The Government of Canada’s terminology and linguistic data bank.

GLOBAL GOAL [44 records]

Record 1 2024-06-06


Subject field(s)
  • Treaties and Conventions
  • Pollution (General)
  • Plastic Materials

Agreeing to a global agreement on plastic pollution by the end of 2024 would mark one of the most significant environmental decisions and would be a first-of-its-kind agreement to unite the world around a shared goal to end plastic pollution.


  • Traités et alliances
  • Pollution (Généralités)
  • Matières plastiques


Save record 1

Record 2 2022-04-12


Subject field(s)
  • Titles of Documents and Works
  • Anti-pollution Measures
  • Renewable Energy

The Hydrogen Strategy for Canada lays out an ambitious framework for actions that will cement hydrogen as a tool to achieve [the] goal of net-zero emissions by 2050 and position Canada as a global, industrial leader of clean renewable fuels.


  • Titres de documents et d'œuvres
  • Mesures antipollution
  • Énergies renouvelables

La Stratégie canadienne pour l'hydrogène établit un ambitieux cadre d’intervention pour faire de l'hydrogène un outil de choix pour atteindre la carboneutralité d'ici 2050 et placer le Canada à l'avant-garde de l'industrie des combustibles propres.


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Record 3 2020-02-26


Subject field(s)
  • Private-Sector Bodies and Committees
  • Health Institutions
  • Scientific Research

The Ottawa Health Research Institute(OHRI) was formed on April 1, 2001 through the merger of The Ottawa Hospital Research Institute and the Loeb Health Research Institute. After eight years, the Ottawa Health Research Institute is changing its name to the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, as the research arm of The Ottawa Hospital and an affiliated institute of the University of Ottawa. It has grown rapidly to become one of the top hospital-based research institutes in Canada. Its goal is to make tomorrow's health care possible today; bringing new hope to their patients, while advancing health research at a global level.


  • Organismes et comités du secteur privé
  • Établissements de santé
  • Recherche scientifique

L'Institut de recherche en santé d'Ottawa, fut créé le 1er avril 2001, suite à la fusion de l’Institut de recherche de l’Hôpital d'Ottawa et de L'Institut Loeb de recherche en santé. Après huit années d’existence, l'Institut de recherche en santé d'Ottawa (IRSO) deviendra l'Institut de recherche de l'Hôpital d'Ottawa (IRHO). L'Institut est l'établissement de recherche de L'Hôpital d'Ottawa affilié à l'Université d'Ottawa. Il est rapidement devenu l'un des plus grands et des plus importants instituts de recherche en milieu hospitalier au Canada. Son objectif est d'offrir aujourd'hui les soins de santé de demain, de donner de nouveaux espoirs à leurs patients tout en faisant progresser la recherche en santé à l'échelle mondiale.


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Record 4 2019-07-16


Subject field(s)
  • International Bodies and Committees
  • Security
  • IT Security

… a group of people working with companies and governments to innovate and invest in new ways of using technology to protect both privacy and security, privacy and business interests, in the age of data collection, artificial intelligence and machine learning [whose mission is to] create a world where privacy and security not only coexist but lead to greater developments in innovation and prosperity.


[The Global Privacy and Security By Design's goal is to] demonstrate that by integrating privacy-enhancing tools into technology, right from the design and production stage, [it] can develop innovative systems that protect both privacy and security.


  • Organismes et comités internationaux
  • Sécurité
  • Sécurité des TI


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Record 5 2019-05-08


Subject field(s)
  • Scientific Information
  • Epidemiology
  • Collaboration with the FAO

The goal of GLASS [Global Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance System] is to enable standardized, comparable and validated data on AMR [antimicrobial resistance] to be collected, analysed and shared with countries, in order to inform decision-making, drive local, national and regional action and provide the evidence base for action and advocacy. GLASS combines patient, laboratory and epidemiological surveillance data to enhance understanding of the extent and impact of AMR on populations.


  • Information scientifique
  • Épidémiologie
  • Collaboration avec la FAO


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Record 6 2017-10-25


Subject field(s)
  • National Bodies and Committees (Canadian)
  • Fuels and Types of Hearths
  • Wood Industries

The Wood Pellet Association of Canada is a member-driven organization advancing the interests of Canadian wood pellet producers. [Its] goal is to help members grow through promoting the role of wood pellets in the Canadian and global markets, supporting market and technical research, and encouraging fair and open energy trade.


  • Organismes et comités nationaux canadiens
  • Combustibles et types de foyers
  • Industrie du bois


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Record 7 2017-08-10


Subject field(s)
  • Occupational Bodies and Committees
  • Internet and Telematics

The International Telecommunications Society(ITS) is an association of professionals in the information, communications, and technology sectors. ITS is an independent, non-aligned and not-for-profit organization with a worldwide network of about 400 members. ITS provides a forum where academic, private sector, and government communities can meet to identify pressing new problems and issues, share research results, and form new relationships and approaches to address outstanding issues.... The goal of ITS is to research and analyze issues related to the emergence of a global information society. The organization places particular emphasis on the interrelationships among socioeconomic, technological, legal, regulatory, competitive, organizational, policy, and ethical dimensions of the issues it addresses.


