The Government of Canada’s terminology and linguistic data bank.


Record 1 2015-02-25


Subject field(s)
  • Occupation Names (General)
  • Funeral Services

A mortuary cosmetologist is responsible for performing any necessary beauty services on recently deceased individuals in preparation for wakes or viewings. These professionals groom hair, smooth nails, apply makeup, provide skin care and sometimes even hair removal.


Salaries for funeral cosmetologists -- also known as mortuary beauticians -- compare favorably with other individuals working in the industry.


mortuary cosmetician; funeral cosmetician : The term "cosmetician" refers to a person involved in the making and selling of cosmetics.

Key term(s)
  • mortuary make-up artist


  • Désignations des emplois (Généralités)
  • Pompes funèbres

Un maquilleur funéraire prépare les morts pour la visualisation, voire l’esthétique lors d'un enterrement cercueil ouvert. Le but est de faire en sorte que visuellement, le corps ne diffère pas trop de [l'aspect que la personne avait] de son vivant. Les maquilleurs funéraires ont généralement reçu une formation en cosmétologie ou en science mortuaire. La méthode la plus courante pour devenir un maquilleur funéraire est d'assister à un programme de science mortuaire.


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© Public Services and Procurement Canada, 2024
TERMIUM Plus®, the Government of Canada's terminology and linguistic data bank
A product of the Translation Bureau


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