The Government of Canada’s terminology and linguistic data bank.

VELOCIMETER [7 records]

Record 1 - external organization data 2021-03-18


Subject field(s)
  • Compartment – Nomenclature 4.0
  • Museums and Heritage (General)

velocimeter : an item in the "Mechanical Tools and Equipment" class of the "Tools and Equipment for Science and Technology" category.


  • Tiroir – Nomenclature 4.0
  • Muséologie et patrimoine (Généralités)

célérimètre : objet de la classe «Outils et équipement mécaniques» de la catégorie «Outillage et équipement pour les sciences et la technologie».


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Record 2 2010-06-25


Subject field(s)
  • Metrology and Units of Measure

device for measuring velocity of propagation of P- and S-waves in materials, soils, etc.


  • Unités de mesure et métrologie

ultrasonique : Cette graphie, puisée des Rectifications de l'orthographe recommandées par le Conseil supérieur de la langue française, est attestée dans le Petit Robert (2006).


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Record 3 2007-04-19


Subject field(s)
  • Scientific Instruments
  • Oceanography

An instrument used for the in situ measurement of the speed of sound in the sea and other natural waters.


  • Instruments scientifiques
  • Océanographie

Appareil immergé permettant de mesurer la vitesse de propagation du son dans l'eau.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Instrumentos científicos
  • Oceanografía
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Record 4 2002-02-19


Subject field(s)
  • Lasers and Masers
  • Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics (Physics)

The laser Doppler velocimeter sends a monochromatic laser beam toward the target and collects the reflected radiation. According to the Doppler effect, the change in wavelength of the reflected radiation is a function of the targeted object's relative velocity. Thus, the velocity of the object can be obtained by measuring the change in wavelength of the reflected laser light, which is done by forming an interference fringe pattern(i. e. superimpose the original and reflected signals).


  • Masers et lasers
  • Mécanique des fluides et hydraulique (Physique)

Un [...] instrument recourant à des faisceaux laser est le vélocimètre Doppler à laser de la Survey and General Instruments Company. Le vélocimètre [...] permet la mesure de la vitesse de fluides et de poudres en mouvement.


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Record 5 1987-01-19


Subject field(s)
  • Aeroindustry
  • Measuring Instruments
  • Lasers and Masers

The laser(or lidar) velocimeter [lidar=light radar] operates in a fashion entirely analogous to that of the airborne Doppler weather radars likely soon to be available for detecting turbulence in storm cells. As with radars, the device detects air movements by observing the motion of particles suspended in the air and carried with it. The only significant difference is that a beam of coherent infrared radiation is used to scan ahead of the aircraft, instead of a beam(or series of pulses) of radio energy in the considerably longer-wavelength microwave band. The frequency of the back-scattered echoes or reflections undergoes Doppler shift detection by standard heterodyning techniques, which involve comparing the frequency of the reflected illumination with that of the original laser beam. Any reflecting object or material which has motion relative to the transmitter/receiver will cause a detectable shift in frequency, which can be isolated from the transmitter's own proper motion(over the ground) and thus yield a precise indication of the speed at which the air is moving several hundred metres in front of the aircraft. From this data, it is easy to compute what the air speed of the aircraft will be when it reaches that particular patch of air in a few seconds’ time [and hence detect possible turbulence ahead].


  • Constructions aéronautiques
  • Appareils de mesure
  • Masers et lasers

Le principe de fonctionnement du vélocimètre à laser (ou lidar) est exactement le même que celui des radars météorologiques Doppler de bord, qui doivent être mis en service prochainement pour la détection des turbulences dans les systèmes d'orages.


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Record 6 1981-11-24


Subject field(s)
  • Aeroindustry

The germanium plate [of the laser velocimeter] acts as a beam-splitter for diverting the scattered return signal into the detector, while the quarter-wave plate acts as a vertical polarizing screen.


  • Constructions aéronautiques

La lame de germanium [du vélocimètre à laser] agit comme séparateur de faisceau pour diriger dans le détecteur le signal de retour, tandis que la lame quart d'onde sert d'écran de polarisation verticale.


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Record 7 1981-11-24


Subject field(s)
  • Aeroindustry

[The production version] of the laser velocimeter and its mounting cradle(...) would be considerably smaller, probably with an integral cooling system and greatly simplified spectrum analyzer unit, and could be co-mounted(possible with a chin blister for the laser telescope) together with a weather radar antenna.


  • Constructions aéronautiques

Le vélocimètre à laser sur son bâti de montage. Le modèle de série serait considérablement plus petit. Il posséderait vraisemblablement un dispositif de refroidissement intégré et un analyseur de spectre très simplifié. Il pourrait être installé à côté d'une antenne de radar météorologique (avec éventuellement une coupole sous le nez de l'avion pour loger le télescope à laser).


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© Public Services and Procurement Canada, 2024
TERMIUM Plus®, the Government of Canada's terminology and linguistic data bank
A product of the Translation Bureau


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