  • Organismes et comités professionnels
  • Internet et télématique


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Record 8 2017-06-14


Subject field(s)
  • International Bodies and Committees
  • Economic Co-operation and Development
  • Immunology

Gavi, is an international organisation that was created in 2000 to improve access to new and underused vaccines for children living in the world’s poorest countries. Based in Geneva, Switzerland, Gavi is the Vaccine Alliance, which brings together public and private sectors with the shared goal of creating equal access to vaccines for children, wherever they live.


Gavi, The Vaccine Alliance(GAVI) was set up as a Global Health Partnership in 2000 with the goal of creating equal access to new and underused vaccines for children living in the world's poorest countries. In particular, GAVI aims at accelerating access to vaccines, strengthening countries’ health and immunization systems, and introducing innovative new immunization technology.


Gavi, is an international coalition of partners. It includes national governments, international organizations such as the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the World Health Organization (WHO) and the World Bank; philanthropic institutions, such as the Bill and Melinda Gates Children’s Vaccine Program and the Rockefeller Foundation; the private sector, represented by the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Associations (IFPMA); and research and public health institutions. The Alliance was officially launched in Davos, Switzerland in January 2000.


  • Organismes et comités internationaux
  • Coopération et développement économiques
  • Immunologie

Gavi est une organisation internationale créée en 2000 afin d'assurer aux enfants vivant dans les pays les plus pauvres du monde, un meilleur accès aux vaccins nouveaux ou sous-utilisés. Établie à Genève, en Suisse, Gavi est l'Alliance du Vaccin, qui regroupe secteurs privé et public. L'objectif commun est de faire en sorte que les enfants aient un accès égal aux vaccins, quel que soit leur lieu de résidence.


L’Alliance GAVI est un partenariat mondial pour la santé ayant pour objectif d’accélérer l’accès aux vaccins, de renforcer les systèmes de santé et de vaccination dans les pays, et de lancer de nouvelles techniques de vaccination innovatrices. Ses activités se concentrent sur les mécanismes de financement, et elle collabore avec des partenaires disposant de l’expertise technique et des capacités pour atteindre les objectifs souhaités.


Gavi est une coalition mondiale de partenaires composée de plusieurs organismes dont des gouvernements nationaux, des organisations internationales comme l'UNICEF, l'Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS) et la Banque mondiale, des fondations philanthropiques comme la Fondation Bill et Melinda Gates pour les vaccins de l'enfant, la Fondation Rockefeller et des entreprises privées comme la Fédération internationale de l'industrie du Médicament (FIM) et des institutions de recherche et de développement. C'est en janvier 2000 à Davos, en Suisse que l'Alliance a été officiellement lancée.


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Record 9 2017-02-21


Subject field(s)
  • Titles of Federal Government Programs (Canadian)
  • Human Diseases
  • Administration (Indigenous Peoples)

The(TB) Tuberculosis Elimination Strategy was introduced in 1992. National responsibilities include policy-making, care, treatment and surveillance. Activities such as case management, drug supply, outbreak management, and community health education are centralized at the Regional level, and implemented through primary health services at the community level. The goal of the TB Elimination Strategy is to : Support TB reduction in on-reserve First Nations populations by the adoption of the Global Stop TB rate reduction targets of 3. 6 per 100, 000 by 2015. The objectives of the TB Elimination Strategy program are to : Prevent further occurrence of TB disease and infection; Prevent the emergence of drug resistance; Achieve lifetime control of the patient's TB; Support ongoing program evaluation and information collection to inform policy and strategy enhancement.

Key term(s)
  • TB Elimination Strategy


  • Titres de programmes fédéraux (Gouvernement canadien)
  • Maladies humaines
  • Administration (Peuples Autochtones)

La Stratégie d'élimination de la tuberculose a été lancée en 1992. Sur le plan national, elle englobe l'élaboration de politiques, les soins et le traitement ainsi que la surveillance. La prise en charge des cas, l'approvisionnement en médicaments, la gestion des éclosions de tuberculose et l'éducation sanitaire des communautés sont des activités centralisées au niveau régional, qui sont mises en œuvre par les services de santé primaires à l'échelle communautaire. L'objet de la Stratégie d'élimination de la tuberculose est : d'appuyer la réduction de l'incidence de la tuberculose dans les réserves, par l'adoption des cibles de réduction du programme mondial Halte à la tuberculose de 3,6 cas par 100 000 habitants d'ici 2015. La Stratégie d'élimination de la tuberculose vise les objectifs suivants : prévenir l'occurrence de la tuberculose et de l'infection tuberculeuse; prévenir l'apparition d'une pharmacorésistance; maîtriser la maladie pendant toute la vie du patient; soutenir l'évaluation continue du programme et la collecte de l'information pour améliorer les politiques et les stratégies.


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Record 10 2016-10-25


Subject field(s)
  • International Bodies and Committees
  • Environmental Law

After six years of being a subsidiary of IIED, the Foundation for International Law and Development (FIELD) ... re-established itself as an independent [non-govnermental organization (NGO) in 2008]. FIELD works with local partners, NGOs and institutions and has a worldwide reputation for expertise in the development and application of international environmental law and for siding with the disadvantaged.


