The Government of Canada’s terminology and linguistic data bank.

SOUND CUTTING [9 records]

Record 1 2019-07-10


Subject field(s)
  • Wood Sawing

Flat(plain) sawing is performed by cutting planks from a log without changing the orientation of either the blade or the log. Cuts are therefore made parallell to a tangent of the log, whose angle in relation to the log's growth rings ranges from almost 0 degrees for exterior boards, to almost 90 degrees near the log's core.... Due to the minimal waste factor associated with flat sawn lumber, it is the most commonly used method for lumber manufacturing. Despite these benefits, plain sawn lumber is also the least structurally sound...


  • Sciage du bois

Débit d'une bille selon des plans parallèles après équarrissage.


Save record 1

Record 2 2016-03-10


Subject field(s)
  • Wood Sawing

A system, applied to lumber(mainly hardwood lumber) that is likely to be cross-cut and/or ripped before use, which determines the grade of a piece according to the % of the total surface(generally of the worse face), as calculated in cutting units, that can be included in a specified number of clear face or sound face cuttings of a certain minimum size.

Key term(s)
  • cutting unit method


  • Sciage du bois

Estimation du rendement d'une pièce de bois devant être débitée, par son côté le moins avantagé, afin de procéder à son classement.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Aserradura de la madera
Save record 2

Record 3 2008-09-08


Subject field(s)
  • Wood Sawing

Under the cutting system of grading, a cutting that is free of all visible defects on the face graded(other than certain minor defects allowed in some grades in certain grading rules) while the reverse face must not be worse than as defined under a sound face cutting.

Key term(s)
  • clear face cutting


  • Sciage du bois

Partie d'une face exempte de défauts sur toute sa largeur.


Le classement des faces sert à apprécier la qualité de la surface d'une bille. Pour ce faire, la bille est visuellement divisée en quatre faces, de façon à concentrer le plus grand nombre de défauts dans un nombre aussi restreint de faces que possible.


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Record 4 2006-08-01


Subject field(s)
  • Fruits and Vegetables (Types and Processing - Food Ind.)

Dried apples are prepared from sound, properly ripened fruit of the common apple(Malus pumila) by washing, sorting, trimming, peeling, coring, and cutting into segments. The prepared apple segments are properly dried to remove the greater portion of moisture to produce a semi-dry texture.


Not to be confused with dehydrated apple.


Canada Agricultural Products Standards Act. Processed Fruit and Vegetable Regulations.


  • Fruits et légumes (Types et traitement - Alimentation)


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Frutas y verduras (Tipos y procesamiento - Ind. alimentaria)
Save record 4

Record 5 2006-02-10


Subject field(s)
  • Cinematography

A positive picture print made from the cut negative and intended for cutting up into elementary scenes mounted into loops with a view to sound dubbing operations.


  • Cinématographie

Copie positive provenant d'un négatif original, que l'on segmente en vue d'une post-synchronisation.


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Record 6 2005-10-24


Subject field(s)
  • Slaughterhouses
  • Meats and Meat Industries

The word "cutter" is a trade term, and refers to the manner inwhich such carcasses are marketed--generally in cuts. Usually, only the ribs and loins of such carcasses will be accepted by the retail fresh-meat trade. Cutter carcasses, as a rule, lack fat covering, except for a thin coat over the back.... Carcasses of this grade are therefore usually boned out for the boneless meat trade, and for curing, sausage, and canning purposes.... Carcasses thrown out of any grade because of extensive bruises often are referred to as "cutters, "because they are never sold in sides or quarters, but are sent to the cutting departments, where the sound parts are converted into commercial cuts. When thus treated, the cuts fall in the grade to which they belong on the basis of quality, conformation, and finish. "Cutter" in this sense has no reference to the "cutter" grade.


  • Abattoirs
  • Salaison, boucherie et charcuterie


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Record 7 2005-08-23


Subject field(s)
  • Audio Technology
  • Cinematography

Fairly soon after the introduction of talkies in the late 1920s, the movie industry settled on using an analogue optical soundtrack on the edge of the film to carry the sound. This was read by the projector and converted to an electrical audio signal. This was a very noisy medium, so in the absence of advanced noise reduction technology such as Dolby A(the cinema equivalent of, and precursor to, the Dolby B and C noise reduction systems on compact cassettes), the situation was eased by sharply cutting the treble response(at around 5kHz). The bass was also cut, which accounts for the characteristic pinched sound of old movies. The recommended system of frequency response tailoring was called ’Academy Sound. ’


Academy aspect ratio: 1.37:1, the aspect ratio for movies used almost exclusively up to the early 1950s.


  • Électroacoustique
  • Cinématographie

Son haut perché caractéristique des anciens films parlants qui était le résultat d'un retranchement, sur la partie de la bande portant le signal audio, de certaines fréquences aiguës et basses, afin de réduire les bruits de la bande.


format Academy : [...] format [d'image] (1.37), qui fut le standard du septième art avant le Cinémascope.


Save record 7

Record 8 2002-07-09


Subject field(s)
  • Machine-Tooling (Metallurgy)

An abrasive jet uses water that is pressurized up to 40, 000 pounds per square inch(psi) and then forced through a small sapphire orifice at 2500 feet per second, or about two and a half times the speed of sound. Garnet abrasive is then pulled into this high-speed stream of water and mixed with the water in a long ceramic mixing tube. A stream of abrasive laden water moving at 1000 feet per second exits the ceramic tube. This jet of water and abrasive is then directed at the material to be machined. The jet drags the abrasive through the material in a curved path and the resulting centrifugal forces on the particles press them against the work piece. The cutting action is a grinding process where the forces and motions are provided by water, rather than a grinding wheel.


  • Usinage (Métallurgie)

Jet d'eau à forte pression, capable de graver et de fraiser les métaux et les céramiques.


Save record 8

Record 9 1988-09-08


Subject field(s)
  • Occupation Names (General)
  • Photography

Laboratory technician who identifies, matches and cuts the original picture and sound negatives to correspond to the cutting copy supplied by the studio.


In English the term "cutting", i.e. the process of editing film (or tape) is used rather loosely to encompass more than the actual removal of footage.


  • Désignations des emplois (Généralités)
  • Photographie


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© Public Services and Procurement Canada, 2024
TERMIUM Plus®, the Government of Canada's terminology and linguistic data bank
A product of the Translation Bureau


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