The Government of Canada’s terminology and linguistic data bank.


Record 1 2023-03-30


Subject field(s)
  • Climatology

The equilibrium climate sensitivity(ECS) refers to the equilibrium change in global mean near-surface air temperature that would result from a sustained doubling of the atmospheric(equivalent) carbon dioxide concentration.


  • Climatologie

[...] réchauffement que provoquerait un doublement de la concentration atmosphérique de dioxyde de carbone, après stabilisation du climat.


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Record 2 2022-10-31


Subject field(s)
  • Meteorological Forecasting, Data Measurement and Analysis

A type of climate model that simulates the vertical profile of atmospheric temperature under the assumption of radiative–convective equilibrium.


  • Prévisions météorologiques et mesure et analyse des données

La sensibilité de la température de surface à des changements des conditions thermodynamiques de la troposphère a été évaluée par des modèles simples 1-D, tel le modèle radiatif-convectif [...] Dans ce modèle de référence, l'équilibre radiatif de la Terre évoqué précédemment est conservé (flux entrant = flux sortant) par l'intermédiaire d'un ajustement du gradient vertical de température qui n'excède pas 6,5 °C/km et d'une distribution verticale de l'humidité relative fixée.


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Record 3 2011-06-21


Subject field(s)
  • Scientific Measurements and Analyses
  • Physics of Solids

The temperature at which [the] crystals [of a pure substance] are in equilibrium with the liquid phase at atmospheric pressure.


The melting point of a substance should be considered a property of its crystalline form only. At the melting point the liquid and solid forms of a substance exist in equilibrium. All substances of crystalline nature have their characteristic melting points. For very pure substances the temperature range over which the process of fusion occurs is very small. The melting point of a pure crystalline solid is a function of pressure; it increases with increasing pressure for most substances. However, in the case of ice (and a few other substances) the melting point decreases with increasing pressure ... Under a pressure of one standard atmosphere, the melting point of pure ice is the same as the ice point, that is, 0°C.


The melting point is the temperature at which a solid material becomes liquid. The freezing point is the temperature at which liquid material becomes a solid.


The term "melting point" (mp) is used when the equilibrium temperature is approached by heating the solid. Ordinarily refers to temperature above 0°C, the melting point of ice.


... melting point and freezing point are often used interchangeably depending on whether the substance is being heated or cooled.


  • Mesures et analyse (Sciences)
  • Physique des solides

Température à laquelle, sous une certaine pression, le solide et le liquide sont en équilibre.


L'abréviation Tf est utilisée dans les cahiers de la collection Enviroguide d'Environnement Canada.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Medición y análisis (Ciencias)
  • Física de los sólidos

Para una sustancia, la temperatura correspondiente al paso de la fase sólida a la líquida.


Es función de la presión.

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Record 4 2010-08-18


Subject field(s)
  • Types of Wood
  • String Instruments

MILO has proved to be an excellent stringed instrument wood, producing deep resonant bass tones. Combines well with top woods such as Spruce, Cedar, and Sequoia Redwood.


Shigeru Yoshikawa (2007) Acoustical classification of wood for string instruments, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 122, nr.1, pp: 574-580, 2007.


Most musical instrument wood is dried to a 7% to 10% moisture content. However, the wood will forever allow moisture to pass into and out of its structure. Each variety of wood has what is called its equilibrium moisture content(EMC). This is the moisture level at which the wood is at rest naturally at a given atmospheric temperature and humidity. It is not constant. When the air is wetter, there will be moisture absorbed by the wood to a new wetter level, which is not the same amount as the moisture level in the air.


  • Sortes de bois
  • Instruments de musique à cordes

Bois destiné à la fabrication des instruments de musique à cordes.


Nos stages ont lieu dans notre atelier de lutherie, spécialement aménagé sur le site de notre scierie spécialisée dans le débit de bois de lutherie [...]