FIELD is a group of public international lawyers committed to helping vulnerable countries, communities and campaigners negotiate for fairer international environmental laws. FIELD's main goal is to achieve a fair, effective and accessible system of international law that protects the global environment and promotes sustainable development.

Key term(s)
  • Center for Environmental Law & Development


  • Organismes et comités internationaux
  • Droit environnemental
Key term(s)
  • Center for Environmental Law & Development


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Record 11 2016-02-04


Subject field(s)
  • Various Proper Names
  • Road Safety

[The] General Assembly [of the United Nations] proclaimed 2011-2020 the Decade of Action for Road Safety, with a global goal of stabilizing and then reducing [the] forecasted level of global road fatalities by increasing activities conducted at national, regional and global levels.


  • Appellations diverses
  • Sécurité routière

L'Assemblée générale des Nations Unies a [proclamé] la décennie 2011-2020 Décennie d'action pour la sécurité routière en vue de stabiliser puis de réduire le nombre prévu de décès imputables aux accidents de la route dans le monde en multipliant les activités menées aux niveaux national, régional et mondial.


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Record 12 2012-04-25


Subject field(s)
  • Regional and Municipal Gov. Bodies and Committees
  • Environmental Management

EnerACT is a not-for-profit organization that delivers innovative solutions to environmental problems and builds capacity in communities to work towards a sustainable future. Our core goal is to promote the aggressive implementation of energy efficiency and renewable energy in order to address the urgent problems of global climate change and urban smog. Our approach is one that acknowledges the links that exist between a healthy environment, a vibrant community and a strong economy : we truly are a sustainability-focussed organization.


  • Organismes et comités de gouv. régionaux ou municipaux
  • Gestion environnementale

[EnerACT] est un organisme communautaire à but non lucratif, composé de différents membres et de représentants de l'industrie de l'énergie renouvelable qui se sont consacrés à stimuler une transition vers un futur d'énergie durable. EnerACT travaille avec la société civile, le secteur privé, les gouvernements municipaux et les services publics pour mettre en application une politique et des projets novateurs dans le domaine d’énergie durable.


Conseil d'action d'énergie de Toronto : n'est pas une traduction officielle, utilisée à titre d'information seulement.


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Record 13 2012-01-23


Subject field(s)
  • Environmental Economics
  • Conferences and Colloquia: Organization

In Agenda 21.


  • Économie environnementale
  • Organisation de congrès et de conférences


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Economía del medio ambiente
  • Organización de conferencias y coloquios

Del Programa 21.

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Record 14 2011-12-14


Subject field(s)
  • Federal Government Bodies and Committees (Canadian)
  • Human Diseases

The primary goal of this Branch is to be a global leader in emergency preparedness and infectious disease prevention and control. To achieve this goal, the Branch works in close partnership with other federal government agencies, Canada's provinces and territories and with other national and international partners. The Infectious Disease and Emergency Preparedness Branch focuses on two key areas : Preventing, eliminating and controlling infectious diseases; and Maintaining the safety and health security of people both nationally and internationally.


  • Organismes et comités fédéraux (Gouvernement canadien)
  • Maladies humaines

La Direction générale vise surtout à être le chef de file mondial dans les mesures d’urgence et dans la prévention et le contrôle des maladies infectieuses. À cette fin, elle travaille en étroite collaboration avec d’autres organismes fédéraux, les provinces et les territoires ainsi qu’avec d’autres partenaires nationaux et étrangers. La Direction générale des maladies infectieuses et des mesures d’urgence concentre ses efforts sur les deux principaux aspects suivants : prévenir, éliminer et contrôler les maladies infectieuses; préserver la sécurité et la sécurité dans le domaine de la santé des gens à l’échelle nationale et internationale.


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Record 15 2011-12-14


Subject field(s)
  • Spacecraft
  • Remote Sensing

The Ravens/Kuafu project :Global auroral imaging is essential for quantifying energy input into the ionosphere and thermosphere, and for observing the 2D ionospheric projection of the dynamic global magnetosphere. The original Ravens concept consists of two satellites on identical elliptical orbits to accomplish that goal. Each satellite was to be outfitted with a complement of imaging instruments including a twin-head LBH [Lower Boreal Highlands] imager(for LBH-L and LBH-S imaging), an FUV [Far Ultraviolet] imaging spectrograph(for Doppler shifted Lyman-alpha proton auroral(imaging), a wide field of view FUV imager(for perigee imaging), and an ENA [Energetic Neutral Atom] imager(for ring current observations).


  • Engins spatiaux
  • Télédétection


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Record 16 2011-01-05


Subject field(s)
  • Non-Gov. Provincial Bodies and Committees (Canadian)
  • International Relations

The British Columbia Council for International Cooperation(BCCIC) is a coalition of international development organizations. Through relationship-building with other networks, BCCIC works toward its goal of achieving sustainable global development in a peaceful and healthy environment with social justice, human dignity and participation for all.


Title and abbreviation confirmed by the association.


  • Organismes et comités provinciaux non gouv. canadiens
  • Relations internationales

Appellation et abréviation confirmées par l'organisme.

