The Government of Canada’s terminology and linguistic data bank.

FLOW ONTO [22 records]

Record 1 2023-01-31


Subject field(s)
  • Welding and Soldering (Metals)
  • Printed Circuits and Microelectronics

Soldering of printed circuit boards by moving them over a flowing wave of molten solder in a solder bath ...


Flow soldering is a technique used to bulk solder components onto a printed circuit board. This process is typically used when a single sided [printed circuit board] has a medium to high number of conventional or through-hole components. This process is also often referred to as "wave soldering" because of the wave-like motion the molten solder takes when applied to the [printed circuit board]. The circuit board is passed over a bath of molten solder in which a pump produces an upwelling of solder that looks like a standing wave. As the circuit board makes contact with this wave, the components become soldered to the board.


... the process permits precise control of the depth of immersion in the molten solder and minimizes heating of the board.


  • Soudage (Métal)
  • Circuits imprimés et micro-électronique

La soudure à la vague est une technique utilisée [...] pour fixer un ensemble de microcomposants à la surface d'une carte électronique.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Soldadura (Metales)
  • Circuitos impresos y microelectrónica
Save record 1

Record 2 2018-12-06


Subject field(s)
  • Fixed Rescue Facilities (fire)
  • Metrology and Units of Measure
  • Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics (Physics)

The volumetric flow rate of water per unit area that is delivered onto the top horizontal surface of a simulated burning combustible array.


The ADD depends upon water droplet size, spray pattern, discharge rate and fire size.


It is typically determined relative to a specific heat release rate of a fire.


The typical units are millimetres per minute ...


actual delivered density; ADD: term, abbreviation and definition standardized by ISO.


  • Installations fixes de secours (incendies)
  • Unités de mesure et métrologie
  • Mécanique des fluides et hydraulique (Physique)

Débit volumique d'eau par unité de surface libérée sur la surface horizontale supérieure de combustibles en combustion factice.


Elle est généralement déterminée par rapport à un débit calorifique spécifique d'un incendie.


[La densité réelle délivrée] est exprimée en millimètres par minute [...]


densité réelle délivrée; DRD : terme, abréviation et définition normalisés par l'ISO.


Save record 2

Record 3 2017-04-20


Subject field(s)
  • Nuclear Plant Safety

An ex-vessel steam explosion may occur if the primary system is breached by hot debris. Debris in the reactor outlet piping may fail the piping and fall onto the pump room floor or debris on the reactor vessel bottom may be blocked from flowing into the outlet piping if it freezes in the effluent piping nozzle muff structure. If this occurs, the debris will heat up on the reactor vessel bottom and eventually fail the bottom shield. The likely mode of failure of the bottom shield is collapse of the shield as a whole. If it collapses, the entire shield, as well as the molten debris, will fall into the pin room below the reactor vessel. The debris will then flow across the floor into the pump room. In either event, a large portion of the reactor fuel inventory will be deposited on the pump room floor. The pump room floor will be covered with water in many scenarios. A steam explosion may result when the debris enters this water.


  • Sûreté des centrales nucléaires

La condition nécessaire à une explosion vapeur est le simple contact entre les deux fluides, mais les situations les plus énergétiques sont celles où les deux fluides sont mélangés avant que ne se déclenche la fragmentation. Dans les réacteurs à eau pressurisée de tels mélanges pourraient se former après la fusion du cœur lors de la relocalisation du corium en fond de cuve (explosion en cuve) et/ou éventuellement lors de la percée de la cuve et la chute du corium dans le puits de cuve (explosion hors cuve).


Save record 3

Record 4 2016-09-23


Subject field(s)
  • The Skin
  • Dactyloscopy
  • Biometrics

Friction ridges... are found on the digits, palms and soles. They are called "friction" ridges because of their biological function to assist in our ability to grasp and hold onto objects.... ridges vary in length and width, branch off, end suddenly and, for the most part, flow in concert with each other to form distinct patterns.


  • Appareil cutané
  • Dactyloscopie
  • Biométrie

Petite éminence à la surface du derme à l'intérieur des doigts, des orteils, de la paume des mains et sur la plante des pieds.


Les crêtes papillaires forment des dessins. Le sens du toucher est localisé à cet endroit.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Piel
  • Dactiloscopia
  • Biometría

Cresta en la piel de los dedos y de las palmas de las manos, y en los dedos y las suelas de los pies, [que] hace contacto con una superficie incidente ante el roce normal.


