The Government of Canada’s terminology and linguistic data bank.

BUSINESS SUIT [10 records]

Record 1 2021-10-13


Subject field(s)
  • Titles of Courses
  • Communication and Information Management
Universal entry(ies)
classification system code, see observation

This online self-paced course looks at how to properly identify your target audience and adapt the tone of your message to suit the reader and the business purpose. Participants will explore a number of topics, including how to write effectively for the three most common purposes in business writing : to inform, to respond and to persuade.


C042: a Canada School of Public Service course code.


  • Titres de cours
  • Gestion des communications et de l'information
Entrée(s) universelle(s)
classification system code, see observation

Ce cours en ligne à rythme libre permet d'apprendre à bien cerner le public cible d'une communication et à adopter le ton qui convient au lecteur et à l'objectif. Les participants aborderont divers sujets, notamment les techniques de rédaction qui correspondent aux trois objectifs les plus courants de la rédaction professionnelle : informer, répondre et convaincre.


C042 : code de cours de l'École de la fonction publique du Canada.


Save record 1

Record 2 2015-04-12


Subject field(s)
  • Practice and Procedural Law

A law suit.


Though it may seem unidiomatic to make litigation a count noun(hence a plural), the usage is old and is today common. "E. g. ", "[The] first and second parties now have certain litigations pending in the Mercer Circuit Court. "... "a single automobile litigation... consumed sixty-three trial days". "The firm engages in general civil practice with emphasis on business litigations". "No court in which a litigation to that end might be brought... This word is best not used, however, as an equivalent of action or suit :"Whether such claims are just need not be decided to determine the rights of the parties to this litigation [read suit]". Properly, litigation=the action or process of carrying on a suit in law or equity("OED") ;thus it does not refer to the suit itself, but to the maintenance of it. Here it seems to be used for trial :"As the rules became more numerous and more nicely distinguished, they became also less easily understood and applied by the great mass of people, until finally no one who had not given the subject particular attention could safely assume to conduct a litigation [read trial]".


  • Droit judiciaire

Désaccord entre deux ou plusieurs personnes porté devant un tribunal.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Derecho procesal
Save record 2

Record 3 2012-10-17


Subject field(s)
  • Men's Clothing

A business suit is, in its most basic form, a jacket and pants set made from matching material.


  • Vêtements pour hommes

Ensemble pour hommes composé d'un veston et d'un pantalon confectionnés dans la même étoffe.


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Record 4 2008-03-26


Subject field(s)
  • System Names
  • Taxation

The system entails a customized set of measures and indicators that are being tailored to define performance in the CRA [Canada Revenue Agency] context and suit its business and management needs. The PMPS is currently capturing quarterly performance information for in-year reports against performance expectations, which, in turn, serves the performance information requirements of the Annual Report.


  • Noms de systèmes
  • Fiscalité

Ce système comporte un ensemble personnalisé de mesures et d'indicateurs qui sont adaptés de façon à définir le rendement dans le contexte de l'ARC [Agence du revenu du Canada] et à répondre aux besoins de celle-ci au chapitre de la gestion et des opérations. À l'heure actuelle, le SPMR permet de saisir des renseignements sur le rendement trimestriel en vue de l'établissement des rapports en cours d'exercice à l'égard des attentes en matière de rendement. Ces renseignements sont ensuite utilisés pour répondre aux besoins en matière de données sur le rendement aux fins du rapport annuel.


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Record 5 2006-06-15


Subject field(s)
  • Various Proper Names
  • Television Arts
  • Literature

The Riddler, real name Edward Nigma is a DC Comics supervillain, an enemy of Batman. Created by Bill Finger and Dick Sprang, he first appeared in Detective Comics No. 140(1948). Known for his green, question mark-covered costume(either as a skintight catsuit or a business suit and bowler hat), The Riddler is obsessed with riddles, puzzles, and word games. He delights in planning crimes and forewarning police and Batman of his capers by sending them often complex riddles. Many adaptations of the Batman mythos have given The Riddler the real name Edward Nigma(or Nygma) or E. Nigma. Occasionally his full name has been given as Edward E. Nigma. Some have depicted this as a false name and his real name as Edward Nashton. In the French and Quebecois translations of various Batman titles, his nom de plume has been translated to Le Sphinx, as in the riddle-posing monster of Greek mythology that Oedipus confronted. In Italy he's called Enigmista, the literal translation of "riddler". In Mexico and Latin America, The Riddler is known as El Acertijo, which literally means "The Riddle". In Brazil, the character is named Charada, which also means "Riddle".


