The Government of Canada’s terminology and linguistic data bank.
Record 1 - internal organization data 2013-08-30
Record 1, English
Record 1, Subject field(s)
- Chemical Elements and Compounds
Universal entry(ies) Record 1
Record 1, Main entry term, English
- methyl 2-methylprop-2-enoate
1, record 1, English, methyl%202%2Dmethylprop%2D2%2Denoate
correct, see observation
Record 1, Abbreviations, English
Record 1, Synonyms, English
- methacrylic acid methyl ester 2, record 1, English, methacrylic%20acid%20methyl%20ester
- MME 2, record 1, English, MME
see observation
- MME 2, record 1, English, MME
- 2-methylacrylic acid methyl ester 2, record 1, English, 2%2Dmethylacrylic%20acid%20methyl%20ester
- methyl alpha-methylacrylate 2, record 1, English, methyl%20alpha%2Dmethylacrylate
correct, see observation
- methyl methacrylate 3, record 1, English, methyl%20methacrylate
- methyl methacrylate monomer 4, record 1, English, methyl%20methacrylate%20monomer
- methyl methylacrylate 2, record 1, English, methyl%20methylacrylate
- methyl 2-methylpropenoate 1, record 1, English, methyl%202%2Dmethylpropenoate
- methyl 2-methyl-2-propenoate 2, record 1, English, methyl%202%2Dmethyl%2D2%2Dpropenoate
- 2-methyl-2-propenoic acid methyl ester 2, record 1, English, 2%2Dmethyl%2D2%2Dpropenoic%20acid%20methyl%20ester
Record 1, Textual support, English
Record number: 1, Textual support number: 1 OBS
The methyl ester of methacrylic acid which appears under the form of a volatile, colourless, flammable liquid and which polymerizes readily to resinous glass-like materials that are sold under tradenames such as Lucite, Perspex, and Plexiglass. 5, record 1, English, - methyl%202%2Dmethylprop%2D2%2Denoate
Record number: 1, Textual support number: 2 OBS
methyl 2-methylprop-2-enoate: form recommended by the IUPAC (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry) for the systematic name corresponding to the CAS number indicated on the present record. 1, record 1, English, - methyl%202%2Dmethylprop%2D2%2Denoate
Record number: 1, Textual support number: 3 OBS
alpha: This word must be replaced by the corresponding Greek letter or italicized. 1, record 1, English, - methyl%202%2Dmethylprop%2D2%2Denoate
Record number: 1, Textual support number: 4 OBS
MME: This might be an in-house or a non-recognized abbreviation; not to be used alone, to avoid any risk of confusion. 1, record 1, English, - methyl%202%2Dmethylprop%2D2%2Denoate
Record number: 1, Textual support number: 5 OBS
Also known under a large number of commercial designations, such as: Diakon; NA 1247; NCI-C50680; RCRA waste number U162; UN1247. 5, record 1, English, - methyl%202%2Dmethylprop%2D2%2Denoate
Record number: 1, Textual support number: 6 OBS
Chemical formula: C5H8O2 or CH2=C(CH3)C(O)OCH3 5, record 1, English, - methyl%202%2Dmethylprop%2D2%2Denoate
Record 1, Key term(s)
- methyl a-methylacrylate
Record 1, French
Record 1, Domaine(s)
- Éléments et composés chimiques
Entrée(s) universelle(s) Record 1
Record 1, Main entry term, French
- 2-méthylprop-2-énoate de méthyle
1, record 1, French, 2%2Dm%C3%A9thylprop%2D2%2D%C3%A9noate%20de%20m%C3%A9thyle
correct, see observation, masculine noun
Record 1, Abbreviations, French
Record 1, Synonyms, French
- ester méthylique de l'acide méthacrylique 1, record 1, French, ester%20m%C3%A9thylique%20de%20l%27acide%20m%C3%A9thacrylique
correct, masculine noun
- ester méthylique de l'acide 2-méthylacrylique 1, record 1, French, ester%20m%C3%A9thylique%20de%20l%27acide%202%2Dm%C3%A9thylacrylique
correct, masculine noun
- alpha-méthylacrylate de méthyle 1, record 1, French, alpha%2Dm%C3%A9thylacrylate%20de%20m%C3%A9thyle
correct, see observation, masculine noun
- méthacrylate de méthyle 2, record 1, French, m%C3%A9thacrylate%20de%20m%C3%A9thyle
correct, masculine noun
- méthacrylate de méthyle (monomère) 3, record 1, French, m%C3%A9thacrylate%20de%20m%C3%A9thyle%20%28monom%C3%A8re%29
correct, masculine noun
- méthylacrylate de méthyle 1, record 1, French, m%C3%A9thylacrylate%20de%20m%C3%A9thyle
correct, masculine noun
- 2-méthylpropénoate de méthyle 4, record 1, French, 2%2Dm%C3%A9thylprop%C3%A9noate%20de%20m%C3%A9thyle
correct, masculine noun
- 2-méthyl-2-propénoate de méthyle 1, record 1, French, 2%2Dm%C3%A9thyl%2D2%2Dprop%C3%A9noate%20de%20m%C3%A9thyle
correct, masculine noun
- ester méthylique de l'acide 2-méthyl-2-propénoïque 1, record 1, French, ester%20m%C3%A9thylique%20de%20l%27acide%202%2Dm%C3%A9thyl%2D2%2Dprop%C3%A9no%C3%AFque
correct, masculine noun
Record 1, Textual support, French
Record number: 1, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Produit chimique se présentant sous la forme d'un liquide incolore, mobile, volatil, utilisé dans l'industrie des matières plastiques, des peintures et des vernis, du cuir, du papier, du textile et des produits dentaires. 5, record 1, French, - 2%2Dm%C3%A9thylprop%2D2%2D%C3%A9noate%20de%20m%C3%A9thyle
Record number: 1, Textual support number: 1 OBS
2-méthylprop-2-énoate de méthyle : forme recommandée par l'UICPA (Union internationale de chimie pure et appliquée) pour le nom systématique correspondant au numéro CAS indiqué sur la présente fiche. 1, record 1, French, - 2%2Dm%C3%A9thylprop%2D2%2D%C3%A9noate%20de%20m%C3%A9thyle
Record number: 1, Textual support number: 2 OBS
alpha : Ce mot doit être remplacé par la lettre grecque correspondante ou s'écrire en italique. 1, record 1, French, - 2%2Dm%C3%A9thylprop%2D2%2D%C3%A9noate%20de%20m%C3%A9thyle
Record number: 1, Textual support number: 3 OBS
Formule chimique : C5H8O2 ou CH2=C(CH3)C(O)OCH3 5, record 1, French, - 2%2Dm%C3%A9thylprop%2D2%2D%C3%A9noate%20de%20m%C3%A9thyle
Record 1, Key term(s)
- a-méthylacrylate de méthyle
Record 1, Spanish
Record 1, Campo(s) temático(s)
- Elementos y compuestos químicos
Entrada(s) universal(es) Record 1
Record 1, Main entry term, Spanish
- monómero de metilmetacrilato
1, record 1, Spanish, mon%C3%B3mero%20de%20metilmetacrilato
correct, masculine noun
Record 1, Abbreviations, Spanish
Record 1, Synonyms, Spanish
Record 1, Textual support, Spanish
Record number: 1, Textual support number: 1 OBS
Compuesto líquido capaz de polimerizarse. 1, record 1, Spanish, - mon%C3%B3mero%20de%20metilmetacrilato
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TERMIUM Plus®, the Government of Canada's terminology and linguistic data bank
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