The Government of Canada’s terminology and linguistic data bank.

SENSOR SURFACE [50 records]

Record 1 2024-08-08


Subject field(s)
  • Applications of Automation

Different types of haptic feedback require an acquisition of environmental data by different kinds of haptic sensors. Most commonly, force torque sensors in the wrists or other joints of the robot are used. In addition, tactile input is achieved by sensor matrices based on various physical working principles. Sometimes, data inputs of depth perception and surface perception have to be combined to achieve an optimal haptic sensing.


  • Automatisation et applications

Un capteur passif ne fait que recevoir l'énergie naturellement réfléchie par les objets présents dans la scène. Plusieurs capteurs passifs sont utilisés pour la robotique ou pour la surveillance : les capteurs inertiels (détection de vibrations, de mouvement), les capteurs haptiques (contact), mais les plus connus sont les capteurs visuels [...]


Save record 1

Record 2 2023-07-31


Subject field(s)
  • Measuring Instruments
  • Hydrology and Hydrography
  • Commercial Fishing

During pelagic trawling,... it is [important] to position the trawl relative to the largest concentration of fish. By using a depth sensor,... the exact depth of the gear relative to the surface [can be monitored], and... the trawl depth [can be adjusted] accordingly. Additional depth sensors on the doors can be used to monitor if the doors stay at the same depth.


  • Appareils de mesure
  • Hydrologie et hydrographie
  • Pêche commerciale


Save record 2

Record 3 2023-05-18


Subject field(s)
  • Measuring Instruments (Engineering)
  • Commercial Fishing
  • Collaboration with the FAO

[The] depth and temperature sensor [was] attached to the trawl and logged [data continuously] during each haul. At each trawl station[, ] the trawl was lowered from [the] surface to 200 m depth...

Key term(s)
  • depth/temperature sensor


  • Instruments de mesure (Ingénierie)
  • Pêche commerciale
  • Collaboration avec la FAO
Key term(s)
  • capteur profondeur/température
  • capteur température et profondeur


Save record 3

Record 4 2021-07-14


Subject field(s)
  • Remote Sensing
  • Geology


  • Télédétection
  • Géologie


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Record 5 2019-11-15


Subject field(s)
  • Applications of Automation
  • Automatic Control Engineering

An analog touch sensor is a compliant device whose output is proportional to a local force. Analog touch sensors are usually mounted on the inner surface of the fingers to measure gripping forces and to extract information about the object between the fingers.


  • Automatisation et applications
  • Automatique

Le capteur tactile analogique est un outil simple mais extrêmement précis, capable de détecter toute pression ou relâchement de son bouton frontal.


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Record 6 2019-10-30


Subject field(s)
  • Scientific Measurements and Analyses
  • Commercial Fishing

Depth measurements. The "depth" measurement is the distance from the sea surface down to the [catch monitoring] sensor.


Sensors are placed on the trawl to take measurements such as the water depth.


  • Mesures et analyse (Sciences)
  • Pêche commerciale

La mesure de la «profondeur» est la distance de la surface de la mer jusqu'au capteur.


Les capteurs sont installés sur le chalut pour donner des informations telles que l'enregistrement de la profondeur de l'eau.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Medición y análisis (Ciencias)
  • Pesca comercial
Save record 6

Record 7 2019-07-24


Subject field(s)
  • Military Communications
  • Flight Controls (Aeroindustry)
  • Remote Control (Telecommunications)
  • Aerospace Equipment (Military)

The new high integrity data link(HIDL) is a robust digital data link designed by CDS and Ultra Electronics for NATO's Maritime Unmanned Aerial Vehicle program. The HIDL will assist operators in making safe UAV [unmanned aerial vehicle] takeoffs and landings on ships and also allow the transfer of sensor photos and data to naval vessels and other surface terminals for operators to study and disseminate.


high integrity data link; HIDL: designations standardized by NATO.


  • Transmissions militaires
  • Commandes de vol (Constructions aéronautiques)
  • Commandes à distance (Télécommunications)
  • Matériel aérospatial (Militaire)

liaison de données à haute intégrité; HIDL : désignations normalisées par l'OTAN.


Save record 7

Record 8 2017-05-09


Subject field(s)
  • Metrology and Units of Measure
  • Scientific Information
  • Optics
  • Electromagnetic Radiation

The number of photons (400-700 nm) incident per unit time on a unit surface [suggested units: nE/cm² s (e=Einsteins)].


Plants use the 400 to 700 nm waveband of the light spectrum for photosynthesis. A simple integral relationship exists between the number of molecules changed photochemically and the number of photons absorbed within the requisite waveband regardless of photon energy. The preferred measurement for PAR is Photosynthetic Photon Flux Density(PPFD). This is the number of photons in the 400 to 700 nm waveband incident per unit time on a unit surface. Plant scientists, meteorologists, horticulturists, ecological survey groups and other environmental scientists are using this [Quantum PAR] sensor to measure PPFD in the atmosphere, growth chamber and greenhouse.


  • Unités de mesure et métrologie
  • Information scientifique
  • Optique
  • Rayonnements électromagnétiques

éclairement photonique ou (densité de flux photonique) [...] : Quotient du nombre de photon par unités de temps et par unité de surface. Lorsque les photons sont mesurés dans le PAR [400 à 700 nm], on parle alors d'éclairement photonique photosynthétique ou densité de flux photonique photosynthétique (photosynthetic photon flux density, PPFD)


Il [éclairement photonique] s'exprime en mole de photons par mètre carré et par seconde : [mol/s/m2 ou Einstein/s/m2]


Les mesures photoniques sont basées sur la quantité de photons qui constituent les radiations mesurées. L'unité de base est la mole de photons aussi nommée Einstein qui correspond au nombre d'Avogadro (6,02.1023) de photon.


