Transcribe the title as it appears on the title page; the original capitalization and punctuation need not be retained. Italicize titles of published works such as books or periodicals. If the work being listed is published within another document, such as an article in a periodical, set the title off in quotation marks:
If the title is in two or more languages, transcribe the titles as they appear, separating them with an oblique (/) and a space on each side of the oblique:
See 9.06 Translation for information on translated titles.
Any subtitle should follow the title after a colon and a space. If the title and subtitle are italicized, so is the colon:
© Services publics et Approvisionnement Canada, 2025
TERMIUM Plus®, el banco de datos terminológicos y lingüísticos del Gobierno de Canadá
Ayuda a la redacción – The Canadian Style
Un producto de la Oficina de Traducciones