The Government of Canada’s terminology and linguistic data bank.


Record 1 2021-01-21


Subject field(s)
  • National Bodies and Committees (Canadian)
  • Medical and Hospital Organization
  • Social Services and Social Work

The Canadian Association for Long Term Care (CALTC) is the national voice of long-term care providers. ... members deliver publicly-funded health care services to seniors across Canada when they can no longer live at home.


[CALTC' s mission is] to ensure the delivery of quality care to vulnerable citizens of Canada.


  • Organismes et comités nationaux canadiens
  • Organisation médico-hospitalière
  • Services sociaux et travail social


Save record 1

Record 2 2020-04-27


Subject field(s)
  • Provincial Government Bodies and Committees (Canadian)
  • General Medicine, Hygiene and Health

[The department's mission is] providing leadership to the health system for the delivery of care and treatment, prevention of illness and injury, and promotion of health and healthy living.

Key term(s)
  • Nova Scotia Department of Health and Wellness
  • Department of Health and Wellness of Nova Scotia
  • Nova Scotia Department of Health
  • Department of Health of Nova Scotia


  • Organismes et comités de gouvernements provinciaux canadiens
  • Médecine générale, hygiène et santé
Key term(s)
  • ministère de la Santé et du Mieux-être de la Nouvelle-Écosse
  • ministère de la Santé de la Nouvelle-Écosse


Save record 2

Record 3 2019-10-04


Subject field(s)
  • National Bodies and Committees (Canadian)
  • Social Services and Social Work
  • Sociology of Childhood and Adolescence

... a national body established to offer a mechanism for the coordination and networking of provincial and territorial child and youth care professional associations.


[The Council of Canadian Child and Youth Care Associations’ mission is] to serve as a national unifying body for provincial and territorial child and youth care associations; to promote the development of child and youth practice; [and] to advocate for the delivery of quality care.

Key term(s)
  • Council of Child and Youth Care Associations of Canada


  • Organismes et comités nationaux canadiens
  • Services sociaux et travail social
  • Sociologie de l'enfance et de l'adolescence
Key term(s)
  • Council of Child and Youth Care Associations of Canada


Save record 3

Record 4 2018-10-29


Subject field(s)
  • International Bodies and Committees
  • Human Diseases
  • Nervous System

The mission of the CMSC is to [develop] and sustain successful models of care to address the disease spectrum of multiple sclerosis(MS) [, to stimulate] and facilitate research in the field of multiple sclerosis[, to develop] mechanisms with which to share information and knowledge among CMSC members and all those affected by MS[, to influence] the provision of the best in health care delivery in multiple sclerosis and related disorders [and to partner] with other entities to facilitate the mission as stated above.


  • Organismes et comités internationaux
  • Maladies humaines
  • Système nerveux


Save record 4

Record 5 2018-10-29


Subject field(s)
  • Organizations, Administrative Units and Committees
  • Labour and Employment
  • Continuing Education

[EEC' s mission is] to empower [its] clients with the employment and life skills to enhance their quality of life through the delivery of excellent services.

Key term(s)
  • Employment + Education Center


  • Organismes, unités administratives et comités
  • Travail et emploi
  • Éducation permanente
Key term(s)
  • Employment + Education Center


Save record 5

Record 6 2018-06-07


Subject field(s)
  • Non-Gov. Provincial Bodies and Committees (Canadian)
  • Gymnastics and Trampoline

Gymnastics PEI's mission statement is to promote and provide positive and diverse gymnastics experiences through the delivery of comprehensive quality gymnastics programming by leading the PEI gymnastics system, working with Gymnastics Canada, directing the development of provincial programs at all levels, and promoting gymnastics as a foundation for human movement and the benefits of all levels of participation.

Key term(s)
  • Gymnastics Association of PEI
  • Association of Gymnastics of PEI
  • PEI Gymnastics Association
  • Association of Gymnastics of Prince Edward Island
  • Gymnastics Association of Prince Edward Island
  • PEI Association of Gymnastics
  • Prince Edward Island Association of Gymnastics
  • Gymnastics Prince Edward Island


  • Organismes et comités provinciaux non gouv. canadiens
  • Gymnastique et trampoline

Association de gymnastique de l'Î.-P.-É. : traduction littérale donnée à titre d'information seulement.


