The Government of Canada’s terminology and linguistic data bank.


Record 1 2024-09-12


Subject field(s)
  • Occupation Names (General)
  • Auditing (Accounting)

SOC [system and organization controls’] reports are assurance reports issued by... service auditors [who are practitioners] engaged directly by the service organization to conduct a SOC assurance engagement.


  • Désignations des emplois (Généralités)
  • Vérification (Comptabilité)

Les rapports sur les contrôles au niveau [des] SOC [contrôles au niveau du système ou de l'organisation] sont des rapports de certification délivrés par [...] les auditeurs de la société de services[, des professionnels en exercice] dont les services sont retenus directement par la société de services pour la réalisation d'une mission de certification SOC.


vérificateur de l'organisme de services; vérificatrice de l'organisme de services : Les termes «vérificateur» et «vérificatrice» ont été en usage dans les normes canadiennes jusqu'en décembre 2010, date à laquelle un consensus international a entériné l'emploi des désignations «auditeur» et «auditrice».


auditeur de la société de services; auditrice de la société de services; auditeur de l'organisme de services; auditrice de l'organisme de services : Le Bureau de la traduction du gouvernement du Canada recommande l'usage des termes «auditeur» et «auditrice» dans le domaine de la comptabilité (REC-13/2013-02).


Save record 1

Record 2 2024-09-12


Subject field(s)
  • Management Control
  • Auditing (Accounting)

Complementary subservice organization controls... are controls that the management of the service organization assumes, in the design of the service organization's system, will be implemented by the subservice organizations and are necessary to achieve the control objectives/trust services criteria stated in management's description of the service organization's system.


complementary subservice organization control; CSOC: designation and abbreviation usually used in the plural.

Key term(s)
  • complementary subservice organisation control
  • complementary subservice organization controls
  • complementary subservice organisation controls
  • CSOCs


  • Contrôle de gestion
  • Vérification (Comptabilité)

[Les] contrôles complémentaires du sous-traitant de la société de services [...] sont [...] mis en place par le sous-traitant de la société de services et sont nécessaires à l'atteinte des objectifs de contrôle énoncés dans la description du système de la société de services produite par la direction.


contrôle complémentaire du sous-traitant de la société de services : désignation habituellement utilisée au pluriel.

Key term(s)
  • contrôles complémentaires du sous-traitant de la société de services


Save record 2

Record 3 2024-09-12


Subject field(s)
  • Auditing (Accounting)

A user entity is an entity that uses a service organization and whose financial statements are being audited.


  • Vérification (Comptabilité)

Une entité utilisatrice est une entité qui fait appel à une société de services et dont les états financiers font l'objet de l'audit.


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Record 4 2024-08-21


Subject field(s)
  • Various Military Titles
  • Physical Fitness Training and Bodybuilding
  • Military Training
  • Training of Personnel

The Cadet Organization Administration and Training Service(COATS) is a sub-component of the Canadian Forces Reserve Force whose members have undertaken as their primary duty the supervision, administration and training of the members of the Canadian Cadet Organizations and Junior Canadian Rangers.

Key term(s)
  • Cadet Organisation Administration and Training Service
  • Cadet Organisations Administration and Training Service
  • Cadet Organizations Administration and Training Service


  • Appellations militaires diverses
  • Conditionnement physique et culturisme
  • Instruction du personnel militaire
  • Perfectionnement et formation du personnel


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Record 5 2024-05-01


Subject field(s)
  • Government Contracts

Vendor of Record Agreements. For frequent purchases of a particular good or service, a vendor of record agreement can help improve procurement efficiency. An organization may create its own vendor of record or, with a group of organizations, jointly establish vendor of record agreements for common and frequently‐used goods or services.


  • Marchés publics

Entente avec des fournisseurs attitrés. Entente d'approvisionnement qui autorise les organismes à choisir un fournisseur parmi les fournisseurs qui ont été préalablement sélectionnés, dans le cadre d'un deuxième processus officiel, pendant une période définie, aux modalités et conditions énoncées dans l'entente en question.


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Record 6 2024-03-25


Subject field(s)
  • Air Transport Personnel and Services
  • Air Traffic Control

A service provided by ATS [air traffic service] units to notify appropriate organizations regarding aircraft in need of search and rescue (SAR) aid and to assist such organizations as required.


[The alerting] service also includes the alerting of crash equipment, ambulances, doctors, and any other safety services.


alerting service: designation standardized by NATO and by the Glossary for Pilots and Air Traffic Services Personnel Committee.


alerting service; ALRS : designations officially approved by the International Civil Aviation Organization(ICAO).


  • Personnel et services (Transport aérien)
  • Circulation et trafic aériens

Service assuré par les ATS [services de la circulation aérienne] en vue d'informer les organismes appropriés de la nécessité de déclencher des opérations de recherches et de sauvetage relativement à un ou à plusieurs aéronefs et d'aider ces organismes au besoin.


[Le service d'alerte] comprend aussi l'alerte de l'équipe de secours, des ambulances, des médecins et de tous les autres services de sécurité.


service d'alerte : désignation normalisée par l'OTAN et par le Comité sur le Glossaire à l'intention des pilotes et du personnel des services de la circulation aérienne.


service d'alerte; ALRS : désignations uniformisées par l'Organisation de l'aviation civile internationale (OACI).


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Personal y servicios (Transporte aéreo)
  • Control de tránsito aéreo

Servicio suministrado para notificar a los organismos pertinentes respecto a aeronaves que necesitan ayuda de búsqueda y salvamento, y auxiliar a dichos organismos según convenga.


servicio de alerta; ALRS: término, abreviatura y definición aceptados oficialmente por la Organización de Aviación Civil Internacional (OACI).

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Record 7 2024-02-29


Subject field(s)
  • Organizations and Associations (Admin.)
  • Social Services and Social Work

[A] social service agency means any organization, whether organized for profit or non-profit, public or private[, ] that is in the business of or is mandated by law to provide social services to the public.

Key term(s)
  • social service organisation


  • Organismes et associations (Admin.)
  • Services sociaux et travail social


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Record 8 2024-02-05


Subject field(s)
  • Air Transport Personnel and Services
  • Air Safety
  • Aircraft Piloting and Navigation

The provision of information necessary for the safety, regularity and efficiency of domestic and international air navigation.


aeronautical information service; AIS : designations and definition standardized by the Glossary for Pilots and Air Traffic Services Personnel Committee; designations standardized by NATO; designations officially approved by the International Civil Aviation Organization(ICAO).


  • Personnel et services (Transport aérien)
  • Sécurité (Transport aérien)
  • Pilotage et navigation aérienne

Fourniture de l'information nécessaire à la sécurité, à la régularité et à l'efficacité de la navigation aérienne intérieure et internationale.


service d'information aéronautique; AIS : désignations et définition normalisées par le Comité sur le Glossaire à l'intention des pilotes et du personnel des services de la circulation aérienne; désignations normalisées par l'OTAN; désignations uniformisées par l'Organisation de l'aviation civile internationale (OACI).


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Personal y servicios (Transporte aéreo)
  • Seguridad (Transporte aéreo)
  • Pilotaje y navegación aérea

AIS: acrónimo que proviene del inglés "aeronautical information service".


servicio de información aeronáutica; AIS: designaciones aceptadas oficialmente por la Organización de Aviación Civil Internacional (OACI).

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Record 9 2024-01-31


Subject field(s)
  • Management Operations
  • Sociology

The research study is focused on the participatory approach in the work of a social worker with homeless people. The participatory approach emphasizes the involvement of service users in decision-making processes that directly affect them within the service [or the] organization[, ] or within society as a whole. This approach is based on the concepts of recovery and empowerment and on the partnership concept of cooperation between the social worker and the service user.


  • Opérations de la gestion
  • Sociologie


Record saved

Record 10 2023-11-15


Subject field(s)
  • National Bodies and Committees (Canadian)
  • Social Services and Social Work
  • Military (General)

... a volunteer-based organization expanding across Canada, helping to better the lives of veterans who are homeless or at risk of homelessness by connecting them with service and benefit providers.


  • Organismes et comités nationaux canadiens
  • Services sociaux et travail social
  • Militaire (Généralités)


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Record 11 2023-09-25


Subject field(s)
  • Military Logistics
  • Military Administration

NATO procurement, logistics or service organization; NPLSO : designations standardized by NATO.

Key term(s)
  • NATO procurement, logistics or service organisation


  • Logistique militaire
  • Administration militaire

organisation d'acquisition, de logistique ou de service de l'OTAN; OALSO : désignations normalisées par l'OTAN.


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Record 12 2023-02-02


Subject field(s)
  • Various Proper Names
  • Atmospheric Physics
  • Informatics

The World Ozone and Ultraviolet Radiation Data Centre(WOUDC) is one of six World Data Centres which are part of the Global Atmosphere Watch programme of the World Meteorological Organization. The WOUDC... is operated by the Meteorological Service of Canada, a branch of Environment and Climate Change Canada.


The World Ozone Data Centre changed its designation to the World Ozone and Ultraviolet Radiation Data Centre in 1992.


The World Ozone Data Centre was created in 1960.

Key term(s)
  • World Ozone and Ultraviolet Radiation Data Center
  • World Ozone Data Center


  • Appellations diverses
  • Physique de l'atmosphère
  • Informatique

Le Centre mondial de données sur l'ozone et le rayonnement ultraviolet (WOUDC) est l'un des six centres mondiaux de données reconnus qui font partie du programme de Veille de l'atmosphère du globe de l'Organisation météorologique mondiale. Le [...] WOUDC est [géré] par le Service météorologique du Canada, une branche d'Environnement et Changement climatique Canada.


Le Centre mondial des données sur l'ozone a changé sa désignation pour le Centre mondial de données sur l'ozone et le rayonnement ultraviolet en 1992.


Le Centre mondial des données sur l'ozone a été créé en 1960.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Denominaciones varias
  • Física de la atmósfera
  • Informática
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Record 13 2023-02-01


Subject field(s)
  • Internet and Telematics

A private cloud service is different from a public cloud service in that an organization implements private cloud services for an exclusive set of users.


  • Internet et télématique


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Record 14 2023-01-17


Subject field(s)
  • National Bodies and Committees (Canadian)
  • Social Organization

The Elks [of Canada] are a volunteer service organization that help Canadian communities thrive. Members across Canada are committed to serving their community through volunteering, fundraising, and building relationships. The Elks of Canada have been around since 1912 and have raised over 10 million dollars for Canadian communities, families, and children.


