The Government of Canada’s terminology and linguistic data bank.


Record 1 2023-07-31


Subject field(s)
  • Military Organization

In order to accomplish the full spectrum of Alliance missions, the NATO Command Structure is supported by the NATO force structure. The force structure provides three broad categories of forces, in-place forces primarily for collective defence and deployable forces, both held at graduated readiness levels. The third category known as [long-term build-up] forces which provide forces generally associated with generation of capabilities for large scale Article 5 operations held at very low readiness.


NATO force structure; NFS: designations standardized by NATO.


  • Organisation militaire

structure de forces de l'OTAN : désignation normalisée par l'OTAN.


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Record 2 2022-08-31


Subject field(s)
  • Translation and Interpretation
  • Computer Processing of Language Data
  • Artificial Intelligence

Unlike [in dialogue-based machine translation], in transfer-based MT(TBMT) the process is separated into three steps – source text analysis, structural transfer of the analysis result to a structure suited for the target language, and target language text generation. The transfer rules depend on the language pair selected for translation.


  • Traduction et interprétation
  • Informatisation des données linguistiques
  • Intelligence artificielle

Traduction automatique par transfert. Les systèmes par transfert reposent sur le principe de la connaissance contrastive, c'est-à-dire sur les différences entre deux langues. Cette approche compte trois phases : l'analyse, le transfert et la génération.


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Record 3 2020-02-27


Subject field(s)
  • Simulation (Cybernetic Systems)
  • Collaboration with WIPO

Smart eyewear is defined as eyewear incorporating a near-to-eye display. As used herein, near-to-eye display means a display, device, or system, such as a retinal projector, virtual retinal display, visualization element, head-mounted display, heads-up display, or other near-to-eye system, typically worn on the head of a user that generates an image near the eye. In a smart eyewear configuration, a display device is often mounted adjacent to an edge of each of the wearer’s eyes and an image is typically displayed in the center of each lens. The location of the displayed image, therefore, forces the wearer to gaze in a direction to view the image generated by the display. Typically positioned near the user’s eye, the display is aligned to the central region of the user’s field of view to allow review of the displayed information with little or no head movement. This enables the user to view the display while also viewing the area outside the central region and interacting with the surrounding environment. In another embodiment, the displayed image is aligned to a region other than the central region of the user’s field of view.


Near-eye display devices are configured to present images to a user via a display that is positioned close to the user’s eyes. For example, a head-mounted augmented reality display device may be worn on a user’s head to position a near-eye display directly in front of a user’s eyes. A near-eye display may be at least partially see-through to allow a user to view a real-world background in combination with displayed virtual objects. This may allow virtual objects to be displayed such that the virtual objects appear to exist within the real-world environment.


The technology provides one or more embodiments of a near-eye display(NED) device system. An embodiment of a NED device system comprises a near-eye display device including a near-eye support structure and a near-eye display(NED) supported by the near-eye support structure and having a display field of view. The NED system further comprises an image generation unit supported by the near-eye support structure which outputs image data which is optically coupled to the near-eye display(NED).


near-to-eye display; near-eye display: data validated by Canadian subject-field experts from École Polytechnique de Montréal, MasterpieceVR and McGill University.


  • Simulation (Systèmes cybernétiques)
  • Collaboration avec l'OMPI


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Simulación (Sistemas cibernéticos)
  • Colaboración con la OMPI

[…] se contempla que al menos una pantalla […] comprendida en el dispositivo […] no permita ver al usuario a través de ella (es decir, que no sea transparente), siendo preferentemente de tipo NED (siglas en inglés de la expresión "near-eye display" o pantalla cercana al ojo) […]

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Record 4 2018-06-26


Subject field(s)
  • Occupation Names (General)
  • Shipbuilding
  • Naval Forces

Marine systems engineers are responsible for the readiness, operation and maintenance of propulsion and ancillary systems, power generation and distribution, auxiliary systems, ship's service systems, ship and machinery control systems, hull structure, ship's stability, damage control, and the integration of these systems. They analyze the state of their systems, equipment and personnel, predict their requirement for naval operations and advise command accordingly...