Association de gymnastique de l'Île-du-Prince-Édouard : traduction littérale donnée à titre d'information seulement.

Key term(s)
  • Gymnastics Association of PEI
  • Association of Gymnastics of PEI
  • PEI Gymnastics Association
  • Association of Gymnastics of Prince Edward Island
  • Gymnastics Association of Prince Edward Island
  • PEI Association of Gymnastics
  • Prince Edward Island Association of Gymnastics
  • Gymnastics Prince Edward Island


Save record 6

Record 7 2018-02-16


Subject field(s)
  • Non-Gov. Provincial Bodies and Committees (Canadian)
  • Health Institutions

[Long Term & Continuing Care Association of Manitoba's mission is to] advance the delivery of quality long term and continuing care services and resources, through advocacy, education and networking for [its] members and those they serve.


  • Organismes et comités provinciaux non gouv. canadiens
  • Établissements de santé

L'Association de soins continus et à long terme du Manitoba existe pour revendiquer la plus haute qualité de soins de santé, et d'en faire la promotion lors de ses entretiens avec les autorités de santé et le grand public.


Save record 7

Record 8 2017-11-16


Subject field(s)
  • Spacecraft
  • Space Exploration Equipment and Tools

The Shuttle Remote Manipulator System consists of a shoulder, elbow and wrist joint separated by an upper and lower arm boom. The shoulder joint has two degrees of freedom, the elbow joint has one degree of freedom, and the wrist joint has up to three degrees of freedom. At a total weight of approximately 905 lbs., the Canadarm has recently been upgraded to maneuver payloads of up to 266,000 kgs. (in the weightlessness of space). Canadarm uses an end effector with a specially designed grapple fixture to capture payloads and place them in orbit.


The 7m long MPLMs [Multi-Purpose Logistics Module] are the primary delivery system used to resupply and return up to 10, 000 kg space station cargo requiring a pressurised environment and is docked to the ISS using the Shuttle's Remote Manipulator System robot arm, before being placed back in the Shuttle payload bay for the flight home after its mission.


Canadarm; shuttle’s remote manipulator system; SRMS: terms and abbreviation officially approved by the International Space Station official approval Group (ISSOAG).


  • Engins spatiaux
  • Équipement et outillage d'exploration spatiale

Le télémanipulateur de la navette spatiale (SRMS) est un système de manipulation de charges utiles à six degrés de liberté. [...] Le SRMS est encore plus articulé que le bras humain et peut effectuer des manœuvres très complexes. Les moteurs des articulations sont munis de leurs propres systèmes de freinage et de contrôle de vitesse de mouvement. Chaque articulation est également équipée d'un encodeur qui sert à mesurer précisément l'angle d'ouverture des articulations. Ainsi, les articulations sont indépendantes les unes des autres et peuvent bouger à des vitesses différentes et dans des directions différentes.


Canadarm; télémanipulateur de la navette spatiale; SRMS : termes et abréviation uniformisés par le Groupe de travail de la terminologie de la Station spatiale internationale (GTTSSI).


Save record 8

Record 9 2017-08-22


Subject field(s)
  • Non-Gov. Provincial Bodies and Committees (Canadian)
  • Dentistry
  • Medical Staff

[Mission : to] advance the careers of dental assistants in Manitoba, and to promote the dental assisting profession in matters of education and professional activities that enhance the delivery of quality dental health care to the public.


On March 30, 1982, the name [Manitoba Dental Nurses and Assistants Association] was changed to the Manitoba Dental Assistants Association (MDAA).


