The Government of Canada’s terminology and linguistic data bank.
Record 1 - internal organization data 2018-07-12
Record 1, English
Record 1, Subject field(s)
- Occupation Names (General)
- Actuarial Practice
- Insurance
Record 1, Main entry term, English
- insurance actuary
1, record 1, English, insurance%20actuary
Record 1, Abbreviations, English
Record 1, Synonyms, English
Record 1, Textual support, English
Record number: 1, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Becoming an insurance actuary requires a bachelor's degree in a math-related program such as economics, statistics, or finance. Other programs that aspiring insurance actuaries might concentrate on are mathematics, actuarial science, and business. Certification is also required.... Insurance actuaries create policies for insurance companies. These policies deal with the potential for risk and the possible cost of liability in events like property loss, death, injury, sickness or disability. They may also deal with other financial matters for their companies. 2, record 1, English, - insurance%20actuary
Record 1, French
Record 1, Domaine(s)
- Désignations des emplois (Généralités)
- Actuariat
- Assurances
Record 1, Main entry term, French
- actuaire en assurances
1, record 1, French, actuaire%20en%20assurances
correct, masculine and feminine noun
Record 1, Abbreviations, French
Record 1, Synonyms, French
Record 1, Textual support, French
Record 1, Spanish
Record 1, Textual support, Spanish
Record 2 - internal organization data 2017-01-04
Record 2, English
Record 2, Subject field(s)
- Financial Institutions
Record 2, Main entry term, English
- business finance companies 1, record 2, English, business%20finance%20companies
Record 2, Abbreviations, English
Record 2, Synonyms, English
Record 2, Textual support, English
Record number: 2, Textual support number: 1 OBS
business finance companies : term extracted from the “Glossaire de l'économie” and reproduced with permission of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. 2, record 2, English, - business%20finance%20companies
Record 2, Key term(s)
- business finance company
Record 2, French
Record 2, Domaine(s)
- Institutions financières
Record 2, Main entry term, French
- sociétés de financement des entreprises
1, record 2, French, soci%C3%A9t%C3%A9s%20de%20financement%20des%20entreprises
feminine noun
Record 2, Abbreviations, French
Record 2, Synonyms, French
Record 2, Textual support, French
Record number: 2, Textual support number: 1 OBS
sociétés de financement des entreprises : terme extrait du «Glossaire de l’économie» et reproduit avec l’autorisation de l’Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques. 2, record 2, French, - soci%C3%A9t%C3%A9s%20de%20financement%20des%20entreprises
Record 2, Key term(s)
- société de financement des entreprises
Record 2, Spanish
Record 2, Textual support, Spanish
Record 3 - internal organization data 2017-01-03
Record 3, English
Record 3, Subject field(s)
- Banking
- Loans
- Foreign Trade
Record 3, Main entry term, English
- cost of money
1, record 3, English, cost%20of%20money
Record 3, Abbreviations, English
Record 3, Synonyms, English
- price of money 2, record 3, English, price%20of%20money
Record 3, Textual support, English
Record number: 3, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Many factors influence the cost of credit to you, the borrower-the cost of money, the risk involved and other costs of doing business. Lenders obtain their money from either depositors(as, for instance, the banks do) or from other financial institutions(as finance companies do). These sources must be paid a return on the money they are lending to you. 3, record 3, English, - cost%20of%20money
Record number: 3, Textual support number: 1 OBS
price of money: term extracted from the “Glossaire de l’économie” and reproduced with permission of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. 4, record 3, English, - cost%20of%20money
Record 3, French
Record 3, Domaine(s)
- Banque
- Prêts et emprunts
- Commerce extérieur
Record 3, Main entry term, French
- loyer de l'argent
1, record 3, French, loyer%20de%20l%27argent
correct, masculine noun
Record 3, Abbreviations, French
Record 3, Synonyms, French