Pour les végétaux, on définit l'éclairement photosynthétiquement actif (PAR) ou éclairement photonique dans la gamme de longueur d'onde 350-750 nanomètres. Cet éclairement tient compte, non pas de la courbe de sensibilité spectrale de l'œil comme l'éclairement lumineux, mais de la courbe du spectre d'action des radiations sur la photosynthèse. Seul l'éclairement énergétique est une donnée réellement objective; l'efficacité réelle des éclairements lumineux et photosynthétiquement actif dépend en fait de paramètres biologiques qui peuvent varier notablement d'un individu à l'autre et même au cours du temps.


Save record 8

Record 9 2017-02-10


Subject field(s)
  • Federal Government Bodies and Committees (Canadian)
  • Transportation

Intelligent Transportation Systems(ITS) is a broad range of diverse technologies applied to transportation to make systems safer, more efficient, more reliable and more environmentally friendly, without necessarily having to physically alter existing infrastructure. The range of technologies involved includes sensor and control technologies, communications, and computer informatics and cuts across disciplines such as transportation, engineering, telecommunications, computer science, finance, electronic commerce and automobile manufacturing. The ITS Policy Branch of Surface Transportation Policy leads Transport Canada's planning, development, and implementation of a comprehensive policy framework in support of the Intelligent Transportation Systems Plan for Canada.


  • Organismes et comités fédéraux (Gouvernement canadien)
  • Transports

Transport Canada. Systèmes de transport intelligents (STI) designe une vaste gamme de techniques appliquées aux transports pour rendre les réseaux plus sûrs, plus efficaces, plus fiables et plus écologiques sans avoir nécessairement à modifier matériellement l'infrastructure existante. La gamme des technologies en jeu comprend l'informatique et les technologies des capteurs, des systèmes de contrôle et des communications; elle touche des disciplines telles que les transports, l'ingénierie, les télécommunications, l'informatique. La Direction des STI des Politiques de transport terrestre dirige la planification, l'élaboration et la mise en œuvre du cadre stratégique global de Transports Canada à l'appui du Plan des systèmes de transport intelligents (STI) pour le Canada.


Save record 9

Record 10 2014-03-20


Subject field(s)
  • Aeroindustry
  • Weapon Systems (Air Forces)

F3 standard Rafales are capable of undertaking many different mission roles with a range of equipment : air defence/superiority missions... precision ground attacks... anti-shipping using the AM39 Exocet sea-skimming missile, reconnaissance via a combination of onboard and external pod-based sensor equipment, and nuclear deterrence operations when armed with ASMP-A [improved medium-range air to surface] missiles.


  • Constructions aéronautiques
  • Systèmes d'armes (Forces aériennes)

Le standard F3 apporte les capacités d'attaque anti-navire (avec le missile AM39) et de reconnaissance aérienne [...] ainsi que de dissuasion nucléaire (avec le missile ASMPA [air-sol moyenne portée améliorée]).


Save record 10

Record 11 2013-10-18


Subject field(s)
  • Remote Sensing

The empirical line method is an atmospheric correction technique that provides an alternative to radiative transfer modelling approaches. It offers a relatively simple means of surface reflectance calibration, providing that a series of invariant-in-time calibration target measurements are available. This technique has been applied with variable success to both airborne data and coarser spatial resolution satellite sensor data.


  • Télédétection


Save record 11

Record 12 2011-07-25


Subject field(s)
  • Security Devices
  • Corporate Security
  • Protection of Property
  • Security

A sensor consisting of a thin metallic foil layered between paper or some other nonconductive substance, that is attached to a surface such as a wall surrounding a protected area and electrified. A penetration of the laminate will cause an alarm.


  • Dispositifs de sécurité
  • Sécurité générale de l'entreprise
  • Sécurité des biens
  • Sécurité


Save record 12

Record 13 2011-07-11


Subject field(s)
  • Weather Stations and Meteorological Instruments and Equipment

Vaisala's DEWCAP[ TM] sensor uses Surface Acoustic Wave(SAW) technology to usher in a new generation of condensation hygrometers. In Surface Acoustic Wave(SAW) technology the temperature controlled quartz sensor surface is cooled until dew or frost collects on the sensor surface. The presence or absence of condensation is sensed using the SAW instead of the traditional optical beam used in chilled mirrors.


Dewcap®: registered trademark

Key term(s)
  • Dewcap sensor


  • Stations, instruments et équipements météorologiques

Le capteur [Dewcap] est fondé sur la technologie SAW (Ondes Acoustiques de Surface), qui permet une détection de la condensation de la surface refroidie par un signal de haute fréquence, au lieu d'un faisceau optique.


Dewcap® : marque de commerce

Key term(s)
  • capteur Dewcap


Save record 13

Record 14 2011-01-27


Subject field(s)
  • Radar, Radio Guidance and Goniometry
  • Spacecraft
  • Remote Sensing

A type of ghosting that occurs when the distance between the sensor and the imaged area is not well known or when the surface is very uneven.


Once the SAR wavelength and orbital altitude have been specified, the antenna has to meet a certain minimum aperture area dictated by range and azimuth ambiguity considerations. The challenge is to develop clever sub-pulse coding schemes that make it possible to suppress the ambiguities, thereby reducing the requirements on antenna size by a factor of 5 or 10.


Ghosting occurs when the sampling of returned signals is too slow.


azimuth ambiguity: term officially approved by the RADARSAT-2 Terminology Approval Group (RTAG).


  • Radar, radioguidage et radiogoniométrie
  • Engins spatiaux
  • Télédétection

Ambiguïté en azimut. Si l'image générée est bidimensionnelle, l'information reçue est quant à elle unidimensionnelle. L'antenne ne fait que stocker une succession d'échos en fonction du temps bien qu'ils soient stockés dans une matrice bidimensionnelle. Seule une connaissance approchée et a priori de la distance de la zone à imager permet de calibrer les délais d'acquisition et d'assigner la bonne position en azimut pour une ligne. Si celle-ci est mal connue, le lieu imagé ne sera pas celui attendu. Mais surtout, le lobe principal «éclairant» tout de même la zone étudiée, des échos risquent de revenir plus tôt ou plus tard et donc, pendant une autre phase d'acquisition. Ils seront [alors] associés à une autre ligne, c'est-à-dire à une autre position azimutale.


ambiguïté en azimut : terme uniformisé par le Groupe de travail de la terminologie de RADARSAT-2 (GTTR) et par le Comité d'uniformisation de la terminologie spatiale (CUTS).