Key term(s)
  • Conseil de la Colombie-Britannique pour la coopération internationale


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Record 17 2010-11-09


Subject field(s)
  • Titles of International Programs
  • Environmental Studies and Analyses

The International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme(IGBP) is an interdisciplinary scientific activity established and sponsored by the International Council for Science(ICSU). The Programme was instituted by ICSU in 1986, and the IGBP Secretariat was established at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences in 1987.... The programme is focused on acquiring basic scientific knowledge about the interactive processes of biology and chemistry of the Earth as they relate to Global Change. The goal of the programme is : To describe and understand the interactive physical, chemical and biological processes that regulate the total Earth system, the unique environment that it provides for life, the changes that are occurring in this system, and the manner in which they are influenced by human actions.

Key term(s)
  • International Geosphere-Biosphere Program
  • International Biosphere-Geosphere Program


  • Titres de programmes internationaux
  • Études et analyses environnementales

Le Programme International Géosphère Biosphère (IGBP) est une activité scientifique interdisciplinaire fondée et patronnée par le Conseil International des Unions Scientifiques (ICSU). Le Programme fut créé par l'ICSU en 1986, et le Secrétariat fut établi à l'Académie royale des Sciences de la Suède en 1987. [...] Le programme s'intéresse directement à l'acquisition du savoir scientifique de base géosphère-biosphère ayant trait aux processus interactifs de la biologie et de la chimie du système, ainsi qu'aux rapports de ces processus avec le changement global. Il se donne pour but : De décrire et comprendre les interactions physiques, chimiques et biologiques qui règlent le système géosphère-biosphère dans son intégralité, le milieu unique qu'il offre pour la vie, les transformations qui s'y opèrent, et la façon dont ces interactions sont affectées par les activités humaines.

Key term(s)
  • Programme international géosphère-biosphère


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Títulos de programas internacionales
  • Estudios y análisis del medio ambiente

El Programa Internacional de la Geósfera y la Biósfera (IGBP) es una actividad científica interdisciplinaria establecida y apoyada por el Consejo Internacional de Asociaciones Científicas (ICSU). El Programa fue instituído por ICSU en 1986 y la Secretaría del IGBP fue establecida en la Real Academia de Ciencias de Suecia en 1987. [...] El programa está centrado en la adquisición de conocimiento científico básico acerca de los procesos interactivos de la biología y la química de la Tierra en relación con el Cambio Global. El objetivo del Programa es: Describir y entender los procesos interactivos físicos, químicos y biológicos que regulan el sistema global de la Tierra, el ambiente particular que provee para la vida, los cambios que ocurren en este sistema y las formas en que se ven influenciados por las acciones humanas.


Biosfera o biósfera, geosfera o geósfera.

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Record 18 2010-03-03


Subject field(s)
  • Rights and Freedoms

Many conflicts are sparked by a failure to protect human rights, and the trauma that results from severe human rights violations often leads to new human rights violations. As conflict intensifies, hatred accumulates and makes restoration of peace more difficult. In order to stop this cycle of violence, states must institute policies aimed at human rights protection. Many believe that the protection of human rights "is essential to the sustainable achievement of the three agreed global priorities of peace, development and democracy. "Respect for human rights has therefore become an integral part of international law and foreign policy. The specific goal of expanding such rights is to "increase safeguards for the dignity of the person. [


  • Droits et libertés

Exportation et développement Canada accorde une grande importance aux droits de la personne et appuie la protection des droits de la personne reconnus internationalement, conformément aux politiques du gouvernement du Canada.


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Record 19 2009-06-16


Subject field(s)
  • Titles of Federal Government Programs (Canadian)
  • Informatics

The Community Access Program(CAP) is a government of Canada initiative, administered by Industry Canada, that aims to provide Canadians with affordable public access to the Internet and skills they need to use it effectively. With the combined efforts of the federal, provincial and territorial governments, community groups, social agencies libraries, schools, volunteer groups and business community, CAP helps Canadians, wherever they live, take advantage of emerging opportunities in the new global knowledge-based economy. Under CAP, public locations like schools, libraries and community centres act as "on-ramps" to the Information Highway, and provide computer support and training. CAP is the key component of the Government of Canada's Connecting Canadians initiative, whose goal is to make Canada the most connected nation in the world.

Key term(s)
  • CAP sites
  • Community Access


  • Titres de programmes fédéraux (Gouvernement canadien)
  • Informatique

Le Programme d'accès communautaire (PAC), administré par Industrie Canada, a été conçu par le gouvernement fédéral pour fournir aux Canadiens un accès public à Internet à prix abordable, et pour leur enseigner comment l'utiliser efficacement. De concert avec les gouvernements provinciaux et territoriaux, les groupes communautaires, les organismes sociaux, les bibliothèques, les écoles, les groupes de bénévoles et les milieux d'affaires, le PAC aide les Canadiens à tirer parti des débouchés qu'offre la nouvelle économie mondiale du savoir. En vertu du PAC, les lieux publics comme les écoles, les bibliothèques et les centres communautaires servent de «rampes d'accès» à l'autoroute de l'information et fournissent un soutien technique ainsi que de la formation. Le PAC constitue la pierre angulaire de l'initiative fédérale «Un Canada branché» qui vise à faire du Canada le pays le plus branché au monde.