  • Organismes et comités nationaux canadiens
  • Organisation sociale

Il s'agit d'un organisme de bénévolat qui contribue à l'épanouissement de communautés du Canada. Ses membres, répartis dans l'ensemble du pays, se sont engagés à servir leur communauté en faisant du bénévolat, en participant à des levées de fonds et en nouant des liens. L'Ordre de bénévole et protecteur des élans du Canada existe depuis 1912 et a recueilli plus de dix millions de dollars pour venir en aide à des communautés, des familles et des enfants du Canada.


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Record 15 2023-01-05


Subject field(s)
  • Private-Sector Bodies and Committees
  • Medical Staff

The Canadian Resident Matching Service(CaRMS) is a national, independent, not-for-profit, fee-for-service organization that provides a fair, objective and transparent application and matching service for medical training throughout Canada.


  • Organismes et comités du secteur privé
  • Personnel médical

Le Service canadien de jumelage des résidents (CaRMS) est un organisme national indépendant à but non lucratif opérant en vertu du principe de la rémunération des services et qui offre un service de candidature et de jumelage équitable, objectif et transparent pour l'enseignement médical à travers le Canada.


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Record 16 2022-12-07


Subject field(s)
  • Air Transport Personnel and Services
  • Air Traffic Control

A service that includes ATC [air traffic control] service, flight services and alerting service.


air traffic service; ATS: designations and definition standardized by the Glossary for Pilots and Air Traffic Services Personnel Committee.


air traffic service; ATS : designations standardized by the International Civil Aviation Organization(ICAO) and NATO.


  • Personnel et services (Transport aérien)
  • Circulation et trafic aériens

Service comprenant le service ATC [contrôle de la circulation aérienne], les services de vol et le service d'alerte.


service de la circulation aérienne; ATS : désignations et définition uniformisées par le Comité sur le Glossaire à l'intention des pilotes et du personnel des services de la circulation aérienne.


service de la circulation aérienne; ATS : désignations normalisées par l'Organisation de l'aviation civile internationale (OACI) et par l'OTAN.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Personal y servicios (Transporte aéreo)
  • Control de tránsito aéreo

Expresión genérica que se aplica, según el caso, a los servicios de información de vuelo, alerta, asesoramiento de tránsito aéreo, control de tránsito aéreo (servicios de control de área, control de aproximación o control de aeródromo).


servicio de tránsito aéreo; ATS: término, abreviatura y definición aceptados oficialmente por la Organización de Aviación Civil Internacional (OACI).

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Record 17 2022-11-28


Subject field(s)
  • Photography
  • Trade

Commercial photography is photography that is used to sell or promote a product or service, or otherwise support a business or organization in making more money, which can refer to product photography, lifestyle photography, and even fashion photography, depending on the client and the product or service being sold.


  • Photographie
  • Commerce

La photographie commerciale est un genre de photographie où les photographes prennent des images pour des clients commerciaux. Une photographie commerciale vise à inciter les clients potentiels à acheter.


Save record 17

Record 18 - external organization data 2022-11-10


Subject field(s)
  • Compartment - Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)
Universal entry(ies)
occupation code, see observation
former designation, occupation code, see observation

004802: Royal Canadian Mounted Police job code.


001040: former Royal Canadian Mounted Police job code.


The member is responsible for : coordinating/conducting investigations or research on incoming complaints against the RCMP(Royal Canadian Mounted Police) or members(including public service employees) received from the Canadian Human Rights Commission(CHRC) for alleged violations; providing appropriate information as required in support of CHRC investigations; preparing and submitting written responses to the CHRC on behalf of the organization in consultation with appropriate regional HRO(Human Resources Officer) representatives; representing the human rights unit at mediations and tribunal hearings as required; participating in the development and implementation of strategies and initiatives designed to improve the organizational competence in human rights; conducting research related to RCMP policies, directives and guidelines concerning human rights; providing guidance and advice as required on human rights issues; and providing training and presentations to employees regarding human rights related topics.


  • Tiroir - Gendarmerie royale du Canada (GRC)
Entrée(s) universelle(s)
occupation code, see observation
former designation, occupation code, see observation

004802 : code d'emploi de la Gendarmerie royale du Canada.


001040 : ancien code d'emploi de la Gendarmerie royale du Canada.


Le membre remplit les fonctions suivantes : coordonner et mener des enquêtes ou des recherches sur des plaintes contre la GRC (Gendarmerie royale du Canada) ou ses membres (y compris les employés de la fonction publique) reçues de la Commission canadienne des droits de la personne (CCDP) pour des infractions présumées; fournir l'information appropriée à l'appui des enquêtes de la CCDP; rédiger et présenter les réponses à la CCDP, au nom de l'organisation, en consultation avec les représentants du dirigeant régional des Ressources humaines (DRRH); représenter le Groupe des droits de la personne aux séances de médiation et aux audiences devant un tribunal au besoin; participer à l'élaboration et à la mise en œuvre de stratégies et d'initiatives visant à améliorer la compétence organisationnelle en matière de droits de la personne; mener des recherches sur les politiques, les directives et les lignes directrices de la GRC en matière de droits de la personne; fournir des conseils et des avis, au besoin, sur des questions liées aux droits de la personne; donner de la formation aux employés et faire des exposés sur des sujets liés aux droits de la personne.


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Record 19 2022-09-28


Subject field(s)
  • Internet and Telematics
  • Electronic Commerce
  • Inventory and Material Management

An electronic procurement system allows an organization to purchase a product or service found in an electronic catalog. When an organization has a system that can process every expense item, it can track proposed, committed, and spent expenses as they occur.


  • Internet et télématique
  • Commerce électronique
  • Gestion des stocks et du matériel


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Record 20 - external organization data 2022-09-22


Subject field(s)
  • Compartment - Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)
Universal entry(ies)
occupation code, see observation

004382: Royal Canadian Mounted Police job code.


The member is responsible for : designing, developing, and implementing the national framework of strategies, programs, policies, and service delivery models in the areas of organization and classification, staffing, recruitment, workforce planning, official languages, and employment equity; developing approaches for corporate programs and national transformation initiatives for all categories of employees; providing authoritative advice to senior management and commanding officers(COs) on sensitive programs and services; and liaising and negotiating with central agencies.

Key term(s)
  • Director General, Human Resources Programmes
  • DG, Human Resources Programmes
  • DG, HR Programmes
  • DG, HRP


  • Tiroir - Gendarmerie royale du Canada (GRC)
Entrée(s) universelle(s)
occupation code, see observation

004382 : code d'emploi de la Gendarmerie royale du Canada.


Le membre remplit les fonctions suivantes : concevoir, élaborer et mettre en œuvre le cadre national des stratégies, des programmes, des politiques, et des modèles de prestation de services dans les domaines de l'organisation et de la classification, des affectations, du recrutement, de la planification des effectifs, des langues officielles et de l'équité en matière d'emploi; élaborer des approches pour des programmes généraux et des initiatives de transformation nationale pour toutes les catégories d'employés; donner des avis faisant autorité aux cadres supérieurs et aux commandants divisionnaires sur des services et des programmes délicats; assurer la liaison et négocier avec les organismes centraux.

Key term(s)
  • DG, PRH


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Record 21 2022-03-29


Subject field(s)
  • Personnel and Job Evaluation
  • Recruiting of Personnel

Talent mapping is a strategic service that is used by businesses to plan for short, medium and long-term talent acquisition. Talent mapping is a technique that charts individuals’ skills and abilities, assesses their performance and potential and matches them with human resources planning strategies to balance an organization's talent and needs. Talent mapping enables an organization to determine strategies for future talent acquisition, including internal promotions, likely short-and long-term talent acquisition needs and development of existing talent to meet future talent needs.


  • Évaluation du personnel et des emplois
  • Recrutement du personnel

La cartographie des compétences sert à définir les compétences clés, nécessaires pour chaque poste au sein de l'entreprise. Une entreprise qui sait de quelles compétences elle a besoin et qui sait les trouver possédera un avantage concurrentiel évident. Établir sa cartographie des compétences permet de disposer d'un outil d'aide à la décision en matière de recrutement, mobilité interne, plan de développement des compétences, détection des potentiels.


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Record 22 2022-03-25


Subject field(s)
  • Non-Gov. Provincial Bodies and Committees (Canadian)
  • Cattle Raising

The Saskatchewan Livestock Association(SLA) is a non-profit service organization that was formed in 1975; replacing the former Saskatchewan Livestock Board.


  • Organismes et comités provinciaux non gouv. canadiens
  • Élevage des bovins


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Record 23 - external organization data 2022-02-01


Subject field(s)
  • Compartment - Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)

A non-discretionary service provided by a federal Common Service Organization for use by designated federal government departments such as the RCMP(Royal Canadian Mounted Police).


  • Tiroir - Gendarmerie royale du Canada (GRC)

Service non discrétionnaire qu’une organisation fédérale de services communs fournit à des ministères ou organismes fédéraux désignés, notamment la GRC (Gendarmerie royale du Canada).


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Record 24 2022-01-26


Subject field(s)
  • Titles of Courses
  • Organization Planning
  • Decision-Making Process
  • Risks and Threats (Security)
Universal entry(ies)
classification system code, see observation

This online self-paced course introduces the principles of risk management and the role of public service employees in managing risk within their organization. Participants will gain knowledge and a better understanding of risk management in a government context.


T404: a Canada School of Public Service course code.


  • Titres de cours
  • Planification d'organisation
  • Processus décisionnel
  • Risques et menaces (Sécurité)
Entrée(s) universelle(s)
classification system code, see observation

Ce cours en ligne à rythme libre aborde les principes de la gestion du risque et le rôle des fonctionnaires à cet égard au sein de leur organisation. Les participants acquerront des connaissances relativement à la gestion du risque dans le contexte gouvernemental, ce qui leur permettra d'accroître leur compréhension dans ce domaine.


T404 : code de cours de l'École de la fonction publique du Canada.


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Record 25 2022-01-20


Subject field(s)
  • Military Organization
  • Military Transportation

A sub-unit of the movement control organization deployed to aerodromes and responsible for the control of service movement at the aerodrome in connection with air movement operations and exercises.


air transport liaison section: term and definition standardized by NATO.


