The Government of Canada’s terminology and linguistic data bank.
PERSISTANT [100 records]
Record 1 - internal organization data 2024-01-27
Record 1, English
Record 1, Subject field(s)
- Lasers and Masers
- The Eye
Record 1, Main entry term, English
- femtosecond laser
1, record 1, English, femtosecond%20laser
Record 1, Abbreviations, English
Record 1, Synonyms, English
Record 1, Textual support, English
Record number: 1, Textual support number: 1 DEF
A laser that can produce a pulse of photons that is shorter than a nanosecond. 2, record 1, English, - femtosecond%20laser
Record number: 1, Textual support number: 1 OBS
It is used to probe very fast chemical reactions, such as the breaking of bonds between atoms. 2, record 1, English, - femtosecond%20laser
Record 1, French
Record 1, Domaine(s)
- Masers et lasers
- Oeil
Record 1, Main entry term, French
- laser femtoseconde
1, record 1, French, laser%20femtoseconde
correct, masculine noun
Record 1, Abbreviations, French
Record 1, Synonyms, French
Record 1, Textual support, French
Record number: 1, Textual support number: 1 OBS
Nouvel outil chirurgical destiné aux coupes et découpes de la cornée. 2, record 1, French, - laser%20femtoseconde
Record number: 1, Textual support number: 2 OBS
Ce laser ne produit pratiquement aucun effet délétère persistant connu une fois les réglages effectués. Il apporte une simplicité d’utilisation alliée à une grande précision et sécurité. Il offre de nouvelles perspectives pour nombre de chirurgies réfractives cornéennes ainsi que pour certaines actions thérapeutiques. 2, record 1, French, - laser%20femtoseconde
Record 1, Spanish
Record 1, Campo(s) temático(s)
- Láser y máser
- Ojo
Record 1, Main entry term, Spanish
- láser de femtosegundos
1, record 1, Spanish, l%C3%A1ser%20de%20femtosegundos
correct, masculine noun
Record 1, Abbreviations, Spanish
Record 1, Synonyms, Spanish
Record 1, Textual support, Spanish
Record number: 1, Textual support number: 1 CONT
El láser de femtosegundos actúa creando burbujas de aire que permiten separar las moléculas de la córnea sin necesidad de cortar ni quemar, de forma que no se daña ningún tejido adyacente. 1, record 1, Spanish, - l%C3%A1ser%20de%20femtosegundos
Record 2 - internal organization data 2023-12-27
Record 2, English
Record 2, Subject field(s)
- Mental Disorders
- Cognitive Psychology
- Human Behaviour
- Clinical Psychology
Record 2, Main entry term, English
- attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
1, record 2, English, attention%2Ddeficit%2Fhyperactivity%20disorder
Record 2, Abbreviations, English
- ADHD 1, record 2, English, ADHD
Record 2, Synonyms, English
- attention deficit hyperactivity disorder 2, record 2, English, attention%20deficit%20hyperactivity%20disorder
- ADHD 2, record 2, English, ADHD
- ADHD 2, record 2, English, ADHD
Record 2, Textual support, English
Record number: 2, Textual support number: 1 CONT
ADHD is characterized by developmentally inappropriate levels of inattention, impulsivity, and/or overactivity. People with ADHD often have difficulty following instructions, keeping things organized, not interrupting others, acting without thinking, talking excessively, or feeling fidgety or restless. 3, record 2, English, - attention%2Ddeficit%2Fhyperactivity%20disorder
Record 2, Key term(s)
- attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder
- attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder
Record 2, French
Record 2, Domaine(s)
- Troubles mentaux
- Psychologie cognitive
- Comportement humain
- Psychologie clinique
Record 2, Main entry term, French
- trouble déficit de l'attention/hyperactivité
1, record 2, French, trouble%20d%C3%A9ficit%20de%20l%27attention%2Fhyperactivit%C3%A9
correct, masculine noun
Record 2, Abbreviations, French
- TDAH 1, record 2, French, TDAH
correct, masculine noun
Record 2, Synonyms, French
- trouble déficitaire de l'attention avec hyperactivité 2, record 2, French, trouble%20d%C3%A9ficitaire%20de%20l%27attention%20avec%20hyperactivit%C3%A9
correct, masculine noun
- TDAH 2, record 2, French, TDAH
correct, masculine noun
- TDAH 2, record 2, French, TDAH
- trouble du déficit de l'attention avec hyperactivité 3, record 2, French, trouble%20du%20d%C3%A9ficit%20de%20l%27attention%20avec%20hyperactivit%C3%A9
correct, masculine noun
- TDAH 3, record 2, French, TDAH
correct, masculine noun
- TDAH 3, record 2, French, TDAH
- trouble d'hyperactivité avec déficit de l'attention 4, record 2, French, trouble%20d%27hyperactivit%C3%A9%20avec%20d%C3%A9ficit%20de%20l%27attention
correct, masculine noun
- THADA 4, record 2, French, THADA
correct, masculine noun
- THADA 4, record 2, French, THADA
- trouble du déficit de l'attention avec ou sans hyperactivité 5, record 2, French, trouble%20du%20d%C3%A9ficit%20de%20l%27attention%20avec%20ou%20sans%20hyperactivit%C3%A9
correct, masculine noun
- TDAH 5, record 2, French, TDAH
correct, masculine noun
- TDAH 5, record 2, French, TDAH
Record 2, Textual support, French
Record number: 2, Textual support number: 1 CONT
La caractéristique essentielle du trouble déficit de l'attention/hyperactivité(TDAH) est un mode persistant d’inattention et/ou d’hyperactivité-impulsivité qui interfère avec le fonctionnement ou le développement. 1, record 2, French, - trouble%20d%C3%A9ficit%20de%20l%27attention%2Fhyperactivit%C3%A9
Record 2, Spanish
Record 2, Campo(s) temático(s)
- Trastornos mentales
- Psicología cognitiva
- Comportamiento humano
- Psicología clínica
Record 2, Main entry term, Spanish
- trastorno por déficit de atención con hiperactividad
1, record 2, Spanish, trastorno%20por%20d%C3%A9ficit%20de%20atenci%C3%B3n%20con%20hiperactividad
correct, masculine noun
Record 2, Abbreviations, Spanish
- TDAH 2, record 2, Spanish, TDAH
correct, masculine noun
Record 2, Synonyms, Spanish
- síndrome hipercinético 3, record 2, Spanish, s%C3%ADndrome%20hipercin%C3%A9tico
masculine noun
Record 2, Textual support, Spanish
Record 3 - internal organization data 2023-12-20
Record 3, English
Record 3, Subject field(s)
- Clinical Psychology
- Sociology
Record 3, Main entry term, English
- gender dysphoria
1, record 3, English, gender%20dysphoria
Record 3, Abbreviations, English
Record 3, Synonyms, English
Record 3, Textual support, English
Record number: 3, Textual support number: 1 DEF
A condition where a person experiences persistent discomfort or distress because of a mismatch between their gender and the sex they were assigned at birth. 2, record 3, English, - gender%20dysphoria
Record 3, French
Record 3, Domaine(s)
- Psychologie clinique
- Sociologie
Record 3, Main entry term, French
- dysphorie de genre
1, record 3, French, dysphorie%20de%20genre
correct, feminine noun
Record 3, Abbreviations, French
Record 3, Synonyms, French
Record 3, Textual support, French
Record number: 3, Textual support number: 1 DEF
État caractérisé par un sentiment persistant d’inconfort ou de détresse causé par une discordance entre le genre et le sexe assigné à la naissance. 2, record 3, French, - dysphorie%20de%20genre
Record 3, Spanish
Record 3, Campo(s) temático(s)
- Psicología clínica
- Sociología
Record 3, Main entry term, Spanish
- trastorno de identidad de género
1, record 3, Spanish, trastorno%20de%20identidad%20de%20g%C3%A9nero
correct, masculine noun
Record 3, Abbreviations, Spanish
- TIG 1, record 3, Spanish, TIG
correct, masculine noun
Record 3, Synonyms, Spanish
- disforia de género 2, record 3, Spanish, disforia%20de%20g%C3%A9nero
correct, feminine noun
Record 3, Textual support, Spanish
Record number: 3, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Insatisfacción resultante del conflicto entre la identidad de género y el sexo legalmente asignado al nacer. 1, record 3, Spanish, - trastorno%20de%20identidad%20de%20g%C3%A9nero
Record number: 3, Textual support number: 1 OBS
género: La Fundación del Español Urgente (Fundéu BBVA), con el asesoramiento de la Real Academia Española, indica que en sociología, tal como aclara el "Diccionario panhispánico de dudas", el vocablo "género" tiene el significado de "categoría sociocultural que implica diferencias o desigualdades de índole social, económica, política, laboral, etc.", un sentido que en el ámbito de los estudios sociológicos puede resultar útil e, incluso, necesario. [...] No es incorrecto, por tanto, hablar de "violencia de género", "estudios de género" o "identidad de género", pero se recomienda restringir su uso a los estudios sociológicos. 3, record 3, Spanish, - trastorno%20de%20identidad%20de%20g%C3%A9nero
Record 4 - internal organization data 2023-08-11
Record 4, English
Record 4, Subject field(s)
- Titles of Federal Government Programs (Canadian)
- Administration (Indigenous Peoples)
Record 4, Main entry term, English
