The Government of Canada’s terminology and linguistic data bank.

EXTRA FUEL [11 records]

Record 1 2020-03-11


Subject field(s)
  • Aircraft Piloting and Navigation

An estimated performance line will be constructed by plotting a line parallel to the minimum arrival line based on planned take-off, level off and arrival fuel... The difference between the estimated performance line and the minimum arrival line is reserve and unidentified extra fuel.


  • Pilotage et navigation aérienne
Key term(s)
  • ligne de performance estimée


Save record 1

Record 2 2018-03-23


Subject field(s)
  • Maritime Law
  • Law of Contracts (common law)
  • Transportation Law

A clause in a time charter-party which stipulates that, should the ship be unable to achieve the agreed speed or should she consume too much fuel, the charterer is entitled to recover from the shipowner the cost of time lost and extra fuel, normally by means of a deduction from hire money.


  • Droit maritime
  • Droit des contrats (common law)
  • Droit des transports

Clause d'une charte-partie à temps qui a trait à la performance du navire du point de vue de la vitesse et de la consommation de carburant.


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Record 3 2016-06-07


Subject field(s)
  • Transmission Systems (Motor Vehicles and Bicycles)

Part-time four-wheel drive(4WD) allows a vehicle to be driven in the two-wheel drive mode for ordinary highway and everyday driving(which reduces drivetrain friction and tire wear for improved fuel economy and tire life), and allows it to be switched to four-wheel drive when extra traction is needed(as when driving off-road, on gravel, snow, ice or mud).


  • Transmission (Véhicules automobiles et bicyclettes)

[Système qui] achemine la puissance des roues arrière motrices aux roues avant par l'entremise d'une boîte de transfert. [...] la puissance est équitablement divisée entre les deux essieux. C'est donc dire que les roues avant et arrière ne peuvent tourner à des vitesses différentes.


Il est recommandé, pour des raisons de sécurité et de durabilité, de n'engager le dispositif que si le coefficient d'adhérence est bas (neige, boue, etc.) et non lorsque la chaussée est pavée et sèche.


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Record 4 2008-07-23


Subject field(s)
  • Launchers (Astronautics)

Hypergolic ignition of liquid fuel and liquid oxidizer in a rocket motor.... hypergolic ignition technique was preferred which means ignition without any extra effort.


  • Lanceurs (Astronautique)

Par des essais très sensibles, on détermine les retards à l'allumage hypergolique de propergols liquides diversement constitués [...]


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Record 5 2007-08-24


Subject field(s)
  • Nuclear Science and Technology

The symbiosis concept of the fuel cycle system based on nitride fuelled fast reactors consists of base load reactors. The base load reactor produces electric power and extra plutonium fuel if needed, and the MA(about 1 wt%) generated by themselves are recycled.


  • Sciences et techniques nucléaires


Save record 5

Record 6 2005-03-24


Subject field(s)
  • Types of Aircraft
  • Aircraft Propulsion Systems

Something that would make ecologists happy is a clean airplane. And the Ipanema, Brazil' s first totally alcohol-powered aircraft, is almost off the ground. The project has been in development for two years, under the wing of Neiva, a division of the aircraft manufacturer Embraer and Brazil' s largest agricultural aircraft manufacturer. The Ipanema does not pollute because, unlike conventionally fuelled engines, its alcohol-fuelled engine releases no lead residues into the atmosphere. However, for farmers, the real advantage is low operating cost. "Alcohol is four times less expensive than regular aviation fuel. So, while the alcohol engine consumes a little more fuel, just like automobiles, the bottom line is a savings of about 60 percent"... The alcohol-fuelled engine also boasts five percent more power. This slight advantage will allow the plane to carry extra quantities of crop-dusting products. Another advantage is that this type of engine runs cooler, giving it a longer maintenance cycle and useful life... The aircraft is still in the approval process, so the first alcohol-powered Ipanema will not fly until March 2005, after it has been completely certified.


  • Types d'aéronefs
  • Propulsion des aéronefs

Le premier avion à alcool du monde produit en série, l'Ipanema, sera livré à une compagnie de fumigation aérienne [...] par une filiale de l'avionneur brésilien Embraer [...] Jusqu'à présent on avait modifié les moteurs, de certains avions pour qu'ils puissent fonctionner à l'alcool, mais l'Ipanema sera le premier avion à alcool fabriqué en série dans le monde à être livré.


Record saved

Record 7 2003-12-12


Subject field(s)
  • Taxation
  • Fueling Systems (Motor Vehicles)
  • Anti-pollution Measures
  • Water Distribution (Water Supply)

A blend of fee and rebate, this is an idea that seeks to improve energy efficiency and reduce pollution. For example, when you bought a new car, you would pay an extra fee if it were energy-efficient user of fuel, or alternatively get a rebate if it were energy-efficient. The neutral point would be set so that fees and rebates balanced, so it became neither an inflationary measure nor a disguised tax.


