The Government of Canada’s terminology and linguistic data bank.

HULL SYSTEM [28 records]

Record 1 2024-09-18


Subject field(s)
  • Types of Ships and Boats
  • Special Water Transport
  • Maneuvering of Ships
  • River and Sea Navigation

A comparatively small vessel with powerful engines and constructed in such a way as to be able to manoeuvre easily for towage and/or to assist in salvage operations at sea.


Tugboats are needed to pull or push large ships in confined waters such as in a harbor area and docks, and they are also needed to tow large ships on long ocean voyages.... They are capable of firefighting and salvage duties and may carry large capacity pumps for these purposes. One important design characteristic of a tugboat is its hull form and propulsion system are designed both for a given free running speed and a high thrust at zero speed. Furthermore, its upper deck layout is dictated by the need to get close into a variety of vessels and by the need to keep the towing point above the longitudinal center of lateral pressure so that a lateral pull has a minimum effect on maneuverability.


towboat; tow boat: Not to be confused with "pusher tug," which can also be referred to as a "towboat."

Key term(s)
  • tug boat
  • tug-boat
  • tow-boat


  • Types de bateaux
  • Transports par bateaux spéciaux
  • Manœuvre des navires
  • Navigation fluviale et maritime

Bâtiment conçu pour déplacer d'un point à un autre des bâtiments de navigation dans un port, sur un fleuve, une rivière ou en mer.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Tipos de barcos
  • Transporte por barcos especiales
  • Maniobras de los buques
  • Navegación fluvial y marítima
Save record 1

Record 2 2019-06-21


Subject field(s)
  • Sonar and Underwater Detection (Military)

The hull sections were produced in Norway and assembled in Germany by Thyssen Nordseewerke, the attack sonar and torpedoes are German, the flank sonar is French and the integrating combat system is Norwegian.


  • Sonar et détection sous-marine (Militaire)

[Sonar servant] à préciser le site et le gisement du but sous-marin.


sonar d'attaque : désignation uniformisée par le Comité de normalisation de la terminologie navale.


Save record 2

Record 3 2018-04-19


Subject field(s)
  • Minesweeping and Minehunting
  • Magnetism

The application of [a] degaussing system started during the World War II to prevent the naval ships from magnetic mines and torpedoes. When the ship used to come near a magnetic mine or a magnetic torpedo, the magnetic field of the ship used to actuate the firing mechanism and cause the mine or torpedo [to] explode. Thus, degaussing systems were installed to counteract the ship's magnetic field by cancelling the changes in earth's field around the hull of the ship.


  • Dragage et chasse aux mines
  • Magnétisme

Les navires [...] ont besoin d'une protection pour mener des opérations dans une zone de danger mines où pourraient se trouver des mines magnétiques à influence. Pour cela, ils on recours à leur système de démagnétisation [...]


Save record 3

Record 4 2017-07-25


Subject field(s)
  • Ship and Boat Parts
  • Maneuvering of Ships
  • Ship Engineering (Naval Forces)

Submarine design consists of a single or double hull system that houses all the necessary systems and manpower required for completion of their mission. This, though, is a very simple description of a very complex engineering product, which are used for a wide range of purposes such as underwater research, underwater rescue, and submarine warfare; the last one being the most widely used.


double hull system, single hull system


  • Parties des bateaux
  • Manœuvre des navires
  • Service machines (navires de surface, Forces navales)


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Partes de los barcos
  • Maniobras de los buques
  • Ingeniería naval (buques de superficie, Fuerzas navales)
Save record 4

Record 5 2015-04-14


Subject field(s)
  • Maneuvering of Ships

An air bubble system was introduced on Baltic icebreaking vessels in the 1970s. The system uses one or more air compressors to force air through nozzles at the ship's side below the water-line. The air bubbles rise to the surface together with entrained water, lubricating the interface between the ice and the ship's hull, both above and below the water-line.


  • Manœuvre des navires

Un système de production de bulles d'air (bullage) a été adopté pendant les années 1970 dans les brise-glace de la Baltique. Ce système utilise un ou plusieurs compresseurs pour pulser de l'air dans des buses latérales au-dessous de la ligne de flottaison. Les bulles montent à la surface avec l'eau entraînée, lubrifiant la zone de contact entre les glaces et la coque, tant au-dessus qu'au-dessous de la ligne de flottaison.