Key term(s)
  • Programme d'accès aux collectivités
  • Projet d'accès communautaire
  • Accès communautaire


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Títulos de programas federales (Gobierno canadiense)
  • Informática
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Record 20 2008-08-20


Subject field(s)
  • Titles of International Programs
  • Human Diseases

The goal of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative is to ensure that no child will ever again know the crippling effects of polio. The Global Polio Eradication Initiative is the largest public health initiative the world has ever known.


  • Titres de programmes internationaux
  • Maladies humaines

Organisation mondiale de la Santé. L'Initiative mondiale pour l'éradication de la poliomyélite a pour objectifs : d'interrompre la transmission du poliovirus sauvage dès que possible; de certifier l'éradication mondiale de la poliomyélite; de contribuer au développement des systèmes de santé en renforçant systématiquement la vaccination de routine et la surveillance des maladies transmissibles.


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Record 21 2008-08-20


Subject field(s)
  • Titles of Federal Government Programs (Canadian)
  • Foreign Trade

The Brand Canada(BC) Program was introduced in May 2001 as a method of raising the profile and improving the image of Canada internationally at trade shows that are recognized as vital to their industries. BC aims to achieve the goal of raising the Canadian profile by enhancing Canada's presence at global trade shows and major regional shows in Team Canada Inc.(TCI) priority sectors.


  • Titres de programmes fédéraux (Gouvernement canadien)
  • Commerce extérieur

Le Programme Image de marque du Canada a été inauguré mai 2001 dans le but de rehausser le profil du Canada et d'améliorer son image sur la scène internationale à l'occasion des foires commerciales jugées essentielles à ses différents secteurs d'industrie. Image de marque du Canada vise à rehausser le profil du Canada en mettant le pays en évidence dans les salons professionnels mondiaux et les principales foires commerciales régionales organisées dans les secteurs prioritaire d'Équipe Canada inc (CEI).


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Record 22 2008-08-20


Subject field(s)
  • Titles of Government Programs (Non-Canadian)
  • Foreign Trade

Originally the idea of the late U. S. Secretary of Commerce Ron Brown, the TransAtlantic Business Dialogue(TABD) was conceived to promote closer commercial ties between the U. S. and European Union. Brown, together with his counterparts in the European Commission, Martin Bangemann and Sir Leon Brittan, created the dialogue system as a mechanism to encourage public and civil society input to fostering a more closely integrated transatlantic marketplace. The dialogue system, which includes separate dialogues for consumers, environment and business, was a key part of the governments’ 1995 New Transatlantic Agenda(NTA), which laid out a plan to enhance overall transatlantic economic and political relations. The TABD's goal is to help establish a Barrier-Free Transatlantic Market which will serve as a catalyst for global trade liberalisation and prosperity. Unified markets are needed to create a business environment which will stimulate innovation and economic growth, more investment and create new jobs.


  • Titres de programmes gouvernementaux non canadiens
  • Commerce extérieur


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Record 23 2008-04-23


Subject field(s)
  • Titles of Federal Government Programs (Canadian)
  • National and International Economics

The Transformative Technologies Program, announced by Minister Emerson on September 20, 2005, shares with Canadian industry in the costs of innovation and technology adoption projects. Its goal is to support leading-edge industrial research in Canada and to ensure that Canadian firms are competitive in the global economy. It is the successor program to Technology Partnerships Canada, which Minister Emerson announced will be wound down over the coming months.


  • Titres de programmes fédéraux (Gouvernement canadien)
  • Économie nationale et internationale

Le Programme des technologies transformatrices, annoncé par le ministre Emerson le 20 septembre 2005, partage avec l'industrie canadienne les coûts de projets d'innovation et d'adoption de la technologie. Il vise à soutenir les activités de recherche industrielle de pointe au Canada et à assurer la compétitivité des entreprises canadiennes dans l'économie mondiale. Il succède à Partenariat technologique Canada, dont le ministre Emerson a annoncé la fin progressive des activités dans les prochains mois.


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Record 24 2006-11-09


Subject field(s)
  • Titles of International Programs
  • Environmental Economics
  • Climate Change
  • Air Pollution

CEDAR is a broad-based, community-initiated, upper atmospheric research program. The goal is to understand the behavior of atmospheric regions from the middle atmosphere upward through the thermosphere and ionosphere into the exosphere in terms of coupling, energetics, chemistry, and dynamics on regional and global scales. These processes are related to the sources of perturbations that propagate upward from the lower atmosphere as well as to solar radiation and particle inputs from above. The activities within this program combine observations, theory and modeling.


  • Titres de programmes internationaux
  • Économie environnementale
  • Changements climatiques
  • Pollution de l'air


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Títulos de programas internacionales
  • Economía del medio ambiente
  • Cambio climático
  • Contaminación del aire
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Record 25 2006-06-13


Subject field(s)
  • Names of Special Years, Weeks, Days
  • Geomorphology and Geomorphogeny

On 11 December 2001, nearly 100 people gathered at the UN Headquarters in New York to launch the International Year of Mountains. The UN General Assembly Resolution 53/24 of November 1998 declared 2002 as the International Year of Mountains(IYM), with the goal of raising international awareness about mountains, their global importance, the fragility of their resources, and the necessity of sustainable approaches to mountain development.