Las crestas papilares, en identificación, son los relieves epidérmicos que formando variadísimos dibujos aparecen visibles en la cara palmar de las manos y en la planta de los pies [...]


En los dedos, [los] patrones distintivos formados por las crestas de fricción [...] forman las huellas dactilares.

Save record 4

Record 5 2014-05-09


Subject field(s)
  • Tools and Equipment (Textile Industries)
  • Textiles: Preparation and Processing

Horizontal spindle machines may be rectangular in design, similar to hank dyeing machines, but modified to take frames, onto which yarn packages are inserted horizontally, or alternatively may be a horizontal autoclave into which is wheeled the carrier containing the yarn packages. Both types operate with high flow rate pumps, which are necessary to give good circulation of the dye liquor. These machines are usually used for bulky yarns, which are wound onto soft packages, again to increase dye liquor penetration.


  • Outillage et équipement (Industries du textile)
  • Apprêt et traitements divers (Textiles)

Machines de teinture horizontales à clarinette appelées «armoires», similaires aux machines de teinture pour écheveaux, mais conçues différemment pour recevoir des supports sur lesquels les bobines de fil sont emboîtées horizontalement. Il peut également s'agir d'un autoclave horizontal, dans lequel on introduit un porte-matières supportant les bobines de fil. Dans les deux cas, les machines sont équipées de pompes à haut débit, nécessaires pour assurer une bonne circulation du bain de teinture. Ces machines sont habituellement utilisées pour teindre des fils gonflants, enroulés sur bobines molles, afin d’obtenir un meilleur taux de pénétration du bain de teinture.


Save record 5

Record 6 2008-05-15


Subject field(s)
  • Surface Treatment of Metals
  • Electrolytical Processes (Metallurgy)
  • Anti-pollution Measures

Pollution Prevention Opportunity Evaluation. Waste-generating Process: Metal Finishing - Surface Preparation. Opportunity: Reduce Rinsewater Use; Use of Rinsewater as Chemical Solution Make-up. ... The use water for rinsing can be reduced by several methods: ... A still rinse tank, also known as "dead rinse," "stagnant rinse," and "recovery rinse," can be used ahead of flowing rinses to concentrate the drag out in one tank and to reduce the amount of chemicals discharged to the sewer. The dead rinsewater can be used as make-up chemical solution.


Installing an electrowinning unit on a stagnant rinse tank after a dragout recovery tank is the most common and costeffective application of electrowinning. To maintain a steady-state metal concentration in the stagnant rinse at or below the maximum contaminant concentration, the rate of metal deposition onto the electrowinning cathodes must be greater than or equal to the rate of dragin from the preceding tank. Thus, the metal deposition rate is an essential design parameter that ultimately affects the capacity, size and cost of the electrowinning unit.... Because metal and cyanide concentration in the stagnant rinse are lowered, subsequent rinses will be cleaner, allowing the flow rates in these rinses to be reduced or turned off. In many cases, rinse water flow is reduced to a rate equal to the evaporation rate from the stagnant rinse.


  • Traitements de surface des métaux
  • Électrolyse (Métallurgie)
  • Mesures antipollution

Rinçage [...] en bain sans circulation.


Rinçage statique ou rinçage mort. Propriétés : cuve sans alimentation continue en eau propre, vidanges périodiques, permet de réduire les pertes par entraînement.


Les cuves de prérinçage. Avant le rinçage proprement dit, les pièces sont placées dans des cuves de rinçage statique («rinçage mort»).


Save record 6

Record 7 2008-01-28


Subject field(s)
  • Office Equipment and Supplies
  • Electrical Appliances and Equipment

... RACE, an innovative, chic, and highly flexible method of organizing individual work areas [designed by Montréal designer David Ball]. RACE consists of components that are designed to be easily adjustable. Space dividers, desktops and filing space are all supported by a horizontal beam with a so-called raceway, a hollow core containing electrical wiring and data communications cables. The beam rests on metal posts at desk-top level, providing easy access to electrical outlets and allowing air to flow freely around and under the work area. Padded acoustic panels can be snapped onto vertical bars that rise above the desktop, providing privacy. Unlike similar systems, each piece can be moved separately and the raceway, for which the design is named, is flexible enough to accommodate rapidly changing communications systems. First developed in 1978, RACE has been fine-tuned over the years.... Its manufacturer and distributor, Haworth Inc. of Holland, Mich., acquired the manufacturing rights to RACE in 1990....


