
15.16 Names of pan-Canadian significance

The 81 names of pan-Canadian significance established by the Treasury Board of Canada (Circular 1983-58) have well-known forms in both English and French. For the purposes of federal government publications, both forms are considered official.

Names beginning with A Names beginning with B Names beginning with C Names beginning with D Names beginning with E Names beginning with F Names beginning with G Names beginning with H Names beginning with J Names beginning with K Names beginning with L Names beginning with M Names beginning with N Names beginning with O Names beginning with P Names beginning with Q Names beginning with R Names beginning with S Names beginning with T Names beginning with U Names beginning with V Names beginning with W Names beginning with Y


Abitibi, Lake / lac Abitibi
Anticosti Island / île d’Anticosti
Appalachian Mountains / les Appalaches
Arctic Ocean / océan Arctique
Athabasca Lake / lac Athabasca
Athabasca River / rivière Athabasca
Atlantic Ocean / océan Atlantique


Baffin Bay / baie de Baffin
Baffin Island / île de Baffin
Beaufort Sea / mer de Beaufort
Belle Isle, Strait of / détroit de Belle-Isle
British Columbia / Colombie-Britannique


Cabot Strait / détroit de Cabot
Cape Breton Island / île du Cap-Breton
Chaleur Bay / baie des Chaleurs
Champlain, Lake / lac Champlain
Churchill River (Man.) / rivière Churchill
Churchill River (N.L.) / fleuve Churchill
Coast Mountains / chaîne Côtière
Columbia River / fleuve Columbia


Davis Strait / détroit de Davis


Ellesmere Island / île d’Ellesmere
Erie, Lake / lac Érié


Franklin, District of / district de Franklin
Fraser River / fleuve Fraser
Fundy, Baie of / baie de Fundy


Georgian Bay / baie Georgienne
Great Bear Lake / Grand lac de l’Ours
Great Slave Lake / Grand lac des Esclaves


Hudson Bay / baie d’Hudson
Hudson Strait / détroit d’Hudson
Huron, Lake / lac Huron


James Bay / baie James


Keewatin, District of / district de Keewatin


Labrador Sea / mer du Labrador
Laurentian Mountains / les Laurentides


Mackenzie, District of / district de Mackenzie
Mackenzie River / fleuve Mackenzie
Manitoba, Lake / lac Manitoba
Michigan, Lake / lac Michigan (not actually in Canada)


Nelson River / fleuve Nelson
New Brunswick / Nouveau-Brunswick
Newfoundland and Labrador / Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador
Niagara Falls / chutes Niagara
Nipigon, Lake / lac Nipigon
Nipissing, Lake / lac Nipissing
North Saskatchewan River / rivière Saskatchewan Nord
Northumberland Strait / détroit de Northumberland
Northwest Territories / Territoires du Nord-Ouest
Nova Scotia / Nouvelle-Écosse


Ontario, Lake / lac Ontario
Ottawa River / rivière des Outaouais


Pacific Ocean / océan Pacifique
Peace River / rivière de la Paix
Prince Edward Island / Île-du-Prince-Édouard


Quebec (province) / Québec (province)
Queen Charlotte Islands / îles de la Reine-Charlotte
Queen Elizabeth Islands / îles de la Reine-Élisabeth


Rainy Lake / lac à la Pluie
Rainy River / rivière à la Pluie
Red River / rivière Rouge
Restigouche River / rivière Restigouche
Rocky Mountains / montagnes Rocheuses


Sable Island / île de Sable
Saguenay River / rivière Saguenay
St. Clair, Lake / lac Sainte-Claire
Saint John River / rivière Saint-Jean
St. Lawrence River / fleuve Saint-Laurent
St. Lawrence, Gulf of / golfe du Saint-Laurent
Saskatchewan River / rivière Saskatchewan
South Saskatchewan River / rivière Saskatchewan Sud
Superior, Lake / lac Supérieur


Timiskaming, Lake / lac Témiscamingue


Ungava Bay / baie d’Ungava


Vancouver Island / île de Vancouver


Winnipeg, Lake / lac Winnipeg
Winnipegosis, Lake / lac Winnipegosis
Winnipeg River / rivière Winnipeg
Woods, Lake of the / lac des Bois


Yukon River / fleuve Yukon
Yukon Territory / Territoire du Yukon