The Government of Canada’s terminology and linguistic data bank.

ORE PILLAR [4 records]

Record 1 2016-02-26


Subject field(s)
  • Extraction Procedures - Various (Mining)
  • Blasting Work (Mining)

A system of mining in which the distinguishing feature is the winning of 50 percent or more of the coal or ore in the first working. The coal or ore is mined in rooms separated by narrow ribs or pillars. The coal or ore in the pillars is won by subsequent working, which may be likened to top slicing, in which the roof is caved in successive blocks. The first working in rooms is an advancing, and the winning of the rib(pillar) a retreating method. The rooms are driven parallel with one another, and the room faces may be extended parallel, at right angles, or at an angle to the dip.


barrier system: Term used in the North of England.


  • Procédés d'extraction divers (Exploit. minière)
  • Travail aux explosifs (Exploitation minière)

Exploitation par chambres et piliers. Dans une première phase, le traçage, on creuse dans l'épaisseur de la couche une série de galeries parallèles de 4 à 6 m de large; ce sont les chambres, entre lesquelles subsistent des massifs de charbon, percés par de courtes recoupes allant d'une chambre à l'autre afin de faciliter l'aérage et le déplacement du matériel; ce sont les piliers. La deuxième phase comporte l'exploitation en rabattant du charbon des piliers; c'est le dépilage, qui se fait par un court chantier dans chaque pilier; le foudroyage des vides produits par les chantiers de dépilage est la règle.

Key term(s)
  • chambres et piliers


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Distintos procedimientos de extracción (Explotación minera)
  • Trabajo con explosivos (Explotación minera)
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Record 2 2004-11-29


Subject field(s)
  • Processing of Mineral Products
  • Mineral Processing (Metallurgy)

A mill comprising a circular, rock-lined pit in which broken ore is pulverized by stones, attached to horizontal poles fastened in a central pillar, which stones are dragged around the pit.


This primitive form of grinding mill is still used for ores in Central America and for cement in Europe.


  • Préparation des produits miniers
  • Minéralurgie (Métallurgie)


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Preparación de los productos mineros
  • Explotación de minerales (Metalurgia)

Molino triturador de minerales [...]

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Record 3 1999-10-09


Subject field(s)
  • Mine Passages

crown: The curved roof of a tunnel.


pillar : An area of coal or ore left to support the overlying strata or hanging wall in a mine.


  • Galeries et soles (Mines)

pilier : (mines) Partie de gisement abandonnée, temporairement ou définitivement, pour soutenir le toit d'une excavation souterraine.


couronne : (mines) plafond d'une galerie.


Save record 3

Record 4 1982-06-17


Subject field(s)
  • Extraction Procedures - Various (Mining)

[In] base metal mines(...) a large proportion of the ore reserves is found in pillars left between previously mined stopes. These pillars are usually mined using the undercut-and-fill method which is especially suited to unstable ground conditions. Starting at the top of the mining zone the ore is removed in horizontal slices and replaced by backfill to sustain the walls of the adjacent stopes. A wooden mat braced by posts is used to support the backfill so that the ore underneath can be removed.(...) In one mine, the conventional undercut-and-fill technique was modified by suspending the wooden mat on rock bolts anchored to the crown pillar, rather than supporting it on posts.

Key term(s)
  • undercut-and-fill method


  • Procédés d'extraction divers (Exploit. minière)
Key term(s)
  • sous-cavage avec remblais
  • sous-cavage avec remblayage


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© Public Services and Procurement Canada, 2024
TERMIUM Plus®, the Government of Canada's terminology and linguistic data bank
A product of the Translation Bureau


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