  • Organismes et comités provinciaux non gouv. canadiens
  • Dentisterie
  • Personnel médical


Save record 9

Record 10 2016-02-29


Subject field(s)
  • Military Exercises
  • CBRNE Weapons

An operation not directly related to immediate operational readiness. It includes removal of a weapon from its normal storage location, prepared for use, delivery to an employment unit, the movement in a ground training exercise to include loading aboard an aircraft or missile and return to storage. It may include any or all of the operations listed above, but does not include launching or flying operations. Typical exercises include aircraft generation exercises, ground readiness exercises, ground tactical exercises, and various categories of inspections designed to evaluate the capability of the unit to perform its prescribed mission.


nuclear weapon exercise: term and definition standardized by NATO.


  • Exercices militaires
  • Armes CBRNE

Opérations qui n'entrent pas dans les dispositions relatives à l'alerte immédiate opérationnelle. Elles consistent à : enlever une arme nucléaire de son lieu de stockage normal, la préparer en vue de son emploi, la livrer à une unité d'emploi, s'en servir pour un exercice d'entraînement qui peut inclure son chargement à bord d'un missile ou d'un avion, la rapporter au dépôt. Elle peuvent comprendre une ou l'ensemble des opérations indiquées ci-dessus, mais ne comprennent aucune opération de largage ou de vol. Les exercices types comprennent : la préparation des avions, le contrôle de l'état d'alerte au sol, des exercices tactiques au sol et différentes catégories d'inspection destinées à évaluer la capacité d'une unité à s'acquitter de sa mission.


exercice de préparation d'une arme nucléaire : terme et définition normalisés par l'OTAN.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Ejercicios militares
  • Armas QBRNE

Operaciones no relacionadas directamente con la disposición operativa inmediata del arma. Incluyen la extracción del arma de su lugar de almacenamiento, la preparación para su empleo, la entrega a la unidad que la va a emplear, el movimiento, en un ejercicio de instrucción, incluyendo su carga en un avión o misil y su retorno al lugar de almacenamiento. Puede incluir el ejercicio una o varias de las operaciones citadas pero no su lanzamiento. Los ejercicios típicos son: los de disposición terrestre, aérea o táctica y los distintos tipos de inspección para evaluar la capacidad de la unidad para llevar a cabo su misión.

Save record 10

Record 11 2012-07-16


Subject field(s)
  • Provincial Government Bodies and Committees (Canadian)
  • Oil and Natural Gas Distribution

The ERCB [Energy Resources Conservation Board] is an independent quasi-judicial agency of the Government of Alberta whose mission is to ensure that the discovery, development [and] delivery of Alberta's energy resources take place in a manner that is fair, responsible [and] in the public interest.


  • Organismes et comités de gouvernements provinciaux canadiens
  • Distribution du pétrole et du gaz naturel

Commission chargée de l'économie des ressources énergétiques; CERE : traduction et abréviation non officielles données à titre d'information seulement.


Save record 11

Record 12 2012-06-13


Subject field(s)
  • Non-Gov. Provincial Bodies and Committees (Canadian)
  • Indigenous Sociology

The mission of the Commission...(FNQLHSSC) is to improve the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well being of First Nation and Inuit individuals, families and communities in respect of their local autonomy and culture. By helping the communities that wish to initiate, develop and promote comprehensive health & social programs and services as designed by First Nations and Inuit organizations recognized by our First Nations and Inuit. The role of the FNQLHSSC is to assist Quebec and Labrador First Nations and Inuit communities and organizations in the defense, maintenance and the exercise of their inherent rights in health and social services as well as to help them in the realization(delivery) and the development of these programs.


  • Organismes et comités provinciaux non gouv. canadiens
  • Sociologie des Autochtones

La mission de la Commission ... (CSSSPNQL) est d'améliorer le bien-être physique, mental, émotionnel et spirituel des personnes, des familles et des communautés des Premières Nations et des Inuits dans le respect de leur culture et autonomie locale. En aidant les Communautés qui le désirent, à mettre sur pied, développer et faire avancer des programmes et des services globaux de santé et de services sociaux adaptés et conçus par des organismes des Premières Nations et des Inuits. Le rôle de la CSSSPNQL est d'assister les communautés et organismes des Premières Nations et Inuits du Québec et du Labrador dans la défense, le maintien et l'exercice des droits inhérents en matière de santé et de services sociaux, ainsi que de les aider dans la réalisation et le développement de ces programmes.


