The Government of Canada’s terminology and linguistic data bank.


Record 1 2005-03-23


Subject field(s)
  • Atmospheric, Climatic and Meteorological Phenomena

... whirling columns of water droplets that spiral up from a lake or sea [and that] frequently form under clear skies.


Waterspouts form over (or move across) the coastal waters or intracoastal waters ... They are treated as tornadoes over water. There are two type of waterspouts: "fair weather" and "tornadic". Fair weather waterspouts are usually weaker, move slowly, and may not be associated with a thunderstorm. Tornadic waterspouts form within developing thunderstorms, or severe thunderstorms, and move much faster while being more intense.


The most common type of waterspout is a fairweather waterspout, which arises over warm seas, e. g. near Florida. It lasts for only a few minutes. These waterspouts are generally of F0 intensity, with winds of no more than 30 m/s. They typically occur during the developing stage of an airmass thunderstorm, below the main updraft. These thunderstorms are found in weakly sheared environments, so the spin-up must result mainly from vortex stretching and less from vortex tilting.


Fair weather waterspouts only form over water. ... The fair weather waterspouts are much more regular than tornadic waterspouts.

Key term(s)
  • fair-weather waterspout
  • fair-weather water-spout
  • fair-weather water spout
  • fair weather water-spout
  • fair weather water spout
  • fairweather water-spout
  • fairweather water spout


  • Phénomènes météorologiques, climatiques et atmosphériques

La trombe marine véritable se forme au-dessus de l'eau et n'est pas accompagnée d'un violent orage. Si jamais un orage intense produisant une tornade passe au-dessus d'une masse d'eau, cette tornade présente autant de danger que sur terre. La différence entre la tornade et la trombe marine tient exclusivement aux conditions atmosphériques en présence dans le second cas. Si le temps est frais et nuageux et qu'il y a quelques averses mais pas d'orage comme tel, tout entonnoir ressemblant à une tornade qui pourrait se former au-dessus de l'eau est une trombe marine.


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TERMIUM Plus®, the Government of Canada's terminology and linguistic data bank
A product of the Translation Bureau


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