The Government of Canada’s terminology and linguistic data bank.

JOUER BRAS-DE-FER [1 record]

Record 1 2024-02-22


Subject field(s)
  • Wrestling
  • Games and Competitions (Sports)

To take part in a contest in which two opponents sit face to face and, gripping each other's hand, palm into palm with the elbow resting on a flat surface, try to force each other's arm down without raising the elbow from the table.


Joe Frazier squeezed into a booth at his Philadelphia rib restaurant ... and propped his once-fabled left on the table. "C'mon," he said to his nephew Rodney, an amateur heavy weight who is undefeated in three bouts. It was an invitation to arm-wrestle.


Arm wrestling is also called "Indian wrestling".

Key term(s)
  • arm wrestling


  • Lutte
  • Jeux et compétitions (Sports)

Participer à un genre de lutte où les concurrents essaient de s'abattre mutuellement la main sur une table en s'appuyant coude à coude sur cette table, et en s'empoignant la main droite paume contre paume. Celui qui, sans relever le coude, couche sur la table l'avant-bras de son adversaire est déclaré vainqueur.


Une partie de bras de fer, une épreuve de force.


Des sources françaises fiables donnent «bras de fer» avec ou sans traits d'union; l'expression québécoise «tir au poignet» s'écrit sans trait d'union.

Key term(s)
  • tir au poignet


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© Public Services and Procurement Canada, 2024
TERMIUM Plus®, the Government of Canada's terminology and linguistic data bank
A product of the Translation Bureau


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