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Record 13 2012-05-11


Subject field(s)
  • Non-Gov. Provincial Bodies and Committees (Canadian)
  • Occupational Health and Safety

Mission statement : dedicated to our vision, and using our worker-to-worker delivery model, we will provide the highest quality occupational health and safety training for workers, their representatives and employers in every workplace, regardless of sector, size, location or union status.

Key term(s)
  • Workers Health & Safety Center


  • Organismes et comités provinciaux non gouv. canadiens
  • Santé et sécurité au travail


Save record 13

Record 14 2011-12-28


Subject field(s)
  • Federal Government Bodies and Committees (Canadian)
  • Internet and Telematics

The mission of the ICCS is to promote high levels of citizen satisfaction with public sector service delivery. The ICCS achieves its mission by undertaking research to identify citizens’ service needs and expectations and by assisting the public sector in applying innovative service solutions which support quality service across all channels.

Key term(s)
  • Canadian Institute for Citizen-Centered Service Delivery


  • Organismes et comités fédéraux (Gouvernement canadien)
  • Internet et télématique

La mission de l'ISAC est de promouvoir de hauts niveaux de satisfaction des citoyens à l'égard des services offerts par le secteur public. Afin de remplir sa mission, l'Institut réalise des études pour cerner les besoins et les attentes des citoyens en matière de services et aide le secteur public à appliquer des solutions novatrices pour offrir des services de qualité quel que soit le mode de prestation retenu.

Key term(s)
  • Institut canadien de la prestation des services axés sur les citoyens


Save record 14

Record 15 2011-02-23


Subject field(s)
  • Provincial Government Bodies and Committees (Canadian)
  • Provincial Administration

Service New Brunswick(SNB) is a corporation owned by the Province of New Brunswick with a mission to improve the delivery of government services to the public.

Key term(s)
  • Geographic Information Corporation


  • Organismes et comités de gouvernements provinciaux canadiens
  • Administration provinciale

Service Nouveau-Brunswick (SNB) est une société du gouvernement provincial ayant pour mandat d'améliorer la prestation de services offerts à la population.

Key term(s)
  • Corporation d'information géographique


Save record 15

Record 16 2011-01-24


Subject field(s)
  • General Medicine, Hygiene and Health


  • Médecine générale, hygiène et santé

réalisation de la mission : terme retenu par le réseau Entraide Traduction Santé.


Save record 16

Record 17 2010-12-02


Subject field(s)
  • Various Military Titles
  • Military Transportation

Special Assignment Airlift Mission(SAAM) are aircraft operated by units other than by the 89th Airlift Wing to satisfy a requirement needing special pickup or delivery at locations other than those established within the approved channel structure; or to satisfy a requirement needing special consideration because of the number of passengers, weight, or size of the cargo, urgency, or sensitivity of movement, or other special factors.


  • Appellations militaires diverses
  • Transport militaire


Save record 17

Record 18 2010-06-30


Subject field(s)
  • Non-Gov. Provincial Bodies and Committees (Canadian)
  • Municipal Administration

Our mission :"To provide training and educational programs to municipal professionals while influencing policies and legislation that affect the delivery of municipal programs and services. "Since 1938, AMCTO(The Association of Municipal Managers, Clerks and Treasurers of Ontario) has been Ontario's premier municipal professional organization, providing a broad range of quality services to its members, and others with interests in the municipal sector.


  • Organismes et comités provinciaux non gouv. canadiens
  • Administration municipale


Save record 18

Record 19 2009-05-01


Subject field(s)
  • Federal Government Bodies and Committees (Canadian)
  • Penal Administration

Title used by the Translation Bureau’s Criminology Unit and the Linguistic Services at Correctional Service Canada.


Springhill Institution is a medium-security facility operating pursuant to various legislative acts, which impose binding legal obligations, but is also guided corporately by a comprehensive internal mission, vision and values framework. It is through an effective blend of the legal and corporate mandates that the Correctional Service of Canada develops and defines its policies, procedures and service delivery. It houses the largest medium-security offender population in the Atlantic Region and is the only major male federal institution in Nova Scotia.