  • Désignations d'années, de semaines et de jours spéciaux
  • Géomorphologie et géomorphogénie

L'ONU a proclamé l'an 2002 Année internationale de la montagne [...]. Elle se propose d'encourager partout dans le monde le développement durable des régions de montagne afin de garantir aux populations une amélioration de leurs conditions de vie sans porter atteinte à la nature ou à l'environnement. Pour l'ONU, «l'Année internationale de la montagne a pour mission de promouvoir la conservation et la mise en valeur durable des régions montagneuses, assurant ainsi le bien-être des communautés de montagne comme des populations de plaine».


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Designaciones de años, semanas y días especiales
  • Geomorfología y geomorfogénesis


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Record 26 2005-11-09


Subject field(s)
  • International Bodies and Committees
  • Hydrology and Hydrography

SOCA monitors and reviews progress in the implementation of relevant parts of Chapter 17 of Agenda 21, the goal of which is to promote the sustainable utilization and conservation of the marine environment and its resources, both in the oceans and in coastal areas. The Subcommittee also acts as an inter-agency facilitating mechanism for the implementation of the Global Programme of Action for the Protection of the Marine Environment from Land-based Activities.


  • Organismes et comités internationaux
  • Hydrologie et hydrographie


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Organismos y comités internacionales
  • Hidrología e hidrografía
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Record 27 2005-04-18


Subject field(s)
  • Titles of Federal Government Programs (Canadian)
  • Copyright, Patent and Trademark Law

The objective of the Intellectual Property Management(IPM) Program is to accelerate the transfer of knowledge and technology residing in Canadian universities and hospitals for the benefit of Canada. IPM grants are intended to strengthen the ability of these institutions to manage their intellectual property, to attract potential users and to promote the professional development of intellectual property personnel. The ultimate goal is to contribute to the strengthening of Canada's competitiveness in a knowledge-based global economy.

Key term(s)
  • Intellectual Property Management Programme


  • Titres de programmes fédéraux (Gouvernement canadien)
  • Propriété industrielle et intellectuelle

Le Programme de gestion de la propriété intellectuelle (GPI) a pour objectif d'accélérer le transfert des connaissances et de la technologie que détiennent les universités et les hôpitaux canadiens en vue d'en faire bénéficier le Canada. Les subventions de GPI visent à renforcer la capacité de ces établissements à gérer leur propriété intellectuelle, à susciter l'intérêt d'utilisateurs potentiels et à faciliter le perfectionnement professionnel du personnel chargé de la gestion de la propriété intellectuelle. Le but ultime du programme est d'accroître la compétitivité du Canada dans une économie mondiale du savoir.


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Record 28 2004-10-04


Subject field(s)
  • International Bodies and Committees
  • Meetings and Assemblies (Administration)

PGA works to link individual legislators across borders and party lines, with the goal of strengthening their capacity to pursue international peace, social justice and development. Parliamentarians for Global Action(PGA) was established in 1978-1979 in Washington, DC, U. S. A. by concerned parliamentarians from around the world to address global problems, which could not be solved by any one government or parliament. While its initial focus was on disarmament and the prevention of nuclear proliferation, PGA today works on an expanded list of global issues such as fostering democracy, conflict prevention and management, international law and human rights, population and sustainable development.


  • Organismes et comités internationaux
  • Réunions et assemblées (Administration)
Key term(s)
  • Action mondiale parlementaire


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Organismos y comités internacionales
  • Reuniones y asambleas (Administración)
Key term(s)
  • Acción Mundial de Parlamentarios
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Record 29 2004-02-16


Subject field(s)
  • Chemistry
  • Environmental Studies and Analyses

Dissolved solids. The total amount of dissolved material, organic and inorganic, contained in water and wastes. Excessive dissolved solids can make water unsuitable for industrial uses, unpalatable for drinking, and even cathartic.


Interest in marine dissolved organic matter(DOM) is very high because it plays an important role in oceanic and global carbon cycling, which in turn impacts weather. Understanding the processes involved in the transformations of carbon, phosphorus, nitrogen, and other major elements in the oceans has been a primary goal of marine biogeochemists and oceanographers over the past decade.


  • Chimie
  • Études et analyses environnementales

La matière organique dissoute joue un rôle considérable dans les phénomènes biologiques : nourriture, télémédiation chimique. En raison de sa réactivité elle intervient aussi dans les phénomènes de complexion et de chélation des métaux et d'absorption.


matière organique : Substance chimique ayant essentiellement une structure à base de carbone et comportant des composés hydrocarbonés et leurs dérivés.


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Record 30 2003-03-27


Subject field(s)
  • Titles of International Programs
  • Scientific Measurements and Analyses
  • Heat (Physics)
  • Hydrology and Hydrography

Making global measurements of ocean temperature and salinity(T-S) quickly and easily accessible to users is the primary goal of the Global Temperature-Salinity Profile Program(GTSPP). A cooperative international project, the GTSSP seeks to develop and maintain a global ocean T-S resource with data that are both up-to-date and of the highest quality possible. Both real-time data transmitted over the Global Telecommunications System(GTS), and delayed-mode data received by the NODC are acquired and incorporated into a continuously managed database. Countries contributing to the project are Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Japan, Russia, and the United States.


