The Government of Canada’s terminology and linguistic data bank.


Record 1 2024-05-31


Subject field(s)
  • Applications of Automation
  • Weed Science

[The] paper investigates the Maximum Acquisition Values(MAVs) of weeding robots and their determinants in both organic and conventional sugar beet farming in Germany. The MAV is defined in [the] paper as the price of the weeding robot that renders the same net profit as the current weeding methods. For [the] analysis, a Monte Carlo simulation approach is used, combined with empirical data and data collected from weeding robot companies. The results show that the MAVs of mechanical weeding robots for organic farming are substantially higher than that of spot spraying robots for conventional farming.


  • Automatisation et applications
  • Mauvaises herbes

Les équipements de sarclage mécanique ont des prix très variables. Des outils simples, comme des ressorts de torsion peuvent coûter aussi peu que 600 $ pour couvrir 4 rangs alors qu'un sarcleur lourd peut dépasser les 10 000 $. Lorsque nécessaire, un système de guidage peut être ajouté au sarcleur, ce qui représente une autre dépense. Pour un robot de désherbage mécanique, on parle de prix relativement élevés, pouvant se situer dans une fourchette allant de 40 000$ à 140 000$.


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Record 2 2022-11-29


Subject field(s)
  • Cartography
  • Geology

Conventional core analysis and porosity log data from ~2, 000 wells were combined with the isopach map to generate an isoporosity map.


  • Cartographie
  • Géologie


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Record 3 2022-01-07


Subject field(s)
  • Collaboration with the FAO
  • Modelling (Mathematics)
  • Ecosystems
  • Commercial Fishing

... the application of conventional mathematics and biology may be of limited utility in understanding the dynamics of... complex ecosystems. The typical reductionist approach to aquatic ecosystem analysis is the top-down approach. Equational models(top-down attemps at approximating nature) are subject to many limitations... In general, equational models are not good at dealing with highly nonlinear effects, such as thresholding or if-then-else conditionals, which occur in behavioral and ecological studies.


  • Collaboration avec la FAO
  • Modélisation (Mathématique)
  • Écosystèmes
  • Pêche commerciale


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Record 4 2019-05-28


Subject field(s)
  • Scientific Measurements and Analyses
  • Food Safety
  • Collaboration with the FAO

The CSA [comparative safety assessment] is basically a two-tiered approach. The initial step comprises a thorough comparison with the closely related conventional counterpart to identify any differences that may have safety implications for the consumer. This comparison includes both phenotypic characteristics as well as a compositional analysis. The phenotypic analysis should also include comparative health parameters. The compositional analysis will focus on key substances in the animal products under scrutiny and will be subject to changes according to the latest scientific state of the art. The second step of the CSA comprises the toxicological and nutritional evaluation of the identified differences between the GM [genetically modified] animal and its conventional counterpart. As a result of this second step, additional testing may be required and can result in an iterative process in order to obtain all relevant information for the final risk characterization.


  • Mesures et analyse (Sciences)
  • Salubrité alimentaire
  • Collaboration avec la FAO


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Record 5 2019-05-08


Subject field(s)
  • Scientific Measurements and Analyses
  • Food Safety
  • Collaboration with the FAO

The CSA is basically a two-tiered approach. The initial step comprises a thorough comparison with the closely related conventional counterpart to identify any differences that may have safety implications for the consumer. This comparison includes both phenotypic characteristics as well as a compositional analysis. The phenotypic analysis should also include comparative health parameters. The compositional analysis will focus on key substances in the animal products under scrutiny and will be subject to changes according to the latest scientific state of the art. The second step of the CSA comprises the toxicological and nutritional evaluation of the identified differences between the GM [genetically modified] animal and its conventional counterpart. As a result of this second step, additional testing may be required and can result in an iterative process in order to obtain all relevant information for the final risk characterization.


  • Mesures et analyse (Sciences)
  • Salubrité alimentaire
  • Collaboration avec la FAO


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Record 6 2014-11-25


Subject field(s)
  • Orbital Stations
  • Research Experiments in Space
  • Aerospace Medicine

The prime line of development is the respirator equipment. This line of work began with the respiratory monitoring system,(RMS), at ESA's Anthorack facility. This system used conventional mass spectrometer for analysis of inhaled and exhaled gasses. With the second generation equipment, the respirator monitoring system II(RMS II) the analyzer was changed to the photo acoustics multi gas analyzer. The third generation equipment called the advanced respirator.


The European Space Agency life science facilities are described. These include the sled facility, the Biorack and the Anthorack facilities.