Key term(s)
  • Springhill Institution Medium-Security Unit Male Offenders


  • Organismes et comités fédéraux (Gouvernement canadien)
  • Administration pénitentiaire

Le terme générique qui commence le nom officiel d'un établissement ou d'une maison d'enseignement, comme : centre, établissement, maison, pénitencier, pavillon, annexe, etc. prend la majuscule. Lorsque ces termes génériques sont employés comme noms communs, ils prennent la minuscule.


Appellation utilisée par le Service Criminologie du Bureau de la traduction et les Services linguistiques au Service correctionnel Canada.


L'établissement de Springhill est un établissement à sécurité moyenne assujetti à diverses lois qui lui imposent des obligations contraignantes, mais son orientation est également déterminée par une mission, une vision et un cadre de valeurs internes de portée générale. C'est par une combinaison efficace de mandats déterminés par la loi et par le Service que le Service correctionnel du Canada conçoit et définit ses politiques, ses procédures et les services qu'il offre. Il accueille la plus importante population de délinquants dits à sécurité moyenne de la région de l'Atlantique et constitue le seul établissement fédéral pour hommes d'importance en Nouvelle-Écosse.

Key term(s)
  • Établissement de Springhill Unité à sécurité moyenne pour délinquants de sexe masculin


Save record 19

Record 20 2008-07-17


Subject field(s)
  • Aeronautical Engineering and Maintenance

Full Mission Simulators(FMS) simulate a wide range of operations... A full-up simulator recreates sounds, motion, visual scenes, instrument presentations and all other systems in order to create a realistic flight training environment. The pilot will be able to train for landing, takeoff, weapons delivery, night flight, formation flight and cockpit familiarization in normal, adverse and emergency situations. The handling characteristics of the simulator represent actual aircraft characteristics based on available flight data and input from experienced pilots.


  • Aérotechnique et maintenance

Comme chaque centre Asta en Europe, celui-ci est doté d'un simulateur complet (FMS, «Full Mission Simulator») [...] La cabine du FMS est en effet située dans une sphère qui offre au pilote un champ de vision à 360° grâce à treize canaux visuels et six systèmes de projection. Doté d'une véritable visualisation tête haute (VTH), il permet aussi l'emploi de visées de casque et une restitution complète des systèmes de survie (oxygène, anti-g, etc.) [...] Pour l'instant le simulateur est doté d'un logiciel avion équivalent à celui du standard Block2, avec émulation Block 5 pour les systèmes d'arme. En clair, il permet aujourd'hui aux pilotes de la Luftwaffe de s'entraîner sur tout le spectre des missions de combat air-air [...] mais avec des capacités de guerre électronique et de liaison de données limitées.


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Record 21 2008-06-06


Subject field(s)
  • Titles of Provincial Government Programs (Canadian)
  • Educational Institutions

Concordia University. Within a customer-centric environment, the Executive Centre's mission is to provide help, guidance and support at all stages of training preparation; from planning and development to materials customization, case study creation and program delivery.


  • Titres de programmes de gouvernements provinciaux canadiens
  • Établissements d'enseignement

Université Concordia. Avec la collaboration de membres de la faculté ainsi que d'experts chevronnés, le Centre de perfectionnement John-Molson développe pour vous des solutions en formation conçues en fonction des besoins spécifiques à votre entreprise. Nos programmes sont élaborés de façon à faciliter le transfère des connaissances à son milieu de travail, à améliorer la performance de votre équipe, mais mieux encore, à fournir des connaissances ciblées à votre industrie.


Save record 21

Record 22 2008-03-18


Subject field(s)
  • Spacecraft

The Canadian Space Agency announced the first multi-purpose satellite mission, called CASSIOPE, which requires the building of an innovative satellite platform adaptable for a wide range of assignments, including science, technology, Earth observation, geological exploration and high capacity information delivery. This project will contribute to Canada's longstanding expertise in atmospheric science.