  • Organisation militaire
  • Transport militaire

Élément de l'organisation des mouvements et transports détaché sur les aérodromes et responsable du contrôle des mouvements d'éléments de force terrestre sur l'aérodrome dans le cadre d'opérations et d'exercices de transport aérien.


section de liaison de transport aérien : désignation et définition normalisées par l'OTAN.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Organización militar
  • Transporte militar

Elemento de la organización de control de movimientos desplegada en los aeródromos que es responsable del control del movimiento en los aeródromos en relación con las operaciones o ejercicios de transporte aéreo.

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Record 26 2021-12-15


Subject field(s)
  • Titles of NATO Committees
  • General Conduct of Military Operations
  • Combined Forces (Military)

The Joint Consultative Board is an advisory body forwarding its views and recommendations to the Secretary General and the Supreme Commanders [of NATO].


The purpose of the [Joint Consultative] Board is :(a) to discuss proposals initiated by the Confederation of NATO Civilian Staff Committees for changes in the conditions of service of the staff as a whole [and;](b) to examine other appropriate matters of common concern to the international civilian staffs throughout the organization or of concern to retired NATO staff as a whole.


Joint Consultative Board; JCB: designations to be used by NATO.


  • Titres des comités de l'OTAN
  • Conduite générale des opérations militaires
  • Interarmées

Le Comité mixte de consultation est un organisme à vocation consultative chargé d'adresser ses avis et recommandations au Secrétaire général et aux Commandants suprêmes [de l'OTAN].


L'objectif [du] Comité [mixte de consultation] est : (a) de discuter des propositions émises par la Confédération des comités du personnel civil de l'OTAN [sur les modifications aux] conditions d'emploi du personnel dans son ensemble [et;] (b) d'examiner les autres questions [de préoccupation commune] pour tous les agents du personnel civil international de l'organisation ou un sujet de préoccupation pour les agents retraités de l'OTAN dans leur ensemble.


Comité mixte de consultation; JCB : désignations d'usage obligatoire à l'OTAN.


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Record 27 2021-08-23


Subject field(s)
  • Organizations, Administrative Units and Committees
  • Educational Institutions
  • Police

The Kosovo Police Service School(KPSS) was established by the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe(OSCE) in September 1999, with an aim to create a modern democratic police force that will restore confidence in law enforcement and effectively apply community-based policing principles.


Kosovo Police Service School; KPSS: designations to be used by NATO.


  • Organismes, unités administratives et comités
  • Établissements d'enseignement
  • Police

École de police du Kosovo; KPSS : désignations d'usage obligatoire à l'OTAN.


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Record 28 2021-06-08


Subject field(s)
  • Building Management and Maintenance
  • Real Estate
  • Financial Accounting

... lease management means to track and optimize every aspect of the company's portfolio of leased assets. Suitably managing leases, not only real estate but also vehicles, technology, and even assets that are controlled as part of service agreements, can help the organization to significantly reduce the expenses related to leasing.


  • Gestion et entretien des immeubles
  • Immobilier
  • Comptabilité générale


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Record 29 2021-02-03


Subject field(s)
  • Organizations, Administrative Units and Committees
  • Sociology of persons with a disability

[A community-based service organization that] provides a wide range of services including person-directed planning, supported community activities, employment supports for individuals and businesses, adult literacy and respite to people across the Greater Toronto Area.


  • Organismes, unités administratives et comités
  • Sociologie des personnes handicapées


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Record 30 2021-02-03


Subject field(s)
  • National Bodies and Committees (Canadian)
  • Psychology

Crisis Services Canada (CSC) evolved out of the Canadian Distress Line Network (CDLN) – a national network of existing distress, crisis and suicide prevention line services that has been engaging members since 2002.


In 2017, the organization incorporated under the name Crisis Services Canada and launched the Canada Suicide Prevention Service(CSPS).


  • Organismes et comités nationaux canadiens
  • Psychologie

Services de crises du Canada (SCC) a évolué à partir du Réseau de ligne d'écoute téléphonique du Canada (RLÉTC) - un réseau national existant de services de ligne de crises, de détresses et de prévention du suicide qui engage ses membres depuis 2002.


En 2017, l'organisation s'est constituée sous le nom de Services de crises du Canada (SCC) et a lancé le Service de prévention du suicide du Canada (SPSC).


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Record 31 2021-01-04


Subject field(s)
  • Military Dress

The appropriate branch collar insignia will be worn by all soldiers not affiliated with an Infantry, Armor, Field Artillery, Air Defense Artillery, Cavalry, Special Forces, or Aviation Regiment except as provided for in paragraph 27-9. On an optional basis, soldiers not affiliated with a regiment of the above branches and assigned to a color bearing regiment or separate TOE [table of organization and equipment] battalion of their branch, may wear the branch of service insignia on which a numerical designation of the battalion/regiment may be affixed when approved...


branch collar insignia; branch collar insignias: plural forms.

Key term(s)
  • branch collar insignias


  • Tenue militaire


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Record 32 2020-12-08


Subject field(s)
  • Private-Sector Bodies and Committees
  • Social Organization

The Canadian Jamaican Club is a non-profit, voluntary service organization, dedicated to the improvement of the quality of life in communities throughout the Durham region by co-coordinating the efforts of affiliated committees. ​


  • Organismes et comités du secteur privé
  • Organisation sociale


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Record 33 2020-11-18


Subject field(s)
  • Occupation Names (General)
  • Social Services and Social Work
  • Medical and Hospital Organization

Front-line workers are more involved with direct service, while those at higher levels within the organization have greater responsibility for administrative and planning function.


  • Désignations des emplois (Généralités)
  • Services sociaux et travail social
  • Organisation médico-hospitalière

travailleur de première ligne : désignation adoptée par le Comité de normalisation de la terminologie des services sociaux.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Nombramiento de cargos (Generalidades)
  • Servicios sociales y trabajo social
  • Organización médica y hospitalaria
Save record 33

Record 34 2020-04-16


Subject field(s)
  • Occupational Bodies and Committees
  • Electronics
  • Labour and Employment

The IMR Sector Council [was] an independent, not-for-profit organization directed by industry stakeholders in the installation, maintenance and repair service industries.


The IMR Sector Council merged with the Canadian Electronic & Appliance Service Association (CEASA) in 2007 to become the Installation, Maintenance & Repair (IMR) Sector Council and Trade Association.


  • Organismes et comités professionnels
  • Électronique
  • Travail et emploi

Le Conseil sectoriel IER [était] un organisme indépendant, sans but lucratif, dirigé par les parties prenantes de l'industrie du service de l'installation, de l'entretien et des réparations[.]


Le Conseil sectoriel IER a fusionné avec l'Organisation canadienne de service d'appareils domestiques (OCSAD) en 2007 pour former la Installation, Maintenance & Repair (IMR) Sector Council and Trade Association.


Save record 34

Record 35 2020-04-16


Subject field(s)
  • Occupational Bodies and Committees
  • Electrical Appliances and Equip. : Repairs
  • Labour and Employment

The Installation, Maintenance & Repair(IMR) Sector Council and Trade Association is a national, independent, not-for-profit organization directed by industry stakeholders in the installation, maintenance and repair service industries.


[IMR Sector Council and Trade Association’s mission is] to educate, engage and empower the sector to collectively address the human resource needs of the installation, maintenance and repair labour market.


The IMR Sector Council and Trade Association merged with the Canadian Electronic & Appliance Service Association (CEASA) in 2007 to become the Installation, Maintenance & Repair (IMR) Sector Council and Trade Association.


  • Organismes et comités professionnels
  • Réparation d'appareillage électrique
  • Travail et emploi

L'association IMR Sector Council and Trade Association a fusionné avec l'association Canadian Electronic & Appliance Service Association (CEASA) en 2007 pour former la Installation, Maintenance & Repair (IMR) Sector Council and Trade Association.


Save record 35

Record 36 2020-04-16


Subject field(s)
  • National Bodies and Committees (Canadian)
  • Electrical Appliances and Equip. : Repairs
  • Labour and Employment

[The] Canadian Electronic & Appliance Service Association(CEASA) was founded in 1976. [It] was subsequently incorporated as a non-profit organization on July 8, 1977.


The Canadian Electronic & Appliance Service Association (CEASA) merged with the IMR Sector Council in 2007 to become the Installation, Maintenance & Repair (IMR) Sector Council and Trade Association.


  • Organismes et comités nationaux canadiens
  • Réparation d'appareillage électrique
  • Travail et emploi

L'Organisation canadienne de service d'appareils domestiques (OCSAD) s'est fusionné avec le Conseil sectoriel IER en 2007 pour former la Installation, Maintenance & Repair (IMR) Sector Council and Trade Association.


Save record 36

Record 37 2019-07-16


Subject field(s)
  • Non-Gov. Provincial Bodies and Committees (Canadian)
  • Social Services and Social Work
  • Drugs and Drug Addiction
  • Mental health and hygiene

… a not-for-profit health service organization located in the west end of Toronto [that] provides services for seniors, caregivers, and people living with mental health and addiction concerns.


[Reconnect’s vision is to] play a major role in the area of community services, mental health and addictions by providing safe, effective and personalized services. [It] will drive innovation to improve services and create conditions that will deliver the highest standard of care. [It] will also ensure public service resources and budgets are used appropriately and effectively to achieve the best outcomes for individuals and the community.


Reconnect Community Health Services has confirmed that the Family Association for Mental Health Everywhere (FAME) became part of its organization on April 1, 2019.


  • Organismes et comités provinciaux non gouv. canadiens
  • Services sociaux et travail social
  • Drogues et toxicomanie
  • Hygiène et santé mentales

Depuis le 1 avril 2019, Reconnect Community Health Services a fusionné avec Family Association for Mental Health Everywhere (FAME). FAME fait maintenant partie de Reconnect.


Reconnect Community Health Services a confirmé que la Family Association for Mental Health Everywhere (FAME) est devenue partie intégrante de l'organisme le 1 avril 2019.


Save record 37

Record 38 2019-07-09


Subject field(s)
  • Non-Gov. Provincial Bodies and Committees (Canadian)
  • Arts and Culture
  • Sociology

… an incorporated, non-profit charitable organization, whose goal is to provide a service to Jamaicans living in Manitoba, and the community in general.


  • Organismes et comités provinciaux non gouv. canadiens
  • Arts et Culture
  • Sociologie


Save record 38

Record 39 2019-06-27


Subject field(s)
  • Military Organization
  • Air Forces

The basic aviation organization supporting a light brigade group... This formation normally consists of two or more flying units with their appropriate service units and a tactical air command and control organization.