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Guía radárica, radioguía y radiogoniometría
  • Naves espaciales
  • Teledetección
Save record 14

Record 15 2010-11-18


Subject field(s)
  • Mathematics
  • Nuclear Physics
  • Space Physics

A radiative transfer code that provides the surface radiance from a given sensor radiance at altitude compensating for the effects of the intervening atmosphere in the visible and near-infrared portions of the electromagnetic spectrum.


  • Mathématiques
  • Physique nucléaire
  • Physique spatiale

Code de transfert radiatif fournissant la radiance de surface d'un capteur de radiance à une altitude compensant pour les effets atmosphériques dans les parties visible et proche-infrarouge du spectre électromagnétique.


Save record 15

Record 16 2010-08-27


Subject field(s)
  • Medical and Surgical Equipment
  • Scientific Measurements and Analyses

A new system has been developed for the non-invasive monitoring of intracranial pressure(ICP) across the anterior fontanelle in the newborn. The system comprises a very small pneumatic sensor linked via two vinyl tubes to an instrument where the ICP value is dislayed. The sensor is simply bonded to the anterior fontanelle, using industrial collodion normally used for attaching EEG electrodes. The sensor body is injection moulded in semi-flexible polyurethane with a very thin, compliant membrane bonded to its front surface.


  • Équipement médico-chirurgical
  • Mesures et analyse (Sciences)

Certains auteurs proposent des moyens instrumentaux d’évaluation de la force des muscles du périnée par [...] sonde pneumatique haute précision ; la validité de ces moyens instrumentaux nécessitera des études complémentaires.


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Record 17 2010-08-11


Subject field(s)
  • Remote Sensing

The smallest usable element of an image.


For applications such as cartography, where it is important to precisely locate the correct position of features such as roads and boundaries, it has been difficult or impossible to evaluate the relative performance of different sensors through the standard specifications of IFOV [Instantaneous Field of View] or spatial resolution. In an effort to overcome this difficulty, a second concept... labeled spatial effective resolution element(SERE), is evolving. Although this concept is not fully developed, it provides an indication of the factors to be taken into account when attempting to correlate different systems. These factors include :surface area on the Earth, or its equivalent on the image plane, the IFOV and the spread function resulting from optical diffraction and aberrations as well as electronic lag or smear. Essentially, the concept of SERE is an attempt to determine the IFOV of the hypothetical, unsampled(ideal) scanning system which would yield performance equivalent to that of any given real sensor system. Whether such an equivalence exists is yet to be determined.


spatial effective resolution element; SERE: term and abbreviation officially approved by the RADARSAT-2 Terminology Approval Group (RTAG).


  • Télédétection

Plus petit élément utilisable de l'image.


élément de résolution spatiale efficace : terme uniformisé par le Groupe de travail de la terminologie de RADARSAT-2 (GTTR).


Save record 17

Record 18 2010-03-01


Subject field(s)
  • Applications of Automation
  • Space Exploration Equipment and Tools

The Vision Skin sensor is designed to do accurate range sensing and close range imaging in approximately the 1 cm distance range. It utilizes an array of collimated holes as individual parallel pin-hole cameras to perform close range lens-less imaging. When a laser diode is added to the system, triangulation is used to determine the distance of the surface. The sensor can switch between imaging mode and range mode simply with software and lighting mode.


... Vision Skin provides images and data of objects very close to the sensor surface. It is analogous to heat sensors in the finger tips(which can sense heat when near a hot object without touching it) and the compound eye of an insect(which forms crude images of an object comprised of pixels array in the eye)...


  • Automatisation et applications
  • Équipement et outillage d'exploration spatiale

Le terme «skin» [désigne une] plaquette (mince) à pointes d'aiguille qui projette la lumière sur les objets. Il est alors possible d'estimer la distance entre l'objet et le capteur. Il s'agit de capteurs de proximité qui utilisent la vision comme méthode.


capteur de vision en plaquettes : équivalent proposé par STEAR/TSAR Mgr.


Save record 18

Record 19 2008-05-23


Subject field(s)
  • Scientific Instruments
  • Range Measurements (Telecommunications)

An active sensor used for the measurement of the backscattered field of a laser illuminated surface.


The facility is a class 10,000 cleanroom and contains a unique, state-of-the-art, out-of-plane optical scatterometer. This scatterometer is capable of measuring the bi-directional scatter distribution function ( BSDF) of transmissive or reflective, specular or diffuse optical elements and surfaces in addition to granular, powdered, or liquid samples.


  • Instruments scientifiques
  • Mesures à distance (Télécommunications)

Capteur actif permettant de mesurer le signal rétrodiffusé d'une surface illuminée par un laser.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Instrumentos científicos
  • Medidas de distancia (Telecomunicaciones)
Save record 19

Record 20 2008-05-23


Subject field(s)
  • Electronic Devices
  • Photoelectricity and Electron Optics
  • Telecommunications Switching

Different to a photodiode, the photocurrent produced by a light energy(photons) falling on its surface is amplified by the phototransistor effect. Because of this, a photocell that incorporates a phototransistor mounted at a distance from the sensor electronics is much less prone to electrical interference(which can cause spurious switching) than one that incorporates a photodiode.


  • Dispositifs électroniques
  • Photo-électricité et optique électronique
  • Commutation (Télécommunications)

[électronique] Commutation involontaire de circuits due à la charge statique d'un satellite.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Dispositivos electrónicos
  • Fotoelectricidad y óptica electrónica
  • Conmutación (Telecomunicaciones)
Save record 20

Record 21 2008-02-22


Subject field(s)
  • Applications of Automation
  • Radar, Radio Guidance and Goniometry
  • Remote Sensing

The range sensor repeats the measurement, but noise in the range sensing process results in a slightly different range surface.