Key term(s)
  • multipurpose satellite


  • Engins spatiaux

L'Agence spatiale canadienne a annoncé la tenue de la première mission d'un satellite polyvalent, appelée CASSIOPE, qui requiert la construction d'une plate-forme satellitaire novatrice pouvant s'adapter à une gamme de missions liées aux sciences, à la technologie, à l'observation de la Terre, à l'observation géologique et à la fourniture d'information à grande capacité. Ce projet contribuera à enrichir les compétences canadiennes réputées dans le domaine des sciences de l'atmosphère.


Save record 22

Record 23 2008-02-15


Subject field(s)
  • International Bodies and Committees
  • Medical and Hospital Organization

Vision : To empower humanity in the expression of maximum health, wellness and human potential through universal chiropractic expression and utilization. Mission : To advance chiropractic throughout the world as a distinct health care profession predicated upon its unique philosophy, science, and art. Objectives : Maintain and promote chiropractic' s unique identity as a non-therapeutic, drugless and surgical-free health science, based on its fundamental principles and philosophy. Provide leadership in the establishment of chiropractic licensure regulation in every nation and promote the quality and authenticity of chiropractic education. Foster the professional and technical development of the Doctor of Chiropractic through programs of continuing education, research, political, and social action. Encourage the highest professional, technical, and ethical standards for the doctor of chiropractic while safeguarding the professional welfare of its members. Champion the principle that every citizen in the world has the right to freedom of choice in health care and be able to choose unhampered the doctor and the healing art of his/her choice. Work harmoniously with other health care organizations and governments in a global humanitarian effort to foster chiropractic and spinal hygiene in the fields of family health(including children, women, and the elderly), and occupational health. Work for full inclusion of chiropractic in all public and private health care delivery programs.


  • Organismes et comités internationaux
  • Organisation médico-hospitalière


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Record 24 2008-02-13


Subject field(s)
  • National Bodies and Committees (Canadian)
  • Air Transport Personnel and Services

The Geomatics Industry Association of Canada(GIAC) is Canada's premier source on information on geomatics-which is the discipline of gathering, storing, processing and delivery of geographic or spatially referenced information to aid in location-dependent decision-making. GIAC is the only national business association dedicated to serving the geomatics industry. GIAC' s mission is to facilitate networking amongst its member organizations and supply them with the information and tools they need to be more successful.


  • Organismes et comités nationaux canadiens
  • Personnel et services (Transport aérien)


Save record 24

Record 25 2007-11-21


Subject field(s)
  • Provincial Government Bodies and Committees (Canadian)
  • Fish
  • Aquaculture

Our mission : To foster prosperous and sustainable agriculture and fisheries industries through the delivery of quality public services for the betterment of rural and coastal communities and of all Nova Scotians.

Key term(s)
  • Nova Scotia Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture
  • Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture of Nova Scotia
  • Fisheries and Aquaculture Nova Scotia
  • Nova Scotia Fisheries and Aquaculture


  • Organismes et comités de gouvernements provinciaux canadiens
  • Poissons
  • Aquaculture

L'appellation française est entérinée par l'Office des affaires acadiennes, Nouvelle-Écosse.

Key term(s)
  • ministère des Pêches et de l'Aquaculture de la Nouvelle-Écosse
  • Pêches et Aquaculture de la Nouvelle-Écosse


Save record 25

Record 26 2007-01-09


Subject field(s)
  • Target Acquisition
  • Air Forces

Weapon delivery accuracy testing is a full systems test of the aircraft's mission computer, ranging devices, suspension systems, ballistic equations, navigation systems, etc. When these systems are all working properly and the pilot places his aiming mark on the target, the weapon will impact the target.