  • Équipement et fournitures de bureau
  • Appareillage électrique


Save record 7

Record 8 2005-03-18


Subject field(s)
  • Atmospheric, Climatic and Meteorological Phenomena

Driving rain is rain that is carried by the wind and driven onto the building envelope(façades and roofs). It is a complex phenomenon of falling raindrops in a turbulent flow of wind around a building. It is one of the important climatological factors which determine long-term use and durability of building envelopes.


Numerical calculation of driving rain on buildings. Rain, which is given a horizontal velocity component by the influence of wind, is termed wind-driven or driving rain. Driving rain is one of the main sources to the amount of moisture a building is exposed to, and thereby contributes to the processes deteriorating the building envelope. Knowledge about the exposure of a building to driving rain is needed in order to minimise the deteriorating processes, and thus contributes to ensure a satisfactory performance of the building design.

Key term(s)
  • wind driven rain
  • wind blown rain


  • Phénomènes météorologiques, climatiques et atmosphériques

La pénétration de la pluie qui est causée par les pressions du vent constitue un problème important du point de vue de la performance en construction, mais au fur et à mesure que l'on en connaîtra davantage sur le rapport entre la pluie et le vent, il sera possible de concevoir de façon économique des édifices qui sont plus en mesure de résister à la pluie chassée par le vent.


Exposition à de la pluie chassée par le vent en provenance de toutes les directions.


Save record 8

Record 9 2004-02-10


Subject field(s)
  • Types of Glass
  • Glazing Materials (Constr.)

Molten glass poured into a mold.


Casting is used only for producing small quantities of special glasses. The glass is cast in a mold or on a steel-topped table with raised edges. The molten glass is poured onto the table and allowed to flow to the shape of the slab. After casting the glass is ground and polished.


  • Sortes de verre
  • Matériaux verriers (Construction)

Par verre coulé, on désigne une famille de verres obtenus par un procédé de couplage. Le verre brut, le verre imprimé, le verre jardinier translucide, le verre armé et le verre imprimé armé en font partie. On peut également fabriquer du verre coulé coloré.


Les verres plats comprennent les verres de vitrage (verres à vitre et glaces) et les verres coulés.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Tipos de vidrio
  • Materiales vidriados (Construcción)
Save record 9

Record 10 2003-03-06


Subject field(s)
  • Turbines
  • Geothermal Power Plants

Total flow impulse turbine. This is simply a proposal for an axial flow impulse turbine to which water/steam mixtures are admitted through expansion nozzles for impingement onto impulse blading.


  • Turbines
  • Centrales géothermiques


Save record 10

Record 11 2002-11-19


Subject field(s)
  • Industrial Tools and Equipment
  • Brewing and Malting

A sparge arm is another worthwhile brewery option. Although it does not actually save time, it does decrease the amount of effort you must spend pouring sparge water into the lauter tun. A sparge arm can be purchased ready-made, improvised from a shower head, or fabricated at home. One simple design is a perforated copper loop that lies on top of the grain in the lauter tun. It is connected to the hot liquor tank by food-grade tubing, and you control the flow of water from the hot liquor tank using a ball valve. Water is run through the copper loop onto the grain bed at a rate about equal to the rate of wort leaving the tun.


  • Outillage industriel
  • Brasserie et malterie


Save record 11

Record 12 2002-10-15


Subject field(s)
  • Biological Sciences

A physical or chemical process used to fix enzymes, bacteria and cultures of plant or animal cells, or organelles derived from these sources, onto a solid support or trap them in a solid matrix. Such systems are employed as biocatalysts in continuous flow systems(e. g., packed column reactors or expanded bed systems).


  • Sciences biologiques

Procédé physique ou chimique de stabilisation d'une enzyme, le plus souvent au moyen d'un support, lui conservant ses propriétés et facilitant son emploi répétitif. Par extension, tout procédé qui traite des cellules ou des fractions cellulaires dans des conditions analogues.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Ciencias biológicas
Save record 12

Record 13 2001-08-27


Subject field(s)
  • Stock Exchange
  • Laws of the Market (Economy)
  • Grain Growing

[...] A slowdown in the normal flow of grain to a terminal may cause a shortage in supply available for immediate delivery. The holders of short futures positions in the near contracts would be unable to fulfill their commitments to deliver and would need to buy back their futures contracts in order to erase their commitment. At the same time, those who had bought futures contracts, in order to protect the price of a sale, would tend to hold onto the position to ensure that they would receive supplies. To attract sellers to take their positions, the shorts may have to bid for the nearby contracts until they reached a premium over the further contracts, thus creating an inverted market.