  • Organisation militaire
  • Forces aériennes

L'organisation aérienne de base qui appuie un groupe-brigade léger [...] Cette formation consiste normalement en deux unités d'aviation ou plus accompagnées de leurs unités des services et d'un organisme de commandement et de contrôle aérien tactique.


Save record 39

Record 40 2019-06-25


Subject field(s)
  • Non-Gov. Provincial Bodies and Committees (Canadian)
  • Social Services and Social Work

ABSW is a volunteer, charitable organization consisting of Black social workers and human service workers throughout the province [of Nova Scotia].

Key term(s)
  • Nova Scotia Association of Black Social Workers


  • Organismes et comités provinciaux non gouv. canadiens
  • Services sociaux et travail social
Key term(s)
  • Nova Scotia Association of Black Social Workers


Save record 40

Record 41 2018-12-12


Subject field(s)
  • National Bodies and Committees (Canadian)
  • Union Organization

A medium-sized national organization founded in 1972 overseen by [the] Public Service Alliance of Canada [(PSAC) ].


Mission: To protect [its] members by ensuring safe working conditions and fair wage rights and benefits.


[On] December 16, 2016, members from the Union of Environment Workers and the National Health Union ... voted to unite under the new Union of Health and Environment Workers.


  • Organismes et comités nationaux canadiens
  • Organisation syndicale

En date du 16 décembre 2016, les membres du Syndicat des travailleurs de l'environnement et du Syndicat national de la santé ont décidé, à l'issue d'un vote, d'unir leurs forces pour devenir le nouveau Syndicat des travailleurs de la santé et de l'environnement.


Save record 41

Record 42 2018-10-11


Subject field(s)
  • Private-Sector Bodies and Committees
  • Sociology of Work
  • Culture (General)

… a non-profit professional organization that promotes the career advancement and leadership development of Asian American professionals in all fields through networking, respecting Asian multiculturalism, and supporting diversity and community service.


  • Organismes et comités du secteur privé
  • Sociologie du travail
  • Culture (Généralités)


Save record 42

Record 43 2018-05-15


Subject field(s)
  • Provincial Government Bodies and Committees (Canadian)
  • Cheese and Dairy Products
  • Agricultural Economics

The Dairy Farmers of Nova Scotia organization was created through legislation enacted in 2001, and replaces the former Nova Scotia Dairy Commission. Dairy Farmers of Nova Scotia provides a regulatory and administrative service to Nova Scotia's dairy producers. Working in cooperation with Natural Products Marketing Council, DFNS licenses producers and milk transporters, sets the farm price for milk, administers the production quota system which is a cornerstone of the supply management system, and represents the province's producers on the committees administering the National Milk Marketing Plan and two interprovincial milk pools.

Key term(s)
  • Nova Scotia Dairy Farmers


  • Organismes et comités de gouvernements provinciaux canadiens
  • Laiterie, beurrerie et fromagerie
  • Économie agricole

Producteurs laitiers de la Nouvelle-Écosse : Cette appellation française est entérinée par l'Office des affaires acadiennes de la Nouvelle-Écosse.


Save record 43

Record 44 2018-03-28


Subject field(s)
  • Titles of Federal Government Programs (Canadian)
  • Industrial and Economic Psychology
  • Occupational Health and Safety
  • Mental health and hygiene

The Employee and Organization Assistance Program(EOAP) is a confidential and voluntary service available to all Public Works and Government Services Canada(PWGSC) employees. EOAP provides services that promote personal and organizational wellness for PWGSC employees.

Key term(s)
  • Employee and Organisation Assistance Program
  • Employee and Organization Assistance Programme
  • Employee and Organisation Assistance Programme


  • Titres de programmes fédéraux (Gouvernement canadien)
  • Psychologie industrielle et économique
  • Santé et sécurité au travail
  • Hygiène et santé mentales

Le Programme d'aide aux employés et à l'organisation (PAEO) est un service confidentiel et volontaire, offert à tous les employés de Travaux publics et Services gouvernementaux Canada (TPSGC). Le PAEO offre des services qui contribuent au mieux-être individuel et organisationnel aux employés de TPSGC.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Títulos de programas federales (Gobierno canadiense)
  • Psicología económica e industrial
  • Salud y seguridad en el trabajo
  • Higiene y salud mental
Save record 44

Record 45 2018-02-22


Subject field(s)
  • Communication and Information Management
  • Offences and crimes

Normally, employees should initiate their disclosure of wrongdoing using the internal disclosure mechanism within their organization. In some cases, however, when they believe that their issue could not be raised in confidence within their organization, employees may make their disclosure of wrongdoing directly to the Public Service Integrity Officer.

Key term(s)
  • disclosure of wrong-doing


  • Gestion des communications et de l'information
  • Infractions et crimes

Il a aussi la responsabilité de protéger contre les représailles les employés qui, de bonne foi, font une divulgation d'acte fautif.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Gestión de las comunicaciones y la información
  • Infracciones y crímenes
Save record 45

Record 46 2018-02-20


Subject field(s)
  • Regional and Municipal Gov. Bodies and Committees
  • Museums and Heritage (General)
  • Zoology

A small local charitable organization founded in 196. [whose mission is] to encourage the appreciation of and respect for BC' s wildlife [and] to assist in preserving biodiversity through education, research, captive breeding and rehabilitation service.

Key term(s)
  • BC Wildlife Park


  • Organismes et comités de gouv. régionaux ou municipaux
  • Muséologie et patrimoine (Généralités)
  • Zoologie
Key term(s)
  • BC Wildlife Park


Save record 46

Record 47 2018-02-05


Subject field(s)
  • Private-Sector Bodies and Committees
  • Urban Sociology

Fred Victor is a social service charitable organization that fosters long-lasting and positive change in the lives of homeless and low-income people living across Toronto.


  • Organismes et comités du secteur privé
  • Sociologie urbaine


Save record 47

Record 48 2018-01-26


Subject field(s)
  • Private-Sector Bodies and Committees
  • Indigenous Arts and Culture

The Society opened its doors on September 17, 1972, and was incorporated June 02, 1973.... The Society is a non-profit, board governed organization that currently operates twenty two programs. Each program is mandated to deliver its core service, but are also supported in developing proposals for projects and initiatives that expand and enhance progams and services in innovative ways.

Key term(s)
  • Mi'kmaw Native Friendship Center


  • Organismes et comités du secteur privé
  • Arts et culture autochtones
Key term(s)
  • Mi'kmaw Native Friendship Center


Save record 48

Record 49 2018-01-26


Subject field(s)
  • National Bodies and Committees (Canadian)
  • Religion (General)

The Muslim Association of Canada(MAC) is a religious, educational, social, charitable and non-profit organization. MAC provides services and programs designed to assist in the holistic educational and spiritual development of the Muslim individual and family. A primary tenet of MAC is community involvement and service not only with the Muslim community, but with every community, regardless of faith or background.


  • Organismes et comités nationaux canadiens
  • Religion (Généralités)


Save record 49

Record 50 2018-01-26


Subject field(s)
  • Private-Sector Bodies and Committees
  • Immunology

Having began as an HIV/AIDS service organization in 1992, [it has] since expanded [its] mandate to serve anybody in the Central Okanagan experiencing concerns relating to housing, income, nutrition, access to health care including addiction and mental health services, connections with support networks, and other determinants of health.


[Its mission is to] provide prevention, education, and support services, with a focus on wellness, to anyone living with, affected by, or at risk of HIV, hepatitis C, or other blood-borne infections.

Key term(s)
  • Living Positive Resource Center, Okanagan
  • Living Positive Resource Center
  • AIDS Resource Center Okanagan & Region
  • AIDS Resource Center


  • Organismes et comités du secteur privé
  • Immunologie
Key term(s)
  • Living Positive Resource Center, Okanagan
  • Living Positive Resource Center
  • AIDS Resource Center Okanagan & Region
  • AIDS Resource Center


Save record 50

Record 51 2018-01-26


Subject field(s)
  • Occupational Bodies and Committees
  • Fire-Fighting Services

The Manitoba Association of Fire Chiefs(MAFC) is a non-profit organization. [It is] a well respected organization, approachable by all firefighters with concerns or comments. Established in 1950 by a group dedicated to improve the fire service and be a voice in the legislature, the group saw a need to deal with issues affecting the fire service at the provincial level.


  • Organismes et comités professionnels
  • Service d'incendie


Save record 51

Record 52 2018-01-09


Subject field(s)
  • Non-Gov. Provincial Bodies and Committees (Canadian)
  • Agriculture - General

Ontario Greenhouse Vegetable Growers(OGVG) is a not-for-profit organization, formed in 1967, representing approximately 220 members who grow greenhouse tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers on over 2, 500 acres in Ontario, Canada. OGVG is regulated under the Farm Products Marketing Act(FPMA).... Areas of focus include research, food safety, energy, environment, market performance and marketing.... In addition, OGVG works hard to promote and connect its growers with government agencies, consumers, retailers and food service operators across North America through various government lobbing events, research, marketing initiatives, trade shows and community activities. As a whole, OGVG strives to support the Ontario greenhouse vegetable sector and its growers, however possible, to ensure success for today, sustainability for tomorrow, and fresh, nutritious, quality produce for all.


  • Organismes et comités provinciaux non gouv. canadiens
  • Agriculture - Généralités


Save record 52

Record 53 2018-01-01


Subject field(s)
  • Titles of Documents and Works
  • Sociology

Volunteer Canada created the Canadian Code for Volunteer Involvement(CCVI) to support organizations that engage volunteers. The CCVI is a framework for involving volunteers in all levels of an organization. This includes volunteers working in leadership, direct service and virtual roles.


  • Titres de documents et d'œuvres
  • Sociologie

Bénévoles Canada a créé le Code canadien du bénévolat (CCB) en vue d'aider les organismes qui recrutent des bénévoles. Le CCB propose un cadre pour l'engagement de bénévoles à tous les niveaux d'un organisme, c’est-à-dire dans des postes du leadership, de service direct et virtuels.


Save record 53

Record 54 2017-12-28


Subject field(s)
  • Private-Sector Bodies and Committees
  • Social Organization

Big Sisters and Big Brothers were agencies in Ottawa that provided adult friends and mentors to girls and boys in need in order to enable them to achieve their full potential as young men and women. Studies have shown that mentoring is the most effective way of helping a youngster deal positively with the challenges of growing up. For almost 30 years, these two agencies operated side by side in the Greater Ottawa Area. Now, we are one organization, with an aim to improve service delivery, expand the number of children we serve and present a more coherent fact to clients, funders and the general public alike.