  • Stations orbitales
  • Travaux de recherche dans l'espace
  • Médecine aérospatiale

[...] l'ensemble d'instruments de recherche Anthorack, spécialisé dans la physiologie humaine et réalisé sous la maîtrise d'œuvre du groupe français Aérospatiale. Anthorack servira à faire le bilan général des réactions de l'organisme humain en apesanteur en permettant notamment des mesures respiratoires, cardio-vasculaires et hormonales de plusieurs membres de l'équipage à intervalles réguliers pendant les neuf jours de la mission.


Spacelab (de la grosseur d'un autobus), est un laboratoire spatial qui sera un complément à la Station spatiale. Il contient le laboratoire Anthorack.


Anthorack : terme uniformisé par le Comité d'uniformisation de la terminologie spatiale (CUTS).


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Record 7 2013-07-15


Subject field(s)
  • Plant and Crop Production
  • Renewable Energy

The analysis shows that production of dedicated energy crops in place of conventional crops will significantly reduce erosion and chemical runoff.


  • Cultures (Agriculture)
  • Énergies renouvelables

Les saules arbustifs à croissance rapide (Salix spp.) peuvent être améliorés génétiquement, afin de devenir des cultures énergétiques spécialisées et constituer, dans les régions tempérées, un produit durable de remplacement des combustibles fossiles.


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Record 8 2012-04-05


Subject field(s)
  • Hydrology and Hydrography
  • Transport of Water (Water Supply)
  • Geomorphology and Geomorphogeny

A belt on a slope, such as the bank of a stream, along which water emerges at atmospheric pressure and flows down the slope.


When pumping occurs from a well in an unconfined aquifer, a seepage face develops between the elevation where water table intercepts the well face and the water level in the well. The existence of a seepage face often leads to well yields which are less than values determined by conventional analysis.


  • Hydrologie et hydrographie
  • Adduction d'eau (Alimentation en eau)
  • Géomorphologie et géomorphogénie

Surface de sol, de niveau inférieur à celui de la nappe souterraine libre, à travers laquelle l'eau passe du sol saturé dans l'air à la pression atmosphérique.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Hidrología e hidrografía
  • Transporte de agua (Abastecimiento de agua)
  • Geomorfología y geomorfogénesis

Superficie del terreno, por debajo del nivel freático, a través de la cual el agua pasa del terreno saturado hacia el aire a presión atmosférica.

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Record 9 2010-12-14


Subject field(s)
  • Trade Names
  • Inspection for Defects (Materials Engineering)

[The] Property Predictive Software was developed [by CANMET-MTL] from available processing variables(such as melt composition, modification, sand or permanent-mould casting, heat treatment, and mechanical properties). The software uses artificial neural networks(ANN) to predict mechanical properties on-line from alloy chemistry. The ANN model was found to be more accurate than conventional multivariate regression analysis in predicting properties.


Property Predictive Software: A trademark of CANMET-MTL : Canada Centre for Mineral and Energy Technology - Materials Technology Laboratory.


  • Appellations commerciales
  • Détection des défauts des matériaux

[Le] programme d'ordinateur [...] Property Predictive Software (logiciel de prévision des propriétés), [a été mis au point par le LTM-CANMET] à partir des variables disponibles dans le domaine de la transformation, par exemple, la composition du métal fondu, la modification, le moulage au sable ou en coquille, le traitement thermique et les propriétés mécaniques. Le logiciel utilise des réseaux de neurones formels (RNF) pour prévoir les propriétés mécaniques en ligne à partir de la chimie de l'alliage. Pour prévoir les propriétés, le modèle de RNF s'est avéré plus précis que l'analyse de régression multidimensionnelle, qui est la méthode classique.


Property Predictive Software : Marque de commerce de la société LTM-CANMET : Laboratoire de la technologie des matériaux - Centre canadien de la technologie des minéraux et de l'énergie.


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Record 10 2009-08-26


Subject field(s)
  • Scientific Instruments

The analytical electron microscope(AEM) is based on a conventional 200 keV transmission electron microscope(TEM) which has been augmented to include the functions of a scanning transmission electron microscope(STEM) and the scanning electron microscope(SEM). Since the electrons must penetrate through the specimen, the specimen dimensions must be no greater than 1 micrometer thick, and preferably in the range of 100 nm. Bulk specimens may be thinned to this range by a combination of mechanical, chemical, and ion sputtering techniques, all of which are available in the microanalysis laboratory. As an imaging tool, the AEM is capable of 0. 3 nm spatial resolution in the TEM mode, 1 nm resolution in the STEM mode, and 3 nm resolution in the SEM mode. Elemental microanalysis is carried out by means of energy dispersive x-ray spectrometry(EDS) and electron energy loss spectrometry(EELS), which together provide sensitivity to all elements with atomic number > 2. Quantitative analysis is carried out by means of a relative sensitivity factor method based on glass, mineral, and metal alloy standards.


