The Government of Canada’s terminology and linguistic data bank.

ORDER AS COSTS [16 records]

Record 1 2023-03-31


Subject field(s)
  • Wastewater Treatment

The term "package treatment unit" is applied to a wide spectrum of plant manufactured [modules] assembled ahead of time, usually at a manufacturing facility remote from the site. A package unit is typically delivered to the site as a skid-mounted unit, pre-piped and pre-wired ready for connecting to the process tanks and mains services, thus saving on installation work and operational downtime.... Package units can... provide a first stage of treatment for effluent from industry, particularly the food and drink sector, in order to cut discharge costs.


package: A preassembled unit.


  • Traitement des eaux usées
Key term(s)
  • unité de traitement pré-assemblée


Save record 1

Record 2 2015-08-13


Subject field(s)
  • Administrative Law
  • Labour Law
  • Special-Language Phraseology

An award on a submission may, by leave of the Court, be entered as a judgment of the Court and may, with taxed costs, be enforced in the same manner as a judgment or order to the same effect.


  • Droit administratif
  • Droit du travail
  • Phraséologie des langues de spécialité

La sentence arbitrale consécutive à un compromis peut, avec l'autorisation de la Cour, être inscrite comme jugement de la Cour et peut être exécutée, avec frais taxés, de la même manière qu'un jugement ou une ordonnance rendue dans le même sens.


Save record 2

Record 3 2012-03-14


Subject field(s)
  • Law of Evidence
  • Courts

Where a party unreasonably denies or refuses to admit the truth of a fact or the authenticity of a document, the court may order the party to pay the costs of proving the truth of the fact or the authenticity of the document and may award as a penalty additional costs, or deprive a party of costs, as the court thinks just.


  • Droit de la preuve
  • Tribunaux

Si une partie nie ou refuse de reconnaître la véracité d’un fait ou l’authenticité d’un document après avoir reçu une demande de reconnaissance et que la véracité du fait ou l’authenticité du document est par la suite établie à l’audience, le Tribunal peut prendre la dénégation ou le refus en considération dans l’exercice de son pouvoir discrétionnaire à l’égard des frais.


Save record 3

Record 4 2011-09-01


Subject field(s)
  • Fires and Explosions

A fire in which the whole building or object is actually under fire.


Evaluation of Pre-loss Documents. Essential in Total Fire Loss Claim Analysis. Evaluation of industrial fire loss claims in which the machinery and equipment is totally destroyed is a difficult but attainable task. Engineers and technical specialists can evaluate replacement costs by obtaining as much information as possible from the insured in order to identify and document machinery and equipment that existed at the time of the loss.


  • Feux et explosions

Incendie dont les flammes envahissent le bâtiment ou l'objet sinistré dans sa totalité.


Ayant encerclé tous les coins du bureau communal (leur cible majeure), ils n'ont pas pu l'incendier. Ils ont néanmoins réussi à commettre d'autres méfaits, comme arracher les yeux de deux malades trouvés au centre de santé de Gitega, l'incendie total de la maternité et le pillage des médicaments.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Fuegos y explosiones
Save record 4

Record 5 2010-12-09


Subject field(s)
  • Nuclear Fission Reactors

Between assemblies of the [reactor] core and those of the storage structure, there are the assemblies constituting the lateral neutron protection resting on the core structure via a false structure … As the manufacturing tolerances are greater and as the clearances between the stored assemblies and the lateral neutron protection assemblies can be greater in order to accept large bending or cambering effects, the precision of the construction of the storage structure can be reduced, which reduces manufacturing costs.


  • Réacteurs nucléaires de fission

Les assemblages de protection neutronique latérale sont des rondins d’acier plantés dans un faux sommier à la périphérie du cœur [du réacteur].


Save record 5

Record 6 2007-12-14


Subject field(s)
  • Aeronautical Engineering and Maintenance

Alenia Aeronautica and Targetti have realized a simulator which is able to reproduce the lighting conditions present when flying at an altitude of 10000 meters, inside a real airplane.... In fact, being able to realistically reproduce natural light opens the way to potentially infinite applications : from the assessment of architectural models to studying the lighting "behavior" of materials and surfaces, to various design requirements, including aircraft instrumentation legibility tests at high quotas, which has been the particular focus of the work carried out by Alenia and Targetti. According to international regulations, aeronautical instrumentation displays, especially those of military aircraft with transparent cockpits, must be approved by tests which involve actually flying the airplane in order to assess performance in real lighting conditions. The costs and risks are obvious as is the value of creating a system which can recreate the light conditions of an aircraft in flight while it is still on the ground.


  • Aérotechnique et maintenance

Ce «Sky Light Simulator» n'est pas le premier simulateur de lumière ambiante, mais c'est le plus grand jamais construit. Sa taille (un dôme de 12 m de diamètre) permet d'héberger l'avant d'un avion pour vérifier la lisibilité des affichages de cockpit dans des conditions d'éclairage les plus variées, allant de la nuit sans lune au plein soleil. Sa porte d'accès de 9,6 m de largeur pour 5,5 m de hauteur permet de faire entrer des avions de la taille d'un C-130 ou d'un Boeing 737.


Répétabilité, traçabilité des conditions d'essai du simulateur de lumière ambiante.


Save record 6

Record 7 2007-03-17


Subject field(s)
  • Real Estate

Where required, the contractor shall review and modify the individual ABPs [Annual Building Plan] in order to develop a PMP [Portfolio Management Plans] which satisfies the established budget levels and identifies the overall plan for : expected O & M [Operating and Maintenance] costs, identified by qualifier; planned projects, prioritized and identified as capital or repair; retail letting revenues(where applicable) ;and contractor fees.