First title confirmed by the organization.


  • Organismes et comités du secteur privé
  • Organisation sociale

À l'origine, les Grandes Sœurs et les Grands Frères étaient deux agences distinctes à Ottawa. Leur mission était de fournir des amis et des mentors adultes aux filles et aux garçons qui en ont besoin afin de leur permettre de réaliser leur plein potentiel en tant que jeunes hommes et femmes. Les résultats de diverses études révèlent que le mentorat constitue le moyen le plus efficace d'aider une jeune personne à faire face aux défis des étapes de la croissance de façon positive. Depuis près de 30 ans ces deux agences ont assuré leurs services côte à côte dans l'Ottawa métropolitain. Maintenant devenue une seule agence fusionnée, nous tenons à respecter trois principaux objectifs, à savoir améliorer la prestation de services, offrir nos services à davantage d'enfants et faire profiter les clients, les agences de financement et le grand public d'un système davantage cohérent.


Appellation principale confirmée auprès de l'organisme.


Save record 54

Record 55 2017-12-04


Subject field(s)
  • Private-Sector Bodies and Committees
  • Social Services and Social Work

FSYR is a not for profit, charitable organization. [It is] committed to excellence in the provision of counselling for children, youth, women, men and their families. All counselling services seek to promote the fullest development of the individual. [FSYR believes] in family in all its diversity.... FSYR is an accredited counselling agency under Family Service Ontario's, Canadian Standards of Excellence Accreditation Program. [Its] professional master's level clinicians are trained in a variety of areas such as social work, psychology, individual, couple and family therapy, art therapy, play therapy and group counselling.


  • Organismes et comités du secteur privé
  • Services sociaux et travail social


Save record 55

Record 56 2017-12-04


Subject field(s)
  • Private-Sector Bodies and Committees
  • Genitourinary Surgery

The Winnipeg Ostomy Association(WOA) [is] a self-help group formed in 1972 to assist people with ostomy and related surgeries in Winnipeg and the surrounding area. [It is] strictly a volunteer organization, depending on member involvement to operate and on membership dues to pay expenses.... The Winnipeg Ostomy Association(WOA) is a chapter of the Ostomy Canada Society, a national voluntary health organization dedicated to assisting people who have or will have intestinal or urinary tract diversions. [The WOA provides] a visiting program to those having ostomy related sureries. Trained and certified members visit people having ostomy surgery, either pre-or post-operatively, and provide information, share experiences and give emotional support. [It] also [provides] educational service support to the family unit advocacy and [promotes its] services to the public and professional communities.


  • Organismes et comités du secteur privé
  • Chirurgie génito-urinaire


Save record 56

Record 57 2017-12-03


Subject field(s)
  • Non-Gov. Provincial Bodies and Committees (Canadian)
  • North American Football

Touch Football Ontario is incorporated as a non-profit organization whose objectives are to provide a well-organized, non-profit touch football association in the province of Ontario, [and] to provide a service beneficial to any individual desiring to be involved in touch football.


[The] organization ... provides many valuable services to the touch football playing community in Ontario. It promotes and delivers educational programs and opportunities for coaches and officials to improve skills. It provides skill development programs for athletes of all ages, and competitive opportunities for participants. Touch Football Ontario also provides opportunities to recognize the outstanding contributions and achievements of athletes and volunteers.


  • Organismes et comités provinciaux non gouv. canadiens
  • Football nord-américain


Save record 57

Record 58 2017-11-22


Subject field(s)
  • Advertising Techniques

The brand positioning statement aims to summarize how the organization is different from comparable organizations, and how it provides a unique service or experience to its audiences. The positioning statement should be aspirational, but realistic–it should describe what the brand can and should be.


  • Techniques publicitaires

L'énoncé du positionnement de la marque vise à préciser la façon dont l'organisation est différente d'autres organisations similaires et la manière dont elle donne un service ou une expérience unique à ses clientèles. L'énoncé de positionnement devrait être ambitieux, quoique réaliste – il devrait énoncer ce que la marque peut être et devrait être.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Técnicas publicitarias

Una marca se construye; inicia con una idea que va tomando forma y se consolida en el tiempo, se desarrolla a través de una serie de pasos [...] empezando por el desarrollo del enunciado de posicionamiento de marca (estrategia de base).

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Record 59 2017-11-21


Subject field(s)
  • Management Operations (General)

Business process reengineering(BPR) is the fundamental rethinking and radical redesign of business processes of an organization to achieve dramatic improvement in critical contemporary measures of performance such as cost, quality, service and speed.


  • Opérations de la gestion (Généralités)

[Parmi les] initiatives majeures portant sur le changement au sein de [l'organisme] figurent notamment [des] réorganisations, [une] reconfiguration des processus opérationnels pour une plus grande efficacité et une décentralisation accrue des activités de l'institution.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Operaciones de la gestión (Generalidades)

Nuevo análisis de la organización, procedimientos y recursos empleados en un proceso o una empresa para conseguir mejorar la calidad, rebajar los costes, conseguir tiempos de respuesta más ágiles y mejorar la satisfacción de los empleados y de los clientes.


reingeniería: término y definición extraídos del CAPITAL Business Dictionary con la autorización de LID Editorial Empresarial.

Save record 59

Record 60 2017-11-17


Subject field(s)
  • Private-Sector Bodies and Committees
  • Real Estate

[The] Realtors Association of South Central Alberta(RASCA)... represents 60-70 Realtors in Drumheller, Hanna, Brooks and area.... RASCA is one of 10 local boards that make up Alberta Real Estate Boards(AREA). This organization provides advocacy, professional development as well as standardized real estate forms for the province. RASCA maintains the integrity of the real estate MLS [Multiple Listing Service] data on Realtor. ca website and smartphone app. The real estate board also tracks the market trends, year over year sales numbers, and market value increases and decreases.


  • Organismes et comités du secteur privé
  • Immobilier


Save record 60

Record 61 2017-10-24


Subject field(s)
  • Private-Sector Bodies and Committees
  • Social Services and Social Work

Spectra Community Support Services (formerly known as Telecare Brampton Inc.) and Distress Centre Peel (DCP) ... amalgamated under the name Spectra Community Support Services [in 2012]. [The name was later changed to Spectra Helpline].


Spectra Helpline is a non-profit, multicultural organization providing free, caring and confidential distress lines and support services in several languages for the diverse population of the Region of Peel and surrounding area. [The] centre provides 24 hour emotional support and distress line service in English every day of the year. Spectra Helpline's volunteers must complete 50 hours of in-class and on-line training in order to take calls on the distress lines. [Its] training program focuses on listening skills, values clarification, crisis/suicide prevention/intervention, mental health, understanding sexuality, volunteer development and more. Spectra Helpline also provides on-going training sessions for current volunteers to keep their skills updated. The primary purpose is to ensure that volunteers feel comfortable in offering non-judgmental emotional support to anyone calling [its] different programs.


  • Organismes et comités du secteur privé
  • Services sociaux et travail social

Spectra Community Support Services (anciennement Telecare Brampton Inc.) et Distress Centre Peel (DCP) ont fusionné en 2012 sous le nom de Spectra Community Support Services. L'organisme a plus tard été renommé Spectra Helpline.


Save record 61

Record 62 2017-10-06


Subject field(s)
  • Non-Gov. Provincial Bodies and Committees (Canadian)
  • Funeral Services

The British Columbia Funeral Association is a membership-based organization representing cemetery, crematorium and funeral service professionals. [Its] mandate is to encourage the highest professional and ethical standards of... members and to provide a voice for the profession. The organization provides continuing education opportunities and annual events for professionals. Additionally, the BC Funeral Association is the only recognized provider of Funeral Service Apprenticeship Training for British Columbia.


In 2012, the [Funeral Service Association of British Columbia] amalgamated with the Cemetery and Crematorium Association of British Columbia and became the British Columbia Funeral Association.


  • Organismes et comités provinciaux non gouv. canadiens
  • Pompes funèbres

En 2012, l'association Funeral Service Association of British Columbia a fusionné avec l'association Cemetery and Crematorium Association of British Columbia pour créer l'association British Columbia Funeral Association.


Save record 62

Record 63 2017-09-29


Subject field(s)
  • Private-Sector Bodies and Committees
  • Trade

The Redvers Chamber of Commerce is [composed] of businesses and organizations within the immediate Redvers market. It is proud to be a member of the Saskatchewan Chamber of Commerce. As a sectoral and service organization, the Chamber endeavors to serve the local business community as well as the general public at large.


  • Organismes et comités du secteur privé
  • Commerce


Save record 63

Record 64 2017-09-27


Subject field(s)
  • Private-Sector Bodies and Committees
  • Religion (General)
  • Sociology

The Jerrahi Sufi Order of Canada is a branch of the Halveti-Jerrahi Order of Dervishes, which is a traditional Sufi Order. Today, the Order exists in almost every continent around the world. ... in Canada, the Order is a non-profit charitable organization, dedicated to providing humanitarian and social services to marginalized and vulnerable communities locally, nationally as well as internationally.


The Jerrahi Sufi Order of Canada is a worldwide, cultural, educational and social relief organization that preserves and advances the customs and spirit of traditional Sufi tenets in Canada. Globally and close to home, it advances spiritual and religious knowledge, social justice and the sacred arts through community service, multicultural events, lectures, regular meetings, and publications.


  • Organismes et comités du secteur privé
  • Religion (Généralités)
  • Sociologie


Save record 64

Record 65 2017-09-27


Subject field(s)
  • National Bodies and Committees (Canadian)
  • Social Law
  • Criminology

A small national organization founded in 1975 [member of Canadian Friends Service Committee(CFSC) ].


CFSC’s Quakers Fostering Justice (QFJ) program committee works toward discerning, developing and encouraging responses that actively prevent harm, repair harm and move beyond harm in relation to the justice system. It does this in ways that are healing for all concerned and for society as a whole. The fostering of justice as healing is the ground from which QFJ’s methods, processes and partnerships emerge.


Mission: To build [a] caring community without need for prisons; to explore alternatives to prison based on economic, social justice and fulfillment of human needs; to foster awareness within and outside [the] Quaker community of roots of crime and violence in society; to reach and support prisoners, guards, victims and families.