- Indigenous Growth Fund
1, record 4, English, Indigenous%20Growth%20Fund
Record 4, Abbreviations, English
- IGF 2, record 4, English, IGF
Record 4, Synonyms, English
Record 4, Textual support, English
Record number: 4, Textual support number: 1 OBS
The Indigenous Growth Fund (IGF) is [an] investment fund that [provides] access to the capital that Indigenous small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have long sought and lacked. 2, record 4, English, - Indigenous%20Growth%20Fund
Record 4, French
Record 4, Domaine(s)
- Titres de programmes fédéraux (Gouvernement canadien)
- Administration (Peuples Autochtones)
Record 4, Main entry term, French
- Fonds de croissance autochtone
1, record 4, French, Fonds%20de%20croissance%20autochtone
correct, masculine noun
Record 4, Abbreviations, French
- FCA 2, record 4, French, FCA
correct, masculine noun
Record 4, Synonyms, French
Record 4, Textual support, French
Record number: 4, Textual support number: 1 OBS
Le Fonds de croissance autochtone(FCA) est un [...] fonds d’investissement [...] qui [permet] aux petites et moyennes entreprises(PME) autochtones de combler un manque de capitaux persistant. 2, record 4, French, - Fonds%20de%20croissance%20autochtone
Record 4, Spanish
Record 4, Campo(s) temático(s)
- Títulos de programas federales (Gobierno canadiense)
- Administración (Pueblos indígenas)
Record 4, Main entry term, Spanish
- Fondo de Crecimiento Indígena
1, record 4, Spanish, Fondo%20de%20Crecimiento%20Ind%C3%ADgena
correct, masculine noun
Record 4, Abbreviations, Spanish
Record 4, Synonyms, Spanish
Record 4, Textual support, Spanish
Record 5 - internal organization data 2023-05-19
Record 5, English
Record 5, Subject field(s)
- Agricultural Chemicals
- Food Industries
Record 5, Main entry term, English
- seed disinfectant
1, record 5, English, seed%20disinfectant
Record 5, Abbreviations, English
Record 5, Synonyms, English
Record 5, Textual support, English
Record number: 5, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Acetic acid ... is an organic acid used as a seed disinfectant and adopted by organic agriculture, since it has low eco-toxicological risk ... 1, record 5, English, - seed%20disinfectant
Record 5, French
Record 5, Domaine(s)
- Agents chimiques (Agriculture)
- Industrie de l'alimentation
Record 5, Main entry term, French
- désinfectant de semence
1, record 5, French, d%C3%A9sinfectant%20de%20semence
correct, masculine noun
Record 5, Abbreviations, French
Record 5, Synonyms, French
Record 5, Textual support, French
Record number: 5, Textual support number: 1 CONT
L'utilisation de désinfectants de semences contenant un agent persistant systémique tel que le Carbofuran permet d’obtenir une excellente protection contre les espèces mineuses en début de saison. 2, record 5, French, - d%C3%A9sinfectant%20de%20semence
Record 5, Spanish
Record 5, Textual support, Spanish
Record 6 - internal organization data 2023-03-07
Record 6, English
Record 6, Subject field(s)
- Atmospheric, Climatic and Meteorological Phenomena
Record 6, Main entry term, English
- mesoscale convective complex
1, record 6, English, mesoscale%20convective%20complex
Record 6, Abbreviations, English
- MCC 2, record 6, English, MCC
Record 6, Synonyms, English
Record 6, Textual support, English
Record number: 6, Textual support number: 1 DEF
A deep convective system which is considerably larger than an individual thunderstorm ... 3, record 6, English, - mesoscale%20convective%20complex
Record number: 6, Textual support number: 1 CONT
A particular type of MCS [mesoscale convective system], an MCC is a large, circular, long-lived cluster of showers and thunderstorms identified by satellite. It often emerges out of other storm types during the late-night and early-morning hours. MCCs can cover an entire state. 4, record 6, English, - mesoscale%20convective%20complex
Record number: 6, Textual support number: 1 OBS
The area with a temperature below −52 °C must exceed 50 000 km², and there must be a continuous area, exceeding 100 000 km², below −32 °C. This larger area must be elongated, with an eccentricity (ratio of minor axis to major axis) of 0.7 or more. These criteria must be satisfied for a period of more than 6 hours for the classification to apply. 5, record 6, English, - mesoscale%20convective%20complex
Record number: 6, Textual support number: 2 OBS
... it is often marked by an extensive middle-to-upper tropospheric stratiform-anvil cloud of several hundred kilometres in breadth. 3, record 6, English, - mesoscale%20convective%20complex
Record 6, Key term(s)
- meso-scale convective complex
Record 6, French
Record 6, Domaine(s)
- Phénomènes météorologiques, climatiques et atmosphériques
Record 6, Main entry term, French
- complexe convectif de méso-échelle
1, record 6, French, complexe%20convectif%20de%20m%C3%A9so%2D%C3%A9chelle
correct, masculine noun
Record 6, Abbreviations, French
- CCM 2, record 6, French, CCM
correct, masculine noun
Record 6, Synonyms, French
- complexe convectif de mésoéchelle 3, record 6, French, complexe%20convectif%20de%20m%C3%A9so%C3%A9chelle
correct, masculine noun
- CCM 3, record 6, French, CCM
correct, masculine noun
- CCM 3, record 6, French, CCM
Record 6, Textual support, French
Record number: 6, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Système convectif de grande extension verticale et d’étendue considérablement plus grande qu’une simple cellule orageuse [...] 4, record 6, French, - complexe%20convectif%20de%20m%C3%A9so%2D%C3%A9chelle
Record number: 6, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Plus spécifiquement, les complexes convectifs de méso-échelle(CCM), un type de SCM [système convectif de méso-échelle] large et persistant, sont associés à des précipitations intenses pouvant causer des inondations, le tout accompagné de vents forts. 2, record 6, French, - complexe%20convectif%20de%20m%C3%A9so%2D%C3%A9chelle
Record number: 6, Textual support number: 1 OBS
[...] il est souvent associé à un nuage stratiforme en forme d’enclume des niveaux moyens à supérieurs de la troposphère qui peut s’étendre horizontalement sur plusieurs centaines de kilomètres. 4, record 6, French, - complexe%20convectif%20de%20m%C3%A9so%2D%C3%A9chelle
Record 6, Spanish
Record 6, Campo(s) temático(s)
- Fenómenos meteorológicos, climáticos y atmosféricos
Record 6, Main entry term, Spanish
- complejo convectivo en mesoescala
1, record 6, Spanish, complejo%20convectivo%20en%20mesoescala
correct, masculine noun
Record 6, Abbreviations, Spanish
Record 6, Synonyms, Spanish
Record 6, Textual support, Spanish
Record number: 6, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Sistema convectivo profundo apreciablemente mayor que una célula tormentosa simple [...] 1, record 6, Spanish, - complejo%20convectivo%20en%20mesoescala
Record number: 6, Textual support number: 1 OBS
[...] se caracteriza a menudo por la presencia de una nube estratiforme en forma de yunque que va de los niveles medios a los superiores de la troposfera y que puede tener una extensión horizontal de varios centenares de kilómetros. 1, record 6, Spanish, - complejo%20convectivo%20en%20mesoescala
Record 7 - internal organization data 2022-10-28
Record 7, English
Record 7, Subject field(s)
- Botany
- Flowers and Ornamentals (Horticulture)
Universal entry(ies) Record 7
Record 7, Main entry term, English
- hellebore
1, record 7, English, hellebore
Record 7, Abbreviations, English
Record 7, Synonyms, English
Record 7, Textual support, English
Record number: 7, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Any of various early-flowering perennial plants constituting the European genus "Helleborus," typically having large white or greenish five-petalled flowers, and widely cultivated as ornamentals ... 2, record 7, English, - hellebore
Record number: 7, Textual support number: 1 OBS
A plant of the family Ranunculaceae. 3, record 7, English, - hellebore
Record 7, French
Record 7, Domaine(s)
- Botanique
- Floriculture
Entrée(s) universelle(s) Record 7
Record 7, Main entry term, French
- ellébore
1, record 7, French, ell%C3%A9bore
correct, masculine noun
Record 7, Abbreviations, French
Record 7, Synonyms, French
- hellébore 2, record 7, French, hell%C3%A9bore
correct, see observation, masculine noun
Record 7, Textual support, French
Record number: 7, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Plante vivace à rhizome originaire d’Eurasie, à feuillage découpé et souvent persistant, et à fleurs en coupe ou en clochette à cinq grands sépales charnus et colorés, qui compte de nombreuses variétés cultivées surtout comme plantes d’ombre et qui est réputée toxique dans toutes ses parties. 3, record 7, French, - ell%C3%A9bore
Record number: 7, Textual support number: 1 OBS
