The Government of Canada’s terminology and linguistic data bank.


Record 1 2024-05-09


Subject field(s)
  • Artificial Intelligence

[The module of an Intelligent Tutoring System] that models the student’s understanding of the domain.


Student Model Module. The task of this building block is to construct a student model which represents student’s knowledge. It is essentially an inductive inference which induces a model from observed data. In ITS [Intelligent Tutoring Systems], the model should be an executable program described in a knowledge representation language and the data are student’s answers to the problems.


The Student Module analyzes the student’s answers, diagnosis the misconceptions and keeps track of the information on the student’s mastery of the knowledge. The student modeler of XTRA-TE is aimed at both behavioral diagnosis and epistemic diagnosis. At the behavioral level, the student receives direct feedback from the system. The student’s response is checked against the domain knowledge for correctness.


To assist the student module in the task of diagnosis, [the expert module] can operate in a single-step mode showing the result of application of the best rule, or all rules, to a given problem.

Key term(s)
  • student modeling module
  • student modeling component
  • student modeller


  • Intelligence artificielle

Module d'un système EIAO dont la tâche consiste à diagnostiquer les failles de raisonnement et à élaborer ou mettre à jour un modèle apprenant représentant les connaissances de l'apprenant à partir des réponses qu'il donne à des problèmes.


Applusix a une architecture classique de Tuteur Intelligent. Les différents modules sont : l'expert [...]; le module pédagogique [...]; le module de diagnostic cognitif qui met à jour le profil de l'élève; l'interface [...]


Le module de diagnostic cognitif a pour but de modifier le profil de l'élève à partir des informations enregistrées pendant les interactions. Ces informations sont principalement : demandes (ou non) de détail dans les calculs (interaction observation); choix d'une expression et d'une transformation (interaction résolution); choix d'une transformation applicable (interaction pilotage). [...] elles sont exploitées pour mettre à jour le profil de l'élève.


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Record 2 2023-09-15


Subject field(s)
  • Symptoms (Medicine)
  • Lymphatic System

Cervical adenopathy remains a current problem in pediatrics. Although most of the cases have an infectious or benign etiology, it is important for the doctor to be vigilant and to exclude the rare cases or the neoplastic diseases, for a prompt diagnosis and optimum therapeutic decision.


  • Symptômes (Médecine)
  • Système lymphatique

Causes de l'adénopathie. Le cas le plus fréquent est l'adénopathie cervicale, celle qui survient au niveau des ganglions du cou. Elle peut notamment être due à : une infection de la sphère ORL [otorhinolaryngologie], telle qu'une pharyngite; une infection d'une glande salivaire; un abcès dentaire [...]


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Síntomas (Medicina)
  • Sistema linfático

Inflamación de los ganglios linfáticos cervicales que se encuentran alrededor de la cabeza y el cuello.

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Record 3 2021-03-26


Subject field(s)
  • Quality Control (Management)

When reviewing a drug order, the pharmacist applies knowledge of drug therapy and additional patient specific information(e. g. diagnosis, reported allergies, patient weight, etc.) to evaluate the appropriateness of the medication order for that specific patient. If a potential problem is identified, the pharmacist contacts the prescriber to clarify the order and/or discuss alternatives. This review process helps to avert many problematic orders before they can reach the patient, adding a crucial safety check to the medication use system.


  • Contrôle de la qualité (Gestion)

Lorsqu'il vérifie une ordonnance, le pharmacien met à profit ses connaissances sur la pharmacothérapie et les renseignements particuliers qu'il détient au sujet du malade, par exemple, le diagnostic, les allergies connues, le poids du malade, etc., afin d'évaluer le bien-fondé de l'ordonnance pour ce patient particulier. S'il détecte un problème potentiel, le pharmacien communique avec la personne qui a rédigé l'ordonnance pour clarifier la situation et discuter des solutions de rechange. Ce processus de révision contribue à bloquer certaines ordonnances problématiques avant que le médicament ne parvienne au patient, ajoutant un contrôle de sécurité de première importance au système d'utilisation des médicaments.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Control de la calidad (Gestión)
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Record 4 2007-07-12


Subject field(s)
  • Meetings and Assemblies (Administration)

She offers approaches to a preliminary diagnosis of the problem; developing a strategy for a constructive feedback meeting with the employee; designing an action plan to which both parties agree; and monitoring and reinforcement of the action plan.


  • Réunions et assemblées (Administration)

La rencontre de rétroaction à la fin des opérations.


Save record 4

Record 5 2004-07-07


Subject field(s)
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Internet and Telematics
  • Education Theory and Methods
  • Training of Personnel

Diagnostic activities that can be performed at the behavioral level. Some ITS deal only with observable behavior, other infer aspects of unobservable behavior.


Wenger's taxonomy of behavioral diagnostic processes distinguishes between non-inferential ones, based on a powerful representation of knowledge correctness and on evaluating and characterizing errors(interactive diagnosis), and inferential diagnosis that reconstructs unobservable student behavior by interpreting student's responses and matching them against knowledge standards. The inference of unobservable behavior is centered on problem solving processes and requires modeling capabilities such as a theory of bugs.


  • Intelligence artificielle
  • Internet et télématique
  • Théories et méthodes pédagogiques
  • Perfectionnement et formation du personnel

Le diagnostic du comportement peut être interactif (le système fournit directement à l'étudiant des informations sur son comportement sans recourir à des inférences ou à des modèles, mais se basant sur une description «correcte» des connaissances sous la forme de plans annotés, de parseurs augmentés, ou d'algorithmes définis. Dans certains systèmes, le diagnostic comportemental est inférentiel en ce sens qu'il infère des comportements implicites, inaperçus en les reconstruisant et en les interprétant à partir des réponses de l'étudiant.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Inteligencia artificial
  • Internet y telemática
  • Teorías y métodos pedagógicos
  • Capacitación del personal

El campo de trabajo se ubica en las comunidades en el diseño y evaluación de modelos psicosociales, diagnóstico del comportamiento e investigación psico-social.

