The Government of Canada’s terminology and linguistic data bank.


Record 1 2010-05-10


Subject field(s)
  • Weather Stations and Meteorological Instruments and Equipment
  • Scientific Instruments

Eppley Precision Spectral Pyranometer, PSP. This instrument is considered to be the most accurate radiometer produced commercially for the measurement of global sun and sky radiation, totally or in defined wavelength bands. It can be inverted to measure reflected shortwave radiation(from which the albedo can be calculated). The PSP has a circular multi-junction thermopile of the plated(copper-constantan) wire wound type which is temperature compensated in order to get a response that is independent of ambient temperature. The temperature sensed by the detector is nearly linear with the flux density of incident radiation. The instrument is supplied with a pair of removable precision ground and polished concentric hemispheres of Schott optical glass. The inner hemisphere is transparent to a wavelength of 0. 285-2. 800 µm. The outer dome can be replaced by Schott glass hemispherical filters which transmit within specified bandwidths. Desiccant is placed in the side of the instrument to absorb humidity inside the glass domes. Measurements are reported in Wm-2.


The Eppley PSP (or simply Eppley Pyranometer) is an instrument for the measurement of radiation in the range approximately between 285 and 2800 nm. As noted earlier, this wavelength range is commonly referred to as shortwave radiation, and it’s primary source is the sun.


  • Stations, instruments et équipements météorologiques
  • Instruments scientifiques

Les capteurs de rayonnement permettent la mesure des flux sous un angle solide 2[pi] vers le haut et vers le bas dans quatre bandes spectrales : deux pyranomètres Eppley PSP -- visible -- haut et bas; deux pyranomètres Eppley PSP -- visible rouge -- haut et bas; deux pyranomètres Eppley PIR -- infrarouge -- haut et bas; deux photomètres Eppley UVR -- ultraviolet -- haut et bas.


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Record 2 2007-01-31


Subject field(s)
  • Optics
  • Atmospheric Physics

The ratio of reflected radiation from the atmosphere to incident radiation.


For relatively clear Landsat scenes, a reduction in between-scene variability can be achieved through a normalization for solar irradiance by converting spectral radiance... to planetary reflectance or albedo. This combined surface and atmospheric reflectance of the Earth is computed with [a] formula.


  • Optique
  • Physique de l'atmosphère

Rapport entre le rayonnement réfléchi par l'atmosphère et le rayonnement incident.


Une partie des photons diffusés par les gaz et les aérosols peut parvenir au capteur sans avoir atteint la surface terrestre. Les photons constituent alors un signal parasite qui vient s'ajouter au signal utile (luminance ou réflectance propre de l'atmosphère). Dans le cas d'une surface peu réfléchissante comme la mer, cette réflectance atmosphérique peut constituer l'essentiel ou la totalité du signal.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Óptica
  • Física de la atmósfera
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© Public Services and Procurement Canada, 2024
TERMIUM Plus®, the Government of Canada's terminology and linguistic data bank
A product of the Translation Bureau


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