The Government of Canada’s terminology and linguistic data bank.


Record 1 2010-09-09


Subject field(s)
  • Surgical Instruments

Forceps with a catch for locking the blades, used for seizing the end of a blood vessel to control hemorrhage.


The main purpose [of hemostatic forceps] is to achieve hemostasis (control of the flow of blood). After a hemostat has been secured to a blood vessel, generally either a suture is tied around the vessel or electrocautery is applied to the end of the vessel to achieve final hemostasis.


Dissecting hemostatic forceps clamp onto blood vessels and control bleeding. They ... tend to be long and slender in order to get to blood vessels easily and with a minimum of trauma. [They] resemble scissors and have locking mechanisms that maintain a firm clamp on blood vessels, holding them in place.


  • Instruments chirurgicaux

Pince à crans d'arrêt servant à l'hémostase.


Le premier usage de la pince à hémostase est de permettre par une préhension fine la ligature d'un vaisseau ou sa coagulation par le bistouri électrique. Elle est aussi un bon complément dans le repérage et la mise en tension des tissus au cours de la dissection, sur une aponévrose, un sac herniaire, une vaginale d'hydrocèle. Enfin, [elle sert de] pince repère sur les fils passés et en attente [...]


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Instrumental quirúrgico

Pinza [...] de forcipresión destinada a comprimir vasos que sangran.

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© Public Services and Procurement Canada, 2024
TERMIUM Plus®, the Government of Canada's terminology and linguistic data bank
A product of the Translation Bureau


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