Similar schemes have been proposed to reduce the consumption of water and other resources and as a way to improve the energy efficiency of new buildings.


The term is mainly to be found in the USA; it has been around since the early 1990s at least (it appeared in Bill Clinton’s 1992 campaign literature), and under this name. Initiatives that penalise heavy users (gaz-guzzler taxes, for example) strictly aren’t freebate schemes, as there’s no rebate element; others, like the British licence-tax reductions for small cars, should equally fall outside its scope, as there’s no explicit balancing penalty. But most environmentalists seem to use the term loosely to mean any tax or charge that is scaled to encourage economy; the word is still mostly to be found in the jargon of such groups.

Key term(s)
  • fee-bate
  • gas guzzler tax with rebate


  • Fiscalité
  • Alimentation (Véhicules automobiles)
  • Mesures antipollution
  • Distribution de l'eau

Il s'agirait de taxer les automobiles neuves dont la consommation dépasse un niveau cible, tandis que les véhicules consommant moins donneraient droit à une remise.


Source : Instruments économiques et obstacles à de saines pratiques environnementales. Rapport final du Groupe de travail, novembre 1994 (angl. p. 17 et fr. p. 18).

Key term(s)
  • taxation des véhicules en fonction de leur consommation d'essence avec remise


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Sistema tributario
  • Alimentación de combustible (Vehículos automotores)
  • Medidas contra la contaminación
  • Distribución del agua
Save record 7

Record 8 2003-05-20


Subject field(s)
  • Types of Motor Vehicles and Bicycles
  • Wheeled Vehicles (Military)
  • Neology and Linguistic Borrowing

An all-terrain vehicle used to transport soldiers. A modern version of the jeep but larger and designed specifically for military purposes.


The pall cast over Kuwait continued last week to darken lives in the freed country. A humvee (the modern version of the jeep) on a makeshift track carries U.S. Marines over oil-covered sands; Kuwaitis eager to leave the country for a break or to see relatives, hand passports and other documents to officials; children line up for food distributed by the American military.


The dumvee is a humvee altered to accommodate extra fuel, water, and weapons.


Compare to "dumvee" or "desert mobility vehicle".

Key term(s)
  • dumvee


  • Sortes de véhicules automobiles et de bicyclettes
  • Véhicules à roues (Militaire)
  • Néologie et emprunts

Comparer à VTT.


Save record 8

Record 9 2002-12-17


Subject field(s)
  • Spacecraft
  • Space Centres

Agencies working for NASA use this term for a lighter-than-air aircraft designed to explore the planets. An aerobot is a helium-filled balloon fitted with heaters that are powered by solar cells. During the day, solar energy will heat the helium and give it extra buoyancy; at night, the balloon will drop to lower altitudes or even touch the ground. A limitation of the design is that its movements cannot be fully controlled, though it may have some ability to dictate its altitude, perhaps through dropping ballast, releasing gas or managing its temperature. A big advantage of this design is that it doesn’t need fuel, which is expensive to transport and which runs out all too soon. Unlike satellites, aerobots fly in the atmosphere, so allowing experiments to be carried out on its chemistry. They can also view and record the ground from much lower altitudes than is possible with satellites. NASA plans to send a device of this sort to Mars in 2003, and possibly later to Titan, Venus and Jupiter.


  • Engins spatiaux
  • Centres spatiaux

Aérostat robotique de petite dimension destiné à l'exploration planétaire.


La mission prévoit d'envoyer un aérobot sur Mars pour étudier la présence d'eau et de vie. Cette déclaration de mission a deux objectifs distincts : l'un technologique : démontrer la réussite du déploiement d'un ballon solaire sur Mars, l'autre scientifique : faire fonctionner la charge utile qui recherchera de l'eau et de la vie sur la planète rouge.


Save record 9

Record 10 1985-03-05


Subject field(s)
  • Aircraft Propulsion Systems

The hybrid fan... has an extended fan shaft with extra forward stages but... the front stages are designed to supply enough thrust to the forward(vectoring) nozzles to dispense with the need for burning fuel.


  • Propulsion des aéronefs


Save record 10

Record 11 1975-03-11


Subject field(s)
  • Fueling Systems (Motor Vehicles)

extra fuel for a powerful mixture is obtained(...) by the use of a vacuum control on the metering rod in addition to the control by linkage to the--.


  • Alimentation (Véhicules automobiles)

l'orientation de --, la position de la cuve par rapport au sens de marche, l'orientation du conduit cuve-conduit parallèlement à ce sens réagissent sur la bonne alimentation des cylindres.


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© Public Services and Procurement Canada, 2024
TERMIUM Plus®, the Government of Canada's terminology and linguistic data bank
A product of the Translation Bureau


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