Key term(s)
  • weapon-delivery accuracy
  • weapon-delivery precision


  • Acquisition d'objectif
  • Forces aériennes


Save record 26

Record 27 2006-03-15


Subject field(s)
  • National Bodies and Committees (Canadian)
  • Educational Institutions
  • Hygiene and Health

The Association of Canadian Academic Healthcare Organizations(ACAHO) is the national voice of Teaching Hospitals, and Regional Health Authorities who have overall responsibility for the academic mission(i. e., service provision, education & training, and research & innovation). The mission of ACAHO is to provide effective national leadership, advocacy and policy representation in the three separate, but related, areas of : The funding, organization, management and delivery of highly specialized tertiary and quaternary, as well as primary health care services. The education and training of the next generation of Canada's health care professionals, and providing the necessary infrastructure to support and conduct basic and applied health research, medical discovery and innovation.


  • Organismes et comités nationaux canadiens
  • Établissements d'enseignement
  • Hygiène et santé

Porte-parole national de plus de 40 centres d'enseignement - combinant hôpitaux d'enseignement et régies régionales de la santé chargés de la mission universitaire (service, éducation et recherche). L'ACISU (Association canadienne des institutions de santé universitaires), qui a plus de 50 ans, s'appelait auparavant l'Association canadienne des hôpitaux d'enseignement. L'ACISU a pour mission d'assurer un leadership et une représentation stratégique et efficace dans trois domaines distincts mais connexes : Assurer le financement, l'organisation, la gestion et la prestation de services de santé tertiaires et quaternaires hautement spécialisés, ainsi que de soins de santé primaires; former la prochaine génération de professionnels de la santé du Canada; fournir l'infrastructure nécessaire pour appuyer et effectuer les recherches fondamentales et appliquées en santé, la découverte médicale et l'innovation.


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Record 28 2006-01-31


Subject field(s)
  • Provincial Government Bodies and Committees (Canadian)
  • Agriculture - General
  • Commercial Fishing

Our Mission : To foster prosperous and sustainable agriculture and fisheries industries through the delivery of quality public services for the betterment of rural and coastal communities and all Nova Scotians.


  • Organismes et comités de gouvernements provinciaux canadiens
  • Agriculture - Généralités
  • Pêche commerciale


Save record 28

Record 29 2005-11-16


Subject field(s)
  • Regional and Municipal Gov. Bodies and Committees
  • Health Institutions

As the result of a naming contest, the Transition Committee adopts "Niagara Health System" as the name of the amalgamated hospital corporation. Our mission : Working within an integrated system for a healthier Niagara. Building on the contributions of our founding hospitals : we provide equitable and timely access for people throughout Niagara to a wide range of patient-focused care and services; we provide a full continuum of care through partnerships with other health and social service providers within and beyond Niagara; we enhance community well-being and health care delivery through promotion, education and research; we commit to innovation and continuous quality improvement in health services to meet our changing health care needs.


  • Organismes et comités de gouv. régionaux ou municipaux
  • Établissements de santé

Notre mission : Travailler ensemble au sein d un système intégré pour mieux desservir la population de la région de Niagara. En mettant à profit les contributions de ses hôpitaux fondateurs, le Système de santé de Niagara : offre aux gens de la région de Niagara un accès équitable et en temps opportun à un large éventail de soins et de services axés sur le patient; assure un continuum de soins grâce à des partenariats regroupant d'autres fournisseurs de services sociaux et de santé tant à l'intérieur qu'à l'extérieur de la région de Niagara; améliore le bien être communautaire et la prestation des soins de santé grâce à la promotion, à l'éducation et à la recherche; s'engage à favoriser l'innovation et l'amélioration continue de la qualité des services de santé pour répondre aux besoins changeants en matière de soins de santé.


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Record 30 2005-11-16


Subject field(s)
  • Regional and Municipal Gov. Bodies and Committees
  • Medical and Hospital Organization

The mission of the Middlesex-London Health Unit, a teaching health unit, is to promote wellness, prevent disease and injury, and protect the public' s health through the delivery of public health programs, services and research.