  • Automatisation et applications
  • Radar, radioguidage et radiogoniométrie
  • Télédétection


Save record 21

Record 22 2007-08-21


Subject field(s)
  • Remote Sensing
  • Meteorological Forecasting, Data Measurement and Analysis

An image of the Earth's surface acquired by a satellite sensor.


satellite image: term officially approved by the RADARSAT-2 Terminology Approval Group (RTAG).


Geocoded, georeferenced satellite image.


  • Télédétection
  • Prévisions météorologiques et mesure et analyse des données

Image résultant du traitement de données satellite.


On doit distinguer la photo-satellite de l'image satellite, cette dernière étant fournie par un capteur non photographique.


image-satellite : terme utilisé par le Groupe de travail de la terminologie de RADARSAT-2 (GTTR).


Image satellite géocodée, géoréférencée.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Teledetección
  • Previsiones meteorológicas, medición y análisis de datos

Representación de la Tierra y de su atmósfera obtenida por medio de un radiómetro de barrido instalado en un satélite.

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Record 23 2007-07-20


Subject field(s)
  • Spacecraft
  • Remote Sensing

In Nadir Mode, the line of sight of a sensor points from the orbit downward to the Earth's surface or atmosphere.


  • Engins spatiaux
  • Télédétection

Observation des points ou ensemble de points de la surface du globe, situés directement sous le capteur à mesure que celui-ci se déplace le long de son orbite.


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Record 24 2007-03-22


Subject field(s)
  • Measuring Instruments
  • Acoustics (Physics)
  • Audio Technology

The TSM [thickness shear mode] bulk acoustic wave device is one of a set of transducers based on mechanical vibration. Since the acoustic wave device is highly sensitive to surface mass change in the gas phase, it has many applications in the chemical sensor area. When a chemically selective layer is placed on the surface of an acoustic wave transducer, the device will be converted into a chemical sensor.


  • Appareils de mesure
  • Acoustique (Physique)
  • Électroacoustique

Capteur à ondes acoustiques utilisé pour détecter la présence de substances telles que des produits chimiques ou les transformations physiques de certains paramètres liés à l'environnement tels que la température et la pression de l'air.


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Record 25 2007-01-31


Subject field(s)
  • Radar, Radio Guidance and Goniometry
  • Spacecraft
  • Weather Stations and Meteorological Instruments and Equipment

Microwave sensors are particularly effective for measuring land surface hydrological parameters. Since microwave sensors enable us to observe ground surfaces both day and night, we can observe hydrologic phenomena that show remarkable diurnal variation. Further, an inherent feature of a microwave sensor lies in its wavelength between 1 mm and 1 m(0. 3 to 300 GHz of frequency), making it possible to conduct observations without influence from weather and to detect the scattering information not only at the surface, but also in the volume. Furthermore, we can directly observe liquid water having larger relative permittivity than other physical parameters because the scattering of microwaves heavily depends on relative permittivity. There are two types of microwave sensors : a passive microwave sensor that observe weak microwave signals naturally radiated from the Earth's surface, and an active microwave sensor that measures the backscattering coefficient of the transmitted beam.


microwave sensor: term officially approved by the RADARSAT-2 Terminology Approval Group (RTAG).

Key term(s)
  • micro-wave sensor
  • micro wave sensor


  • Radar, radioguidage et radiogoniométrie
  • Engins spatiaux
  • Stations, instruments et équipements météorologiques

Tous les objets reflètent, absorbent ou émettent un rayonnement électromagnétique qui correspond à leur composition et à leur structure. Un capteur hyperspectral, fonctionnant à l'aide du rayonnement solaire réfléchi, détecte les spectres particuliers, autrement dit la «signature spectrale» d'un objet, ce qui permet ensuite d'en déterminer la composition.


capteur hyperspectral : terme uniformisé par le Groupe de travail de la terminologie de RADARSAT-2 (GTTR).


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Guía radárica, radioguía y radiogoniometría
  • Naves espaciales
  • Estaciones, instrumentos y equipos meteorológicos
Save record 25

Record 26 2007-01-31


Subject field(s)
  • Range Measurements (Telecommunications)

The temperature determined for an object calculated by a remote infrared sensor based solely on the amount of radiation it emits assuming the object has blackbody emission characteristics.


An ideal blackbody surface with an emissivity of 1 will have an apparent temperature(as perceived by a remote thermal sensor) equal to the actual temperature. Since emissivity values are always lower than 1, remote sensing of actual temperature is inaccurate.


Infrared Spectrum ... used by imager (produces imagery mapping of the ocean surface with thermal contours) and radiometer-spectrometers (provide values of apparent temperature of the surface at points across the ocean).


  • Mesures à distance (Télécommunications)

Température d'un objet calculée par un télécapteur infrarouge et basée uniquement sur le montant de radiation émis tout en supposant que l'objet possède les caractéristiques de rayonnement d'un corps noir.


Au niveau du satellite, le capteur mesure une température apparente qui est en fait la somme de différentes composantes. En effet, le capteur mesure à la fois l'émission par l'atmosphère et par la surface.


L'influence d'épais nuages sur les données est détectée en utilisant des seuils de réflectivité de la lumière visible ainsi que la température apparente de surface dérivée des bandes 1 à 5 du [satellite] AVHRR.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Medidas de distancia (Telecomunicaciones)

Banda 6: mide la cantidad de energía infrarroja radiante emitida de las superficies, la temperatura aparente es función de las emisiones y de la temperatura real o cinética de la superficie

Save record 26

Record 27 2007-01-31


Subject field(s)
  • Radar, Radio Guidance and Goniometry
  • Spacecraft
  • Remote Sensing

[A] sensor that observe weak microwave signals naturally radiated from the Earth's surface.


A passive sensor is a microwave instrument designed to receive and to measure natural emissions produced by the Earths surface and its atmosphere. The frequency and strength of these natural emissions characterize the type and the status of a large number of important geophysical, atmospheric and surface parameters of the land, sea, and ice caps, that describe the status of the Earth system(i. e., The Earth, its atmosphere, and the oceans) and its mechanisms.