  • Instruments scientifiques

Le Centre [London Centre for Nanotechnology (ou LCN]), abritera 200 m² de salles blanches ainsi qu'une gamme complète d'outils de caractérisation à l'échelle nanométrique. Un de ces outils sera un puissant microscope électronique analytique (ou AEM pour «Analytical Electron Microscope») d'une résolution de 1,4. Selon «Imperial College», il n'existe que trois microscopes de ce type au monde (Europe et Etats-Unis). Ses capacités d'analyse des matériaux donneront des informations sur la composition locale, les liaisons et l'état électronique des atomes. Les chercheurs du LCN espèrent que cet outil leur permettra de pénétrer les relations complexes qui existent entre l'arrangement atomique d'un matériau et les propriétés et les performances d'un dispositif fabriqué à partir de celui-ci. Les projets de recherche menés grâce à ce microscope concerneront les piles à combustible, les nanostructures magnétiques, les revêtements intelligents, les points quantiques semiconducteurs et la recherche biomédicale.


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Record 11 2007-08-06


Subject field(s)
  • Computer Mathematics

Global analysis of gene expression by using DNA microarrays is employed increasingly to search for differences in biological properties between normal and diseased tissue.... We used GABRIEL(Genetic Analysis By Rules Incorporating Expert Logic), a platform of knowledge-based algorithms for the global analysis of gene expression, together with conventional statistical approaches, to examine the sensitivity of conclusions to threshold choice in recently published microarray-based studies.


Analysis by Rules. The password cracker combines user-specific information, like the username and full name, with a series of precompiled word lists to obtain a list of password candidates. To each word in this list, it applies a set of transformation rules to generate even more potential passwords.


Genetic, morphological, structural analysis by rules.


  • Mathématiques informatiques

Le nouveau moteur antispam de NETASQ consiste en une analyse de liste noire DNS (RBL) [...] et un moteur d'analyse heuristique [qui] réalise de nombreuses analyses (sur les entêtes de messages ainsi que sur le contenu), telle l'analyse par règles empiriques, l'analyse sémantique, la recherche de contre-mesures et même l'analyse du code HTML intégré.


Stratégie d'analyse et organisation syntaxique et sémantique. L'oral spontané se caractérise par la souplesse des constructions syntaxiques et sémantiques : en particulier, les changements de parcours rendent difficile une analyse linéaire de l'énoncé. Tous les systèmes basés sur une analyse par règles (comme par exemple TINA) sont confrontés à ce problème. En revanche, les analyses sélectives semblent mieux armées pour y faire face.


Analyse par règles pour l'extraction de connaissances. Cette approche consiste à utiliser une analyse du texte basée sur des règles décrivant des schémas de relations à rechercher dans le corpus. L'objectif est de repérer les contextes de ces relations dont les contraintes morphosyntaxiques sont décrites dans des règles déclaratives du type : (SI conditions ALORS conclusion). Cette démarche a été appliquée au système SEEK (Jouis, 1995) en se basant sur la grammaire applicative et cognitive de Desclés (1990). En appliquant des règles morphosyntaxiques préétablies, il est possible de repérer des relations à partir de textes connaissant des indices et des marqueurs linguistiques.


Construction de la sémantique à partir de corpus de dialogue oral homme-machine : De la description catégorielle à la modélisation stochastique («Constructing semantics using corpora of oral human-machine dialogs: From a categorial description to stochastic modeling»). Cette thèse traite du problème de la compréhension automatique de la parole spontanée. L'objectif est de concevoir et d'étudier une méthode stochastique pour l'analyse sémantique et de la comparer avec une méthode conventionnelle d'analyse par règles.


Analyse par règles empiriques, lexicales.


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Record 12 2007-01-31


Subject field(s)
  • Space Exploration Equipment and Tools
  • Remote Sensing

The main advantage of imaging spectrometers in comparison to conventional optional mechanical multi spectral scanners is the availability of a large number of narrow band width spectral channels combined with... specific selection feature of a few channels for data recording or transmission.... The Narrow band width channels permit a detailed analysis of spectral fine structures... As a result these sensors will permit an essential improvement of data interpretation for environmental monitoring.


imaging spectrometer: term officially approved by the RADARSAT-2 Terminology Approval Group (RTAG).