  • Organismes et comités de gouv. régionaux ou municipaux
  • Organisation médico-hospitalière


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Record 31 2005-04-21


Subject field(s)
  • Non-Gov. Provincial Bodies and Committees (Canadian)
  • Medical Staff

The Saskatchewan Association of Optometrists(SAO) is the professional member organization and regulatory body for Doctors of Optometry in Saskatchewan. Our mission is to foster excellence in the delivery of vision and eye health services in Saskatchewan by providing information, programs, and services that promote and enhance Optometry, and by licensing and regulating the delivery optometric care.

Key term(s)
  • Association of Optometrists of Saskatchewan
  • Saskatchewan Optometrists Association
  • Optometrists Association of Saskatchewan


  • Organismes et comités provinciaux non gouv. canadiens
  • Personnel médical
Key term(s)
  • Association des optométristes de la Saskatchewan


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Record 32 2003-11-21


Subject field(s)
  • Private-Sector Bodies and Committees
  • Roofs (Building Elements)

ARCA's mission is to serve the Alberta roofing industry by providing leadership through the development and promotion of standards, education and professional delivery of roofing services.


  • Organismes et comités du secteur privé
  • Toitures (Éléments du bâtiment)

Appellation et abréviation confirmées par l'organisme.


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Record 33 2001-09-17


Subject field(s)
  • Internet and Telematics

It will be capable of providing differentiated services to support integrated near-toll quality, real-time voice, video and mission critical applications, and support for the delivery of video streams and a multicast capability.


  • Internet et télématique


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Record 34 2001-09-13


Subject field(s)
  • Titles of Provincial Government Programs (Canadian)
  • Internet and Telematics

... is a multi-year initiative that uses technology as a tool for community development. The mission is to : 1) support community access to the Internet, 2) provide increased access to information, programs and services, 3) build community technical capacity, 4) increase northerners’ comfort level with information technology, 5) provide a coordinated approach to the program and service delivery.


  • Titres de programmes de gouvernements provinciaux canadiens
  • Internet et télématique


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Record 35 1999-08-12


Subject field(s)
  • Program Titles (Armed Forces)

This project will result in a fundamental restructuring of the way the air force manages its resources, including the procurement process and operational mission delivery.


  • Titres de programmes (Forces armées)

Ce projet entraînera une restructuration fondamentale du mode de gestion des ressources des forces aériennes, y compris les méthodes d'acquisition et l'accomplissement des missions opérationnelles.


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Record 36 1999-01-21


Subject field(s)
  • Foreign Trade

The Corporate Services business line enables the [department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade] to achieve its mission and objectives through the delivery of cost-effective support services, including : finance, human resources, training, information management, overseas property and materiel, security, and audit and evaluation.


  • Commerce extérieur

Le secteur des Services ministériels permet au [ministère des Affaires étrangères et du Commerce international] de remplir sa mission et d'atteindre ses objectifs en lui fournissant des services de soutien économiques, notamment les suivants : finances, ressources humaines, formation, gestion de l'information, biens et matériels à l'étranger, sécurité, vérification et évaluation.


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Record 37 1997-11-11


Subject field(s)
  • Government Positions
  • Operations Research and Management

UNAVEM [United Nations Angola Verification Mission] Division of Administration and Management, Office of the Chief Administrative Officer. Provides support to the Chief Administrative Officer of the Mission in the context of programme delivery and implementation of legislative mandates, undertakes operational review of management procedures, recommends strategies for improvement of procedures and provides guidance to their implementation.


  • Postes gouvernementaux
  • Recherche et gestion opérationnelles


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Puestos gubernamentales
  • Investigación y gestión operacionales
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Record 38 1996-08-30


Subject field(s)
  • Military Administration
  • Phraseology

Core activities are essential to the achievement of the defence mission and once identified, are not eligible for Alternate Service Delivery evaluation.


  • Administration militaire
  • Phraséologie

Par «activités de base», on entend celles qui sont essentielles à l'accomplissement de la mission de défense. Une fois déterminées, elles ne peuvent faire l'objet d'une évaluation en vue de l'utilisation d'autres types de prestation de services.


Save record 38

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© Public Services and Procurement Canada, 2024
TERMIUM Plus®, the Government of Canada's terminology and linguistic data bank
A product of the Translation Bureau


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