Save record 5

Record 6 2015-04-08


Subject field(s)
  • Oil Drilling

The equipment (as anchors, chain, wire line, buoys, etc.) by which a floating offshore drilling rig is maintained on location at the drilling site.


Semisubmersibles permit drilling to be carried out in very deep waters and they are held on location either by a conventional mooring system or by dynamic positioning. The conventional mooring system(FIG-1-16) usually consists of 8 anchors placed in spread pattern and connected to the hull by chain or wire rope, sometimes even a combination of both.


  • Forage des puits de pétrole

Ancrage. [...] Deux systèmes [...] sont en présence: Tout d'abord, l'ancrage funiculaire classique, prévu pour 200 m d'eau, basé sur un ensemble de 8 lignes d'ancrage composées de chaînes ou de câbles d'environ 1200 m de long, de 3" de diamètre [et équipées] d'ancres de 15 tonnes [...] Ensuite, l'ancrage dynamique qui, apparu en 1972 pour les forages pétroliers, est parfaitement au point.


Pentagone, comme toutes les semi-submersibles jusqu'à présent, est maintenue en station par un encombrant système de lignes d'ancrage composé de câbles, de chaînes et d'ancres.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Perforación de pozos petrolíferos

Existen diferentes sistemas de anclaje, algunos están compuestos por cadenas reforzadas con cables unidas a pequeñas torres que se encuentran en el barco [...]

Save record 6

Record 7 2015-03-27


Subject field(s)
  • Industrial Design
  • Propulsion of Water-Craft

A system of rectangular coordinates for definition of propeller position at hull.


  • Dessin industriel
  • Propulsion des bateaux


Save record 7

Record 8 2014-03-12


Subject field(s)
  • Mechanical Components
  • Weapon Systems

A system located between the hull turret ring mounting and the turret flange, which prevents water from entering the turret during fording or washing.


  • Composants mécaniques
  • Systèmes d'armes

Système situé entre la couronne et le rebord de la tourelle, assurant l'étanchéité lors des passages à gué et des lavages.


système d'étanchéité de la couronne de la tourelle : terme et définition uniformisés par le Comité de terminologie française du Conseil de doctrine et de tactique de l'Armée de terre.


Save record 8

Record 9 2013-05-01


Subject field(s)
  • Trade Names
  • Spacecraft

StratSat provides a geo-stationary platform at 20 km altitude capable of remaining on-station for up to five years. Payloads include high speed Internet services, direct broadcast TV, mobile telecommunication, etc. The envelope operates as a super-pressure hull(i. e. with no ballonet pressure control system). The hull will be of laminated fabric construction with Tedlar/Teflon, helium/weather barrier developed from AT-10/04. Multiple catenary curtain system supporting a payload module enclosed completely by the envelope. [The] payload module... comprises a single structural module with an externally mounted payload/mission system. The payload module provides a home for all of the airship's primary systems except for the propulsion system. The systems are close packed within the highly insulated module ensuring efficient heat and energy management. The payload module is pendulum stabilised within the envelope. The solar array provides the sole source of renewable energy for the airship. The array is placed over the upper quarter of the hull and extends over approximately three-quarters of the length of the craft. The array can be realigned to the daily sun location/angle by the roll rotation of the whole airship. The energy collected by the solar array is stored for use during the night in the series of batteries. Located in the stored for use during the night in a series of batteries. Located in the payload module, the batteries run the propulsion system, airship services and provide power to the mission system for up to 14 hours(during winter). The airship is propelled and steered by means of a ’Contra-Rotating Coned Rotor’ mounted on a tailcone at the rear of the envelope, as a part of a compound propulsion system. The unit provides longitudinal thrust(to counter the prevailing stratospheric winds) and lateral force(for manoeuvering) to enable the airship to hold station within a 1 km cube. The airship will be equipped with a multi-channel Flight Control Sy


StratSat® is a registered trademark.