Plante de la famille des Ranunculaceae. 4, record 7, French, - ell%C3%A9bore
Record number: 7, Textual support number: 2 OBS
hellébore : nom commun utilisé aussi pour désigner l’espèce Veratrum viride. 4, record 7, French, - ell%C3%A9bore
Record 7, Spanish
Record 7, Campo(s) temático(s)
- Botánica
- Floricultura
Entrada(s) universal(es) Record 7
Record 7, Main entry term, Spanish
- eleboro
1, record 7, Spanish, eleboro
masculine noun
Record 7, Abbreviations, Spanish
Record 7, Synonyms, Spanish
Record 7, Textual support, Spanish
Record 8 - internal organization data 2020-11-26
Record 8, English
Record 8, Subject field(s)
- Occupation Names (General)
- The Legislature (Constitutional Law)
- Parliamentary Language
Record 8, Main entry term, English
- backbencher
1, record 8, English, backbencher
Record 8, Abbreviations, English
Record 8, Synonyms, English
- back-bencher 2, record 8, English, back%2Dbencher
- back bencher 2, record 8, English, back%20bencher
- backbench member 3, record 8, English, backbench%20member
- upper bencher 4, record 8, English, upper%20bencher
Record 8, Textual support, English
Record number: 8, Textual support number: 1 DEF
A parliamentarian who has no other function than that of an elected member. 5, record 8, English, - backbencher
Record number: 8, Textual support number: 1 CONT
The vast majority of parliamentarians do not hold ministerial or shadow ministerial office and are known as backbenchers. They are so-called because they sit on the back benches of the Commons ... ministers and their opposition counterparts sit on the front benches. 6, record 8, English, - backbencher
Record number: 8, Textual support number: 1 OBS
This designation usually excludes the ministers of the Crown, parliamentary secretaries, House leaders of the various parties, whips and opposition party leaders and critics as well as the Speaker and Deputy Speaker. 5, record 8, English, - backbencher
Record number: 8, Textual support number: 2 OBS
Although the terms "private member" and "backbencher" are not perfect synonyms, many authorities use them interchangeably. 5, record 8, English, - backbencher
Record number: 8, Textual support number: 3 OBS
In this context, the capitalization of "member" varies greatly from one source to another, and sometimes within the same source. According to the Parliamentary Publications Text Style Guidelines, "member" should be written with a lower-case "m." 5, record 8, English, - backbencher
Record 8, Key term(s)
- back bench member
Record 8, French
Record 8, Domaine(s)
- Désignations des emplois (Généralités)
- Pouvoir législatif (Droit constitutionnel)
- Vocabulaire parlementaire
Record 8, Main entry term, French
- député d'arrière-ban
1, record 8, French, d%C3%A9put%C3%A9%20d%27arri%C3%A8re%2Dban
correct, masculine noun
Record 8, Abbreviations, French
Record 8, Synonyms, French
- députée d'arrière-ban 2, record 8, French, d%C3%A9put%C3%A9e%20d%27arri%C3%A8re%2Dban
correct, feminine noun
- député de l'arrière-ban 3, record 8, French, d%C3%A9put%C3%A9%20de%20l%27arri%C3%A8re%2Dban
correct, masculine noun
- députée de l'arrière-ban 4, record 8, French, d%C3%A9put%C3%A9e%20de%20l%27arri%C3%A8re%2Dban
correct, feminine noun
- député d'arrière-plan 5, record 8, French, d%C3%A9put%C3%A9%20d%27arri%C3%A8re%2Dplan
masculine noun, less frequent
- députée d'arrière-plan 2, record 8, French, d%C3%A9put%C3%A9e%20d%27arri%C3%A8re%2Dplan
feminine noun, less frequent
- député de l'arrière-plan 6, record 8, French, d%C3%A9put%C3%A9%20de%20l%27arri%C3%A8re%2Dplan
masculine noun, less frequent
- députée de l'arrière-plan 2, record 8, French, d%C3%A9put%C3%A9e%20de%20l%27arri%C3%A8re%2Dplan
feminine noun, less frequent
- député d'arrière-banc 7, record 8, French, d%C3%A9put%C3%A9%20d%27arri%C3%A8re%2Dbanc
avoid, see observation, masculine noun
- députée d'arrière-banc 2, record 8, French, d%C3%A9put%C3%A9e%20d%27arri%C3%A8re%2Dbanc
avoid, see observation, feminine noun
Record 8, Textual support, French
Record number: 8, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Parlementaire qui n’occupe aucune autre fonction que celle de député. 7, record 8, French, - d%C3%A9put%C3%A9%20d%27arri%C3%A8re%2Dban
Record number: 8, Textual support number: 1 OBS
Ce terme exclut généralement les ministres, les secrétaires parlementaires, les leaders des divers partis à la Chambre, les whips, les chefs et les porte-parole des partis d’opposition de même que le Président et le vice-président. 8, record 8, French, - d%C3%A9put%C3%A9%20d%27arri%C3%A8re%2Dban
Record number: 8, Textual support number: 2 OBS
Le terme «arrière-banc» est un calque de «backbencher». Son usage persistant et fautif peut s’expliquer par l'homophonie de «ban» avec «banc», et aussi parce que les députés de l'arrière-ban siègent dans les dernières rangées de banquettes dans un parlement de type britannique. 7, record 8, French, - d%C3%A9put%C3%A9%20d%27arri%C3%A8re%2Dban
Record number: 8, Textual support number: 3 OBS
Bien que les termes «député d’arrière-ban» et «simple député» ne soient pas des synonymes parfaits, de très nombreux ouvrages les emploient de façon interchangeable. 8, record 8, French, - d%C3%A9put%C3%A9%20d%27arri%C3%A8re%2Dban
Record 8, Spanish
Record 8, Campo(s) temático(s)
- Nombramiento de cargos (Generalidades)
- Poder legislativo (Derecho constitucional)
- Lenguaje parlamentario
Record 8, Main entry term, Spanish
- diputado de base
1, record 8, Spanish, diputado%20de%20base
correct, masculine noun
Record 8, Abbreviations, Spanish
Record 8, Synonyms, Spanish
Record 8, Textual support, Spanish
Record number: 8, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Diputado que no es ni ministro de la Corona, ni secretario parlamentario, ni líder parlamentario, ni whip de su partido ni portavoz de la oposición. 1, record 8, Spanish, - diputado%20de%20base
Record 9 - internal organization data 2019-06-07
Record 9, English
Record 9, Subject field(s)
- CBRNE Weapons
Record 9, Main entry term, English
- non-persistent agent
1, record 9, English, non%2Dpersistent%20agent
correct, NATO
Record 9, Abbreviations, English
Record 9, Synonyms, English
Record 9, Textual support, English
Record number: 9, Textual support number: 1 DEF
non-persistent agents: Agents which diffuse or dissipate quickly in the atmosphere ... 2, record 9, English, - non%2Dpersistent%20agent
Record 9, French
Record 9, Domaine(s)
- Armes CBRNE
Record 9, Main entry term, French
- agent non persistant
1, record 9, French, agent%20non%20persistant
correct, masculine noun, officially approved
Record 9, Abbreviations, French
Record 9, Synonyms, French
- agent non-persistant 2, record 9, French, agent%20non%2Dpersistant
masculine noun, NATO
- agent fugace 3, record 9, French, agent%20fugace
masculine noun
Record 9, Textual support, French
Record number: 9, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Agent chimique dont la durée d’action se limite au temps de passage du nuage de vapeur ou d’aérosol. 4, record 9, French, - agent%20non%20persistant
Record number: 9, Textual support number: 1 OBS
agent non persistant : désignation uniformisée par le Groupe de travail de terminologie des munitions. 5, record 9, French, - agent%20non%20persistant
Record 9, Spanish
Record 9, Textual support, Spanish
Record 10 - internal organization data 2019-06-07
Record 10, English
Record 10, Subject field(s)
- CBRNE Weapons
Record 10, Main entry term, English
- non-persistent gas
1, record 10, English, non%2Dpersistent%20gas
Record 10, Abbreviations, English
Record 10, Synonyms, English
Record 10, Textual support, English
Record number: 10, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Non-persistent gases are those which, when released into the air, disperse quickly, leaving no liquid contamination. 2, record 10, English, - non%2Dpersistent%20gas
Record 10, French
Record 10, Domaine(s)
- Armes CBRNE
Record 10, Main entry term, French
- gaz non persistant
1, record 10, French, gaz%20non%20persistant
correct, masculine noun
Record 10, Abbreviations, French
Record 10, Synonyms, French
- gaz non-persistant 2, record 10, French, gaz%20non%2Dpersistant
masculine noun
Record 10, Textual support, French
Record number: 10, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Le gaz non persistant [...] était utilisé pour provoquer rapidement un maximum de pertes chez l'ennemi tout en laissant la possibilité à ceux-ci de déclencher par la suite une offensive avec l'infanterie. 3, record 10, French, - gaz%20non%20persistant
Record 10, Spanish
Record 10, Textual support, Spanish
Record 11 - internal organization data 2018-12-06
Record 11, English
Record 11, Subject field(s)
- Fires and Explosions
- Fireproofing
Record 11, Main entry term, English