  • Organismes et comités nationaux canadiens
  • Droit social
  • Criminologie


Save record 65

Record 66 2017-09-20


Subject field(s)
  • National Bodies and Committees (Canadian)
  • Service Industries

The Canadian Courier & Logistics Association(CCLA) is a non-profit organization, whose mission is to represent and advance the interests of couriers and time sensitive logistics service providers operating in Canada. The CCLA undertakes advocacy, research and education on matters impacting [the] industry and its contribution to the global competitiveness of the Canadian economy.


Canadian Courier Association: title in effect from 1986 to 2004.


Canadian Courier & Messenger Association: title in effect from 2004 to 2006.


Canadian Courier & Logistics Association: title in effect since 2006.


  • Organismes et comités nationaux canadiens
  • Entreprises de services

Canadian Courier Association : nom en vigueur de 1986 à 2004.


Canadian Courier & Messenger Association : nom en vigueur de 2004 à 2006.


Canadian Courier & Logistics Association : nom en vigueur depuis 2006.


Save record 66

Record 67 2017-08-29


Subject field(s)
  • Information Technology (Informatics)
  • Internet and Telematics

In order to obtain successful cloud-based computing services, with the benefits of safety and security as well as legal compliance, an organization must first make an informed business decision about the type and sensitivity of data and service it plans to migrate to the cloud, specific configurations and type of cloud service required(e. g., private, hybrid or public), in order to comply with the organization's legal obligations.


  • Technologie de l'information (Informatique)
  • Internet et télématique


Save record 67

Record 68 2017-08-23


Subject field(s)
  • Private-Sector Bodies and Committees
  • Arts (General)

AOE Arts Council [is] a dynamic, bilingual arts service organization. The Arts Council works with the community to support, promote and develop the vitality of the arts in Ottawa by creating opportunities for artists, providing promotional, professional development and shared resources and an informed voice for the arts.


AOE: Arts Ottawa East-Est.

Key term(s)
  • Arts Ottawa East-Est Arts Council
  • Arts Ottawa East Arts Council


  • Organismes et comités du secteur privé
  • Arts (Généralités)

Le Conseil des arts AOE [est un] organisme bilingue et dynamique qui est au service des arts. Le Conseil des arts travaille avec la communauté pour soutenir, promouvoir et développer la vitalité des arts à Ottawa en créant des occasions pour les artistes, en offrant du développement promotionnel et professionnel, ainsi que des ressources partagées et une voix éclairée concernant les arts.


AOE : Arts Ottawa East-Est.

Key term(s)
  • Conseil des arts Arts Ottawa East-Est
  • Conseil des arts Arts Ottawa Est


Save record 68

Record 69 2017-08-22


Subject field(s)
  • Organizations, Administrative Units and Committees
  • Sociology

Carers Ark is a [Canadian Revenue Agency] registered charitable service provider organization that aims through partnership with community advocates, co-leadership development practices with volunteer caregivers and research-based growth promoting programs to assist, support and inform caregivers about their rights, privileges and obligations under the Live-in Caregiver Program(LCP)...


  • Organismes, unités administratives et comités
  • Sociologie


Save record 69

Record 70 2017-08-22


Subject field(s)
  • Non-Gov. Provincial Bodies and Committees (Canadian)
  • Funeral Services

In 2012, the organization amalgamated with the [Funeral Service Association of British Columbia] and became the British Columbia Funeral Association.


  • Organismes et comités provinciaux non gouv. canadiens
  • Pompes funèbres

En 2012, l'association Cemetery and Crematorium Association of British Columbia a fusionné avec l'association Funeral Service Association of British Columbia pour créer l'association British Columbia Funeral Association.


Save record 70

Record 71 2017-08-22


Subject field(s)
  • International Bodies and Committees
  • Philosophy and Religion

The King's Daughters and Sons(KDS) is an interdenominational Christian service organization with the international headquarters located in Chautauqua, New York. It is comprised of approximately 4000 members, about 250 or so of whom are under the age of 18.

Key term(s)
  • International Order of the King's Daughters & Sons
  • King's Daughters & Sons


  • Organismes et comités internationaux
  • Philosophie et religion
Key term(s)
  • International Order of the King's Daughters & Sons
  • King's Daughters & Sons


Save record 71

Record 72 2017-07-18


Subject field(s)
  • Private-Sector Bodies and Committees
  • Social Services and Social Work
  • Religion (General)

The Pride of Israel Sick Benefit Society was founded in 1905 [...] in downtown Toronto by a group of caring Jews to aid their fellows. If a person was ill, the society would provide a doctor and send the patient money to tide them over until they recovered. [...] [Their] roots provide a foundation built upon chesed, kindness and caring, the spirit of which is very much alive and well today in the organization. The Pride of Israel pioneered the Kosher Food Bank in Toronto, and has diverse programming during the year. Today the shul provides a traditional conservative service, and is independent.


  • Organismes et comités du secteur privé
  • Services sociaux et travail social
  • Religion (Généralités)


Save record 72

Record 73 2017-05-29


Subject field(s)
  • National Bodies and Committees (Canadian)
  • Police

The Canadian Association of Police Governance(CAPG) is the only national organization dedicated to excellence in police governance in Canada. Founded in 1989 with the goal to improve the effectiveness of civilian bodies that govern local police services, [it has] since grown to represent 75% of municipal police service oversight bodies throughout Canada.


  • Organismes et comités nationaux canadiens
  • Police


Save record 73

Record 74 2017-05-15


Subject field(s)
  • Various Proper Names
  • Finance
  • Telecommunications
Universal entry(ies)
classification system code, see observation

Senior managers in this unit group are usually appointed by a board of directors, to which they report. They work either alone or in conjunction with the board of directors to develop and establish objectives for the company, and to develop or approve policies and programs. They plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate, through middle managers, the operations of their organization in relation to established objectives. They work in establishments throughout the telecommunications, finance, insurance, real estate, and data processing, hosting and related services industries as well as other business service industries or they may own and operate their own business.


0013: classification system code in the National Occupational Classification.


  • Appellations diverses
  • Finances
  • Télécommunications
Entrée(s) universelle(s)
classification system code, see observation

Les cadres supérieurs des secteurs des services financiers, des communications et des services aux entreprises sont mandatés généralement par un conseil d'administration dont ils relèvent. Ils définissent, seuls ou conjointement avec le conseil d'administration, les objectifs de l'entreprise et élaborent ou approuvent ses politiques et ses programmes. Ils planifient, organisent, dirigent, contrôlent et évaluent, par l'intermédiaire des cadres intermédiaires, les activités de l'organisme en fonction des objectifs établis. Ils travaillent dans des établissements à travers les secteurs des télécommunications, des finances, des assurances, de l'immobilier, et du traitement des données, d'hébergement Web et les services connexes ainsi que d'autres industries de services aux entreprises ou ils peuvent être gérants et propriétaires de leur propre organisation.


0013 : code du système de classification de la Classification nationale des professions.


Save record 74

Record 75 2017-05-11


Subject field(s)
  • National Bodies and Committees (Canadian)
  • Food Industries

The Canadian Supply Chain Food Safety Coalition was formed in December 2000 by national associations representing all segments of the food chain from input suppliers through primary production, processing, manufacturing, transportation, distribution to final marketing at retail or in food service. It is a unique organization that is open to all national, provincial and local industry associations with an interest in food safety. In August 2007[, ] it received its letters patent under the Canada Corporations Act as a not-for-profit corporation.


Mission. The Food Safety Coalition will facilitate, through dialogue within the food industry and with all levels of government, the development and implementation of a national, coordinated approach to food safety to ensure credibility in the domestic and international marketplaces.


  • Organismes et comités nationaux canadiens
  • Industrie de l'alimentation

La Coalition canadienne de la filière alimentaire pour la salubrité des aliments a été créée en décembre 2000 par des associations nationales représentant tous les secteurs de la chaîne alimentaire, du fournisseur d'intrants, de la production primaire, de la transformation, la fabrication, le transport et la distribution au marché destinataire soit au détail ou dans les services alimentaires. Il s'agit d'un organisme unique en son genre dont les rangs sont ouverts à toutes les associations nationales, provinciales et locales de l'industrie qui s'intéressent à la salubrité des aliments.


Mission. La Coalition canadienne de la filière alimentaire pour la salubrité des aliments facilitera, par le dialogue au sein de l'industrie alimentaire et avec tous les ordres de gouvernement, l'élaboration et la mise en œuvre d'une approche nationale concertée pour la salubrité des aliments afin d'établir sa crédibilité sur les marchés nationaux et internationaux.


Save record 75

Record 76 2017-03-14


Subject field(s)
  • National Bodies and Committees (Canadian)
  • Personnel Management (General)

HRMSP is a non-profit organization that gathers professionals and practitioners from organizations of all sizes, private and public sector, as well as consultants, product and service vendors from the Human Resources and Payroll fields concerned in improving their information management system.


Vision: Lead and promote networking, knowledge and competency development in Human Resources Management Systems (HRMS).

Key term(s)
  • Human Resources Management Systems Professionals Association


  • Organismes et comités nationaux canadiens
  • Gestion du personnel (Généralités)

PSGRH est une association à but non lucratif qui regroupe les professionnels et les gestionnaires d'entreprises de toute taille, oeuvrant dans le secteur privé ou public, des consultants ainsi que des fournisseurs de produits et de services spécialisés dans les domaines des ressources humaines et de la paie, qui sont soucieux de l’amélioration de leur système de gestion de l’information.


Vision : Assurer le leadership et promouvoir le réseautage, le développement de la connaissance et de la compétence en systèmes de gestion des ressources humaines (SGRH).

Key term(s)
  • Association des professionnels en systèmes de gestion des ressources humaines


Save record 76

Record 77 2017-03-14


Subject field(s)
  • Non-Gov. Provincial Bodies and Committees (Canadian)
  • Skiing and Snowboarding

Alpine Saskatchewan(also referred to as Sask Alpine) is the designated Provincial Service Organization for Alpine Canada. Alpine Saskatchewan's mission : to promote, provision, and govern non-competitive and competitive alpine skiing within the province of Saskatchewan.


  • Organismes et comités provinciaux non gouv. canadiens
  • Ski et surf des neiges


Save record 77

Record 78 2017-03-07


Subject field(s)
  • Various Military Titles
  • Air Forces

Mission Statement : The Air Force Association of Canada is a national aerospace and community service organization established to : commemorate the noble achievements of the men and women who have served as members of Canada's air forces since its inception; advocate for a proficient and well-equipped air force; and, support the Royal Canadian Air Cadet program.