  • Appellations commerciales
  • Engins spatiaux

[...] le dirigeable géostationnaire britannique StratSat®, conçu par ATG (Advanced Technology Group) [est un] dirigeable souple d'environ 200 m de long pour 48 m de diamètre, [qui] devrait faire ses premiers vols vers 2005/2006 [...] Il pourra emporter 2 t de charge utile à 20 km d'altitude, avec une autonomie allant jusqu'à 5 ans. Pouvant se maintenir à poste avec une précision d'1 km³, il couvrira une surface au sol de 115 km de rayon.


Save record 9

Record 10 2010-04-15


Subject field(s)
  • Archaeology
  • Water Distribution (Water Supply)

At the time the Vasa was raised, in 1961, there were no conventional techniques adequate to preserve such an enormous artifact.... While new methods were being worked on, the ship was enclosed in a large storage house.... The sprinkler system was the best solution. To arrest the rotting, a soluble compound of seven parts boric acid and three parts of borax was mixed with fresh water and sprayed over the entire hull.... to stabilize the wood and keep it from shrinking and cracking, the ship was sprayed with a solution of polyethylene glycol(PEG) and fresh water.


  • Archéologie
  • Distribution de l'eau

Le traitement de consolidation et de conservation du bois [...] fait intervenir des procédés complexes [...]. La [méthode] plus répandue, [...] consiste à imprégner le bois gorgé d'eau de polyéthylène glycol (PEG) [...] à l'aide d'une solution plus ou moins concentrée jusqu'à ce que le produit se substitue de façon satisfaisante à l'eau. En refroidissant, le PEG se solidifie et consolide le bois, tout en maintenant sa forme et son apparence. Cette méthode fut utilisée [...] en 1961 pour le traitement du Vasa [...]. Ne pouvant être démonté, l'imposant navire fut imprégné par un système d'arrosage automatique [...]. Le système d'arrosage automatique au PEG fut aussi utilisé en 1970 [...].


Record saved

Record 11 2007-12-19


Subject field(s)
  • Land Equipment (Military)
  • Air Defence

This vehicle, somewhat misleadingly designated the anti-aircraft armoured truck(AAAT), comprises a modified Transport-Pauzer, hull and chassis mounting, a new Mauser twin 30 mm turret and either an optionic or radar fire control system.

Key term(s)
  • antiaircraft armoured truck
  • antiaircraft armored truck
  • anti-aircraft armored truck


  • Matériel terrestre (Militaire)
  • Défense aérienne
Key term(s)
  • camion blindé antiaérien


Save record 11

Record 12 2007-03-21


Subject field(s)
  • Tracked Vehicles (Military)
  • Wheeled Vehicles (Military)

In the United Kingdom, Royal Ordnance Leeds(now Vickers Defence Systems) has developed a passive armour system known as the Still-brew. Believed to be a steel shell with a layer of either ceramic or composite armour underneath, the Stillbrew is being fitted to the Chieftain from the front of the turret and hull top to the rear of the driver's position.


  • Véhicules chenillés (Militaire)
  • Véhicules à roues (Militaire)


Save record 12

Record 13 2006-06-14


Subject field(s)
  • Crop Protection
  • Ship Maintenance

BARNAKIL Electronic Antifouling system. BARNAKIL is a system for inhibiting the attachment of barnacles and other aquatic life forms to near-surface underwater structures, such as boat hulls, thereby saving fuel and maintenance costs. The BARNAKIL system consists of up to 16 individual audio frequency electromagnetic transducers(resonators) distributed over the interior of the boat hull, microprocessor-controlled from a water resistant central unit. BARNAKIL virtually eliminates the accumulation of barnacles and mussels. Dramatic reductions in the attachment of algae and slime have been achieved.

Key term(s)
  • electronic anti-fouling system
  • electronic anti fouling system


  • Protection des végétaux
  • Entretien des navires

Système électronique antiparasite BARNAKIL. BARNAKIL est un système [conçu] pour empêcher les bernacles et autres organismes aquatiques de se fixer à des structures immergées près de la surface, comme la coque des bateaux, ce qui permet de réaliser des économies de carburant et d'entretien. Le système BARNAKIL est constitué de transducteurs (jusqu'à 16) électromagnétiques à audiofréquences (résonateurs), répartis à l'intérieur de la coque du bateau et commandés à partir d'une unité centrale étanche à l'eau, renfermant un microprocesseur. BARNAKIL élimine presque totalement l'accumulation de bernacles et de moules. On a également obtenu des baisses radicales dans le cas des algues et de la vase.