- afterglow
1, record 11, English, afterglow
correct, standardized
Record 11, Abbreviations, English
Record 11, Synonyms, English
- after glow 2, record 11, English, after%20glow
Record 11, Textual support, English
Record number: 11, Textual support number: 1 DEF
The persistence of glowing combustion after both removal of the ignition source and the cessation of any flaming. 3, record 11, English, - afterglow
Record number: 11, Textual support number: 1 OBS
afterglow: term and definition standardized by ISO. 4, record 11, English, - afterglow
Record 11, French
Record 11, Domaine(s)
- Feux et explosions
- Ignifugation
Record 11, Main entry term, French
- incandescence résiduelle
1, record 11, French, incandescence%20r%C3%A9siduelle
correct, feminine noun, standardized
Record 11, Abbreviations, French
Record 11, Synonyms, French
Record 11, Textual support, French
Record number: 11, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Combustion incandescente persistant après retrait de la source d’allumage et disparition de toute flamme. 2, record 11, French, - incandescence%20r%C3%A9siduelle
Record number: 11, Textual support number: 1 OBS
incandescence résiduelle : terme et définition normalisés par l’ISO. 3, record 11, French, - incandescence%20r%C3%A9siduelle
Record 11, Spanish
Record 11, Textual support, Spanish
Record 12 - internal organization data 2018-09-21
Record 12, English
Record 12, Subject field(s)
- Mental Disorders
- Drugs and Drug Addiction
- Clinical Psychology
Universal entry(ies) Record 12
Record 12, Main entry term, English
- hallucinogen-persisting perception disorder
1, record 12, English, hallucinogen%2Dpersisting%20perception%20disorder
Record 12, Abbreviations, English
- HPPD 2, record 12, English, HPPD
Record 12, Synonyms, English
- posthallucinogen perception disorder 3, record 12, English, posthallucinogen%20perception%20disorder
- post-hallucinogen perception disorder 2, record 12, English, post%2Dhallucinogen%20perception%20disorder
Record 12, Textual support, English
Record number: 12, Textual support number: 1 DEF
... a long-lasting and potentially permanent syndrome characterized by a spontaneous recurrence of perceptual/visual disturbances which are reminiscent of those generated while a subject was intoxicated with hallucinogens. 2, record 12, English, - hallucinogen%2Dpersisting%20perception%20disorder
Record number: 12, Textual support number: 1 OBS
F16.983: code used in the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems. 4, record 12, English, - hallucinogen%2Dpersisting%20perception%20disorder
Record 12, French
Record 12, Domaine(s)
- Troubles mentaux
- Drogues et toxicomanie
- Psychologie clinique
Entrée(s) universelle(s) Record 12
Record 12, Main entry term, French
- trouble persistant des perceptions dû aux hallucinogènes
1, record 12, French, trouble%20persistant%20des%20perceptions%20d%C3%BB%20aux%20hallucinog%C3%A8nes
correct, masculine noun
Record 12, Abbreviations, French
Record 12, Synonyms, French
- trouble des perceptions post-hallucinogènes 2, record 12, French, trouble%20des%20perceptions%20post%2Dhallucinog%C3%A8nes
correct, masculine noun
Record 12, Textual support, French
Record number: 12, Textual support number: 1 CONT
La caractéristique essentielle du trouble persistant des perceptions dû aux hallucinogènes est la répétition transitoire de perturbations perceptives, lorsque le sujet s’abstient de consommer, qui rappellent celles éprouvées antérieurement au cours d’une intoxication aux hallucinogènes [...] 1, record 12, French, - trouble%20persistant%20des%20perceptions%20d%C3%BB%20aux%20hallucinog%C3%A8nes
Record number: 12, Textual support number: 1 OBS
F16.983 : code de la Classification statistique internationale des maladies et des problèmes de santé connexes. 3, record 12, French, - trouble%20persistant%20des%20perceptions%20d%C3%BB%20aux%20hallucinog%C3%A8nes
Record 12, Spanish
Record 12, Textual support, Spanish
Record 13 - internal organization data 2018-08-20
Record 13, English
Record 13, Subject field(s)
- Scientific Research Equipment
- Pollutants
Record 13, Main entry term, English
- PoPCart sampler
1, record 13, English, PoPCart%20sampler
Record 13, Abbreviations, English
Record 13, Synonyms, English
Record 13, Textual support, English
Record number: 13, Textual support number: 1 DEF
... [a] specialized, clean sampler consisting of a stainless steel groundwater pump fitted with Teflon-lined flexible hosing attached to a filter system and bottle-filling station. 1, record 13, English, - PoPCart%20sampler
Record number: 13, Textual support number: 1 OBS
All components are contained within a stainless steel cart to mitigate contamination. 1, record 13, English, - PoPCart%20sampler
Record number: 13, Textual support number: 2 OBS
PoP: persistent organic pollutant. 2, record 13, English, - PoPCart%20sampler
Record 13, Key term(s)
- persistent organic pollutants cart sampler
Record 13, French
Record 13, Domaine(s)
- Matériel et équipement (Recherche scientifique)
- Agents de pollution
Record 13, Main entry term, French
- échantillonneur de POP sur chariot
1, record 13, French, %C3%A9chantillonneur%20de%20POP%20sur%20chariot
proposal, masculine noun
Record 13, Abbreviations, French
Record 13, Synonyms, French
Record 13, Textual support, French
Record number: 13, Textual support number: 1 OBS
POP : polluant organique persistant. 2, record 13, French, - %C3%A9chantillonneur%20de%20POP%20sur%20chariot
Record 13, Key term(s)
- échantillonneur des polluants organiques persistants sur chariot
Record 13, Spanish
Record 13, Textual support, Spanish
Record 14 - internal organization data 2018-07-19
Record 14, English
Record 14, Subject field(s)
- Neuroses
- Clinical Psychology
Record 14, Main entry term, English
- persistent complex bereavement disorder
1, record 14, English, persistent%20complex%20bereavement%20disorder
Record 14, Abbreviations, English
Record 14, Synonyms, English
Record 14, Textual support, English
Record number: 14, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Persistent complex bereavement disorder is diagnosed only if at least 12 months (6 months in children) have elapsed since the death of someone with whom the bereaved had a close relationship ... 1, record 14, English, - persistent%20complex%20bereavement%20disorder
Record 14, French
Record 14, Domaine(s)
- Névroses
- Psychologie clinique
Record 14, Main entry term, French
- trouble du deuil complexe persistant
1, record 14, French, trouble%20du%20deuil%20complexe%20persistant
correct, masculine noun
Record 14, Abbreviations, French
Record 14, Synonyms, French
- deuil complexe persistant 2, record 14, French, deuil%20complexe%20persistant
correct, masculine noun
Record 14, Textual support, French
Record number: 14, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Un deuil complexe persistant survient lorsqu'un sujet a fait l'expérience du décès d’une personne proche et qu'il présente des symptômes cliniquement significatifs, disproportionnés pour sa culture et responsables d’une incapacité fonctionnelle importante, pratiquement tous les jours et pendant une durée supérieure à 12 mois(6 mois pour les enfants). 1, record 14, French, - trouble%20du%20deuil%20complexe%20persistant
Record 14, Spanish
Record 14, Textual support, Spanish
Record 15 - internal organization data 2018-04-12
Record 15, English
Record 15, Subject field(s)
- Paints and Varnishes (Industries)
Record 15, Main entry term, English
- cratering
1, record 15, English, cratering
correct, standardized, officially approved
Record 15, Abbreviations, English
Record 15, Synonyms, English
Record 15, Textual support, English
Record number: 15, Textual support number: 1 DEF
The formation in the film of small circular depressions that persist after drying. 2, record 15, English, - cratering
Record number: 15, Textual support number: 1 OBS
cratering: term and definition standardized by ISO. 3, record 15, English, - cratering
Record number: 15, Textual support number: 2 OBS
cratering: term officially approved by the Lexicon Project Committee (New Brunswick). 3, record 15, English, - cratering
Record 15, French
Record 15, Domaine(s)
- Peintures et vernis (Industries)
Record 15, Main entry term, French
- formation de cratères
1, record 15, French, formation%20de%20crat%C3%A8res
correct, feminine noun, standardized, officially approved
Record 15, Abbreviations, French
Record 15, Synonyms, French
Record 15, Textual support, French
Record number: 15, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Apparition dans le feuil de petites dépressions de forme circulaire persistant après le séchage. 2, record 15, French, - formation%20de%20crat%C3%A8res
Record number: 15, Textual support number: 1 OBS