Microwave energy recorded by a passive sensor can be emitted by the atmosphere, reflected from the surface, emitted from the surface, or transmitted from the subsurface.


Typically, microwave passive sensors are radiometers or scanners and are characterized by low spatial resolution.


passive sensor: term officially approved by the RADARSAT-2 Terminology Approval Group (RTAG).


  • Radar, radioguidage et radiogoniométrie
  • Engins spatiaux
  • Télédétection

Capteur qui reçoit une énergie émise sans que lui-même irradie la scène.


Les capteurs passifs sont uniquement récepteurs (ex. : radiomètres, caméras, spectroradiomètres, etc.), la source d'énergie est le plus souvent le Soleil ou la Terre.


capteur passif : terme uniformisé par le Groupe de travail de la terminologie de RADARSAT-2 (GTTR).


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Guía radárica, radioguía y radiogoniometría
  • Naves espaciales
  • Teledetección
Save record 27

Record 28 2007-01-31


Subject field(s)
  • Space Physics

The scattering of EM [electromagnetic] energy caused by particles in the atmosphere which are much larger than the wavelengths of the energy.


Non-selective scattering is produced by water droplets, ice fragments or large dust particles which are larger than the radiation wavelength. Such particles directly reflect any incident radiation. When the particles are sufficiently dense they act as an opaque layer between the sensor and the Earth's surface. Cloudy and dust-laden atmospheres cause non-selective scattering in the visible and infrared wavelengths and thus reduce the effectiveness of data in these spectral regions for remote sensing of the Earth's surface.


non-selective scattering: term officially approved by the RADARSAT-2 Terminology Approval Group (RTAG).

Key term(s)
  • nonselective scattering
  • non selective scattering


  • Physique spatiale

[Diffusion qui se] produit lorsque les particules (les gouttes d'eau et les grosses particules de poussière) sont beaucoup plus grosses que la longueur d'onde du rayonnement.


La diffusion non sélective présente des caractéristiques très différentes [...] : elle concerne la basse atmosphère, les brouillards à gouttelettes moyennes, mais aussi les solides en poudre sèche; [...] elle renvoie indifféremment toutes les couleurs car elle met en jeu, à très petite échelle, des phénomènes de réflexion et de réfraction.


diffusion non sélective : terme uniformisé par le Groupe de travail de la terminologie de RADARSAT-2 (GTTR).


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Física espacial

Dispersión de la radiación en el seno de la atmósfera producida por aerosoles, cuyo tamaño de coloides es suficientemente grande para afectar a todas las longitudes de onda.

Save record 28

Record 29 2007-01-31


Subject field(s)
  • Radar, Radio Guidance and Goniometry
  • Spacecraft
  • Remote Sensing

In pushbroom scanning a linear array of detectors is orientated perpendicularly to the direction of movement. Satellites utilising pushbroom scanning are not rotating, and therefore, the array of detectors detect the chorological matrix as the satellite moves along its track.


Pushbroom scanning. The EROS A1 sensor generates imagery via push-broom scanning method, when the Earth's surface is scanned by a linear array of CCD [charge-coupled device] detectors aligned like the bristles of a broom that set the width of the swath and scans successive pixel width lines across the entire swath.


along-track scanning: term officially approved by the RADARSAT-2 Terminology Approval Group (RTAG).


Along-track scanning radiometer.

Key term(s)
  • along track scanning
  • alongtrack scanning


  • Radar, radioguidage et radiogoniométrie
  • Engins spatiaux
  • Télédétection

Les systèmes à barrette de détecteurs [...] sont de conception plus récente que les systèmes à balayage mécanique. Au lieu de s'appuyer sur un seul détecteur comme les précédents, ils utilisent une rangée de plusieurs centaines de détecteurs disposés perpendiculairement au sens de déplacement de la plate-forme et correspondant à une ligne de pixels sur l'image, et donc à une ligne de tachèles sur le terrain. Le déplacement de l'avion ou du satellite assure ainsi un balayage longitudinal de la zone couverte et l'on n'a donc plus besoin de miroir mobile pour assurer cette fonction.


Le balayage est donc longitudinal à la manière d'un balai poussé devant soi, d'où l'expression «push broom» employée par certains auteurs.


balayage longitudinal : terme uniformisé par le Groupe de travail de la terminologie de RADARSAT-2 (GTTR).


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Guía radárica, radioguía y radiogoniometría
  • Naves espaciales
  • Teledetección
Save record 29

Record 30 2007-01-31


Subject field(s)
  • Optics
  • Remote Sensing

[An effect] due to scattering of light from surrounding surfaces into the line of sight between an observed surface and sensor position.


In the atmospheric correction of satellite data in the visible and near-infrared bands, it is necessary to remove the adjacency effect due to the reflection from contiguous pixels. Evaluation of the influence of aerosol vertical distributions on the adjacency effect is done by calculating the single-scattering light intensity which, after the reflection at the ground surface, reaches the satellite sensor via a single scattering with a molecule or an aerosol particle.


adjacency effect: term officially approved by the RADARSAT-2 Terminology Approval Group (RTAG).


  • Optique
  • Télédétection

Effet produit par la diffusion de lumière, provenant de surfaces avoisinantes, entre la surface observée et la position du capteur.


effet d'adjacence : terme uniformisé par le Groupe de travail de la terminologie de RADARSAT-2 (GTTR).


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Óptica
  • Teledetección
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Record 31 2007-01-31


Subject field(s)
  • Radar, Radio Guidance and Goniometry
  • Spacecraft
  • Remote Sensing

The acute angle between the looking axis of the sensor and the horizontal or ground elevation surface.


RADARSAT has a unique steerable radar beam that enables the adjusting of the viewing angle.


viewing angle: term officially approved by the RADARSAT-2 Terminology Approval Group (RTAG).


  • Radar, radioguidage et radiogoniométrie
  • Engins spatiaux
  • Télédétection

Angle entre la direction géocentrique et la direction du centre de champ dans l'espace-objet d'un capteur.