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Record 5 2007-10-05


Subject field(s)
  • Milling and Cereal Industries

The growth of moulds is dependent on the humidity of the air in the space between the seeds. The "critical moisture level" for a particular type of seed is the percentage moisture of the seed when it is in equilibrium with an atmospheric RH [relative humidity] of about 70% at 25 degrees C. This is the minimum moisture level required for the germination of spores of many spoilage moulds at moderate temperatures.


  • Minoterie et céréales

La prolifération des moisissures est influencée par l'humidité de l'air dans les espaces entre les graines. Le «degré d'humidité critique» pour un genre particulier de graines équivaut au pourcentage d'humidité de la graine lorsque ce pourcentage est en équilibre avec une humidité relative de l'atmosphère d'environ 70 % à 25 degrés C. Ce degré d'humidité est le minimum nécessaire pour la germination des spores de bon nombre de moisissures qui détériorent les graines à des températures modérées.


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Record 6 2007-01-25


Subject field(s)
  • Anti-pollution Measures
  • Climate Change

The trace element iron has been recently shown to play a critical role in nutrient utilization, phytoplankton growth and therefore the uptake of carbon dioxide from the surface waters of the global ocean. Carbon fixation in the surface waters, via phytoplankton growth, shifts the ocean/atmosphere exchange equilibrium for carbon dioxide. As a result, levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide(a greenhouse gas) and iron flux to the oceans have been linked to climate change(glacial to interglacial transitions). These recent findings have led some to suggest that large scale iron fertilization of the world's oceans may therefore be a feasible strategy for controlling climate.


  • Mesures antipollution
  • Changements climatiques

À la surface des océans, le phytoplancton absorbe le CO2 atmosphérique via la photosynthèse. [...] La stimulation de la production du phytoplancton permettrait donc d'augmenter la pompe biologique du carbone. Différentes méthodes ont été proposées pour stimuler cette productivité marine, parmi lesquelles : la fertilisation par le fer («iron fertilization»), la culture intensive des algues [...] Un apport de fer aux zones océaniques déficitaires permettrait donc de stimuler la production primaire marine, et par conséquent d'augmenter l'exportation de carbone vers les fonds océaniques.


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Record 7 2003-09-12


Subject field(s)
  • Orbital Stations

The calculations for the ISS [International Space Station] quasi-steady acceleration environment can be compared to a set of formal design requirements which state that 50 percent of the ISPR [International Standard Payload Rack] locations within the U.S. Lab, Columbus and the JEM must have quasi-steady accelerations below 1 ug for periods of 30 continuous days a total of 6 times per year. The operation of the Station in Microgravity Mode is designed to produce these 30 day intervals. The quasi-steady acceleration vector has an additional directional stability requirement stating that the component perpendicular to the vector’s orbital average must be less than or equal to 0.2 [mu] g. To meet this requirement the Station’s attitude must be controlled during orbit so that it maintains a constant position relative to the LVLH [Local Vertical/Local Horizontal] axes.


The quasi-steady state acceleration level is determined primarily by the combined effects of atmospheric drag(due to the finite residual Earth's atmosphere at the orbital altitude of the ISS), and gravity gradient stabilisation of the ISS. Gravity gradient stabilisation uses the principle that a body in orbit around the Earth will tend to rotate about it's centre of mass, as each part of the body will tend to follow it's own orbit. It will normally oscillate about a mean orientation, but will eventually remain in a stable orientation with respect to the Earth. The normal orientation for the ISS is the Torque Equilibrium Attitude discussed earlier. The resultant combination of atmospheric drag, gravity gradient and other secondary effects produce a set of gravity contours(i. e., locations of equal gravity level) which define the quasi-steady state microgravity environment of the ISS.


quasi-steady acceleration environment: term officially approved by the International Space Station official approval Group (ISSOAG).