Save record 5

Record 6 1994-10-19


Subject field(s)
  • Artificial Intelligence

An important subset of procedural simulations is diagnosis simulation. Here, the student is presented with a problem to solve, and must follow a set of procedures to determine the solution. Typical of these simulations are medical situations in which the student must diagnose a patient's problems and prescribe appropriate treatment. Other simulations involve diagnosing electronic or automotive faults, or identifying unknown substances.


  • Intelligence artificielle

Les simulations permettent d'acquérir des habiletés et des connaissances par des expériences de substitution. [...] Simulation méthodologique et diagnostique : permettant de comprendre des renseignements au sujet de méthodes de travail ou de modes de fonctionnement.


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Record 7 1994-06-23


Subject field(s)
  • Education Theory and Methods

In a fully computer-assisted instruction program, the computer takes over from the teacher in providing the learner with drill, practice, and revision, as well as testing and diagnosis. The form of the teaching may be simply linear or branching, or it can be extended to thinking and problem solving by simulation.


Traditional CAI programs are statically organized receptacles structured to embody both the domain and the pedagogical knowledge of expert teachers.


Since structured objects capture patterns among components, and the components do the job of representing more specific information, variations of instructional information such as wall displays, texts, worksheets, overheads, CAI programs, and filmstrips all can be represented by a single structured object, INSTRUCTIONAL INFORMATION.


A CAI program incorporating AI programming methods is often called an "Intelligent Computer-Aided Instruction" (ICAI) program or an "Intelligent Tutoring System "(ITS).


  • Théories et méthodes pédagogiques

Voir fiche "enseignement assisté par ordinateur".


Save record 7

Record 8 1993-02-25


Subject field(s)
  • The Heart

The lack of valid criteria for the clinical diagnosis of cardiogenic embolism is a major problem in both patient care and research. The aim of this study was to identify features on the initial computed tomogram of the brain that discriminate between patient groups with and without a cardiac source of embolism. To gain insight into the neuroradiological features relevant to the diagnosis of cardiac embolic stroke, we studied the initial computed tomogram of the 1, 267 patients with ischemic stroke.


Context extracted from PASCAL data base.


  • Cœur


Save record 8

Record 9 1989-09-25


Subject field(s)
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Continuing Education

In BIP-I, the student model is defined only in terms of the skills, though in general other levels could be used as well. Associated with each skill is a pair of numerical values. One value stands for the system's estimate of the student's mastery of the skill and is updated by very simple techniques according to his performance on each task. The other stands for the student's own estimate of his understanding and is updated in the course of a short interview following each exercise. Since problem selection takes both values into account, this is an interesting, albeit simple, combination of inferential and interactive diagnosis.


Applies to systems such as WUSOR, ACE, the LISP tutor and the MACSYMA ADVISOR that invite the student to participate explicitly in the diagnostic process by volunteering information, or engage in menu-driven dialogues with the student that provide information about the student’s goals. Even if the student is more involved in the formation of the student model, inferential diagnostic capabilities remain necessary.


  • Intelligence artificielle
  • Éducation permanente

Voir simulateur interactif.


Save record 9

Record 10 1989-06-23


Subject field(s)
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Continuing Education

For diagnosis, the system simply updates the probabilities in the student's matrix with methods from probability theory. When problem classes occur for the first time, ad hoc heuristics generate a seed probability. Kimball claims that the probabilistic approach allows precise measurements of student learning revealing its discontinuities. He suggests that the identification of these discontinuities, which are apparently associated with failures, is an important pedagogical task. Kimball goes into a lengthy technical argument to support the applicability of his probabilistic approach to modeling the student, mainly from the standpoint of independence of the probabilities associated with the various approaches. Many of his concerns actually apply to other modular representations, such as rule-based ones, used more recently for student modeling.


  • Intelligence artificielle
  • Éducation permanente


Save record 10

Record 11 1989-06-13


Subject field(s)
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Continuing Education

The fact that the system can intelligently generate new problems in the course of diagnosis is an important advantage of the on-line setup, since these problems can be designed to discriminate among competing hypotheses. To compose new discriminatory subtraction problems, a generate-and-test strategy is adopted. With each primitive bug is associated a heuristic problem generator that is made to meet certain conditions in the generated problem, like having a zero on top or the same digit twice in one column.


  • Intelligence artificielle
  • Éducation permanente


Save record 11

Record 12 1986-05-05


Subject field(s)
  • Artificial Intelligence

A collection of data about objects and events on which the knowledge base will work to achieve desired results.


Knowledge bases are not the same as the data base we often hear about... Suppose you are a physician.... Your data base is that patient's record, including patient history, measurements of vital signs, drugs given, response to drugs, and so on. It's today's problem. You must interpret these data for, say, purposes of continuing diagnosis and therapy planning. To do this, you use your medical knowledge.


  • Intelligence artificielle

Collecte de données à propos d'objets et d'événements à partir de laquelle la base de connaissances va opérer pour obtenir les résultats désirés.


base de connaissances : partie d'un système expert contenant les faits et inférences valides dans le domaine de compétence du système.


La distinction entre données et faits n'est pas toujours très nette et peut dépendre des auteurs.


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© Public Services and Procurement Canada, 2024
TERMIUM Plus®, the Government of Canada's terminology and linguistic data bank
A product of the Translation Bureau


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