L'angle de prise de vue de RADARSAT est variable ce qui permet de nombreuses applications stéréoscopiques (MNT).


angle de prise de vue : terme uniformisé par le Groupe de travail de la terminologie de RADARSAT-2 (GTTR).


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Guía radárica, radioguía y radiogoniometría
  • Naves espaciales
  • Teledetección
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Record 32 2007-01-31


Subject field(s)
  • Radar, Radio Guidance and Goniometry
  • Spacecraft
  • Remote Sensing

Multi-polarimetric analysis... allows for the comparison between different bands or channels from the sensor. In RADARSAT-2 terms, it allows the comparison between, for example, HH and HV or VV and HV. A typical analysis technique is deriving a ratio between two channels. For example : the ratio of HV : HH provides a relative measure of volume scattering(HV) versus surface scattering(HH).


multi-polarimetric analysis: term officially approved by the RADARSAT-2 Terminology Approval Group (RTAG).

Key term(s)
  • multipolarimetric analysis


  • Radar, radioguidage et radiogoniométrie
  • Engins spatiaux
  • Télédétection

Analyse comparative entre les bandes ou les canaux d'un capteur.


Syntagme construit sur le modèle de «satellite multipolarimétrique».


analyse multipolarimétrique : terme uniformisé par le Groupe de travail de la terminologie de RADARSAT-2 (GTTR).


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Guía radárica, radioguía y radiogoniometría
  • Naves espaciales
  • Teledetección
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Record 33 2006-10-16


Subject field(s)
  • Remote Sensing
  • Optical Instruments
  • Range Measurements (Telecommunications)

The smallest distance or angular displacement at which two neighbouring objects can be resolved.


All real sensors... have a limit on how small an object on the Earth's surface can be and still be "seen" by a sensor as being separate from its surroundings. This limit, called the spatial resolution of a sensor, is an indication of how well a sensor can record spatial detail.


spatial resolution: term officially approved by the RADARSAT-2 Terminology Approval Group (RTAG).


  • Télédétection
  • Instruments d'optique
  • Mesures à distance (Télécommunications)

Plus petite distance ou plus petit écart angulaire permettant de discriminer deux objets voisins.


Selon certains auteurs, le terme «résolution spatiale» est à proscrire en raison de la confusion qu'il introduit entre «pouvoir de résolution spatiale» et «limite de résolution spatiale».


limite de résolution spatiale : terme uniformisé par le Groupe de travail de la terminologie de RADARSAT-2 (GTTR).


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Teledetección
  • Instrumentos ópticos
  • Medidas de distancia (Telecomunicaciones)
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Record 34 2005-04-22


Subject field(s)
  • Space Physics
  • Remote Sensing

... radar detectors are usually active in that they first emit a pulse of microwaves. This microwave energy travels to the surface of the Earth and the reflected energy is detected by the sensor(a bit like flash photography). By using microwave energy in remote sensing, satellites like RADARSAT are able to see the Earth at night and through clouds.


reflected energy: term officially approved by the RADARSAT-2 Terminology Approval Group (RTAG).


  • Physique spatiale
  • Télédétection

[...] les capteurs radars sont généralement actifs en ce sens qu'ils émettent d'abord une impulsion hyperfréquence qui est transmise vers la surface de la Terre, et l'énergie réfléchie est détectée par le capteur à bord du satellite (un peu comme la photographie au flash). Utilisée en télédétection, cette énergie hyperfréquence permet à des satellites comme RADARSAT de «voir» la nuit et à travers les nuages.


énergie réfléchie : terme uniformisé par le Groupe de travail de la terminologie de RADARSAT-2 (GTTR).


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Record 35 2004-09-24


Subject field(s)
  • Weather Stations and Meteorological Instruments and Equipment
  • Launching and Space Maneuvering

Circuit of electric field measurements of thunderclouds. ... The electric field mill is a device based on electrostatic induction. It consists of one or two electrodes which either rotate in an electrostatic field or become periodically exposed to a field by rotating vanes. Fig.46 illustrates a cylindrical field mill which consists of two cylinder halves that are electrically insulated from each other. An electric motor rotates the two halves in the electric field to be measured so that they become alternately exposed to both the positive and negative direction of the field. The result is that an alternating (ac) signal is generated across the two halves which can be easily amplified. ... Although not commonly used, the cylindrical field mill has the advantage that when mounted in a fixed position it can also indicate the direction of the field. This is accomplished by measuring the phase shift of the ac signal relative to the orientation of electric fields need to be measured.


The device normally used to measure atmospheric electric fields is a type of sensor called an electric field mill. It can be used on the ground to gain information about the field aloft, or it can be flown on an airplane or balloon. Thirty-one ground-based field mills at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station and the Kennedy Space Center are used to measure the electric field just above the surface of Earth, in the lowest meter of the atmosphere, and determine if it meets the safety levels specified in the Lightning Launch Commit Criteria. The small, cylindrical field mill is mounted upside down.


  • Stations, instruments et équipements météorologiques
  • Lancement et manœuvres dans l'espace


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Record 36 2004-09-21


Subject field(s)
  • Medical and Surgical Equipment
  • Non-Surgical Treatment

An all-purpose disease-fighting nanomachine might take the form of a miniature submarine that would navigate its way through the bloodstream. In that submarine would be a powerful nanocomputer. This computer would be programmed to seek out and destroy disease-causing organisms. Sensor devices attached to the submarine would examine all objects it encountered, studying their shapes and surface molecules, and comparing them with a database of known disease organisms stored in the computer's memory banks. When a pathogen is encountered, it could be destroyed, broken down into its molecular building blocks.


