The Government of Canada’s terminology and linguistic data bank.
Record 1 - internal organization data 2010-04-30
Record 1, English
Record 1, Subject field(s)
- Weather Stations and Meteorological Instruments and Equipment
- Radar, Radio Guidance and Goniometry
- Environmental Studies and Analyses
- Climate Change
Record 1, Main entry term, English
- ocean monitoring workstation
1, record 1, English, ocean%20monitoring%20workstation
Record 1, Abbreviations, English
- OMW 1, record 1, English, OMW
Record 1, Synonyms, English
Record 1, Textual support, English
Record number: 1, Textual support number: 1 CONT
As part of the Radar Data Development Program(RDDP), the Ocean Monitoring Workstation(OMW) has been installed at the Gatineau Satellite Station. The OMW is a dedicated system designed and implemented to perform routine operational analysis of SAR [synthetic aperture radar] ocean imagery for the extraction of surface wave and current information and ship location. The concept behind the workstation is to provide ocean information products to the community in an operational time frame. 1, record 1, English, - ocean%20monitoring%20workstation
Record 1, French
Record 1, Domaine(s)
- Stations, instruments et équipements météorologiques
- Radar, radioguidage et radiogoniométrie
- Études et analyses environnementales
- Changements climatiques
Record 1, Main entry term, French
- station de surveillance des océans
1, record 1, French, station%20de%20surveillance%20des%20oc%C3%A9ans
correct, feminine noun
Record 1, Abbreviations, French
- OMW 1, record 1, French, OMW
feminine noun
Record 1, Synonyms, French
Record 1, Textual support, French
Record number: 1, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Dans le cadre du programme de développement des données radar (PDDR), une station de surveillance des océans (OMW) a été installée à la station de réception de Gatineau. La OMW est spécialement conçue pour effectuer des analyses de routine sur des images RSO [radar à synthèse d'ouverture] des océans; plus spécifiquement, pour l'extraction des vagues de surface et des courants marins et pour la détection des navires. Le rôle de cette station est de fournir à ses utilisateurs des renseignements concernant les phénomènes océaniques dans des délais utiles. 1, record 1, French, - station%20de%20surveillance%20des%20oc%C3%A9ans
Record 1, Spanish
Record 1, Textual support, Spanish
Record 2 - internal organization data 2007-02-11
Record 2, English
Record 2, Subject field(s)
- Remote Sensing
Record 2, Main entry term, English
- archive management system
1, record 2, English, archive%20management%20system
correct, officially approved
Record 2, Abbreviations, English
- AMS 2, record 2, English, AMS
correct, officially approved
Record 2, Synonyms, English
Record 2, Textual support, English
Record number: 2, Textual support number: 1 DEF
[A system used] for decryption of archive segments and management of the long-term RADARSAT-2 archive. 2, record 2, English, - archive%20management%20system
Record number: 2, Textual support number: 1 CONT
The data management module is a project accounting system used to track imagery through the processing stream until it is archived. The archive management system picks up where the data management leaves off and provides a data archive interface. 3, record 2, English, - archive%20management%20system
Record number: 2, Textual support number: 1 OBS
The AMS will be customized to use existing data storage system services at PASS [Prince Albert Satellite Station] and GSS [Gatineau Satellite Station], and sized to accommodate up to 130 GB of archival data at each site every day. 2, record 2, English, - archive%20management%20system
Record number: 2, Textual support number: 2 OBS
archive management system: term officially approved by the RADARSAT-2 Terminology Approval Group (RTAG). 4, record 2, English, - archive%20management%20system
Record 2, French
Record 2, Domaine(s)
- Télédétection
Record 2, Main entry term, French
- système de gestion des archives
1, record 2, French, syst%C3%A8me%20de%20gestion%20des%20archives
correct, masculine noun, officially approved
Record 2, Abbreviations, French
Record 2, Synonyms, French
Record 2, Textual support, French
Record number: 2, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Le Système de Gestion des Archives (SGA) [...] est un système (catalogue) qui permet une exploitation opérationnelle des données géospatiales sous forme d'images satellites, de données géométriques mises à la disposition des utilisateurs [...] pour les aider à sélectionner les informations adaptées à leurs besoins. 2, record 2, French, - syst%C3%A8me%20de%20gestion%20des%20archives
Record number: 2, Textual support number: 1 OBS
Ce système est utilisé pour le déchiffrement des segments d'archives et la gestion de l'archive RADARSAT-2 à long terme. 3, record 2, French, - syst%C3%A8me%20de%20gestion%20des%20archives
Record number: 2, Textual support number: 2 OBS
système de gestion des archives : terme uniformisé par le Groupe de travail de la terminologie de RADARSAT-2 (GTTR). 4, record 2, French, - syst%C3%A8me%20de%20gestion%20des%20archives
Record 2, Spanish
Record 2, Campo(s) temático(s)
- Teledetección
Record 2, Main entry term, Spanish
- sistema de gestión de archivos
1, record 2, Spanish, sistema%20de%20gesti%C3%B3n%20de%20archivos
correct, masculine noun
Record 2, Abbreviations, Spanish
Record 2, Synonyms, Spanish
Record 2, Textual support, Spanish
Record number: 2, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Se ha concebido un sistema de gestión de archivos que permite archivar, consultar y recuperar todos los datos geográficos generados [...] 1, record 2, Spanish, - sistema%20de%20gesti%C3%B3n%20de%20archivos
Record 3 - internal organization data 2000-08-22
Record 3, English
Record 3, Subject field(s)
- Federal Government Bodies and Committees (Canadian)
Record 3, Main entry term, English
- Gatineau Satellite Station
1, record 3, English, Gatineau%20Satellite%20Station
correct, Canada
Record 3, Abbreviations, English
Record 3, Synonyms, English
Record 3, Textual support, English
Record number: 3, Textual support number: 1 OBS
Natural Resources Canada. 1, record 3, English, - Gatineau%20Satellite%20Station
Record 3, French
Record 3, Domaine(s)
- Organismes et comités fédéraux (Gouvernement canadien)
Record 3, Main entry term, French
- Station de réception de Gatineau
1, record 3, French, Station%20de%20r%C3%A9ception%20de%20Gatineau
correct, Canada
Record 3, Abbreviations, French
Record 3, Synonyms, French
Record 3, Textual support, French
Record number: 3, Textual support number: 1 OBS
Ressources naturelles Canada. 1, record 3, French, - Station%20de%20r%C3%A9ception%20de%20Gatineau
Record 3, Spanish
Record 3, Textual support, Spanish
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TERMIUM Plus®, the Government of Canada's terminology and linguistic data bank
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