- coût de l'argent 2, record 3, French, co%C3%BBt%20de%20l%27argent
correct, masculine noun
Record 3, Textual support, French
Record number: 3, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Plusieurs facteurs entrent en jeu lorsqu'il s'agit de fixer le coût du crédit que vous devez supporter - le coût de l'argent, les risques et certains autres. Les prêteurs obtiennent leurs fonds soit des déposants (c'est le cas des banques, par exemple), soit d'autres institutions financières (c'est le cas des sociétés de financement). Ces sources premières ont droit à un rendement sur l'argent prêté. 2, record 3, French, - loyer%20de%20l%27argent
Record number: 3, Textual support number: 1 OBS
loyer de l'argent : terme extrait du «Glossaire de l’économie» et reproduit avec l’autorisation de l’Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques. 3, record 3, French, - loyer%20de%20l%27argent
Record 3, Spanish
Record 3, Campo(s) temático(s)
- Operaciones bancarias
- Préstamos
- Comercio exterior
Record 3, Main entry term, Spanish
- valor de la moneda
1, record 3, Spanish, valor%20de%20la%20moneda
correct, masculine noun
Record 3, Abbreviations, Spanish
Record 3, Synonyms, Spanish
Record 3, Textual support, Spanish
Record 4 - internal organization data 2004-06-09
Record 4, English
Record 4, Subject field(s)
- Investment
Record 4, Main entry term, English
- development capital
1, record 4, English, development%20capital
Record 4, Abbreviations, English
Record 4, Synonyms, English
Record 4, Textual support, English
Record number: 4, Textual support number: 1 DEF
The financing provided for the growth and expansion of an unquoted company. 2, record 4, English, - development%20capital
Record number: 4, Textual support number: 1 CONT
[The development capital] usually refers to investments in relatively small, unlisted companies that have an established track record in their field of business, and that require this new funding to finance their expansion. 3, record 4, English, - development%20capital
Record 4, French
Record 4, Domaine(s)
- Investissements et placements
Record 4, Main entry term, French
- capital développement
1, record 4, French, capital%20d%C3%A9veloppement
correct, masculine noun
Record 4, Abbreviations, French
Record 4, Synonyms, French
- capital de développement 2, record 4, French, capital%20de%20d%C3%A9veloppement
correct, masculine noun
- capital-développement 3, record 4, French, capital%2Dd%C3%A9veloppement
correct, masculine noun
Record 4, Textual support, French
Record number: 4, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Le capital développement permet le financement des sociétés non cotées qui cherchent à financer leur croissance. 4, record 4, French, - capital%20d%C3%A9veloppement
Record number: 4, Textual support number: 2 CONT
Le capital-développement est un sous-ensemble du capital-investissement et correspond aux investissements en fonds propres dans des entreprises qui sont déjà dans une phase avancée de leur développement. Les financements ainsi apportés permettent de passer à une nouvelle étape du développement [...]. 5, record 4, French, - capital%20d%C3%A9veloppement
Record 4, Spanish
Record 4, Campo(s) temático(s)
- Inversiones
Record 4, Main entry term, Spanish
- capital para el desarrollo
1, record 4, Spanish, capital%20para%20el%20desarrollo
masculine noun
Record 4, Abbreviations, Spanish
Record 4, Synonyms, Spanish
Record 4, Textual support, Spanish
Record 5 - internal organization data 2002-04-08
Record 5, English
Record 5, Subject field(s)
- Loans
- Investment
- Banking
Record 5, Main entry term, English
- equipment financing
1, record 5, English, equipment%20financing
Record 5, Abbreviations, English
Record 5, Synonyms, English
Record 5, Textual support, English
Record number: 5, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Equipment Financing. If a business firm either has equipment that is marketable or is purchasing such equipment, it is usually able to obtain equipment-secured intermediate-term financing. Lenders against equipment(commercial banks and sales finance companies, for example) make percentage advances against the equipment's market value; the firm acquiring the equipment puts up the difference as a down payment. 1, record 5, English, - equipment%20financing