  • Appellations militaires diverses
  • Forces aériennes

En 2011, pour reconnaître le patrimoine militaire du Canada, le nom historique des trois services militaires du Canada a été réinstauré : la Marine royale canadienne (MRC), l’Armée canadienne (AC) et l’Aviation royale canadienne (ARC). C’est sous ces désignations que les Canadiens sont ressortis vainqueurs de la Seconde guerre mondiale, et qu’ils ont plus tard défendu les intérêts canadiens pendant la Guerre froide et la Guerre de Corée.

Key term(s)
  • Association des forces aériennes du Canada
  • Association de l'ARC


Save record 78

Record 79 2017-02-13


Subject field(s)
  • Private-Sector Bodies and Committees
  • Musculoskeletal System

The Spinal Cord Injury Solutions Network is a Canada-wide collaboration of people with spinal cord injuries(SCI), researchers and service providers, along with their respective organizations, all committed to addressing priority needs and generating solutions for Canadians with SCI. The SCI Solutions Network encompasses the work of the former SCI Solutions Alliance and the former SCI Translational Research Network(SCI-TRN). In April 2008, a decision was made to combine these two entities into a single organization, which is more effectively and efficiently addressing priority needs and generating solutions for people with SCI.


  • Organismes et comités du secteur privé
  • Appareil locomoteur (Médecine)

Le Réseau pour des solutions en lésion médullaire (Réseau pour des solutions en LM) établit une collaboration à l'échelle pancanadienne entre les personnes atteintes d'une lésion médullaire, les chercheurs et les fournisseurs de services ainsi que leurs organismes respectifs, qui sont tous voués à répondre aux besoins prioritaires des Canadiens vivant avec une lésion médullaire et à définir des solutions pour eux. Le Réseau œuvre dans trois domaines à minimiser le handicap et à maximiser la qualité de vie des personnes atteintes d'une lésion médullaire : des solutions personnalisées, la recherche translationnelle et la promotion des pratiques exemplaires sur les plans du traitement, des soins et du soutien.


En avril 2008, le Réseau pour des solutions en lésion médullaire a remplacé les deux organismes suivants : l'Alliance pour des solutions en lésion médullaire et le Réseau de recherche intégrée en lésion médullaire (RRI-LM). Information confirmée auprès de l'organisme.


Save record 79

Record 80 2017-02-10


Subject field(s)
  • Federal Government Bodies and Committees (Canadian)
  • Labour and Employment

Canada Public Service Agency. We’re an organization within the Agency that supports Treasury Board in its role as Employer. We do so by developing, implementing, monitoring and evaluating policies and related products that address those core employment needs which fall outside the appointment system(That role belongs to the Public Service Commission).


  • Organismes et comités fédéraux (Gouvernement canadien)
  • Travail et emploi

Agence de la fonction publique du Canada. Le Groupe des politiques sur l'emploi est un organisme créé au sein de l'Agence pour appuyer le Conseil du Trésor dans son rôle d'employeur. Nous effectuons l'élaboration, la mise en œuvre, la surveillance et l'évaluation des politiques et des produits dérivés qui répondent à des besoins fondamentaux liés à l'emploi mais qui ne relèvent pas du système de nomination (un rôle qui revient à la Commission de la fonction publique).


Save record 80

Record 81 2017-02-09


Subject field(s)
  • Collective Agreements and Bargaining
  • Special-Language Phraseology

After the Board has certified an employee organization as the bargaining agent for a bargaining unit and the process for the resolution of a dispute applicable to that bargaining unit has been recorded by the Board, the bargaining agent or the employer may, by notice in writing, require the other to commence, bargaining collectively with a view to entering into, renewing or revising a collective agreement. [Public Service Modernization Act, 2003]


  • Conventions collectives et négociations
  • Phraséologie des langues de spécialité

Le conseil d'arbitrage met tout en œuvre, dans les meilleurs délais, pour que les parties au différend parviennent à conclure ou à réviser la convention collective. [Loi sur la modernisation de la fonction publique, 2003]


Save record 81

Record 82 2017-02-08


Subject field(s)
  • Federal Government Bodies and Committees (Canadian)
  • Personnel Management (General)

The Human Resources Management Modernization Branch(HRMM) was established in April 2004, as an organization within the Public Service Human Resources Management Agency of Canada(PSHRMAC), the new central agency whose core business, purpose and focus is to improve the management of people, and of leadership, in the public service of Canada. In this context the HRMM branch plays a critical role within the Agency and across government for managing the transition to a reformed HR system, and its associated performance measurement regime. The HRMM branch is accountable for providing leadership and oversight over a broad range of functional areas, with primary responsibility for the implementation of the Public Service Modernization Act(PSMA), leading the ongoing Classification reform process, aligning Employment policies and developing the HR dimension of the CASS initiative. In summary, the HRMM branch and its Executive team provide the visible face of HR reform to key stakeholders and the HR community across government.


  • Organismes et comités fédéraux (Gouvernement canadien)
  • Gestion du personnel (Généralités)

La Direction de la modernisation de la gestion des ressources humaines (MGRH) a été mise sur pied en avril 2004 à titre d'organisation faisant partie de l'Agence de la gestion des ressources humaines de la fonction publique du Canada (AGRHFPC), le nouvel organisme central dont les activités principales, la raison d'être et l'intérêt premier consistent à améliorer la gestion des personnes et du leadership au sein de la fonction publique du Canada. Dans ce contexte, la Direction de la MGRH joue un rôle crucial au sein de l'Agence et dans l'ensemble du gouvernement en ce qui concerne la gestion de la transition qui doit donner lieu à une refonte du système de RH et de son régime de mesure du rendement connexe. La Direction de la MGRH a le mandat de jouer un rôle de chef de file et de supervision au sein d'une grande diversité de secteurs fonctionnels, et sa responsabilité première consiste à assurer la mise en œuvre de la Loi sur la modernisation de la fonction publique (LMFP), à diriger le processus de réforme de la classification en cours, aligner les politiques sur l'emploi, et élaborer le volet RH de l'initiative des SMAP. En résumé, la Direction de la MGRH et son équipe de direction sont la personnification de la réforme des RH auprès des principaux intervenants et de la collectivité des RH dans l'ensemble du gouvernement.


Save record 82

Record 83 2017-01-31


Subject field(s)
  • National Bodies and Committees (Non-Canadian)
  • Ultrasonography

The American Society of Echocardiography(ASE) is a professional organization of physicians, cardiovascular sonographers, nurses and scientists involved in echocardiography, the use of ultrasound to image the heart and cardiovascular system.... ASE is committed to excellence in cardiovascular ultrasound and its application to patient care through education, advocacy, research, innovation and service to our members and the public.


  • Organismes et comités nationaux non canadiens
  • Ultrasonographie


Save record 83

Record 84 2017-01-31


Subject field(s)
  • International Bodies and Committees
  • General Medicine, Hygiene and Health

The Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine is a multidisciplinary organization committed to improving the physical and psychosocial health and well-being of all adolescents through advocacy, clinical care, health promotion, health service delivery, professional development and research.


  • Organismes et comités internationaux
  • Médecine générale, hygiène et santé


Save record 84

Record 85 2017-01-13


Subject field(s)
  • Political Science (General)

Combining Marconi software and Compaq's carrier-grade platforms, televoting delivers a robust and reliable voting or polling capability over a wireless or wireline telecom network. Televoting allows an organization(e. g. television or radio station) to stage a call-in voting event. For the carrier, this solution will increase network usage and increase revenue through the introduction of the voting service.


  • Sciences politiques (Généralités)

Le télévote est un service proposé à toutes les entreprises souhaitant simplifier l'organisation des élections des représentants du personnel (élections des comités d'entreprise, des délégués du personnel, etc.) Le vote aux différentes élections (jusqu'à 4 successives) s'effectue par téléphone sur un numéro d'appel gratuit (Numéro Vert). Le télévote respecte bien entendu toutes les règles appliquées dans le cadre d'élections légales : anonymat du vote, confidentialité, sécurité et fiabilité du scrutin. En outre, les procédures mises en œuvre ont été vérifiées par la Commission Nationale Informatique et Libertés (CNIL), dès l'origine (1997).


Save record 85

Record 86 2017-01-06


Subject field(s)
  • National Bodies and Committees (Canadian)
  • Indigenous Peoples
  • Sociology of the Family

The First Nations Child & Family Caring Society stands with First Nations children, youth and families for equal opportunities to succeed. Using a reconciliation framework that respectfully engages First Nation and non-Aboriginal peoples, the Caring Society provides high quality resources to support First Nations communities to empower children, youth and families.


The First Nations Child & Family Caring Society of Canada(the Caring Society) was developed at a national meeting of First Nations child and family service agencies(FNCFSA), held at the Squamish First Nation in 1998. Meeting delegates agreed that a national non-profit organization was required to provide research, policy, professional development and networking support to support FNCFSA in caring for First Nations children, youth and families.

Key term(s)
  • First Nations Child and Family Caring Society of Canada


  • Organismes et comités nationaux canadiens
  • Peuples Autochtones
  • Sociologie de la famille

La Société de soutien est solidaire des enfants, les jeunes et les familles de Premières Nations afin qu'ils aient des chances égales à réussir. À l'aide d'un cadre de travail pour la réconciliation qui engage respectueusement les Premières Nations et les non-autochtones, la Société de soutien fournit des ressources de qualité pour autonomiser les enfants, les jeunes et les familles des Premières Nations.


La Société de soutien à l'enfance et à la famille des Premières Nations du Canada (La Société de soutien) a été créée lors d'une réunion nationale des agences de services à l'enfance et à la famille des Premières Nations (ASEFPN) qui a eu lieu en territoire de la Première Nation Squamish en 1998. Lors de cette rencontre, les délégués ont convenu qu'un organisme national sans but lucratif est nécessaire pour effectuer des recherches, développer des politiques, offrir du perfectionnement professionnel et soutenir le réseautage entre les ASEFPN œuvrant auprès des enfants, des jeunes et des familles des Premières Nations.


Save record 86

Record 87 2017-01-06


Subject field(s)
  • Private-Sector Bodies and Committees
  • Trade

Mandate. Members of the Gravelbourg Chamber of Commerce will support and respect their fellow business people foremost. The Chamber will endeavor to maintain a prosperous and viable business sector in the community. The Chamber will give service to others to the best of its ability, work in the best interest of Gravelbourg and help fellow businesses to grow and prosper. The Chamber will achieve its goals through determination, tenacity and most importantly, in communication with each other.