Key term(s)
  • système électronique antiparasites
  • système antisalissure électronique


Save record 13

Record 14 2005-04-06


Subject field(s)
  • Naval Mines
  • Counter-Measures (Military operations)

[British scientists] then invented a "degaussing girdle" around a ship, a band of wiring around the hull, energised by an electric current which reversed polarity and neutralised the ship's magnetism. With this system working efficiently, a vessel could pass over a mine without exploding it.


  • Mines marines
  • Contre-mesures (Opérations militaires)


Save record 14

Record 15 2002-09-04


Subject field(s)
  • Ship and Boat Parts


  • Parties des bateaux

Fait partie du projet M2202 pour la Marine. Ce système permet de réduire le bruit du navire.


Save record 15

Record 16 2001-10-25


Subject field(s)
  • Titles of Reports
  • Environmental Management

Interim Report of the Task Force on a Canadian Information System for the Environment to the Minister of the Environment. Hull, Quebec : 2001.

Key term(s)
  • Interim Report of the Task Force on a Canadian Information System for the Environment
  • First Steps Towards a Canadian Information System for the Environment


  • Titres de rapports
  • Gestion environnementale

Rapport préliminaire du Groupe de travail sur un Système canadien d'information pour l'environnement présenté au ministre de l'Environnement. Hull, Québec, 2001.

Key term(s)
  • Rapport préliminaire du Groupe de travail sur un Système canadien d'information pour l'environnement
  • Premiers pas vers un Système canadien d'information pour l'environnement


Save record 16

Record 17 2001-08-02


Subject field(s)
  • Air Transport
  • Aeroindustry

(AGARD) The system of wires or cords and their attachments, by which the dead weight, or the main cable tension, is distributed over the hull or envelope


  • Transport aérien
  • Constructions aéronautiques

(AGARD) Système de haubans et de cordes, avec leurs attaches, grâce auquel le poids mort ou la tension du câble principal sont répartis sur la carène ou sur l'enveloppe


Save record 17

Record 18 2001-01-17


Subject field(s)
  • Acoustics (Physics)
  • Range Measurements (Telecommunications)
  • Equipment (Oil and Natural Gas Extraction)

A system consisting of a beacon positioned on the seafloor to transmit an acoustic signal; a set of three or four hydrophones mounted on the hull of a floating offshore drilling vessel to receive the signal, and a position display unit to track the relative positions of the rig and the drill site.


Monitoring of the display unit ensures accurate positioning of the rig over the site.

Key term(s)
  • acoustic position-reference system


  • Acoustique (Physique)
  • Mesures à distance (Télécommunications)
  • Outillage (Extraction du pétrole et du gaz)

Le système de localisation acoustique avec une base de mesure implantée à bord (base courte) comporte quatre hydrophones en surface et une seule balise émettrice immergée.


Save record 18

Record 19 2000-07-12


Subject field(s)
  • Propulsion of Water-Craft
  • Oil Drilling

Generally, several motors, termed thrusters, are located on the hull or hulls of the structure and are actuated by a sensing system. The sensing system may make use of radio, radar, or acoustic sensors, which feed signals to a computer. The computer then directs the thrusters to maintain the rig on location.


Thrusters are labeled as such because it is their purpose to produce thrust in given conditions of current speed and submergence. Thrusters, in general, include all types of devices that can produce thrust.


Dynamic stationing is the technology of maintaining a vessel’s position by means of thrust.


  • Propulsion des bateaux
  • Forage des puits de pétrole

Hélice placée dans un tunnel permettant de maintenir, à la verticale du puits, un navire de forage à positionnement dynamique.


Le principe de l'ancrage dynamique [...] consiste à maintenir un support flottant en station en opposant en permanence à la force de dérive résultant de l'action des éléments la réaction conjuguée de propulseurs contrôlés en intensité et en direction par un calculateur alimenté par les informations d'un dispositif détecteur d'écart.


