The Government of Canada’s terminology and linguistic data bank.

INGROWING NAIL [2 records]

Record 1 2024-03-20


Subject field(s)
  • Human Diseases - Various
  • Skin Appendages
Universal entry(ies)

Onychocryptosis, known as ingrown nails or ingrowing nails, is a form of nail disease. It is a painful condition in which the nail grows or cuts into one or both sides of the nail bed. Ingrown nails can occur in both fingernails and toenails, however they occur most commonly with toenails.

Key term(s)
  • in-grown nail
  • in-growing nail


  • Maladies humaines diverses
  • Phanères
Entrée(s) universelle(s)

Un ongle incarné apparaît lorsqu'un des coins supérieurs de l'ongle pénètre dans la chair qui l'entoure.


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Record 2 2024-03-20


Subject field(s)
  • Human Diseases - Various
  • Skin Appendages
Universal entry(ies)
unguis incarnatus
Latin, see observation

An ingrown nail can result when a deformed toenail grows improperly into the skin or when the skin around the nail grows abnormally fast and engulfs part of the nail. Wearing narrow, ill-fitting shoes and trimming the nail into a curve with short edges rather than straight across can cause or worsen ingrown toenails.


ingrown nail; ingrowing nail; onychocryptosis; unguis incarnatus: These generic designations are often used to refer to an ingrown toenail since this condition generally affects the toes.

Key term(s)
  • ingrown toe nail
  • ingrowing toe nail
  • in-grown toenail
  • in-growing toenail
  • in-grown toe nail
  • in-growing toe nail
  • in-grown nail
  • in-growing nail


  • Maladies humaines diverses
  • Phanères
Entrée(s) universelle(s)
unguis incarnatus
Latin, see observation

L'ongle incarné (ou onychocryptose) se développe lorsqu'une bordure de l'ongle irrite ou perfore la peau qui l'entoure. Ce problème dermatologique très douloureux cause de la rougeur, de l'enflure et peut même causer une plaie à risque d'infection. [...] Bien qu'il peut se développer sur n'importe quel orteil, la plupart du temps, il se développe au niveau des coins d'ongle du gros orteil.


ongle incarné; onychocryptose; unguis incarnatus : Étant donné que cette affection touche généralement les orteils, ces désignations génériques sont souvent utilisées pour désigner l'atteinte des ongles d'orteils.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Enfermedades humanas varias
  • Faneras
Entrada(s) universal(es)
unguis incarnatus
Latin, see observation
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© Public Services and Procurement Canada, 2024
TERMIUM Plus®, the Government of Canada's terminology and linguistic data bank
A product of the Translation Bureau


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