The Gravelbourg Chamber of Commerce is comprised of businesses and organizations within the immediate Gravelbourg market. It is proud to be a member of the Saskatchewan Chamber of Commerce. As a sectoral and service organization, the Chamber endeavors to serve the local business community as well as the general public at large.


  • Organismes et comités du secteur privé
  • Commerce


Save record 87

Record 88 2017-01-04


Subject field(s)
  • International Bodies and Committees
  • Social Organization

WE Charity is an international charity that partners with communities to help lift themselves out of poverty using a holistic, sustainable five-pillar development model.


WE Charity, formerly known as Free The Children, is a worldwide development charity and youth empowerment movement founded in 1995 by human rights advocates Craig Kielburger and Marc Kielburger. The organization focuses on young people, with programs in Canada, the U. S. and U. K. for service learning and active citizenship, and international development projects in Asia, Africa and Latin America focused on children and education. The organization runs programs in approximately 10, 000 schools in Canada, the U. S. and U. K. for service learning and active citizenship, with the aim of empowering youth to become socially engaged.


  • Organismes et comités internationaux
  • Organisation sociale

L'Organisme UNIS est une organisation caritative internationale qui fait équipe avec des communautés pour les aider à briser le cycle de la pauvreté grâce à un modèle intégré de développement durable s'appuyant sur cinq piliers.


Save record 88

Record 89 2016-12-16


Subject field(s)
  • Organizations, Administrative Units and Committees
  • Food Industries

... a non-profit organization offering full service assistance to food processors wanting to add value to their products for domestic and/or international markets.

Key term(s)
  • Saskatchewan Food Industry Development Center Inc.


  • Organismes, unités administratives et comités
  • Industrie de l'alimentation
Key term(s)
  • Saskatchewan Food Industry Development Center Inc.


Save record 89

Record 90 2016-11-29


Subject field(s)
  • Titles of Federal Government Programs (Canadian)
  • Security

To further augment the quality of service [delivered] to Canadians, [the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada] embarked on a multi-year initiative called "BOOST, "which stands for Building on our Strengths and Talents. BOOST is about finding the most appropriate way to deal with a complaint or breach report, whether through structured discussion with the organization involved, an investigation, an audit, or using one of the other mechanisms available under the legislation.


  • Titres de programmes fédéraux (Gouvernement canadien)
  • Sécurité

Afin d'accroître encore davantage la qualité des services [offerts] à la population canadienne, [le Commissariat à la protection de la vie privée du Canada a] lancé une initiative pluriannuelle intitulée «Prendre appui sur nos forces» (PAF). L'initiative a pour objet de trouver la meilleure façon de traiter une plainte ou un avis d'atteinte à la vie privée, que ce soit grâce à une discussion structurée avec l'organisation concernée, à une enquête, à une vérification ou à l'un des autres mécanismes à notre disposition en vertu de la loi.


Save record 90

Record 91 2016-11-18


Subject field(s)
  • Private-Sector Bodies and Committees
  • Sociology

The Atlantic Halfway House Association is a self-sustaining, non-governmental organization of service professionals and agencies who believe in the positive impacts of community re-integration and working together to achieve a premier industry standard in community corrections in Atlantic Canada. AHHA members work together with communities to promote client integration and public safety. The AHHA and its members promote community release and the effective use of community resources such that all clients are placed in a least restrictive environment, which promotes personal growth and safe integration at the earliest opportunity.


  • Organismes et comités du secteur privé
  • Sociologie


Save record 91

Record 92 2016-10-31


Subject field(s)
  • Organizations, Administrative Units and Committees
  • Trade

The Bradford Board of Trade is committed to enriching the lives of its members and the business community at large, both professionally and personally through community building, education and networking. As a Chamber of Commerce non-profit organization, the BBT's mandate it is to sustain and promote local businesses by : providing services that help local businesses run their organizations more effectively, providing networking opportunities that help local businesses increase sales and access service providersp [and] taking an advocacy role in representing local business to government.


  • Organismes, unités administratives et comités
  • Commerce


Save record 92

Record 93 2016-10-25


Subject field(s)
  • Private-Sector Bodies and Committees
  • Social Services and Social Work

Family Service Thames Valley is a non-profit agency that provides counselling and support services for individuals, families and organizations. [It works] to minimize obstacles related to culture, language, ethnicity, gender, age, low income and minimize oppressive practice.


FSTV strengthens individuals, couples and families as they face life challenges. [It supports] the well-being of people, organizations and communities through counselling, education, collaborative planning, outreach and advocacy.


Family Service Thames Valley was founded in 1939 [as the "Catholic Welfare Bureau"].... In 1955 the name of the organization was changed to the Catholic Family Centre to support the growing need for family and marriage counselling.... In 1975 the name was changed to the "Family Counselling Centre" recognizing the transition from an agency serving the Catholic poor to one serving the whole community. In 1985 the name was changed again to "Family Service London" to reflect the relationship with the national association of Family Service Canada, and later changed to its current name[, "Family Service Thames Valley"].

Key term(s)
  • Family Counselling Center
  • Family Counseling Centre
  • Family Counseling Center
  • Catholic Family Center


  • Organismes et comités du secteur privé
  • Services sociaux et travail social

Family Service Thames Valley (FSTV) est un organisme sans but lucratif qui dessert la ville de London et les comtés de Middlesex, Elgin et Oxford. Le travail de FSTV consiste à renforcer les capacités des personnes, des familles, des couples et des organisations. [Il souhaite] réduire les obstacles que peuvent représenter la culture, la langue, l’ethnicité, le sexe, l’âge et le revenu.

Key term(s)
  • Family Counselling Center
  • Family Counseling Centre
  • Family Counseling Center
  • Catholic Family Center


Save record 93

Record 94 2016-10-25


Subject field(s)
  • Occupational Bodies and Committees
  • Dentistry

The E. D. A. A. is a professional organization which provides its members with opportunities to gather, socialize and discuss matters of importance to the dental assisting profession. The association is committed to providing its members with a variety of continuing education opportunities, membership services(ie. Employment Registry), awards programs, social activities and opportunities for service and community outreach.


  • Organismes et comités professionnels
  • Dentisterie


Save record 94

Record 95 2016-10-14


Subject field(s)
  • Organizations, Administrative Units and Committees
  • Amateur Radio

In 1993 [Industry Canada] launched a project to delegate administrative activities related to the amateur radio service to the Radio Amateurs of Canada(RAC) through an organization, the Amateur Radio Administrative Services Inc.(ARAS), which was at arm's length to the RAC. Despite the best efforts of the RAC and Industry Canada the project did not come to fruition because of the need for substantial start up funding and not being able to secure continued long term funding of ARAS's operation by allowing ARAS to retain a large portion of the radio licence fees.

Key term(s)
  • Amateur Radio Administrative Services
  • Amateur Radio Administrative Services Incorporated


  • Organismes, unités administratives et comités
  • Radio amateur

En 1993, [Industrie Canada] a lancé un projet de délégation à l'association Radio Amateurs du Canada (RAC) des activités administratives liées au service de radioamateur, par l'intermédiaire d'une filiale autonome, les Services administratifs radioamateurs (SARA). Malgré les meilleurs efforts de la RAC et d'Industrie Canada, le projet ne s'est pas réalisé en raison de l'importance du financement de démarrage nécessaire et de l'impossibilité d'assurer le financement à long terme des activités de la SARA en lui permettant de conserver une partie importante des fonds générés par les droits de licence radio.

Key term(s)
  • Services administratifs radio amateurs
  • Services administratifs radio amateurs Incorporée


Save record 95

Record 96 2016-07-29


Subject field(s)
  • National Bodies and Committees (Canadian)
  • Sociology of persons with a disability

The Canadian Hard of Hearing Association(CHHA) is a consumer-based organization formed by and for hard of hearing Canadians. CHHA works cooperatively with professionals, service providers and government bodies, and provides information about hard of hearing issues and solutions. CHHA is Canada's only nation-wide non-profit consumer organization run by and for hard of hearing people.


  • Organismes et comités nationaux canadiens
  • Sociologie des personnes handicapées

L'Association des malentendants canadiens (AMEC) est un organisme national d'entraide sans but lucratif, constitué par et pour des personnes malentendantes. L'AMEC coopère avec des professionnels, des fournisseurs de services et des organismes gouvernementaux, tout en communiquant à ses membres l'information sur les questions et les solutions concernant les personnes malentendantes et devenues sourdes.


Save record 96

Record 97 2016-07-12


Subject field(s)
  • Non-Gov. Provincial Bodies and Committees (Canadian)
  • Arts and Culture

The Assembly of British Columbia Arts Councils is an incorporated society, registered charity and provincial arts service organization with a mandate to support and develop the central role of arts and culture in building sustainable, vibrant and economically diverse communities in BC.


  • Organismes et comités provinciaux non gouv. canadiens
  • Arts et Culture


Save record 97

Record 98 2016-05-09


Subject field(s)
  • Regional and Municipal Gov. Bodies and Committees
  • Social Services and Social Work

Since 1984, [the Centre has] been serving communities in the Greater Toronto Area. As a non-profit, charitable organization, [it strives] to achieve excellence in [its] service delivery to women, newcomers to Canada, youth and other community members who trust [it] to support them in improving their economic and social well-being.


[Its mission is to] enable [members of these groups] to participate more fully in Canadian society and assist them in acquiring the skills needed to achieve self-determination and economic, social and political equality.


  • Organismes et comités de gouv. régionaux ou municipaux
  • Services sociaux et travail social


Save record 98

Record 99 2016-04-06


Subject field(s)
  • Banking

The identification of geographic availability.


service code : term and definition standardized by the International Organization for Standardization(ISO) in 1993.


  • Banque

Identification de disponibilité géographique.


code service : terme et définition normalisés par l'Organisation internationale de normalisation (ISO) en 1993.


Save record 99

Record 100 2016-04-06


Subject field(s)
  • Banking

The identification of service availability.


service code : term and definition standardized by the International Organization for Standardization(ISO) in 1993.


  • Banque

Identification de disponibilité de service.


code service : terme et définition normalisés par l'Organisation internationale de normalisation (ISO) en 1993.


Save record 100

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© Public Services and Procurement Canada, 2024
TERMIUM Plus®, the Government of Canada's terminology and linguistic data bank
A product of the Translation Bureau


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