  • Appellations diverses
  • Télévision (Arts du spectacle)
  • Littérature

Personnage malicieux qui s'oppose à Batman dans ses nombreuses aventures en bandes dessinées (comics) publiées par DC Comics, le Sphinx ou Homme-mystère (The Riddler); Edward Nigma (ou parfois Edward Nashton) est un malfaiteur cérébral plutôt qu'un assassin cruel. Obsédé par les devinettes, charades et toute gymnastique intellectuelle très tôt dans sa vie, il se dirigea assez naturellement vers l'accomplissement de délits et autres sortes de turpitudes interdites par la loi. Le Sphinx, rendu célèbre par les indices énigmatiques laissés à l'intention du Chevalier masqué et son costume vert orné de points d'interrogations multiples (complet cravate, chapeau melon et cane ou collants une pièce) devient un des ennemis de Batman les plus reconnus. Même si son physique parfois développé laisse penser le contraire, le Sphinx n'a jamais été doué pour les combats corps à corps; un scénario de comics le montre d'ailleurs très offusqué de la popularisation des meurtres à Gotham City. Le Sphinx est d'ailleurs un des seuls ennemi de Batman à avoir déduit l'identité réelle du Chevalier noir.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Denominaciones varias
  • Televisión (Artes escénicas)
  • Literatura
Save record 5

Record 6 2004-11-18


Subject field(s)
  • Trademarks (Law)
  • Trade

... a mark that is proposed to be used by a person for the purpose of distinguishing or so as to distinguish wares or services manufactured, sold, leased, hired or performed by him from those manufactured, sold, leased, hired or performed by others.


Make a list of proposed trademarks that suit your business or the product or service...


According to the Canadian dictionaries consulted, "trademark" is the preferred spelling.


The general term "mark" is often used in texts as an elliptical variant of trademark."


  • Marques de commerce (Droit)
  • Commerce

Marque qu'une personne projette d'employer pour distinguer, ou de façon à distinguer, les marchandises fabriquées, vendues, données à bail, louées ou les services loués ou exécutés, par elle, des marchandises fabriquées, vendues, données à bail ou louées ou des services loués ou exécutés, par d'autres.


Le terme général «marque» s'emploie souvent dans les textes comme forme abrégée de «marque de commerce».


Le terme «marque de commerce» désigne la marque qui est apposée par celui qui commercialise un produit sans en être le fabricant.


Save record 6

Record 7 2001-11-13


Subject field(s)
  • Textile Industries
  • Fashion and Styles (Clothing)

basic suit made out of wool and rayon dress yarns has 2 jackets. One done in fairisle with chenille and one which is very basic in stockinette with pockets and welts depending upon the fabric used it can be worn for business or festive occasions.


  • Industries du textile
  • Mode

Les costumes basiques [...] costumes classiques pour homme sont présentés [...] sous le titre générique «les costumes de l'homme élégant» [...] ils se composent toujours des mêmes éléments : veste droite 3 boutons fente dans le dos poches passepoilées [...] ces vêtements doivent se conserver plusieurs années et ainsi demeurer indémodables.


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Record 8 1998-09-30


Subject field(s)
  • Textile Industries
  • Knitted and Stretch Fabrics
  • Hosiery and Apparel Industry (Textiles)
  • Commercial Establishments

... Knitwear Shop... Welcome to West End Woollens Knitwear Shop... is a family business, which manufactures Aran knitwear. The distintive Aran sweater, made from pure wool, is a traditional Irish garment... many of the individual knitting stiches have particular meanings. A Style Catalog and a Shop of our most popular styles are available online, with something to suit everyone.


  • Industries du textile
  • Tricot et tissus extensibles
  • Habillement et bonneterie (Textiles)
  • Établissements commerciaux


Save record 8

Record 9 1992-07-23


Subject field(s)
  • Management Operations (General)

The planning of administrative and clerical work for maximum effectiveness.


Standards of effectiveness must be separately established to suit the needs of an enterprise, and will represent a compromise between cost, speed, error rate, reliability, level of service etc. Since administrative work involves the processing of information, O & M studies rely on tracing its flow, analysing the action required in processing it, evaluating the time involved, and devising flow pattern, staffing, physical disposition, equipment and business forms to suit the purpose. Judgement of the information requirements of an enterprise are outside the scope of O & M.


  • Opérations de la gestion (Généralités)

Ensemble des procédures et des méthodes de rationalisation et de planification du travail administratif en vue d'augmenter l'efficacité des opérations.


Save record 9

Record 10 1985-02-06


Subject field(s)
  • Titles of Programs and Courses
  • School and School-Related Administration
  • Computers and Calculators

Micro-computer Business Applications : This 50-week program, sponsored by Canada Employment and Immigration, will train students to operate a micro-computer in a business environment.... Not only will they be able to maintain and support business software but they will also be able to customize commercial products to suit the needs of their employers.


Community college program.

Key term(s)
  • Microcomputer Business Application


  • Titres de programmes et de cours
  • Administration scolaire et parascolaire
  • Ordinateurs et calculateurs

Cours collégial.


Save record 10

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© Public Services and Procurement Canada, 2024
TERMIUM Plus®, the Government of Canada's terminology and linguistic data bank
A product of the Translation Bureau


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