  • Équipement et outillage d'exploration spatiale
  • Télédétection

Pour maximiser l'information recueillie sur le comportement infrarouge d'une cible, les scientifiques [...] ont réussi à regrouper en un seul système les points forts du radiomètre, de l'imageur thermique et du spectromètre. Il s'agit du spectromètre imageur, qui permet de recueillir davantage de renseignements que la somme des mesures obtenues avec chacun des appareils unidimensionnels. Le fait d'inclure une dimension spatiale à la technologie de mesure de spectres infrarouges constitue une importante percée en imagerie à haute résolution spectrale.


spectromètre imageur : terme uniformisé par le Groupe de travail de la terminologie de Radarsat-2 (GTTR0.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Equipo de exploración espacial
  • Teledetección
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Record 13 2004-02-17


Subject field(s)
  • Meteorological Forecasting, Data Measurement and Analysis

Analysis of mesoscale phenomena, such as fronts and cloud clusters, with scales ranging from a few to some tens of kilometres.


The analysis seeks to define mesoscale features of the observed temperature, pressure, moisture, and wind fields that can be related to important local and regional circulations that in turn may have a significant impact on local and regional weather systems. The mesoanalysis differs from the more conventional synoptic-scale representation of the wind and pressure features in that smaller-scale features inherent in the wind, pressure, and moisture fields are retained in the analysis.

Key term(s)
  • meso-analysis
  • meso analysis


  • Prévisions météorologiques et mesure et analyse des données

Analyse de phénomènes de méso-échelle, tels que fronts et amas de nuages, à des échelles se situant entre quelques kilomètres et quelques dizaines de kilomètres.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Previsiones meteorológicas, medición y análisis de datos

Análisis de los fenómenos de mesoescala, tales como los frentes y las aglomeraciones de nubes convectivas, con escalas que van de unos kilómetros a unas decenas de kilómetros.

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Record 14 2003-11-25


Subject field(s)
  • Radiological Physics (Theory and Application)

This unique combination of surface and transmission X-ray analysis provides a complete elemental characterisation of a sample in one simple step. The innovative design of the XGT-5000 allows for a non-destructive analysis at normal atmospheric pressure. It incorporates a novel coaxial arrangement of the X-ray beam and the optical visual image to enable fast and accurate sample positioning.


The recently developed and ground breaking Horiba X-ray Guide Tube(XGT) incorporated within the system provides a spatial resolution down to 10 [mu] m, an unprecedented performance in the field of micro X-ray analysis. The new capabilities and functionality of the XGT-5000 expands the technique of X-ray elemental analysis from the conventional applications of material research to emerging fields of interest such as biology, mineralogy and environmental analysis.


  • Physique radiologique et applications


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Física radiológica (Teoría y aplicación)
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Record 15 2002-09-09


Subject field(s)
  • Electrical Systems
  • Gears and Friction Wheels
  • Bearings and Bearing Systems (Mechanical Components)

When the cepstral analysis is performed... the ball-cage vibrations and changes in vibrations that are symptomatic of wear can be detected earlier in a test than they can be by more conventional methods based on straingauge measurements.... Cepstral analysis is particularly useful in diagnoses of gearboxes and rolling element bearings....


A cepstrum is a spectrum of a logarithmic power spectrum. Because of this, a peak in the cepstrum indicates periodicity in the spectrum; usually, this signifies a family of harmonics at equal frequency intervals.


Cepstral analysis has been widely applied to gear monitoring. The cepstrum is well suited for the detection of sidebands in vibration spectra and for the estimation of their evolution during gear life. In addition, since the cepstrum estimates the average sideband spacing over a wide frequency range, it allows very accurate measurement of the sideband periodicity. It is therefore applicable to both detection and diagnosis of gear faults.


  • Ensembles électrotechniques
  • Engrenages et roues de friction
  • Paliers, coussinets et roulements (Composants mécaniques)


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Record 16 2001-11-13


Subject field(s)
  • Analytical Chemistry

A technique enabling the separation of very complex mixtures of organic compounds. The plates are prepared from optimized thin adsorbent layers. HPTLC offers greater separation efficiency through smaller plate heights than the conventional TLC plates, shorter analysis time, and detection limits in the nanogram and picogram range.

Key term(s)
  • high-performance thin-layer chromatography


  • Chimie analytique
Key term(s)
  • chromatographie sur couche mince à haute performance


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Química analítica
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Record 17 2001-09-17


Subject field(s)
  • Measuring Instruments (Engineering)
  • Lasers and Masers
  • Optics
  • Flight Instruments and Equipment (Aeroindustry)

Title: The loss difference in out-of-plane cavity laser gyros.


The... analysis... serves to make the basic point that the conventional electronic feedback oscillator and the cavity laser share the same basic features.

