set of computer duplicates, the scientists say, creating an elaborate, computerized version of the food chain and the air and soil. HUMTRN uses computer models of cattle, plants, farms, and climates.


A trademark of Los Alamos National Laboratory.

Key term(s)


  • Appellations commerciales
  • Intelligence artificielle

HUMTRNMC : Marque de commerce de Los Alamos National Laboratory.


Save record 91

Record 92 2011-05-16


Subject field(s)
  • Artificial Intelligence

The operation of the(threshold learning process) under conditions is as follows. If the output is 1 when 0 is transmitted, we say that a "false alarm" has occurred and it is desirable to raise the threshold. Conversely, if the system responds 0 when a 1 is transmitted we say that the false dismissal has occurred and it is desirable to lower the threshold.


See threshold learning process.


  • Intelligence artificielle

Bruit dont l'intensité dépasse un seuil donné et qui est pris pour un signal réel.


Comparer à faux renvoi.


Save record 92

Record 93 2011-04-20


Subject field(s)
  • Stock Exchange
  • Merchandising Techniques
  • Grain Growing

Futures contracts are "marked to market" each day; that is to say, if the value of the futures contract changes as a result of a day's trading, the customer's margin account is adjusted to reflect that change. If the value of the position rises, money is paid into the margin account. If the value of the position falls, money is withdrawn from the account to cover the amount of the decline. If the net margin deposit falls below the maintenance margin level, the customer is required to deposit extra money to cover the loss and bring the total amount on deposit back to the original level.


  • Bourse
  • Techniques marchandes
  • Culture des céréales

Les contrats à terme sont «inscrits au marché» chaque jour; si la valeur d'un contrat à terme change par suite des transactions d'une journée, le compte de marge du client est ajusté pour tenir compte du changement. Si la valeur de la position monte, un montant d'argent est versé au compte. Si la valeur de la position baisse, un montant est retiré du compte pour couvrir le montant de la baisse. Si le dépôt net, en fonction de la marge, est inférieur au niveau de la marge de maintien, le client doit déposer un montant supplémentaire pour couvrir la perte et ramener le montant total déposé au niveau de la marge initiale.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Bolsa de valores
  • Técnicas mercantiles
  • Cultivo de cereales
Save record 93

Record 94 2011-02-09


Subject field(s)
  • Biological Sciences

Enzyme composed of identical subunits or unlike subunits.


Oligomeric enzymes are usually dissociated into subunits by treatment with denaturing agents such as guanidine hydrochloride. The forces involved in the association of the subunits are thus of the weak, non-covalent type which are involved in stabilizing the folded structure of a polypeptide chain i.e. hydrogen bonds, electrostatic forces, van der Waals forces, and hydrophobic forces.


Many investigators in the late sixties questioned the very existence of uneven numbered oligomers. However, by now we know of well-defined cases for trimeric enzymes.... Pentameric enzymes are rare, whereas no heptamer has so far been found. It is therefore justifiable to say that even-numbered oligomers are much more common than those having an uneven number of protomers, but the latter also exist.... Very few true oligomeric enzymes contain ten, twelve or more subunits.


  • Sciences biologiques

Enzyme [...] formé de plusieurs chaînes (ou sous-unités) identiques ou différentes. Lorsque les enzymes comprennent des sous-unités identiques, chacune des chaînes est bien entendu porteuse d'un centre actif : un enzyme tétramérique a 4 centres actifs. Dans cette catégorie d'enzymes [...] on trouve les enzymes allostériques (qui représentent 10-20 % des enzymes à structure quaternaire).


Dans le modèle de Monod, Wyman et Changeux, l'enzyme oligomère peut prendre deux états conformationnels différents : R et T dans lesquels, toutes les sous-unités changent leur conformation d'une façon concertée. Les deux états sont en équilibre. En l'absence de substrat, la plus grande partie des molécules de l'enzyme prennent l'état T. Puisque le substrat se lie de préférence à l'état R, l'addition du substrat déplace l'équilibre vers cet état R. De cette façon, la liaison des premières molécules du substrat favorise la liaison de celles qui suivent, étant donné que plus de molécules enzymatiques prennent l'état R.