Record 5, French
Record 5, Domaine(s)
- Prêts et emprunts
- Investissements et placements
- Banque
Record 5, Main entry term, French
- crédits d'équipement
1, record 5, French, cr%C3%A9dits%20d%27%C3%A9quipement
correct, masculine noun, plural
Record 5, Abbreviations, French
Record 5, Synonyms, French
Record 5, Textual support, French
Record 5, Spanish
Record 5, Textual support, Spanish
Record 6 - internal organization data 1997-10-30
Record 6, English
Record 6, Subject field(s)
- Titles of Federal Government Programs (Canadian)
- Foreign Trade
Record 6, Main entry term, English
- Working Capital for Exporters
1, record 6, English, Working%20Capital%20for%20Exporters
correct, Canada
Record 6, Abbreviations, English
Record 6, Synonyms, English
Record 6, Textual support, English
Record number: 6, Textual support number: 1 OBS
This program of the Business Development Bank of Canada, designed to help small businesses finance exports and export-related activities, provides pre-shipment financing of up to $250, 000 to cover the heavy costs of developing international markets. Flexible repayment terms allow small companies to build foreign sales. 1, record 6, English, - Working%20Capital%20for%20Exporters
Record 6, French
Record 6, Domaine(s)
- Titres de programmes fédéraux (Gouvernement canadien)
- Commerce extérieur
Record 6, Main entry term, French
- Fonds de croissance à l'exportation
1, record 6, French, Fonds%20de%20croissance%20%C3%A0%20l%27exportation
correct, masculine noun, Canada
Record 6, Abbreviations, French
Record 6, Synonyms, French
Record 6, Textual support, French
Record number: 6, Textual support number: 1 OBS
Ce programme de la Banque de développement du Canada a pour objet d'aider les petites entreprises à financer des activités d'exportation et des activités liées à l'exportation. Ce fonds leur permet d'obtenir jusqu'à 250 000 dollars de financement préalable à l'expédition pour payer les coûts élevés inhérents à l'ouverture et à l'exploitation de marchés internationaux. Les modalités de remboursement sont souples, ce qui permet aux petites entreprises d'accroître leurs ventes à l'étranger. 1, record 6, French, - Fonds%20de%20croissance%20%C3%A0%20l%27exportation
Record 6, Spanish
Record 6, Textual support, Spanish
Record 7 - internal organization data 1996-04-15
Record 7, English
Record 7, Subject field(s)
- Private-Sector Bodies and Committees
Record 7, Main entry term, English
- Administration
1, record 7, English, Administration
correct, Canada
Record 7, Abbreviations, English
Record 7, Synonyms, English
Record 7, Textual support, English
Record number: 7, Textual support number: 1 OBS
Name of a group of the Stentor Canadian Network Management, one of the three entities of the Stentor alliance. The Administration group manages the settlement of revenues pointly earned by the members. In addition, it provides various support functions to the internal business units to other Stentor entities and to member companies, in areas such as finance. 1, record 7, English, - Administration
Record 7, French
Record 7, Domaine(s)
- Organismes et comités du secteur privé
Record 7, Main entry term, French
- Administration
1, record 7, French, Administration
correct, Canada
Record 7, Abbreviations, French
Record 7, Synonyms, French
Record 7, Textual support, French
Record number: 7, Textual support number: 1 OBS
Nom d'un groupe qui relève de Gestion de réseau canadien Stentor, une des trois entités qui composent l'alliance Stentor. Le groupe Administration est responsable du partage des revenus gagnés conjointement par les membres. De plus, il offre diverses procédures administratives à l'intérieur de Gestion de réseau canadien Stentor, ainsi que pour le compte des autres entités Stentor et des compagnies membres, dans des secteurs tels: finance, informatique de gestion, étude, vérification et sûreté. 1, record 7, French, - Administration
Record 7, Spanish
Record 7, Textual support, Spanish
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© Public Services and Procurement Canada, 2024
TERMIUM Plus®, the Government of Canada's terminology and linguistic data bank
A product of the Translation Bureau
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