  • Immobilier

Au besoin, l'entrepreneur doit examiner et modifier les PAGI [Plan annuel de gestion d'immeuble] afin d'établir un PGP [Plan de gestion du portefeuille] qui respecte les niveaux budgétaires établis et définit le plan global pour : les coûts prévus de F et E [fonctionnement et d'entretien], désignés par qualificateur; les projets planifiés, ordonnés selon un ordre de priorité et désignés comme travaux d'immobilisation ou de réparation; les recettes des opérations de location de points de vente au détail (le cas échéant); les honoraires de l'entrepreneur.


Save record 7

Record 8 2006-05-29


Subject field(s)
  • Tort Law (common law)

In order to give complete indemnity to one party as against another, it has been decided that the correct order to make is an award of solicitor and own-client costs.


  • Droit des délits (common law)

[Le requérant] estime, ainsi qu'il le précise clairement dans le dossier, qu'il aurait dû recevoir l'indemnité complète et que les dispositions devraient être appliquées de manière à lui permettre de l'obtenir.


Save record 8

Record 9 2005-12-21


Subject field(s)
  • Practice and Procedural Law
  • Rules of Court

... the tribunal... may make [an] order for security for costs as is just where it appears that,(a) the person subject to the proceeding has an order for payment of costs made against him or her in the same or another proceeding...


  • Droit judiciaire
  • Règles de procédure

Ordonnance de paiement des frais [ ... ] La Commission [municipale] peut ordonner par qui et à qui les frais seront payés et par qui ils seront taxés et adjugés.


Save record 9

Record 10 2002-01-31


Subject field(s)
  • Translation (General)

of a conference agreement.


Remove the offending feature.


If, after completing an investigation commenced pursuant to subsection(1), the Agency finds that the conference agreement, interconference agreement or practice has, or is likely to have, by a reduction in competition, the effect of producing an unreasonable reduction in transportation service or an unreasonable increase in transportation costs, the Agency may make an order requiring the parties to the agreement or the members of the conference engaging in the practice to remove the offending feature of the agreement or to stop the practice or may make any other order as in the circumstances the Agency considers necessary.


  • Traduction (Généralités)

Supprimer les clauses répréhensibles.


À l'issue de son enquête, l'Office peut, s'il constate le bien-fondé de la plainte, rendre soit une ordonnance enjoignant, selon le cas, aux parties à l'accord d'en supprimer les clauses répréhensibles ou aux membres de la conférence de mettre fin à leurs agissements, soit toute autre ordonnance qu'il estime nécessaire.


Save record 10

Record 11 2001-09-17


Subject field(s)
  • Translation (General)

Except with respect to such witness fees and other actual disbursements, in respect of evidence taxable in ordinary actions between party and party, as are allowed by the judgment or order of the court allowing or apportioning costs...

Key term(s)
  • taxable evidence


  • Traduction (Généralités)

Sauf à l'égard des honoraires des témoins et autres déboursés réels au sujet des témoignages taxables dans les actions ordinaires entre les parties, qui sont adjugés par le jugement ou par l'ordonnance du tribunal accordant ou répartissant les frais[...]


Save record 11

Record 12 2001-05-30


Subject field(s)
  • Taxation
  • Operating Systems (Software)

Purchase order used as a mechanism to request or instruct a plant to transport material from one plant to another plant (i.e. to effect a longer-distance stock transfer) within the same enterprise.


The stock transport order allows delivery costs incurred as a result of the stock transfer to be debited to the material that was transported.


  • Fiscalité
  • Systèmes d'exploitation (Logiciels)

Commande servant à demander à une division de transporter un article d'une division à l'autre ou pour lui donner des directives à cet égard (c.-à-d. effectuer un transfert physique sur une longue distance) dans la même entreprise.


La commande de transfert permet que les coûts de livraison engagés à la suite du transfert physique soient imputés à l'article qui a été transporté.


Save record 12

Record 13 1998-07-17


Subject field(s)
  • Production Management

Production planning and control term for an analysis of the economic batch size for a particular order or project. This involves taking into account such factors as the costs of planning, ordering, tooling, materials handling, making ready work and machines, and carrying unsold finished parts if more than immediate needs are produced.


  • Gestion de la production


Save record 13

Record 14 1987-10-26


Subject field(s)
  • Investment
  • Commercial Utilization (Oil and Natural Gas)

A rate of return including as a factor an incentive to engage in specified activities.


The IROR is decreased as the Cost Performance Ratio(the ratio of deflated actual capital costs to projected capital costs) is increased in order to provide an incentive for project sponsors to keep construction costs as low as possible.


  • Investissements et placements
  • Exploitation commerciale (Pétrole et gaz naturel)


Save record 14

Record 15 1986-03-17


Subject field(s)
  • Electric Power Stations
  • Simulation (Cybernetic Systems)
  • Mathematics

As part of our study of the energy sector, we undertook a complementary research program in cooperation with the Canadian Energy Research Institute in Calgary in order to develop a "Canadian regional electricity model"(CANREM). CANREM is a policy simulation model of the electric utility industry at the provincial level that articulates the interactions between demand, supply costs, the financial and regulatory regime, and investment.


  • Centrales électriques
  • Simulation (Systèmes cybernétiques)
  • Mathématiques


Save record 15

Record 16 1981-01-27


Subject field(s)
  • Economics

The "law of increasing(relative) costs" prevails when in order to get equal extra amounts of one good, society must sacrifice ever-increasing amounts of the other good. A boned-out or concave curvature of the production-possibility frontier depicts the law of increasing(relative) costs-as shown by the fact that when we want more farm goods(butter), their(relative) cost in terms of sacrificed Manufactures(guns) rises.


  • Économique


Save record 16

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© Public Services and Procurement Canada, 2024
TERMIUM Plus®, the Government of Canada's terminology and linguistic data bank
A product of the Translation Bureau


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