  • Équipement médico-chirurgical
  • Traitements non chirurgicaux

Il serait plus logique que la médecine lutte contre les maladies avec des outils plus ou moins adaptés à la taille de la cellule, afin de reconnaître individuellement la cellule malade et de la traiter de façon sélective. Notre système immunitaire sait le faire: certains lymphocytes sont capables de reconnaître des cellules malades isolées pour n'éliminer qu'elles, ce qui explique éventuellement la «guérison spontanée» occasionnellement observée du mélanome malin, un cancer de la peau. Pour appliquer cette stratégie en médecine, nous aurions besoin d'instruments à l'échelle nanométrique, capables de reconnaître des maladies («détecteurs») et de les traiter («effecteurs») [...] . Jusqu'à leur application aux patients, ces méthodes nanotechnologiques futuristes demanderont encore des années de recherche et de développement. Les «nanoconteneurs» synthétiques en cours de développement réunissent déjà un certain nombre de conditions pour devenir peut-être un jour les «sous-marins médicaux» de l'avenir.


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Record 37 2003-05-20


Subject field(s)
  • Diesel Motors
  • Fueling Systems (Motor Vehicles)

needle-motion sensor; SOI-sensor: Sensor which emits an electrical signal when the nozzle opens. [Terms and definition standardized by ISO.]


Injector replacement programme : economical and environmentally friendly. Surface treated and corrosion protected injector body. With new injection nozzles. Individually tested and with full guarantee. In OEM quality, exactly like new parts. With and without needle motion sensor.


SOI = "start of injection".

Key term(s)
  • needle motion sensor
  • SOI sensor


  • Moteurs diesel
  • Alimentation (Véhicules automobiles)

capteur de mouvement d'aiguille; capteur-SOI : Capteur qui délivre un signal électrique lorsque l'aiguille d'injecteur s'ouvre. [Termes et définition normalisés par l'ISO.]


SOI = début d'injection (start of injection).


Save record 37

Record 38 2003-03-26


Subject field(s)
  • Spacecraft
  • Remote Sensing

Advanced Visible and Near-Infrared Radiometer(AVNIR) is an optical sensor for measuring surface reflectance in 3 visible bands and 1 near-infrared band. The three visible bands are indicated by blue, green and red while the near-infrared band is suitable to observe vegetation. AVNIR has 4 multispectral bands of 16 m resolution and 1 panchromatic band of 8 m resolution. AVNIR scans about 80 km swath width along the cross track, using the large lineararray CCDs [Charged Coupled Devices] with 5, 000 pixels(multispectral band) and 10, 000 pixels(panchromatic band).


  • Engins spatiaux
  • Télédétection

Instrument ESA du satellite japonais ALOS.


Save record 38

Record 39 2003-01-22


Subject field(s)
  • Spacecraft
  • Remote Sensing

AVIRIS is a proven instrument in the realm of Earth Remote Sensing. It is a unique optical sensor that delivers calibrated images of the upwelling spectral radiance in 224 contiguous spectral channels(bands) with wavelengths from 400 to 2500 nanometers. AVIRIS has been flown on two aircraft platforms : a NASA ER-2 jet and the Twin Otter turboprop.... The main objective of the AVIRIS project is to identify, measure, and monitor constituents of the Earth's surface and atmosphere based on molecular absorption and particle scattering signatures.


  • Engins spatiaux
  • Télédétection

Cet instrument est plus connu sous le nom de spectromètre AVIRIS.


En 2001, l'utilisation du spectromètre imageur aéroporté dans le visible et l'infrarouge (AVIRIS) des États-Unis d'Amérique a permis d'étalonner les instruments des satellites SAC-C et EO-1.


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Record 40 2003-01-06


Subject field(s)
  • Scientific Research Equipment
  • Spacecraft

The Surface Science Package consists of nine independent sensor subsystems with the primary aim of characterising Titan's surface at the end of Huygens’ descent through Titan's atmosphere. In addition, many useful atmospheric measurements will be performed during the descent phase. Seven sensors are mounted inside or on the lower rim of a cavity in the Probe's foredome, and are thus exposed to Titan atmosphere or surface material. Two sensors which do not require direct exposure to the atmosphere or surface are mounted on the electronics box inside the descent module.


  • Matériel et équipement (Recherche scientifique)
  • Engins spatiaux


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Record 41 2002-12-19


Subject field(s)
  • Space Exploration Equipment and Tools

Under contract from the Canadian Space Agency(CSA), the Canadian company, Kinetic Sciences Inc.(KSI), developed a proximity sensor that can provide both image features and range data very near to the surface of the sensor. Because the sensor works without using conventional lenses, it reduces the potential for distorting the image... An important need in many robotics systems is to obtain proximity measurements-which establish how close one object is to another-of the features of an object as it is approached at a close range by the finger tips or robot rippers’. In this situation normal visual sensing tends to be obscured, and can prevent the robot from properly grasping objects or completing tasks. What was required and developed by KSI was a ear-touch proximity sensor that could provide detailed information on the distance and orientation of one object with respect to another for objects between 1 centimetre and 1 millimetre away from the finger tip of the robot.


proximity sensor: term officially approved by the International Space Station official approval Group (ISSOAG).


  • Équipement et outillage d'exploration spatiale

détecteur de proximité : terme uniformisé par le Groupe de travail de la terminologie de la Station spatiale internationale (GTTSSI).


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Record 42 2002-11-05


Subject field(s)
  • Freezing and Refrigerating
  • Spacecraft

To minimize electromagnetic contamination of the field measurements by the rest of the spacecraft, the magnetometer sensor head will be deployed outside the refrigerated volume on the vertical boom. The sensor head will be designed to survive indefinitely under the ambient Venus surface conditions. Functioning within that constraint requires that all the active electronic elements of the magnetometer be contained within the refrigerated volume; the sensor head will be electronically passive. The sensor head will also include a temperature sensor, for calibration purposes.


  • Congélation, surgélation et réfrigération
  • Engins spatiaux


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Record 43 2002-04-23


Subject field(s)
  • Scientific Instruments
  • Climate Change

A sensor to monitor the earth's radiation balance, the temperature profile of the atmosphere, the temperature of the earth's surface, and physical properties of clouds.


It was developed by the Japan Resources Observation System Organization (JAROS) for the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI).