  • Désignations des emplois (Généralités)
  • Constructions navales
  • Forces navales


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Record 5 2017-11-30


Subject field(s)
  • Orbital Stations

The... P-6 Integrated Truss Structure [weighs] 17 tons. [It is a] girder-like truss [which] houses the massive arrays that are folded up in solar blanket boxes, the mast upon which they will be deployed [, ] associated batteries and electronics, as well as three radiators to dispel excess heat built up during the generation of electricity.


mast: term officially approved by the International Space Station official approval Group (ISSOAG).


Re-extend, retract the mast.


  • Stations orbitales

Unity est le nœud central de la future station. Véritable carrefour, il relie le FGB [Functional Cargo Block] aux éléments suivants, mais sert aussi d'appui au mât supportant les énormes panneaux solaires.


mât : terme uniformisé par le Groupe de travail de la terminologie de la Station spatiale internationale (GTTSSI).


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Record 6 2016-05-03


Subject field(s)
  • Titles of Intergovernmental Programs
  • Agricultural Economics

Agricultural New Generation Cooperatives program(ANGen) : The Province [of Saskatchewan] may provide funding towards the ANGen program which supports the development of Agricultural New Generation Co-operatives in Saskatchewan. The program will provide consulting and financial assistance for the development of value-added agriculture projects. The main objective of ANGen is to help eligible groups develop and implement a sound business plan using the new generation cooperative business structure.


  • Titres de programmes intergouvernementaux
  • Économie agricole

Programme des coopératives agricoles de la nouvelle génération (ANGen) : La province [de la Saskatchewan] pourra verser des fonds au programme ANGen, qui appuie le développement des coopératives agricoles de la nouvelle génération en Saskatchewan. Le programme dispensera des consultations et une aide financière pour le développement de projets agricoles à valeur ajoutée. Le principal objectif d’ANGen est d’aider les groupes admissibles à élaborer et à mettre en œuvre un plan d’entreprise valable qui s’appuiera sur la structure d’affaires des coopératives de la nouvelle génération.


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Record 7 2014-12-09


Subject field(s)
  • Art History and Theory
  • Painting (Arts)

A description most commonly applied to the work of a generation of American painters... Field painters treat the picture surface as a continuous or extended plane, the whole picture is regarded as a single unit so that figure and ground tend to be given equal value. Colour-Field painters replace tonal contrasts and brushwork by solid areas of colour which extend, in most cases, across the canvas from edge to edge.... Colour is liberated, in this type of painting, from any limitation imposed by internal forms or structure.... most Colour-Field painters work on a monumental horizontal scale and their canvases are intended to be viewed at close quarters...


  • Histoire et théorie de l'art
  • Peinture (Arts)

[...] les peintres de l'Abstraction chromatique entreprirent d'explorer les possibilités expressives de la couleur. À cette fin, ils éliminèrent de leurs toiles non seulement tout dessin et jusqu'au plus petit rappel de forme, mais aussi tout rapport ou contraste de valeurs, de manière à privilégier la couleur considérée en elle-même, dans sa propre substance et répandue à cette fin en de larges nappes unifiées. [...] l'œuvre s'identifiait entièrement à son support et n'existait plus qu'en fonction des bords mêmes de la toile, les champs colorés devenant indissociables du champ pictural lui-même. D'où [...] l'importance des grands formats [...]


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Record 8 2013-07-04


Subject field(s)
  • Electric Rotary Machines - Types
  • Wind Energy

[A tall structure that holds a] complete wind generation unit.


  • Machines tournantes électriques - types
  • Énergie éolienne

Structure en élévation équipée d'un système de production d'énergie éolienne.


Tour. Son rôle est d’une part de supporter l’ensemble rotor + nacelle, mais aussi de le placer à une hauteur suffisante, de manière à sortir autant que possible le rotor du gradient de vent qui existe à proximité du sol, améliorant ainsi la captation de l’énergie. Certains constructeurs proposent ainsi différentes hauteurs de tour pour un même ensemble rotor + nacelle de manière à s’adapter au mieux à différents sites d’implantation. Trois grands types de tour peuvent se rencontrer : Mât haubané [… ] Tour en treillis [… ] Tour tubulaire […]


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Máquinas rotativas eléctricas - tipos
  • Energía eólica
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Record 9 2012-03-08


Subject field(s)
  • Plant Biology

The individual or generation of a plant exhibiting alternation of generations that bears sex organs, constitutes the major part of the plant body in most algae, fungi, and mosses, exists as an independent transitory thalloid body in ferns and related plants, and is reduced to a microscopic or rudimentary structure in seed plants-distinguished from sporophyte.


