The Government of Canada’s terminology and linguistic data bank.
ACTP [5 records]
Record 1 - internal organization data 2017-01-10
Record 1, English
Record 1, Subject field(s)
- National Bodies and Committees (Canadian)
- Non-Surgical Treatment
Record 1, Main entry term, English
- Canadian Association for Population Therapeutics
1, record 1, English, Canadian%20Association%20for%20Population%20Therapeutics
Record 1, Abbreviations, English
- CAPT 2, record 1, English, CAPT
Record 1, Synonyms, English
Record 1, Textual support, English
Record number: 1, Textual support number: 1 OBS
The Canadian Association for Population Therapeutics (CAPT) is a national organization of scientists and researchers from academic, government, industry and consulting backgrounds. Research spans and reflects [a] diverse base and includes epidemiology, economics and policy decision-making across a number of disease strands and unique stakeholder interests. 3, record 1, English, - Canadian%20Association%20for%20Population%20Therapeutics
Record number: 1, Textual support number: 2 OBS
The mission of CAPT is to advance population-based research of therapeutic interventions to improve the health outcomes of Canadians by: bringing together diverse perspectives, facilitating open exchange of ideas and collaboration, and influencing policy and practice. 4, record 1, English, - Canadian%20Association%20for%20Population%20Therapeutics
Record 1, French
Record 1, Domaine(s)
- Organismes et comités nationaux canadiens
- Traitements non chirurgicaux
Record 1, Main entry term, French
- Association Canadienne pour la Thérapeutique de Population
1, record 1, French, Association%20Canadienne%20pour%20la%20Th%C3%A9rapeutique%20de%20Population
correct, feminine noun
Record 1, Abbreviations, French
- ACTP 1, record 1, French, ACTP
correct, feminine noun
Record 1, Synonyms, French
Record 1, Textual support, French
Record number: 1, Textual support number: 1 OBS
En temps que voix nationale de thérapeutique de population au Canada, l'ACTP se consacre [à] encourager les liens entre les praticiens, les chercheurs et les décideurs ainsi qu'[à] augmenter la visibilité et la reconnaissance de l'association. 2, record 1, French, - Association%20Canadienne%20pour%20la%20Th%C3%A9rapeutique%20de%20Population
Record number: 1, Textual support number: 2 OBS
La mission de l'ACTP est d'avancer la recherche [à] base de population d'interventions thérapeutiques pour améliorer les résultats de santé des Canadiens par : [la] réunion des perspectives diverses, le fait de faciliter l'échange ouvert d'idées et [de] collaboration et [l'influence] de la politique et de la pratique. 3, record 1, French, - Association%20Canadienne%20pour%20la%20Th%C3%A9rapeutique%20de%20Population
Record 1, Spanish
Record 1, Textual support, Spanish
Record 2 - internal organization data 2016-06-27
Record 2, English
Record 2, Subject field(s)
- Intergovernmental Bodies and Committees
- Tourism (General)
Record 2, Main entry term, English
- Atlantic Canada Tourism Partnership
1, record 2, English, Atlantic%20Canada%20Tourism%20Partnership
Record 2, Abbreviations, English
- ACTP 1, record 2, English, ACTP
Record 2, Synonyms, English
Record 2, Textual support, English
Record number: 2, Textual support number: 1 OBS
The Atlantic Canada Tourism Partnership (ACTP) brings together the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA), the provincial departments responsible for tourism in New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island and the four provincial tourism industry associations. 2, record 2, English, - Atlantic%20Canada%20Tourism%20Partnership
Record 2, French
Record 2, Domaine(s)
- Organismes et comités intergouvernementaux
- Tourisme (Généralités)
Record 2, Main entry term, French
- Partenariat du tourisme du Canada atlantique
1, record 2, French, Partenariat%20du%20tourisme%20du%20Canada%20atlantique
correct, masculine noun
Record 2, Abbreviations, French
- PTCA 1, record 2, French, PTCA
correct, masculine noun
Record 2, Synonyms, French
Record 2, Textual support, French
Record number: 2, Textual support number: 1 OBS
Le Partenariat du tourisme du Canada atlantique (PTCA) regroupe l'Agence de promotion économique du Canada atlantique (APECA), les ministères provinciaux responsables du tourisme au Nouveau-Brunswick, à Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador, en Nouvelle-Écosse et à l'Île-du-Prince-Édouard, ainsi que les quatre associations provinciales de l'industrie touristique. 2, record 2, French, - Partenariat%20du%20tourisme%20du%20Canada%20atlantique
Record 2, Spanish
Record 2, Textual support, Spanish
Record 3 - internal organization data 2005-07-05
Record 3, English
Record 3, Subject field(s)
- Non-Surgical Treatment
- Vessels (Medicine)
Record 3, Main entry term, English
- coronary angioplasty
1, record 3, English, coronary%20angioplasty
Record 3, Abbreviations, English
Record 3, Synonyms, English
- percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty 2, record 3, English, percutaneous%20transluminal%20coronary%20angioplasty
- PTCA 2, record 3, English, PTCA
- PTCA 2, record 3, English, PTCA
Record 3, Textual support, English
Record number: 3, Textual support number: 1 CONT
... Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty (PTCA) refers to angioplasty in the coronary arteries to permit more blood flow into the heart. There are several types of PTCA procedures [such as] balloon angioplasty ... 1, record 3, English, - coronary%20angioplasty
Record number: 3, Textual support number: 1 OBS
Percutaneous means the procedure is performed through a small puncture made in the skin, usually in the groin area. Transluminal means the procedure is done inside the artery. Coronary identifies the involved artery being treated. Angioplasty is the technique for opening the narrowed or blocked artery ... 3, record 3, English, - coronary%20angioplasty
Record 3, French
Record 3, Domaine(s)
- Traitements non chirurgicaux
- Vaisseaux (Médecine)
Record 3, Main entry term, French
- angioplastie coronaire
1, record 3, French, angioplastie%20coronaire
correct, feminine noun
Record 3, Abbreviations, French
Record 3, Synonyms, French
- angioplastie coronarienne 2, record 3, French, angioplastie%20coronarienne
correct, feminine noun
- angioplastie coronaire percutanée transluminale 1, record 3, French, angioplastie%20coronaire%20percutan%C3%A9e%20transluminale
correct, feminine noun
- ACTP 3, record 3, French, ACTP
correct, feminine noun
- ACTP 3, record 3, French, ACTP
- angioplastie coronaire transluminale percutanée 3, record 3, French, angioplastie%20coronaire%20transluminale%20percutan%C3%A9e
feminine noun
- angioplastie coronarienne transluminale percutanée 4, record 3, French, angioplastie%20coronarienne%20transluminale%20percutan%C3%A9e
feminine noun
Record 3, Textual support, French
Record number: 3, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Dilatation d'une artère coronaire obstruée, [...] afin de rétablir la circulation sanguine cardiaque. 3, record 3, French, - angioplastie%20coronaire
Record number: 3, Textual support number: 1 CONT
L'angioplastie coronaire percutanée transluminale est une technique de revascularisation. [...] L'angioplastie coronaire est percutanée puisqu'il s'agit d'une ponction [qui se fait à travers la peau] d'une voie artérielle (le plus souvent [par la voie] fémorale). Elle est dite aussi transluminale car elle exige une navigation intra-artérielle de différents cathéters et micro-outils. [...] Le ballonnet [est] la technique la plus utilisée [...] 1, record 3, French, - angioplastie%20coronaire
Record 3, Spanish
Record 3, Textual support, Spanish
Record 4 - internal organization data 1999-03-12
Record 4, English
Record 4, Subject field(s)
- Titles of Programs and Courses
- Training of Personnel
Record 4, Main entry term, English
- Accelerated Communications Training Program 1, record 4, English, Accelerated%20Communications%20Training%20Program
Record 4, Abbreviations, English
Record 4, Synonyms, English
Record 4, Key term(s)
- Accelerated Communications Training Programme
Record 4, French
Record 4, Domaine(s)
- Titres de programmes et de cours
- Perfectionnement et formation du personnel
Record 4, Main entry term, French
- Programme accéléré de formation pour le groupe des communications
1, record 4, French, Programme%20acc%C3%A9l%C3%A9r%C3%A9%20de%20formation%20pour%20le%20groupe%20des%20communications
unofficial, masculine noun
Record 4, Abbreviations, French
- PAFGC 1, record 4, French, PAFGC
unofficial, masculine noun
Record 4, Synonyms, French
Record 4, Textual support, French
Record 4, Spanish
Record 4, Textual support, Spanish
Record 5 - internal organization data 1988-05-23
Record 5, English
Record 5, Subject field(s)
- Artificial Intelligence
Record 5, Main entry term, English
- Advanced Computer Tutoring Project
1, record 5, English, Advanced%20Computer%20Tutoring%20Project
Record 5, Abbreviations, English
- ACTP 1, record 5, English, ACTP
Record 5, Synonyms, English
Record 5, Textual support, English
Record number: 5, Textual support number: 1 CONT
They have started a special interdisciplinary project involving both psychologists and computer scientists at CMU: the Advanced Computer Tutoring Project (ACTP). 1, record 5, English, - Advanced%20Computer%20Tutoring%20Project
Record 5, French
Record 5, Domaine(s)
- Intelligence artificielle
Record 5, Main entry term, French
- projet ACTP
1, record 5, French, projet%20ACTP
correct, masculine noun
Record 5, Abbreviations, French
Record 5, Synonyms, French
Record 5, Textual support, French
Record number: 5, Textual support number: 1 OBS
Appellation, ne se traduit pas. 1, record 5, French, - projet%20ACTP
Record 5, Spanish
Record 5, Textual support, Spanish
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TERMIUM Plus®, the Government of Canada's terminology and linguistic data bank
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