  • Bourse
  • Lois du marché (Économie)
  • Culture des céréales

[...] Un ralentissement du mouvement normal du grain vers un silo portuaire peut causer une insuffisance de disponibilités pour livraison immédiate. Les acheteurs nets sur le rapproché ne pourront pas remplir leurs engagements de livraison et devront racheter leurs contrats à terme pour s'en libérer. Parallèlement, ceux qui avaient acheté des contrats à terme pour protéger le prix d'une vente pourraient avoir tendance à retenir leurs positions pour s'assurer de recevoir leurs approvisionnements. En vue d'attirer les vendeurs à prendre leurs positions, les acheteurs nets devront renchérir sur le rapproché jusqu'au point où ces contrats vont être à prime par rapport à l'éloigné, créant ainsi un marché inversé.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Bolsa de valores
  • Leyes del mercado (Economía)
  • Cultivo de cereales

Situación de un mercado de futuros en el que éstos tienen un precio mayor para fechas de ejercicio posteriores.

Save record 13

Record 14 1999-03-23


Subject field(s)
  • Dust Removal

Multi-stage liquid impinger. ... for the separation of particles according to their deposition sites in the respiratory system. The fractions are collected gently into liquid where clumps separate into viable units.


The AGI-30 sampler is a high-velocity liquid impinger widely used for air sample collection. [It] operates by drawing aerosols at a flow rate of 12. 3-12. 6 L/min through an inlet tube curved to simulate the nasal passage. In contrast to impaction of bioaerosols onto agar, impingers may give higher bacterial counts in environments where bacteria are carried as aggregates, mainly because bacterial clusters are broken up.


SCP-1021. A two stage collector/concentration design ... The particle enriched, ... air stream is directed to a liquid impactor which is an integral component of the sampler. The impactor, containing 40 ml of liquid, retains particles which are aerodynamically 2.5 microns or larger in diameter.


  • Dépoussiérage

séparateur à impacts; impacteur : Séparateur qui capte les poussières et les aérosols en suspension dans un effluent gazeux, par choc sur une surface, en milieu sec ou par jet dans un liquide.


Impacteur de Greenburg et Smith. [...] Le bas du flacon est garni d'eau. Cet appareil peut être également employé pour l'absorption de gaz avec des réactifs liquides appropriés.


Save record 14

Record 15 1999-01-13


Subject field(s)
  • Welding and Soldering (Metals)
  • Welding - Various Processes

tungsten-inert gas welding : Welding in which an arc plasma from a non-consumable tungsten electrode radiates heat onto the work surface, to create a weld puddle in a protective atmosphere provided by a flow of inert shielding gas; heat must then travel by conduction from this puddle to melt the desired depth of weld. Abbreviated TIG welding.


  • Soudage (Métal)
  • Procédés de soudage divers

Sigle signifiant : tungstène inerte gaz. Procédé de soudage en atmosphère inerte avec électrode réfractaire.

Key term(s)
  • T.I.G.


Save record 15

Record 16 1993-10-04


Subject field(s)
  • Papermaking Machines
  • Paper Manufacturing Processes

A plastic-covered, sometimes perforated board located under the paper machine wire between the breast roll and first table roll. It is used to eliminate the sag caused by impact of the stock jet from the slice and to improve flow onto the wire.


  • Machines à papier
  • Fabrication du papier

Support plein, percé de trous ou encore formé de lames assemblées avec des entretoises, situé à la sortie de la caisse d'arrivée pour y retarder l'égouttage de la pâte.


On trouvera aussi le terme «marbre» sous l'article de CTD-1.


Save record 16

Record 17 1992-06-09


Subject field(s)
  • Pre-Fire Planning

The result of two full-scaled fire engulfment test on a liquefied petroleum gaz tank protection with a "sublimation coating" (THERMO-LAG 440) and an a tank protected with an intumescent coating (CHARTEK-III) are presented.