  • Titres de programmes internationaux
  • Mesures et analyse (Sciences)
  • Chaleur (Physique)
  • Hydrologie et hydrographie

Appellation et abréviation confirmées par l'organisme.


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Record 31 2003-03-13


Subject field(s)
  • International Bodies and Committees
  • Environment

Greenpeace is an independent, campaigning organisation that uses non-violent, creative confrontation to expose global environmental problems, and force solutions for a green and peaceful future. Greenpeace's goal is to ensure the ability of the Earth to nurture life in all its diversity.


  • Organismes et comités internationaux
  • Environnement


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Record 32 2003-02-13


Subject field(s)
  • Titles of International Programs
  • Environmental Management

The Initiative was endorsed by the Conference of Parties of CBD [Convention on Biological Diversity] (COP5) in May 2000. It operates under the framework of the Joint Work Plan between CBD and the Ramsar Convention, to support implementation of convention decisions related to better management of inland water ecosystems and associated biodiversity, water resources and wetlands.


Goal : To establish a global network to share information and link and support activities where the principles of integrated management of biodiversity, wetlands and river basins are demonstrated.


  • Titres de programmes internationaux
  • Gestion environnementale

[...] initiative conjointe du Bureau Ramsar et du Secrétariat de la Convention sur la diversité biologique (CDB), conçue dans le cadre du deuxième Plan de travail conjoint CDB/Ramsar.


But : Établir un réseau mondial pour échanger l'information, tisser des liens entre les activités qui appliquent les principes de la gestion intégrée de la diversité biologique, des zones humides et des bassins hydrographiques et soutenir ces activités.


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Record 33 2002-11-26


Subject field(s)
  • Titles of Federal Government Programs (Canadian)
  • Environmental Management

The Environment and Sustainable Development Program(ESDP) promotes the exchange of knowledge and expertise between Canadian environmental non-governmental organizations(NGO) and similar organizations in developing countries in order to strengthen the environmental management capacity of civil societies and organizations. This program enables Canadian organizations to put their skills and experience to use through innovative projects and partnerships with a southern partner in developing countries. The goal of these projects and partnerships is to promote environmentally sound development and to raise awareness and understanding about local, regional, and global environmental issues.

Key term(s)
  • Environment and Sustainable Development Programme


  • Titres de programmes fédéraux (Gouvernement canadien)
  • Gestion environnementale

Le Programme d'environnement et de développement durable (PEDD) favorise l'échange de connaissances et d'expertise entre des organisations non gouvernementales canadiennes de l'environnement (ONG) et des organisations du même genre dans les pays en développement, afin de renforcer la capacité de gestion environnementale des sociétés et des organisations civiles. Ce programme permet aux organisations canadiennes de mettre leurs compétences et leur expérience à profit au moyen de projets et de partenariats innovateurs avec des organisations similaires dans les pays en développement. Ces projets et ces partenariats ont pour but de promouvoir un développement respectueux de l'environnement et de permettre de prendre conscience et de comprendre les enjeux locaux, régionaux et mondiaux de l'environnement.


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Record 34 2002-10-03


Subject field(s)
  • International Bodies and Committees
  • Climatology

The goal of the International Group of Funding Agencies for Global Change Research(IGFA) is to foster Global Change Research. IGFA is a forum through which national agencies that fund Research on Global Change identify issues of mutual interest and ways to address these through national and, when appropriate, through coordinated international actions.


  • Organismes et comités internationaux
  • Climatologie

Appellation et abréviation confirmées par l'organisme.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Organismos y comités internacionales
  • Climatología
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Record 35 2002-10-03


Subject field(s)
  • Titles of International Programs
  • Atmospheric Physics

INDOEX addresses questions of climate change that are of high priority and of great value to the US and the international community. The project's goal is to study natural and anthropogenic climate forcing by aerosols and feedbacks on regional and global climate. This issue is at the core of the International Global Change Research Program and has been identified by IPCC as a major gap in the science of climate change prediction.


  • Titres de programmes internationaux
  • Physique de l'atmosphère
Key term(s)
  • Expérience de l'océan Indien


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Record 36 2002-09-30


Subject field(s)
  • Titles of International Programs
  • Climatology
  • Television Arts

An independent, non-profit organization, TVE's mission is to act as a catalyst for the production and distribution of films on environment, development, health and human rights issues. Based in the UK, but with very much a global focus. TVE's goal is to use broadcast television and other audio-visual resources to awareness worldwide. Since TVE's launch in 1984, billions of people around the world have watched our programmes, contributing to a better understanding of the complex links between major issues like resource depletion, social inequality, proverty, health and environmental degradation.


  • Titres de programmes internationaux
  • Climatologie
  • Télévision (Arts du spectacle)


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Títulos de programas internacionales
  • Climatología
  • Televisión (Artes escénicas)
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Record 37 2002-07-18


Subject field(s)
  • System Names
  • Oceanography
  • Hydrology and Hydrography

The number 3 in subscripted position stands for ozone.