  • Biologie végétale

Organisme végétal issu d'une spore, destiné à former les gamètes et reconnaissable dans les espèces végétales où il existe une alternance des générations.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Biología vegetal
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Record 10 2004-09-02


Subject field(s)
  • Information Processing (Informatics)

Information that describes a file, giving details such as its name, generation number, date of last access, expiry date, and the structure of the records it contains. It is normally stored as a header record at the front of the file, held on magnetic tape or disk.


  • Traitement de l'information (Informatique)


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Tratamiento de la información (Informática)

Conjunto específico de caracteres alfanuméricos que identifica de modo único el contenido de un rollo o parte de una cinta magnética.


Por lo general, la etiqueta de archivo (fichero) se escribe en la cinta magnética como un bloque que contiene el nombre del archivo, número del carrete, fecha en que fue escrita y fecha de expiración.

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Record 11 2003-11-05


Subject field(s)
  • Astronautics

CMC Blisk Material Development and Testing. Engineers at MSFC are developing fabrication processes and designs for ceramic matrix composite(CMC) components through material and component testing, structural modeling, microscopy, and nondestructive analysis techniques. CMCs will be utilized extensively on future generation launch vehicles for propulsion systems and for vehicle hot structure. They are necessary to enable lightweight components capable of operating over a wide temperature range. These advantages translate into increased safety and lower cost compared to state-of-the-art materials. MSFC is primarily responsible for developing CMCs and transitioning them into propulsion applications such as cooled and radiation cooled flow paths, thrust chambers, integrally bladed disks(blisks) and nozzles. Hot structures for leading edge and control surface applications are also supported.


  • Astronautique

Réalisation de la première structure chaude applicable à un avion spatial et démonstration de sa capacité à supporter les contraintes aérothermodynamiques de la rentrée atmosphérique.


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Record 12 2001-10-25


Subject field(s)
  • Orbital Stations

The P6 integrated truss structure is made up of three elements : the Photovoltaic Array Assembly, the Integrated Equipment Assembly, and the Long Spacer. The Photovoltaic Array Assembly is responsible for generation, regulation, storage and distribution of electrical power, and is made up of the solar arrays, masts, gimbals and associated controls.


The P6 has two identical PVAAs (Photovoltaic Array Assembly) which themselves consist of two major elements: The Solar Array Assembly (SAA) and the Beta Gimbal Assembly (BGA).


photovoltaic array assembly; PVAA: term and abbreviation officially approved by the International Space Station official approval Group (ISSOAG).


  • Stations orbitales

Le générateur photovoltaïque se compose d'un champ de modules et d'un ensemble de composants qui adapte l'électricité produite par les modules aux spécifications des récepteurs.


générateur photovoltaïque; PVAA : terme et abréviation uniformisés par le Groupe de travail de la terminologie de la Station spatiale internationale (GTTSSI).


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Record 13 1997-05-30


Subject field(s)
  • Information Processing (Informatics)

Incorporating changes to the data in a file without altering its structure or significance. A common procedure is to hold three generations of the file, referred to as grandfather file, father file(master file), and son file(transaction file)-son being the current generation.


  • Traitement de l'information (Informatique)

Technique consistant à conserver la génération d'une bande ou d'un fichier ayant servi à en créer une autre jusqu'à ce que cette dernière ait elle-même créé une version plus récente.


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Record 14 1996-01-18


Subject field(s)
  • Artificial Intelligence

Planning that refines the vague parts of a plan into more detailed subplans by generating a hierarchical representation of it.


Term and definition standardized by ISO/IEC.


The technique by which a hierarchical plan structure is generated by successive generation, from top to bottom, of its component levels.


  • Intelligence artificielle

Planification qui consiste à préciser les détails d'un plan en le décomposant en sous-plans représentés hierarchiquement.


Terme et définition normalisés par ISO/CEI.