Workpieces having dimensions less than 4 in. can be powder coated with a device known as an electrostatic fluidized bed. In this process, powder is held in a container having an open top and a porous bottom through which an upward flow of air causes the powder mass to levitate or "fluidize". Charging electrodes near the surface impart an electrical charge to the powder. Electrically grounded workpieces pass over the surface of the bed and collect a coating of powder. The coating is then cured in a baking oven. There are techniques for applying dry powder coatings without the use of electrostatics.... These processes typically involve preheating the workpiece to a temperature substantially above the melting point of the powder and then applying the powder, either by dipping the workpiece into a fluidized bed or by spraying air-suspended powder directly onto the hot surface of the workpiece. The powder melts immediately upon contact and flows to form a film, which is subsequently cured in a bake oven.


  • Prévision des incendies

Le terme "sublimation" désigne le passage d'un corps de l'état solide à l'état gazeux. Le terme "revêtement (appliqué) par sublimation" a été proposé par analogie avec celui de "teinture par sublimation" (dans TERMIUM, tiré de la source VETEX). Voir la justification qui se trouve dans la partie anglaise de la présente fiche. Elle décrit des techniques de revêtement qui se rapprochent peut-être de la notion qui nous intéresse ici.


Save record 17

Record 18 1989-12-12


Subject field(s)
  • Biological Sciences

Centrifuge that has a tubular section bowl in order to obtain a sufficient length of flow path, and solids are deposited onto the bowl; thus as centrifugation continues the effective bowl diameter, and hence the centrifugal force, are reduced. However, such a centrifuge is easily cleaned, and by using a bowl liner which can be withdrawn, the recovery of deposited material is virtually 100%. Likewise reassembly is a quick and simple procedure.


  • Sciences biologiques

Les centrifugeuses à bol tubulaire fonctionnent de façon discontinue. Nécessitant le démontage du bol pour l'évacuation de la phase solide, elles sont particulièrement adaptées à la séparation de deux phases liquides, ou à la clarification d'une phase liquide peu chargée en particules. Elles trouvent des applications dans le raffinage de l'huile végétale (séparation des savons), et dans la clarification des liquides (industrie pharmaceutique, chimique et alimentaire).


Save record 18

Record 19 1986-06-25


Subject field(s)
  • Turbines
  • Geothermal Power Plants

Total flow impulse turbine.... This is simply a proposal for an axial flow impulse turbine to which water/steam mixtures are admitted through expansion nozzles for impingement onto impulse blading.... The idea is not new, having already been tried at Pauzhetka in the USSR..., where it was shown that the power developed from the water/steam mixture from a test bore was virtually the same as that produced from the steam phase alone from the same well, but that the optimal rotational speed was nearly twice as high with steam as with the wet mixture.


  • Turbines
  • Centrales géothermiques


Save record 19

Record 20 1986-06-18


Subject field(s)
  • Energy Transformation
  • Hydraulic Turbines

This is simply a proposal for an axial flow impulse turbine to which water/steam mixtures are admitted through expansion nozzles for impingement onto impulse blading.


  • Transformation de l'énergie
  • Turbines hydrauliques


Save record 20

Record 21 1978-09-22


Subject field(s)
  • Arc Welding

This course [Quality Assurance Special Metals Welding] includes (...) tungsten inert gas DC welding procedures (...)


tungsten-inert gas welding : Welding in which an arc plasma from a non consumable tungsten electrode radiates heat onto the work surface, to create a weld puddle in a protective atmosphere provided by a flow of inert shielding gas; heat must then travel by conduction from this puddle to melt the desired depth of weld. Abbreviated TIG welding.


DC: direct current.

Key term(s)
  • tungsten inert gas direct current welding


  • Soudage à l'arc

Le procédé T.I.G. fait appel à une électrode infusible (tungstène ou tungstène thorié), qui occupe l'axe d'une buse refroidie, délivrant le gaz de protection, qui peut être de l'argon, de l'hélium, ou, parfois, un mélange argon-hydrogène. Le métal d'apport est amené dans un bain de fusion au fur et à mesure de l'avancement de l'arc. Lorsque ce dernier est alimenté en courant continu, on doit placer la pièce à souder au pôle positif, pour éviter que l'électrode de tungstène se désagrège sous l'effet des électrons émis par le bain de fusion.


Save record 21

Record 22 1977-03-29


Subject field(s)
  • Hydrology and Hydrography

The seaward, return flow near the bottom of a sloping beach of water that was carried onto the shore by waves.


  • Hydrologie et hydrographie

La houle arrivant à la côte peut être comparée à un courant qui appelle nécessairement un contre-courant de profondeur dit "flot de fond".


Save record 22

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