The Global Ocean Observing System(GOOS) is a scientifically-based, long-term, international program with the primary goal of providing practical benefits to society. The main elements are the collection and timely distribution of oceanic data and products including assessments, assimilation of data into numerical prediction models, the development and transfer of technology, and capacity building within participating Member states to develop analysis and application capability.


Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission - World Meteorological Organization - United Nations Environment Program - International Council of Scientific Unions.


  • Noms de systèmes
  • Océanographie
  • Hydrologie et hydrographie

Commission océanographique intergouvernementale - Commission météorologique mondiale - Programme des Nations Unies pour l'environnement - Conseil international des unions scientifiques.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Nombres de sistemas
  • Oceanografía
  • Hidrología e hidrografía

Comisión Oceanografíca intergubernamental - Comisión Meteorológica Mundial - Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Media Ambiente - Consejo Internacional de Uniones Científicas.

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Record 38 2002-07-03


Subject field(s)
  • International Bodies and Committees
  • Meteorology
  • Geophysics

Welcome to the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory. The goal of GFDL' s research is to understand and predict the earth's climate and weather, including the impact of human activities. GFDL conducts leading-edge research on many topics of great pratical value, including weather and hurricane forecasts, El Niño prediction, stratospheric ozone depletion, and global warming.


  • Organismes et comités internationaux
  • Météorologie
  • Géophysique
Key term(s)
  • Laboratoire géophysique de dynamique des fluides
  • LGDF
  • Laboratoire pour l'étude de la dynamique des fluides géophysiques


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Organismos y comités internacionales
  • Meteorología
  • Geofísica
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Record 39 2002-07-03


Subject field(s)
  • Titles of International Programs
  • Ecosystems
  • Environmental Economics
  • Climate Change

GLOBEC is an implemented programme that was developed and sponsored by SCOR, the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission(IOC), the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea(ICES) and the North Pacific Marine Science Organization(PICES). GLOBEC has the goal to advance our understanding of the structure and functioning of the global ocean ecosystem, its major subsystems, and its response to physical forcing, to where we can develop the capability to forecast the marine upper tropic system response to scenarios of global change.


  • Titres de programmes internationaux
  • Écosystèmes
  • Économie environnementale
  • Changements climatiques


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Títulos de programas internacionales
  • Ecosistemas
  • Economía del medio ambiente
  • Cambio climático
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Record 40 2002-05-24


Subject field(s)
  • Titles of International Programs
  • Economic Co-operation and Development
  • Mineralogy

Mining, Minerals and Sustainable Development(MMSD) is an independent, international review to be completed in the spring of 2002. Its overall goal is to identify how mining and minerals and the many interacting communities of interest can best contribute to a global transition to sustainable development.


  • Titres de programmes internationaux
  • Coopération et développement économiques
  • Minéralogie

Le projet Mines, minéraux et développement durable (MMDD) dont la gestion est assurée par l'Institut international pour l'environnement et le développement (IIED), a formé un groupe de travail pour étudier la question et formuler des recommandations.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Títulos de programas internacionales
  • Cooperación y desarrollo económicos
  • Mineralogía
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Record 41 2002-04-29


Subject field(s)
  • Global Pollution
  • Space Physics

The Measurement of Pollution in the Troposphere(MOPITT) is an eight-channel gas correlation radiometer to be launched on EOS/AM1 spacecraft in 1998. The goal of the experiment is to support studies of the oxidizing capacity of the lower atmosphere on large scales by measuring the global distributions of carbon monoxide(CO) and methane(CH 4) and thus, will represent a significant advancement in the application of space based remote sensing to global tropospheric chemistry research.


  • Pollution planétaire
  • Physique spatiale


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Record 42 2002-02-19


Subject field(s)
  • Titles of International Programs
  • Climatology
  • Environmental Studies and Analyses
  • Remote Sensing

The Global Precipitation Climatology Project(GPCP) is an element of the Global Energy and Water Cycle Experiment(GEWEX) of the World Climate Research Program(WCRP). It was established by the WCRP in 1986 with the initial goal of providing monthly mean precipitation data on a 2. 5 x 2. 5 degree latitude-longitude grid for the period 1986-1995. This was recently extended to the year 2000. The GPCP will accomplish this by merging infrared and microwave satellite estimates of precipitation with rain gauge data from more than 30, 000 stations.


  • Titres de programmes internationaux
  • Climatologie
  • Études et analyses environnementales
  • Télédétection


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Títulos de programas internacionales
  • Climatología
  • Estudios y análisis del medio ambiente
  • Teledetección
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Record 43 1994-11-22


Subject field(s)
  • National and International Economics
  • Translation (General)

Full convertibility is an important goal in an interdependent global economy.

Key term(s)
  • interdependent world economy


  • Économie nationale et internationale
  • Traduction (Généralités)

Les représentants du FMI [Fonds monétaire international] ont souligné que, dans une économie mondiale interdépendante, la convertibilité des monnaies était un objectif majeur.


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Record 44 1990-03-08


Subject field(s)
  • Artificial Intelligence


  • Intelligence artificielle


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© Public Services and Procurement Canada, 2024
TERMIUM Plus®, the Government of Canada's terminology and linguistic data bank
A product of the Translation Bureau


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