formation de cratères : terme et définition normalisés par l’ISO. 3, record 15, French, - formation%20de%20crat%C3%A8res
Record number: 15, Textual support number: 2 OBS
formation de cratères : terme uniformisé par le Comité du projet de lexiques (Nouveau-Brunswick). 3, record 15, French, - formation%20de%20crat%C3%A8res
Record 15, Spanish
Record 15, Textual support, Spanish
Record 16 - internal organization data 2017-12-29
Record 16, English
Record 16, Subject field(s)
- Analytical Chemistry
- Bioengineering
- Blood
Record 16, Main entry term, English
- end point
1, record 16, English, end%20point
Record 16, Abbreviations, English
Record 16, Synonyms, English
- completion point 2, record 16, English, completion%20point
Record 16, Textual support, English
Record number: 16, Textual support number: 1 DEF
The stage in the titration at which an effect, such as a color change, occurs, indicating that a desired point in the titration has been reached. 3, record 16, English, - end%20point
Record number: 16, Textual support number: 1 OBS
equivalence point: Although this term coincides sometimes with "end point", is not a synonym. (According to the McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology, 1971, vol. 13, p. 674). 4, record 16, English, - end%20point
Record 16, French
Record 16, Domaine(s)
- Chimie analytique
- Technique biologique
- Sang
Record 16, Main entry term, French
- point de virage
1, record 16, French, point%20de%20virage
correct, masculine noun
Record 16, Abbreviations, French
Record 16, Synonyms, French
- point final 2, record 16, French, point%20final
correct, masculine noun
Record 16, Textual support, French
Record number: 16, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Lors d’un titrage, point où l’on atteint l’équivalence; il est déterminé par un changement observable; l’apparition d’une couleur, la formation d’un précipité, un pH spécifique. 1, record 16, French, - point%20de%20virage
Record number: 16, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Les conditions préalables de la volumétrie, dans laquelle [...] la substance à déterminer est calculée en fonction du volume consommé dans le titrage, sont au nombre de quatre :[quatrièmement] enfin, le point final, ou point stœchiométrique du titrage, doit pouvoir s’apprécier avec la précision nécessaire à la suite d’un changement rapide des conditions physiques du système(changement de couleur, trouble persistant). 3, record 16, French, - point%20de%20virage
Record 16, Spanish
Record 16, Campo(s) temático(s)
- Química analítica
- Bioingeniería
- Sangre
Record 16, Main entry term, Spanish
- punto final
1, record 16, Spanish, punto%20final
masculine noun
Record 16, Abbreviations, Spanish
Record 16, Synonyms, Spanish
Record 16, Textual support, Spanish
Record 17 - internal organization data 2017-12-05
Record 17, English
Record 17, Subject field(s)
- Symptoms (Medicine)
Record 17, Main entry term, English
- brawny edema
1, record 17, English, brawny%20edema
Record 17, Abbreviations, English
Record 17, Synonyms, English
Record 17, Textual support, English
Record number: 17, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Brawny: thick or hard, as brawny edema. 2, record 17, English, - brawny%20edema
Record number: 17, Textual support number: 2 CONT
When edema of the legs has been present for a long time in walking patients, the subcutaneous tissues and the skin become fibrotic, so they no longer pit on pressure; this is sometimes called brawny edema (i.e., musclelike). 3, record 17, English, - brawny%20edema
Record number: 17, Textual support number: 1 OBS
A seldom used term. 1, record 17, English, - brawny%20edema
Record 17, French
Record 17, Domaine(s)
- Symptômes (Médecine)
Record 17, Main entry term, French
- œdème dur
1, record 17, French, %26oelig%3Bd%C3%A8me%20dur
correct, masculine noun
Record 17, Abbreviations, French
Record 17, Synonyms, French
- œdème invétéré 2, record 17, French, %26oelig%3Bd%C3%A8me%20inv%C3%A9t%C3%A9r%C3%A9
correct, masculine noun
Record 17, Textual support, French
Record number: 17, Textual support number: 1 OBS
Un œdème persistant des membres inférieurs entraîne, chez un malade qui marche, une fibrose du tissu sous-cutané et de la peau, ils ne prennent plus alors le godet. On qualifie parfois ce type d’œdème de dur. 3, record 17, French, - %26oelig%3Bd%C3%A8me%20dur
Record 17, Spanish
Record 17, Textual support, Spanish
Record 18 - internal organization data 2017-11-09
Record 18, English
Record 18, Subject field(s)
- Mental Disorders
- Sexology
- Clinical Psychology
Universal entry(ies) Record 18
Record 18, Main entry term, English
- female orgasmic disorder
1, record 18, English, female%20orgasmic%20disorder
Record 18, Abbreviations, English
- FOD 2, record 18, English, FOD
Record 18, Synonyms, English
- inhibited female orgasm 3, record 18, English, inhibited%20female%20orgasm
former designation, correct
Record 18, Textual support, English
Record number: 18, Textual support number: 1 DEF
The delay in or absence of attaining orgasm following sufficient sexual stimulation and arousal, which causes personal distress [in a woman]. 2, record 18, English, - female%20orgasmic%20disorder
Record number: 18, Textual support number: 1 OBS
F52.31: code used in the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems. 4, record 18, English, - female%20orgasmic%20disorder
Record 18, French
Record 18, Domaine(s)
- Troubles mentaux
- Sexologie
- Psychologie clinique
Entrée(s) universelle(s) Record 18
Record 18, Main entry term, French
- trouble de l'orgasme chez la femme
1, record 18, French, trouble%20de%20l%27orgasme%20chez%20la%20femme
correct, masculine noun
Record 18, Abbreviations, French
Record 18, Synonyms, French
- inhibition de l'orgasme chez la femme 2, record 18, French, inhibition%20de%20l%27orgasme%20chez%20la%20femme
former designation, correct, feminine noun
Record 18, Textual support, French
Record number: 18, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Absence ou [...] retard persistant ou répété de l'orgasme après une phase d’excitation considérée «normale»[, qui entraîne une souffrance psychologique chez une femme. ] 3, record 18, French, - trouble%20de%20l%27orgasme%20chez%20la%20femme
Record number: 18, Textual support number: 1 OBS
F52.31 : code de la Classification statistique internationale des maladies et des problèmes de santé connexes. 4, record 18, French, - trouble%20de%20l%27orgasme%20chez%20la%20femme
Record 18, Spanish
Record 18, Textual support, Spanish
Record 19 - internal organization data 2017-11-03
Record 19, English
Record 19, Subject field(s)
- Human Diseases - Various
- Clinical Psychology
Record 19, Main entry term, English
- circadian rhythm sleep-wake disorder
1, record 19, English, circadian%20rhythm%20sleep%2Dwake%20disorder
Record 19, Abbreviations, English
Record 19, Synonyms, English
Record 19, Textual support, English
Record number: 19, Textual support number: 1 DEF
A persistent or recurrent pattern of sleep disruption that is primarily due to an alteration of the circadian system or to a misalignment between the endogenous circadian rhythm and the sleep-wake schedule required by an individual's physical environment or social or professional schedule. 1, record 19, English, - circadian%20rhythm%20sleep%2Dwake%20disorder
Record 19, French
Record 19, Domaine(s)
- Maladies humaines diverses
- Psychologie clinique
Record 19, Main entry term, French
- trouble de l'alternance veille-sommeil lié au rythme circadien
1, record 19, French, trouble%20de%20l%27alternance%20veille%2Dsommeil%20li%C3%A9%20au%20rythme%20circadien
correct, masculine noun
Record 19, Abbreviations, French
Record 19, Synonyms, French
Record 19, Textual support, French
Record number: 19, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Fractionnement persistant ou récurrent du sommeil qui s’explique principalement par une perturbation du système circadien ou par un décalage entre le rythme circadien endogène et l'horaire veille-sommeil approprié à l'environnement physique d’un individu, ou à ses activités sociales ou professionnelles. 1, record 19, French, - trouble%20de%20l%27alternance%20veille%2Dsommeil%20li%C3%A9%20au%20rythme%20circadien
Record 19, Spanish
Record 19, Textual support, Spanish
Record 20 - internal organization data 2017-08-01
Record 20, English
Record 20, Subject field(s)
- Pollutants
Record 20, Main entry term, English
- persistant organic pollutant
1, record 20, English, persistant%20organic%20pollutant
correct, standardized
Record 20, Abbreviations, English
- POP 1, record 20, English, POP
correct, standardized
Record 20, Synonyms, English
Record 20, Textual support, English
Record number: 20, Textual support number: 1 OBS