Key term(s)
  • cavity laser gyroscope


  • Instruments de mesure (Ingénierie)
  • Masers et lasers
  • Optique
  • Instruments et équipement de bord (Constructions aéronautiques)

[...] signalons l'entrée en service, en 1994, sur avion de transport civil, du gyromètre à fibre optique [...] Son principe de fonctionnement est voisin du gyrolaser à cavité. Un rayon laser, émis par une diode super-luminescente, traverse un coupleur optique où il est divisé en deux faisceaux qui parcourent en sens contraire une fibre optique très fine enroulée sur une bobine. Les deux faisceaux sont recombinés en sortie de bobine, pour créer des franges d'interférence. Une vitesse angulaire autour de l'axe de la bobine provoque un déplacement des franges d'interférence. Ce déplacement est détecté au moyen de cellules photosensibles.


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Record 18 2001-04-01


Subject field(s)
  • Engineering Tests and Reliability
  • Space Centres

Failure effect analysis(FEA) plays an important role in the design of reliable and safe systems. However, conventional FEA methods depend on the expert judgement and experience, which may lead to erroneous result.


  • Fiabilité, contrôle et essais (Ingénierie)
  • Centres spatiaux


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Record 19 1998-08-21


Subject field(s)
  • Environmental Studies and Analyses
  • Simulation (Cybernetic Systems)

The best we can hope for is to invoke mode 4 [aided judgment] as the primary basis for decision-making in environmental impact assessment, with limited use of conventional statistical analysis, computer simulation models and a more rigorous approach to the analysis of expert opinion and judgements.


  • Études et analyses environnementales
  • Simulation (Systèmes cybernétiques)


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Record 20 1997-05-21


Subject field(s)
  • Renewable Energy

Queen's Extractive Fermentation(EF). As noted on pages XXX-YYY of this proceedings, Queen's EF process appeared to be a very promising process. Economic analysis done by Wardrop and Associates estimated an 8-10% reduction in processing costs over conventional batch fermentation. [Source : ethanol project-Sncwork. en p. 1].


  • Énergies renouvelables

Procédé de fermentation extractive (FE) de l'Université Queen's. Comme on l'a indiqué dans le compte rendu, le procédé de fermentation extractive semblait très prometteur. Une analyse économique effectuée par Wardrop and Associates a évalué à 8 - 10 % la réduction des coûts de production que permettait ce procédé par rapport au procédé de fermentation discontinu classique. [Source: projet éthanol - Sncwork.fr p. 1].


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Record 21 1990-02-14


Subject field(s)
  • Civil Engineering
  • Architectural Design

The proportioning of members to carry loads in a structure in the most economical way. A structural design is carried out in two main parts, the first being a rough estimate of the loads with the structural analysis. When the structural analysis is checked and found satisfactory the loads are more accurately estimated. The second half of the design consists of the proportioning of the members according to the calculations of the first half, together with the adjustment of the original calculations to any final altered sizes of parts. This is the main work of a structural engineer, since most conventional building types have been sufficiently analysed and need no further analysis in the drawing office.


The two processes [structural analysis and structural design] can be treated separately in isostatic structures.... In the design of hyperstatic structures... the processes of design and analysis cannot easily be separated.


  • Génie civil
  • Conception architecturale

Conception générale et calcul des structures.


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Record 22 1986-06-05


Subject field(s)
  • Public Sector Budgeting
  • Industry-Government Relations (Econ.)

In recent years, the major source of economic rent from natural resource production in Canada has been the energy sector-from conventional oil, natural gas and liquefied petroleum gases(LPG), and hydrogenerated electricity. While these resources have thus been the primary focus of our efforts to estimate the magnitude of natural resource rent in Canada, a first approximation of economic rent generated by forestry and(non-energy) mineral production has also been incorporated into the analysis...

Key term(s)
  • rent from natural resource production
  • energy rent


  • Budget des collectivités publiques
  • Relations de l'industrie avec l'État (Écon.)
Key term(s)
  • rente provenant de l'exploitation des ressources naturelles


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Record 23 1985-03-26


Subject field(s)
  • Systems Analysis (Information Processing)

The main hope for improving programming productivity in the 1970's was structured techniques. We can now survey extensive experience with the techniques advocated by Yourdon, Constantine, Gane and Sarson, Michael Jackson and others. Structured analysis as commonly practiced usually takes longer than conventional systems analysis(albeit for good reason). It is clear that much better techniques are both possible and essential as computers continue to plunge in cost.


  • Analyse des systèmes informatiques


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© Public Services and Procurement Canada, 2024
TERMIUM Plus®, the Government of Canada's terminology and linguistic data bank
A product of the Translation Bureau


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