Save record 19

Record 20 1997-08-21


Subject field(s)
  • Ship and Boat Parts
  • Installation of Electrical Equipment


  • Parties des bateaux
  • Installation des équipements électriques


Save record 20

Record 21 1996-06-05


Subject field(s)
  • System Names
  • Ship Maintenance
  • Informatics
Key term(s)
  • Hull Inspection Computer-Aided Design System


  • Noms de systèmes
  • Entretien des navires
  • Informatique


Save record 21

Record 22 1996-05-08


Subject field(s)
  • Ship Maintenance


  • Entretien des navires


Save record 22

Record 23 1993-08-24


Subject field(s)
  • Tracked Vehicles (Military)
  • Wheeled Vehicles (Military)

In the United Kingdom, Royal Ordnance Leeds(now Vickers Defence Systems) has developed a passive armour system known as the Still-brew. Believed to be a steel shell with a layer of either ceramic or composite armour underneath, the Stillbrew is being fitted to the Chieftain from the front of the turret and hull top to the rear of the driver's position.


  • Véhicules chenillés (Militaire)
  • Véhicules à roues (Militaire)

Les chars légers NM-116 de l'Armée norvégienne par exemple sont équipés d'un télémètre Simrad LV3 coaxial au-dessus du masque de tourelle.


Save record 23

Record 24 1993-08-24


Subject field(s)
  • Tracked Vehicles (Military)
  • Wheeled Vehicles (Military)

In the United Kingdom, Royal Ordnance Leeds(now Vickers Defence Systems) has developed a passive armour system known as the Still-brew. Believed to be a steel shell with a layer of either ceramic or composite armour underneath, the Stillbrew is being fitted to the Chieftain from the front of the turret and hull top to the rear of the driver's position.


  • Véhicules chenillés (Militaire)
  • Véhicules à roues (Militaire)

Les chars Chieftain en sont progressivement équipés, depuis le masque de tourelle et le toit de la caisse jusqu'au poste du conducteur.


Save record 24

Record 25 1993-08-24


Subject field(s)
  • Tracked Vehicles (Military)
  • Wheeled Vehicles (Military)

In the United Kingdom, Royal Ordnance Leeds(...) has developed a passive armour system known as the Still-brew. Believed to be a steel shell with a layer of either ceramic or composite armour underneath, the Stillbrew is being fitted to the Chieftain from the front of the turret and hull top to the rear of the driver's position.


  • Véhicules chenillés (Militaire)
  • Véhicules à roues (Militaire)

Au Royaume-Uni, Royal 0rdnance Leeds ... a développé un blindage passif désigné Stillbrew qui serait semble-t-il constitué d'une coquille d'acier revêtue intérieurement d'une couche de blindage en céramique ou en composites.


Save record 25

Record 26 1993-08-24


Subject field(s)
  • Tracked Vehicles (Military)
  • Wheeled Vehicles (Military)

In the United Kingdom, Royal Ordnance Leeds(...) has developed a passive armour system known as the Still-brew. Believed to be a steel shell with a layer of either ceramic or composite armour underneath, the Stillbrew is being fitted to the Chieftain from the front of the turret and hull top to the rear of the driver's position.


  • Véhicules chenillés (Militaire)
  • Véhicules à roues (Militaire)

Au Royaume-Uni, Royal 0rdnance Leeds ... a développé un blindage passif désigné Stillbrew qui serait semble-t-il constitué d'une coquille d'acier revêtue intérieurement d'une couche de blindage en céramique ou en composites.


Save record 26

Record 27 1986-10-30


Subject field(s)
  • Systems Analysis (Information Processing)
  • Missiles and Rockets

The Type S143A is based largely on the in-service Type S143, ten of which were delivered in 1976-77. Hull, propulsion installation, automatic action information system and missile armament have all been retained in the Type S143A.


  • Analyse des systèmes informatiques
  • Missiles et roquettes


Save record 27

Record 28 1985-10-31


Subject field(s)
  • Dredging

has a different method of discharge : the two halves of the hull simply swing apart. This system is excellent for discharging cohesive soil.


  • Dragage

décharge les déblais en s'ouvrant sur toute la longueur du navire. Ce type de navire convient de ce fait tout particulièrement pour le déchargement de déblais cohérents.


Source : PD.


Save record 28

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© Public Services and Procurement Canada, 2024
TERMIUM Plus®, the Government of Canada's terminology and linguistic data bank
A product of the Translation Bureau


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