The Government of Canada’s terminology and linguistic data bank.

EXTRA MAN [7 records]

Record 1 2013-04-03


Subject field(s)
  • Aeronautical Engineering and Maintenance

Pushout with Unserviceable Voice Communications : 12 EXTRA MAN : Closes air supply access panel. Disconnects grounding wire. Proceeds to right wing tip to act as guide during pushout.


  • Aérotechnique et maintenance

[...] dans le cas exceptionnel où la liaison interphone ne peut être réalisée, une procédure particulière a été prévue. La procédure de refoulement, avec ou sans interphone et les particularités d'application sont signalées pour chaque type d'appareil [...]


Save record 1

Record 2 2003-11-25


Subject field(s)
  • Air Pollution

A series of processes in which atmospheric sulfur dioxide is oxidized to the trioxide, which combines with water and is washed out on to the Earth's surface as sulfuric acid or sulfates; bacterial action converts the sulfates into hydrogen sulfide, which is then oxidized to sulfur dioxide. This mechanism maintains the global atmospheric concentration of sulfur dioxide at a roughly constant level, and it is important to ensure that the extra sulfur dioxide produced by man does not overload it, leading to steadily increasing concentration in the air.


  • Pollution de l'air

Mais comme la plupart des débats sur la pollution, celui concernant les pluies acides péchait par la faiblesse des certitudes et l'ampleur des questions en suspens. Que devient le soufre dans l'atmosphère? Quel est le cycle du soufre? Quelle est la part des activités humaines et celle des phénomènes naturels volcaniques dans les émissions de soufre? Quel rôle jouent les océans?


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Contaminación del aire

Ciclo biogeoquímico referente a la evolución del azufre a su paso por el medio físico y el medio biótico en su ciclo natural.

Save record 2

Record 3 1981-02-02


Subject field(s)
  • Laws of the Market (Economy)
  • Saving and Consumption

Economists who think the utilities of different persons can be added together to form a total social utility speak of taxing to produce maximum total utility, or to produce some specified pattern of utility sacrifice. Thus, if each extra dollar brings less and less satisfaction to a man, and if the rich and poor are alike in their capacity to enjoy satisfaction, a dollar taxed away from a millionaire and given to a median-income person is supposed to add more to total utility than it subtracts.


  • Lois du marché (Économie)
  • Épargne et consommation


Save record 3

Record 4 1981-01-28


Subject field(s)
  • Saving and Consumption
  • Laws of the Market (Economy)

(...) if each extra dollar brings less and less satisfaction to a man, and if the rich and poor are alike in their capacity to enjoy satisfaction, a dollar taxed away from a millionaire and given to a median-income person is supposed to add more to total utility than it subtracts [, the] so-called "law of diminishing utility".


  • Épargne et consommation
  • Lois du marché (Économie)


Record saved

Record 5 1981-01-27


Subject field(s)
  • Laws of the Market (Economy)
  • Production (Economics)

Suppose you blindfold a man and ask him to hold out his hand, palm up. Now place a weight on his palm; he will certainly notice it. As you add more units of weight, he notices their addition too. But after his palm is carrying a good deal of weight, you can add just as big a weight as you did in the beginning, and yet this time he will reply that he is not conscious of any addition. In other words, the greater the total weight he is already carrying, the less will be the effect of an extra or marginal unit of weight.


  • Lois du marché (Économie)
  • Production (Économie)


Save record 5

Record 6 1980-08-22


Subject field(s)
  • Saving and Consumption

A single man(...) works so many hours picking strawberries.(...). Each extra hour of sweaty labor brings him increasing marginal disutility.


  • Épargne et consommation


Save record 6

Record 7 1980-06-05


Subject field(s)
  • Collective Agreements and Bargaining

"... when a regularly assigned passenger man lays off of his own accord or is held out of service, the extra man will receive the same compensation... ".


  • Conventions collectives et négociations

"...si un agent de train voyageurs en affectation régulière chôme de son plein gré ou est mis hors service, celui qui le remplace recevra la même rétribution...".


Save record 7

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© Public Services and Procurement Canada, 2024
TERMIUM Plus®, the Government of Canada's terminology and linguistic data bank
A product of the Translation Bureau


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