Illustrée par le système ABSTRIPS (dérivé de STRIPS), la planification hiérarchique permet d'élaborer un plan d'ensemble, avec un faible niveau de détail, puis de raffiner ce plan en résolvant les problèmes qui se posent à des niveaux de description de plus en plus détaillés.


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Record 15 1995-03-08


Subject field(s)
  • Ore Extraction and Transport
  • Engineering Tests and Reliability

Non-destructive testing technique which has been developed in order to evaluate the quality of the concrete structures. The technique is based on generation of high frequency stress pulse in the surface of the structure and their reflections from the voids, delaminations and back of the structure.


  • Extraction et transport du minerai
  • Fiabilité, contrôle et essais (Ingénierie)

L'équivalent a été proposé par l'auteur de cette technique, un ingénieur de l'Université McGill.


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Record 16 1994-10-26


Subject field(s)
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Continuing Education

To become applicable, most didactic strategies must be combined with the constraints provided by the structure of the domain and with the resources provided by the model of expertise. In general, the problem of merging didactic and domain knowledge dynamically-a theme of further work on MENO-TUTOR(Woolf and McDonald, 1984a)-can be quite complex. The resulting articulation is critical to pretting curriculum decisions and explanation generation under the system's control.


Separating the domain knowledge base from the teaching knowledge provides tremendous engineering efficiency, allowing the teaching knowledge to be more clearly formalized, evaluated, and reused.


... the ADVISOR must monitor a user’s interaction with the system, attempt to identify user goals and offer, as appropriate, advice based on the user’s goals and common design strategies as defined in the domain knowledge base.


The structure of the domain in the database can be frame-based, rule-based, script-based or take the form of semantic nets, didactic plans, bites, or genetic graphs.


  • Intelligence artificielle
  • Éducation permanente

Base de données d'un système EIAO contenant un ensemble d'informations et de connaissances factuelles sur la discipline enseignée.


Ces données sont combinées avec celles de la base de données didactiques pour permettre la génération de modules d'apprentissage. Voir aussi : modèle du domaine, base de connaissances.


Renseignements fournis par le Centre de terminologie et néologie, Paris, 1991.


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Record 17 1994-01-24


Subject field(s)
  • Population Movements

This modest upturn is often explained by the term "baby boom echo". The sizeable baby boom generation has always had an enormous impact upon Canada's age structure.


To be published: Statistics Canada - Catalogue No. 96-320E, Children and Youth: An Overview.


In 1973, a baby-boom echo began.


  • Mouvements de population

En fait, l'équipe de Cabarets Neiges Noires réussit là où plusieurs n'ont même pas essayé; amener au théâtre des jeunes qui appartiennent à la génération de l'après baby-boom, celle dont on ignore tout et qui n'a pas la révolte dans le sang comme ses aînés.


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Record 18 1990-10-05


Subject field(s)
  • Computer Graphics

The fundamental unit of data in the centralized structure store, a sequence of which is collected to form a structure.


Structure elements include elements causing the generation of output primitives, attribute selections, labels, application data, NAME SET specifications, transformation selections and structure references.


  • Infographie


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Record 19 1989-06-23


Subject field(s)
  • Artificial Intelligence

Essentially, the basic mechanism of a GAO graph is that of a production system, with the advantages of the finely grained formalism of production rules. But this production system is interpreted with a goal stack of interspersed AND and OR goals that provide the representation with an explicit control structure. In addition, some notion of scope is afforded by a focus of attention that can be shifted with the generation of subgoals.


  • Intelligence artificielle

Graphe où un état peut être transformé alternativement de plusieurs façons (connexion ou), chaque transformation pouvant faire intervenir simultanément plusieurs états, dont la conjonction est équivalente à l'état initial (connexion ET).


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Record 20 1986-06-18


Subject field(s)
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Programming Languages
  • Computer Processing of Language Data


  • Intelligence artificielle
  • Langages de programmation
  • Informatisation des données linguistiques

Les types de variables de Futursys et son mode de création de structures lui permettent en fait de simuler n'importe quel langage classique.


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© Public Services and Procurement Canada, 2024
TERMIUM Plus®, the Government of Canada's terminology and linguistic data bank
A product of the Translation Bureau


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