  • Instruments scientifiques
  • Changements climatiques


Save record 43

Record 44 2001-08-17


Subject field(s)
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Aircraft Piloting and Navigation
  • Navigation Instruments
  • Flight Instruments and Equipment (Aeroindustry)

A mode in which the vibration amplitude of the pickoff is nulled by a signal whose amplitude is proportional to the rotation rate about the input axis.


Integrated Cantilever Beam Tunneling Sensor. Our researchers have exploited the extremely sensitive quantum tunneling effect between metals to design MEMS sensors that can sense a force applied to a silicon-based, surface micromachined structure with extraordinary sensitivity and six orders of magnitude of dynamic range. The force is applied to a micromachined cantilever(one electrode) and is sensed as a result of a tunneling current produced between the cantilever and a tunneling tip(the other electrode). The sensor is operated in a force rebalance mode such that the cantilever and tip do not actually move with respect to each other but are held in a servo-locked state with the voltage required to maintain the servo-lock proportional to the force being sensed by the cantilever.


Several different types of sensor devices have been designed, fabricated and demonstrated using this concept. These include extremely high dynamic range accelerometers, and high performance microgyroscopes that show the prospect of enabling very compact, inexpensive, precision inertial navigation and inertial measurement systems.


  • Électrotechnique
  • Pilotage et navigation aérienne
  • Instruments de navigation
  • Instruments et équipement de bord (Constructions aéronautiques)


Save record 44

Record 45 2001-04-01


Subject field(s)
  • Astronautics
  • Radar, Radio Guidance and Goniometry

The spacecraft will free fall from 20 m onto the surface of the asteroid. This phase is totally autonomous. ONC-W will be used for target-plate tracking until about 2 m from the asteroid surface. At an altitude of about 50 m, the LIDAR will not be used anymore, and a laser range finder and fan-beam sensor will be used for altitude sensing.


  • Astronautique
  • Radar, radioguidage et radiogoniométrie


Save record 45

Record 46 2000-08-18


Subject field(s)
  • Printed Circuits and Microelectronics
  • Industrial Techniques and Processes

These are designed to bathe boatloads of wafers or other parts in quantity production. The bath vessels should be equipped with heating elements that surround and concentrate the desired heat on the liquid within the bath. This will enable the bath liquid to be heated rapidly(6 °C or more per minute), while also allowing the bath to be very stably operated between 40 ° and 180 °C. Baths should be equipped with a built-in thermistor sensor to regulate the amount of heat, and provide the capability of maintaining a very constant-temperature when necessary. The vessel should be designed to resist thermal shock, be capable of high heat retention, and be impervious to most acids. Wafer baths can be either mounted to the work surface, or they can be used free-standing unit. Vessel size should allow the bat to accept any standard wafer within a wafer carrier.


  • Circuits imprimés et micro-électronique
  • Techniques industrielles


Save record 46

Record 47 1999-08-23


Subject field(s)
  • Astronautics

The Vision Skin sensor is designed to do accurate range sensing and close range imaging in approximately the 1 cm distance range. It utilizes an array of collimated holes as individual parallel pin-hole cameras to perform close range lens-less imaging. When a laser diode is added to the system, triangulation is used to determine the distance of the surface. The sensor can switch between imaging mode and range mode simply with software and lighting control.


... Vision Skin provides images and data of objects very close to the sensor surface. It is analogous to heat sensors in the finger tips(which can sense heat when near a hot object without touching it) and the compound eye of an insect(which forms crude images of an object comprised of pixels array in the eye)...


Vision Skin sensor: term officially approved by the International Space Station official approval Group (ISSOAG).


  • Astronautique

Plaquette (mince) à pointes d'aiguille qui projette la lumière sur les objets; [elle] permet de mesurer la distance entre l'objet et le capteur.


capteur de proximité; capteur Vision Skin : termes uniformisés par le Groupe de travail de la terminologie de la Station spatiale internationale (GTTSSI).


Save record 47

Record 48 1998-04-09


Subject field(s)
  • Informatics
  • Electronic Components


  • Informatique
  • Composants électroniques


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Record 49 1997-11-26


Subject field(s)
  • Electrochemistry

Sensor composed of an indicating and a reference electrode which uses a gas-permeable membrane or an air-gap to separate the sample solution from the thin film of an intermediate solution, which is either held between the gas membrane and ion-sensing membrane of the electrode, or placed on the surface of the electrode using a wetting agent(e. g. air-gap electrode).


This intermediate solution interacts with the gaseous species in such a way as to produce a change in a measured value (e.g. pH) of the intermediate solution. This change is then sensed by the ion-selective electrode and is proportional to the partial pressure of the gaseous species in the sample.


  • Électrochimie

[Électrode] réalisée à partir de systèmes composés d'une électrode indicatrice et d'une électrode de référence et ... [qui] utilise une membrane perméable aux gaz ou une bulle d'air pour séparer la solution à analyser d'un film mince d'une solution intermédiaire qui est, soit maintenue entre la membrane perméable aux gaz et la membrane sensible de l'électrode, soit fixée à la surface de l'électrode au moyen d'un agent tensioactif.


Cette solution intermédiaire réagit avec le gaz et produit un changement dans la valeur d'une grandeur mesurable (par exemple, le pH). Cette variation est ensuite mesurée par l'électrode à membrane sélective. Elle est proportionnelle à la pression partielle du gaz dans l'échantillon.


L'électrode à hydrogène, qui répond aussi bien à la pression partielle d'hydrogène qu'au pH, est une exception. L'électrode à oxygène est comprise dans cette catégorie bien qu'elle mette en jeu un dispositif ampérométrique et non pas potentiométrique comme les autres systèmes.


Save record 49

Record 50 1980-07-05


Subject field(s)
  • Aeroindustry

the hydraulic assembly is made up of an actuator assembly which consists of a hydraulic manifold on which is mounted a surface position transmitter,(...) hydraulic load sensor(used on aileron and rudder boosters only)(...)


  • Constructions aéronautiques


Save record 50

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© Public Services and Procurement Canada, 2024
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