persistant organic pollutant: term standardized by Environment Canada and the Translation Bureau for use in the Air Pollutant Emission Inventory Report. 2, record 20, English, - persistant%20organic%20pollutant
Record 20, French
Record 20, Domaine(s)
- Agents de pollution
Record 20, Main entry term, French
- polluant organique persistant
1, record 20, French, polluant%20organique%20persistant
correct, masculine noun, standardized
Record 20, Abbreviations, French
- POP 1, record 20, French, POP
correct, masculine noun, standardized
Record 20, Synonyms, French
Record 20, Textual support, French
Record number: 20, Textual support number: 1 OBS
polluant organique persistant : terme normalisé par Environnement Canada et le Bureau de la traduction dans le cadre de l'Inventaire des émissions de polluants atmosphériques. 2, record 20, French, - polluant%20organique%20persistant
Record 20, Spanish
Record 20, Textual support, Spanish
Record 21 - internal organization data 2017-04-27
Record 21, English
Record 21, Subject field(s)
- Optics
Record 21, Main entry term, English
- successive glare
1, record 21, English, successive%20glare
Record 21, Abbreviations, English
Record 21, Synonyms, English
Record 21, Textual support, English
Record number: 21, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Immediately after exposure to a bright source, there may be a residual reduction in vision which persists until adaptation has recovered. This effect is called "successive glare". It is an adaptive effect which takes time because of the photochemical change necessary in the eye to adjust to a new adaptation balance. 1, record 21, English, - successive%20glare
Record 21, French
Record 21, Domaine(s)
- Optique
Record 21, Main entry term, French
- éblouissement persistant
1, record 21, French, %C3%A9blouissement%20persistant
masculine noun
Record 21, Abbreviations, French
Record 21, Synonyms, French
Record 21, Textual support, French
Record number: 21, Textual support number: 1 CONT
éblouissement persistant : il peut arriver que l'exposition à une source vive soit suivie d’une altération visuelle qui persiste jusqu'à ce que l'œil se soit adapté à ces conditions d’éclairage. 1, record 21, French, - %C3%A9blouissement%20persistant
Record 21, Spanish
Record 21, Textual support, Spanish
Record 22 - internal organization data 2017-02-24
Record 22, English
Record 22, Subject field(s)
- Neuroses
- Clinical Psychology
- Dietetics
Record 22, Main entry term, English
- avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder
1, record 22, English, avoidant%2Frestrictive%20food%20intake%20disorder
Record 22, Abbreviations, English
- ARFID 2, record 22, English, ARFID
Record 22, Synonyms, English
- avoidant-restrictive food intake disorder 3, record 22, English, avoidant%2Drestrictive%20food%20intake%20disorder
- ARFID 3, record 22, English, ARFID
- ARFID 3, record 22, English, ARFID
Record 22, Textual support, English
Record number: 22, Textual support number: 1 DEF
... a persistent feeding or eating disturbance manifested by avoidance of food or restrictive food intake [that] results in significant weight loss or nutritional deficiency, dependence on tube feeding or nutritional supplements, and/or impairment in psychosocial functioning. 3, record 22, English, - avoidant%2Frestrictive%20food%20intake%20disorder
Record number: 22, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Unlike anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa, ARFID is not characterized by a preoccupation with body shape and weight or by intentional weight loss behaviors. Instead, patients suffering from ARFID may be disinterested in food and eating, or may avoid foods because of a negative response to their color, texture, smell, taste or temperature. Individuals may also excessively fear unpleasant consequences of eating such as choking, gagging or vomiting (functional dysphagia) or exacerbated gastroesophageal reflux symptoms. 3, record 22, English, - avoidant%2Frestrictive%20food%20intake%20disorder
Record 22, French
Record 22, Domaine(s)
- Névroses
- Psychologie clinique
- Diététique
Record 22, Main entry term, French
- trouble d'alimentation sélective et/ou d'évitement
1, record 22, French, trouble%20d%27alimentation%20s%C3%A9lective%20et%2Fou%20d%27%C3%A9vitement
correct, masculine noun
Record 22, Abbreviations, French
Record 22, Synonyms, French
Record 22, Textual support, French
Record number: 22, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Trouble alimentaire persistant qui se manifeste par l'évitement d’aliments ou la restriction de l'apport alimentaire et qui entraîne une perte de poids importante ou un déficit nutritionnel important, par la nécessité d’administrer une alimentation par sonde ou des compléments alimentaires oraux ainsi qu'une détérioration du fonctionnement psychosocial. 2, record 22, French, - trouble%20d%27alimentation%20s%C3%A9lective%20et%2Fou%20d%27%C3%A9vitement
Record 22, Spanish
Record 22, Textual support, Spanish
Record 23 - internal organization data 2017-01-18
Record 23, English
Record 23, Subject field(s)
- Aeronautical Engineering and Maintenance
Record 23, Main entry term, English
- de-icing
1, record 23, English, de%2Dicing
correct, standardized, officially approved
Record 23, Abbreviations, English
Record 23, Synonyms, English
Record 23, Textual support, English
Record number: 23, Textual support number: 1 DEF
The process which removes ice, snow, slush or frost from aeroplane surfaces. [Definition officially approved by ICAO.] 2, record 23, English, - de%2Dicing
Record number: 23, Textual support number: 1 OBS
This may be accomplished by mechanical methods, pneumatic methods or through the use of heated fluids. Mechanical methods may be preferred under extremely cold conditions or when it has been determined that the frozen contaminant is not adhering to the aeroplane surfaces. When using heated fluids and optimum heat transfer is desired, fluids should be applied at a distance from aeroplane surfaces in accordance with the approved operator procedure and fluid manufacturer specifications. 2, record 23, English, - de%2Dicing
Record number: 23, Textual support number: 2 OBS
de-icing: term standardized by the British Standards Institution (BSI) and officially approved by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). 3, record 23, English, - de%2Dicing
Record 23, French
Record 23, Domaine(s)
- Aérotechnique et maintenance
Record 23, Main entry term, French
- dégivrage
1, record 23, French, d%C3%A9givrage
correct, masculine noun, officially approved
Record 23, Abbreviations, French
Record 23, Synonyms, French
Record 23, Textual support, French
Record number: 23, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Méthode qui consiste à enlever la glace, la neige, la neige fondante ou le givre des surfaces d’un avion par voie mécanique ou pneumatique ou encore par l’utilisation de liquides chauffés. [Définition uniformisée par l’OACI.] 2, record 23, French, - d%C3%A9givrage
Record number: 23, Textual support number: 1 CONT
On distingue deux formes de givrage :[...] le givrage persistant pour lequel il sera utile, dans la plupart des cas, de mettre en œuvre des moyens de dégivrage [...]. Les moyens sont préventifs [...] ou curatifs [...]. On distingue des moyens physico-chimiques, mécaniques ou thermiques. 3, record 23, French, - d%C3%A9givrage
Record number: 23, Textual support number: 1 OBS
Les moyens mécaniques peuvent être utilisés par très grands froids ou lorsqu’on a déterminé que le contaminant gelé n’adhère pas aux surfaces de l’avion. Pour un transfert thermique optimal, les liquides chauffés doivent être appliqués à une distance conforme aux méthodes approuvées de l’exploitant et aux exigences du fabricant de liquides. 2, record 23, French, - d%C3%A9givrage
Record number: 23, Textual support number: 2 OBS
dégivrage : terme uniformisé par l’Organisation de l’aviation civile internationale (OACI). 4, record 23, French, - d%C3%A9givrage
Record 23, Spanish
Record 23, Campo(s) temático(s)
- Ingeniería aeronáutica y mantenimiento
Record 23, Main entry term, Spanish
- deshielo
1, record 23, Spanish, deshielo
correct, masculine noun, officially approved
Record 23, Abbreviations, Spanish
Record 23, Synonyms, Spanish
Record 23, Textual support, Spanish
Record number: 23, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Proceso mediante el cual se limpian las superficies del avión de hielo, nieve, aguanieve o barrillo y escarcha. [Definición aceptada oficialmente por la OACI.] 1, record 23, Spanish, - deshielo
Record number: 23, Textual support number: 1 OBS