Save record 94

Record 95 2011-01-28


Subject field(s)
  • Legal System
  • The Legislature (Constitutional Law)
  • Laws and Legal Documents

Interpretative or declaratory acts serve "... to remove doubts existing as to the common law, or the meaning or effect of any statute"... The courts do not insist that declaratory legislation be enacted in any special form. One simple method... is to say that such "provision is declaratory".


Interpretive provision: Although frequent in usage, the adjective "interpretive" has been condemned by some authors. Based on the Latin past participle "interpretat" from which it derives, "interpretative" would be the correct adjectival form. In Canadian usage, both forms are accepted.


  • Théorie du droit
  • Pouvoir législatif (Droit constitutionnel)
  • Lois et documents juridiques

Disposition législative ayant pour objet de dégager le sens ou de déterminer la portée d'autres dispositions.


disposition déclaratoire: L'emploi de l'adjectif «déclaratoire» en ce sens est un calque de l'anglais "declaratory".


Save record 95

Record 96 2011-01-13


Subject field(s)
  • IT Security
  • Information Processing (Informatics)
  • Citizenship and Immigration

A "certificate" is an electronic form(similar to an electronic version of a driver's license, a passport or a video rental card) containing the key holder's public key and some identifying information which confirms that both the key holder and the certificate issuer(the CA) are who they say they are.


identifying information: terminology used by Citizenship and Immigration Canada.


  • Sécurité des TI
  • Traitement de l'information (Informatique)
  • Citoyenneté et immigration

Un «certificat» est un formulaire électronique (semblable à la version électronique d'un permis de conduire, d'un passeport ou d'une carte de location de vidéocassettes) renfermant la clé publique du détenteur de la clé et certains renseignements signalétiques qui confirment que le détenteur de la clé et l'émetteur du certificat (autorité de certification) sont bien qui ils prétendent être.


renseignements signalétiques : terminologie employée par Citoyenneté et Immigration Canada.


Save record 96

Record 97 2010-12-22


Subject field(s)
  • Language (General)

The historians of science, the self-styled "social constructivists" argue that there is no objectivity in science. Facts, they say, count for little or nothing, and-following the French philosopher Michel Foucault-the only thing that matters in science, as elsewhere, is power.


Compare to deconstructionists such as Derrida.


  • Linguistique (Généralités)

Comparer à «déconstructioniste».


Save record 97

Record 98 2010-12-14


Subject field(s)
  • Xylology (The Study of Wood)

Failure by typical shear, that is to say along the grain, one wood surface slipping over another.


  • Xylologie (Étude des bois)

Rupture qui résulte d'un cisaillement longitudinal, c'est-à-dire qui s'effectue dans le fil, une surface de bois glissant contre l'autre.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Xilología (Estudio de la madera)
Save record 98

Record 99 2010-10-18


Subject field(s)
  • Social Psychology

There tend to be a number of general perceptions about women who use transition homes, for example, that they only come from certain neighbourhoods or socio-economic groups or that they are not able to cope with situations(implication that they should be able). However it is probably equally fair to say that women who do not leave an abusive situation are perhaps even more severely criticized than is the perpetrator of the abuse. This double bind community pressure towards women often tends to increase the anxiety in either situation.


  • Psychologie sociale


Save record 99

Record 100 2010-10-14


Subject field(s)
  • Clinical Psychology

In vegetotherapy, the client is encouraged to lie down and simply tune into his bodily sensations and tensions. The therapist sits nearby, only touching by request. The client is encouraged to follow or perhaps exaggerate a sense or feeling; say, the knot in his gut, the agitation in a leg or foot... Our understanding was that the body holds a "cellular" memory from which we can learn about past experiences if we are prepared to take notice of present aches, pains, or tensions in various parts of the body.


  • Psychologie clinique

Technique mise au point par W. Reich suite à sa découverte de la cuirasse caractérielle et des anneaux de tensions (anneaux Reichiens), qui consiste à agir sur le corps ou faire agir le corps pour réactiver le système neuro-végétatif afin qu’il se rééquilibre.


Save record 100

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© Public Services and Procurement Canada, 2024
TERMIUM Plus®, the Government of Canada's terminology and linguistic data bank
A product of the Translation Bureau


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