  • Stations orbitales

Les modèles d'analyse dynamique (DAC 8) pour l'ISS [International Space Station] prévoient un environnement caractérisé par des vibrations de l'ordre du milli-g (10-4 g) plutôt que des conditions de véritable microgravité (10-6 g) en raison des activités et des divers éléments de l'ISS qui causent des vibrations intempestives (gigue gravitationnelle). Les travaux antérieurs menés à bord de la navette et de Mir ont montré que le milieu est caractérisé par des vibrations aléatoires continues, orientées dans tous les sens, avec des accélérations de l'ordre du milli-g et des crêtes dépassant souvent les 10 milli-g.


milieu gravitationnel quasi stable : terme uniformisé par le Groupe de travail de la terminologie de la Station spatiale internationale (GTTSSI).


Save record 7

Record 8 1998-11-28


Subject field(s)
  • Placement of Concrete
  • Concrete Construction

Density based on the weight and volume of wood in equilibrium with atmospheric conditions.


The air-dried density shall be determined in accordance with ASTM Standard C567, Unit Weight of Structural Lightweight Concrete.

Key term(s)
  • air dried density
  • air dry density


  • Mise en place du béton
  • Bétonnage

La masse volumique séchée à l'air doit être déterminée conformément aux modalités de la norme ASTM C567, Unit Weight of Structural Lightweight Concrete.


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Record 9 1998-10-15


Subject field(s)
  • Pulp Preparation (papermaking)

Said of any paper sample having its moisture content(usually 3 to 9%) in equilibrium with the atmospheric conditions to which it is exposed, or pulp containing 10% moisture.

Key term(s)
  • air dried
  • air-dried
  • air-dry


  • Préparation de la pâte à papier

Se dit de tout échantillon de pâte à papier ou de papier, dont l'humidité (d'ordinaire de 5 à 9 %) est en équilibre avec l'air ambiant. Dans l'industrie, on suppose que les pâtes sèches contiennent 10 % d'humidité.


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Record 10 1996-08-19


Subject field(s)
  • Paper Manufacturing Processes

The exposure of paper to accurately controlled and specified atmospheric conditions so that its moisture content reaches equilibrium with the surrounding atmosphere.


  • Fabrication du papier

Opération qui consiste à amener le papier ou le carton à un état d'humidité et de température en équilibre avec une atmosphère ambiante spécifiée.


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Record 11 1988-05-05


Subject field(s)
  • Environmental Studies and Analyses
  • Air Pollution
  • Atmospheric Physics

Atmospheric constituents fall into two groups, those that are slowly accumulating and those that cycle between source and sink.... Whether a cycle is in equilibrium depends on how rapidly it equilibrates and on how rapidly the balance between source and sink is perturbed. A measure of the equilibration time of a cycle is the atmospheric residence time T. [The formula is :] T=M/S [, ] Where M is the global atmospheric burden and S is the global source or sink strength of a cycle at steady state.


  • Études et analyses environnementales
  • Pollution de l'air
  • Physique de l'atmosphère


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Record 12 1985-08-29


Subject field(s)
  • Chemistry
  • Air Pollution

What determines the chemistry of rain and snow? The water comes from evaporation and transpiration(water vapor lost by plants) and is essentially distilled, or pure. Once the vapor reaches the atmosphere, however, it condenses on solid particles and soon reaches equilibrium with atmospheric gases. One of the gases is carbon dioxide(CO2), and as carbon dioxide dissolves in the water carbonic acid(H2CO3) forms. Carbonic acid, being a weak acid, dissociates only slightly in distilled water, yielding hydrogen ions and bicarbonate ions(HCO3-). At normal concentrations and pressures of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere the pH of rain and snow would be 5. 6.


La forme "Snow chemistry" a été proposée par analogie à "rain chemistry", attesté dans WAQUB-E, 1983, vol. 8, no 2, p.59.


  • Chimie
  • Pollution de l'air


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© Public Services and Procurement Canada, 2024
TERMIUM Plus®, the Government of Canada's terminology and linguistic data bank
A product of the Translation Bureau


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