Puede hacerse por medios mecánicos, neumáticos o usando liquidos precalentados. Los medios mecánicos son los idóneos en condiciones extremadamente frías o cuando ya se ha comprobado que el contaminante no está pegado a las superficies del avión. En el caso de que usen líquidos calientes y se desee una óptima transferencia de calor, deben ser aplicados a la distancia apropiada de las superficies afectadas, siempre de acuerdo con los procedimientos en vigor del operador y cumpliendo con las especificaciones de la casa constructora. 1, record 23, Spanish, - deshielo
Record number: 23, Textual support number: 2 OBS
deshielo: término aceptado oficialmente por la Organización de Aviación Civil Internacional (OACI). 2, record 23, Spanish, - deshielo
Record 24 - internal organization data 2017-01-03
Record 24, English
Record 24, Subject field(s)
- Finance
- Economics
Record 24, Main entry term, English
- steady
1, record 24, English, steady
Record 24, Abbreviations, English
Record 24, Synonyms, English
Record 24, Textual support, English
Record number: 24, Textual support number: 1 OBS
steady: term extracted from the "Glossaire de l'économie" and reproduced with permission of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. 2, record 24, English, - steady
Record 24, French
Record 24, Domaine(s)
- Finances
- Économique
Record 24, Main entry term, French
- soutenu 1, record 24, French, soutenu
Record 24, Abbreviations, French
Record 24, Synonyms, French
- stable 1, record 24, French, stable
- contenu 1, record 24, French, contenu
- suivi 1, record 24, French, suivi
- régulier 1, record 24, French, r%C3%A9gulier
- solide 1, record 24, French, solide
- ferme 1, record 24, French, ferme
- affermi 1, record 24, French, affermi
- persistant 1, record 24, French, persistant
Record 24, Textual support, French
Record number: 24, Textual support number: 1 OBS
Les équivalents français ne sont pas nécessairement des synonymes, mais simplement des traductions possibles pour «steady». Il faut donc choisir selon le contexte. 2, record 24, French, - soutenu
Record number: 24, Textual support number: 2 OBS
soutenu; stable; contenu; suivi; régulier; solide; ferme; affermi; persistant : termes extraits du «Glossaire de l'économie» et reproduits avec l'autorisation de l'Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques. 2, record 24, French, - soutenu
Record 24, Spanish
Record 24, Textual support, Spanish
Record 25 - internal organization data 2016-12-21
Record 25, English
Record 25, Subject field(s)
- CBRNE Weapons
Record 25, Main entry term, English
- persistent
1, record 25, English, persistent
officially approved
Record 25, Abbreviations, English
Record 25, Synonyms, English
Record 25, Textual support, English
Record number: 25, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Effective for a considerable period of time. 1, record 25, English, - persistent
Record number: 25, Textual support number: 1 OBS
CODE dRBGYRAO. 2, record 25, English, - persistent
Record number: 25, Textual support number: 2 OBS
persistent: term officialized by the Department of National Defence 2, record 25, English, - persistent
Record 25, French
Record 25, Domaine(s)
- Armes CBRNE
Record 25, Main entry term, French
- persistant
1, record 25, French, persistant
officially approved
Record 25, Abbreviations, French
Record 25, Synonyms, French
Record 25, Textual support, French
Record number: 25, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Efficace pendant une durée considérable. 1, record 25, French, - persistant
Record number: 25, Textual support number: 1 OBS
persistant : terme uniformisé par le ministère de la Défense nationale. 2, record 25, French, - persistant
Record 25, Spanish
Record 25, Textual support, Spanish
Record 26 - internal organization data 2016-11-22
Record 26, English
Record 26, Subject field(s)
- Mental Disorders
- Nervous System
- Clinical Psychology
Universal entry(ies) Record 26
Record 26, Main entry term, English
- provisional tic disorder
1, record 26, English, provisional%20tic%20disorder
Record 26, Abbreviations, English
Record 26, Synonyms, English
- transient tic disorder 2, record 26, English, transient%20tic%20disorder
Record 26, Textual support, English
Record number: 26, Textual support number: 1 DEF
[A disorder that] meets the general criteria for a tic disorder but the tics do not persist longer than 12 months. 2, record 26, English, - provisional%20tic%20disorder
Record number: 26, Textual support number: 1 OBS
The tics usually take the form of eye-blinking, facial grimacing, or head-jerking. 2, record 26, English, - provisional%20tic%20disorder
Record number: 26, Textual support number: 2 OBS
F95.0: code used in the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems. 3, record 26, English, - provisional%20tic%20disorder
Record 26, French
Record 26, Domaine(s)
- Troubles mentaux
- Système nerveux
- Psychologie clinique
Entrée(s) universelle(s) Record 26
Record 26, Main entry term, French
- tic provisoire
1, record 26, French, tic%20provisoire
correct, masculine noun
Record 26, Abbreviations, French
Record 26, Synonyms, French
- tic transitoire 2, record 26, French, tic%20transitoire
correct, masculine noun
Record 26, Textual support, French
Record number: 26, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Tic répondant aux critères généraux d’un tic, mais ne persistant pas plus de douze mois. 2, record 26, French, - tic%20provisoire
Record number: 26, Textual support number: 1 OBS
Il s’agit habituellement d’un clignement des yeux, de mimiques faciales, ou de mouvements brusques de la tête. 2, record 26, French, - tic%20provisoire
Record number: 26, Textual support number: 2 OBS
F95.0 : code de la Classification statistique internationale des maladies et des problèmes de santé connexes. 3, record 26, French, - tic%20provisoire
Record 26, Spanish
Record 26, Textual support, Spanish
Record 27 - internal organization data 2016-09-29
Record 27, English
Record 27, Subject field(s)
- Neuroses
- Human Behaviour
- Dietetics
Universal entry(ies) Record 27
Record 27, Main entry term, English
- anorexia nervosa
1, record 27, English, anorexia%20nervosa
Record 27, Abbreviations, English
- AN 2, record 27, English, AN
Record 27, Synonyms, English
- hysterical anorexia 2, record 27, English, hysterical%20anorexia
Record 27, Textual support, English
Record number: 27, Textual support number: 1 DEF
[A disorder characterized by a] persistent energy intake restriction; [an] intense fear of gaining weight or of becoming fat, or persistent behavior that interferes with weight gain; and a disturbance in self-perceived weight or shape. 3, record 27, English, - anorexia%20nervosa
Record number: 27, Textual support number: 1 OBS
F50.0: code used in the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems. 4, record 27, English, - anorexia%20nervosa
Record 27, French
Record 27, Domaine(s)
- Névroses
- Comportement humain
- Diététique
Entrée(s) universelle(s) Record 27
Record 27, Main entry term, French
- anorexie mentale
1, record 27, French, anorexie%20mentale
correct, feminine noun
Record 27, Abbreviations, French
- AM 2, record 27, French, AM
correct, feminine noun
Record 27, Synonyms, French
- anorexie nerveuse 3, record 27, French, anorexie%20nerveuse
feminine noun, obsolete
- anorexie hystérique 4, record 27, French, anorexie%20hyst%C3%A9rique
feminine noun, obsolete
Record 27, Textual support, French
Record number: 27, Textual support number: 1 DEF
[Trouble caractérisé par] une restriction prolongée des apports énergétiques; une peur intense de prendre du poids ou de devenir gros ou un comportement persistant interférant avec la prise de poids; et une altération de la perception du poids ou de la forme de son propre corps. 5, record 27, French, - anorexie%20mentale
Record number: 27, Textual support number: 1 OBS
F50.0 : code de la Classification statistique internationale des maladies et des problèmes de santé connexes. 6, record 27, French, - anorexie%20mentale
Record 27, Spanish
Record 27, Campo(s) temático(s)
- Neurosis
- Comportamiento humano
- Dietética
Entrada(s) universal(es) Record 27
Record 27, Main entry term, Spanish
- anorexia nerviosa
1, record 27, Spanish, anorexia%20nerviosa
feminine noun
Record 27, Abbreviations, Spanish
Record 27, Synonyms, Spanish
Record 27, Textual support, Spanish
Record 28 - internal organization data 2016-03-16
Record 28, English
Record 28, Subject field(s)
- Ferns and Fern Allies
Record 28, Main entry term, English
- Cretan brake
1, record 28, English, Cretan%20brake
Record 28, Abbreviations, English
Record 28, Synonyms, English
- dish fern 1, record 28, English, dish%20fern
- ribbon fern 2, record 28, English, ribbon%20fern
Record 28, Textual support, English
Record number: 28, Textual support number: 1 OBS
