The Government of Canada’s terminology and linguistic data bank.

CHEST PRESS [2 records]

Record 1 2014-04-11


Subject field(s)
  • Sports Equipment and Accessories
  • Physical Fitness Training and Bodybuilding

The main difference between the chest press machine and a bench press is the body position in which the exercise is performed. ... A chest press machine guides the movement of your arms along a fixed path, helping to promote proper technique.


The ... chest press has independent movement and converging pushing angles to increase the range of motion of the excercise. Progressive strength curve gradually increases force at end of movement when user is in strongest position, allowing user to engage more muscles. Oversized handles make pressing exercises more comfortable by spreading the load over a larger area of the user's hand and the easy seat adjustment means a broad range of user heights can be accommodated.


  • Équipement et accessoires de sport
  • Conditionnement physique et culturisme

La station de développé horizontal [...] permet des mouvements indépendants et des angles de poussée convergents pour augmenter l'amplitude du mouvement de cet exercice. La courbe de résistance progressive augmente en fin de mouvement lorsque l'utilisateur est dans sa posture la plus forte, afin de lui permettre de mobiliser plus de muscles. Les grandes poignées rendent la presse plus confortable en répartissant la charge sur une plus grande surface de la main de l'utilisateur. Le réglage facile du siège permet à des utilisateurs de tous les gabarits d'utiliser la machine.


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Record 2 2007-03-21


Subject field(s)
  • Physical Fitness Training and Bodybuilding

A gymnastic exercise that we can practice with the help of Universal Gym.


  • Conditionnement physique et culturisme


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© Public Services and Procurement Canada, 2024
TERMIUM Plus®, the Government of Canada's terminology and linguistic data bank
A product of the Translation Bureau


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