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Review: Adverbs and Adjectives

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Choose the correct answer for each of the following sentences.

  1. Many people have tried to sell us vacuum cleaners, but you are certainly one of the       salespeople we have met.
  2. The sound quality of this film is poor, and the picture is focused       .
  3. My brother’s roommate this year is       than the graduate student he lived with last year.
  4. That executive dresses       and knows his material.
  5. Bridget is       effective at making group presentations.
  6. We have studied the proposals from both firms and have decided that although Zero Inc.’s fees are high, it is the       reliable company.
  7. Gerald is a more talented piano player than I, but he       the best musician in our band.
  8. Sunita followed the recipe closely, but the cake smelled       after twenty minutes in the oven.
  9. Her husband draws so       that he has been asked to submit sketches to a local graphic art firm.
  10. She accepted responsibility for the accident and felt       about the whole incident for weeks.

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