Fern of the family Polypodiaceae native to tropics and subtropics. The species is evergreen, widely grown commercially. The leaves of the cultivar 'Albo-lineata' are white along center. 3, record 28, English, - Cretan%20brake
Record 28, Key term(s)
- Pteris cretica Albolineata
Record 28, French
Record 28, Domaine(s)
- Fougères et plantes alliées
Record 28, Main entry term, French
- fougère de table panachée
1, record 28, French, foug%C3%A8re%20de%20table%20panach%C3%A9e
correct, feminine noun
Record 28, Abbreviations, French
Record 28, Synonyms, French
- ptéris crétoise 2, record 28, French, pt%C3%A9ris%20cr%C3%A9toise
correct, feminine noun
Record 28, Textual support, French
Record number: 28, Textual support number: 1 OBS
Fougère originaire des régions tropicales à feuillage persistant de la famille des Ptéridacées. Les Ptéris sont largement cultivées, elles sont excellentes pour les appartements ou serres froides, chez le cultivar ’Albo-lineata’ la longue feuille en ruban s’orne d’une large bande centrale blanc crémeux. 3, record 28, French, - foug%C3%A8re%20de%20table%20panach%C3%A9e
Record 28, Key term(s)
- fougère de table
Record 28, Spanish
Record 28, Textual support, Spanish
Record 29 - internal organization data 2016-03-16
Record 29, English
Record 29, Subject field(s)
- Ferns and Fern Allies
Record 29, Main entry term, English
- Cretan brake
1, record 29, English, Cretan%20brake
Record 29, Abbreviations, English
Record 29, Synonyms, English
Record 29, Textual support, English
Record number: 29, Textual support number: 1 OBS
Evergreen species of fern, widely grown commercially, native to tropics and subtropics of the family Polypodiaceae. The cultivar 'Gautheri' is easily confused with 'Rivertoniana' both have large lace-like leaflets. Compact plant suitable for miniature gardens and window boxes. 2, record 29, English, - Cretan%20brake
Record 29, French
Record 29, Domaine(s)
- Fougères et plantes alliées
Record 29, Main entry term, French
- ptéris de Crète
1, record 29, French, pt%C3%A9ris%20de%20Cr%C3%A8te
correct, feminine noun
Record 29, Abbreviations, French
Record 29, Synonyms, French
Record 29, Textual support, French
Record number: 29, Textual support number: 1 OBS
Fougère à feuillage persistant, originaire des régions tropicales, largement cultivée pour le commerce, famille des Pteridacéés. Le cultivar «Gautheri» ressemble au cultivar «Rivertoniana» il a de larges folioles dentelées. Plante compacte pour jardins miniatures et jardinières. 2, record 29, French, - pt%C3%A9ris%20de%20Cr%C3%A8te
Record 29, Spanish
Record 29, Textual support, Spanish
Record 30 - internal organization data 2016-03-15
Record 30, English
Record 30, Subject field(s)
- Botany
Universal entry(ies) Record 30
Record 30, Main entry term, English
- periwinkle
1, record 30, English, periwinkle
Record 30, Abbreviations, English
Record 30, Synonyms, English
Record 30, Textual support, English
Record number: 30, Textual support number: 1 OBS
Apocynaceae Family. 1, record 30, English, - periwinkle
Record number: 30, Textual support number: 2 OBS
About 12 spp. of trailing evergreen subshrubs, native of the Old World; ... flowers solitary ... corolla more or less funnel form ... Planted as ground cover and in window boxes, thriving in shady locations. Propagated by division and cuttings. 1, record 30, English, - periwinkle
Record 30, French
Record 30, Domaine(s)
- Botanique
Entrée(s) universelle(s) Record 30
Record 30, Main entry term, French
- pervenche
1, record 30, French, pervenche
correct, feminine noun
Record 30, Abbreviations, French
Record 30, Synonyms, French
Record 30, Textual support, French
Record number: 30, Textual support number: 1 OBS
Famille des Apocynacées. 1, record 30, French, - pervenche
Record number: 30, Textual support number: 2 OBS
Genre comprenant 7 espèces d’arbustes, de sous-arbrisseaux ou de plantes vivaces herbacées à feuillage caduc ou persistant, formant des coussinets. [une espèce] Vinca rosea, n’ est pas rustique et exige la culture en serre. [D'autres espèces] sont rustiques et envahissantes; elles conviennent comme couvre-sol dans les sous-bois [...]. Les fleurs, tubulaires, présentent 5 pétales angulés ou arrondis, ouverts en corolle. 1, record 30, French, - pervenche
Record 30, Spanish
Record 30, Textual support, Spanish
Record 31 - internal organization data 2016-03-10
Record 31, English
Record 31, Subject field(s)
- Botany
Universal entry(ies) Record 31
Record 31, Main entry term, English
- Jasminum revolutum
1, record 31, English, Jasminum%20revolutum
Record 31, Abbreviations, English
Record 31, Synonyms, English
Record 31, Textual support, English
Record 31, French
Record 31, Domaine(s)
- Botanique
Entrée(s) universelle(s) Record 31
Record 31, Main entry term, French
- jasmin de l'Himalaya
1, record 31, French, jasmin%20de%20l%27Himalaya
correct, masculine noun
Record 31, Abbreviations, French
Record 31, Synonyms, French
Record 31, Textual support, French
Record number: 31, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Himalaya, Afghanistan. Hauteur 2 à 3 m; étalement 1, 2 à 1, 5 m. [...] arbuste à feuillage persistant, non sarmenteux, qui peut être cultivé en isolé ou palissé le long d’un mur. [...] feuilles, vert foncé, coriaces, [...] composées de 3, 5 ou 7 folioles. [...] fleurs, petites, odorantes, jaunes, apparaissent à l'aisselle des feuilles ou en inflorescences terminales pouvant atteindre 15 cm de long. 1, record 31, French, - jasmin%20de%20l%27Himalaya
Record number: 31, Textual support number: 1 OBS
Famille des Oléacées. 1, record 31, French, - jasmin%20de%20l%27Himalaya
Record number: 31, Textual support number: 2 OBS
Genre comprenant 300 espèces d’arbustes et de plantes grimpantes, rustiques ou gélives, à feuilles persistantes ou caduques. Ce sont d’excellentes plantes couvre-sol. Elles grimpent aussi très bien le long des murs ou sur les grillages, s’enroulent vigoureusement sur des pergolas. [...] Les fleurs de jasmin sont [...] généralement réunies en grappes terminales [...] et dégagent un puissant parfum. 1, record 31, French, - jasmin%20de%20l%27Himalaya
Record 31, Spanish
Record 31, Textual support, Spanish
Record 32 - internal organization data 2016-03-10
Record 32, English
Record 32, Subject field(s)
- Botany
Universal entry(ies) Record 32
Record 32, Main entry term, English
- mountain bamboo
1, record 32, English, mountain%20bamboo
Record 32, Abbreviations, English
Record 32, Synonyms, English
Record 32, Textual support, English
Record number: 32, Textual support number: 1 OBS
Gramineae alpina, Mountains to Africa, hollow-stemmed bamboo to 15 or more meters high. 1, record 32, English, - mountain%20bamboo
Record 32, French
Record 32, Domaine(s)
- Botanique
Entrée(s) universelle(s) Record 32
Record 32, Main entry term, French
- Arundinaria alpina
1, record 32, French, Arundinaria%20alpina
Record 32, Abbreviations, French
Record 32, Synonyms, French
Record 32, Textual support, French
Record number: 32, Textual support number: 1 OBS
Genre comprenant 150 espèces de bambous rustiques à feuillage persistant. La plupart sont de très grandes plantes qu'on ne peut envisager que dans un vaste jardin. 2, record 32, French, - Arundinaria%20alpina
Record 32, Spanish
Record 32, Textual support, Spanish
Record 33 - internal organization data 2016-03-09
Record 33, English
Record 33, Subject field(s)
- Botany
Universal entry(ies) Record 33
Record 33, Main entry term, English
- honeysuckle
1, record 33, English, honeysuckle
Record 33, Abbreviations, English
Record 33, Synonyms, English
Record 33, Textual support, English
Record number: 33, Textual support number: 1 DEF
More than 150 species of usually deciduous, sometimes more or less evergreen, erect or climbing shrubs, widespread in the Northern Hemisphere ... 2, record 33, English, - honeysuckle
Record 33, French
Record 33, Domaine(s)
- Botanique
Entrée(s) universelle(s) Record 33
Record 33, Main entry term, French
- chèvrefeuille
1, record 33, French, ch%C3%A8vrefeuille
correct, masculine noun
Record 33, Abbreviations, French
Record 33, Synonyms, French
Record 33, Textual support, French
Record number: 33, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Genre comprenant 200 espèces d’arbustes à fleurs à feuillage persistant ou caduc ou de plantes grimpantes sarmenteuses. 2, record 33, French, - ch%C3%A8vrefeuille
Record number: 33, Textual support number: 1 OBS
[Les] fleurs [...] apparaissent en paires serrées [...] Chez les espèces buissonnantes, les paires de fleurs sont généralement solitaires, ainsi que les baies qui leur font suite. Les inflorescences surtout chez les espèces grimpantes, sont souvent odoriférantes. 2, record 33, French, - ch%C3%A8vrefeuille
Record 33, Spanish
Record 33, Campo(s) temático(s)
- Botánica
Entrada(s) universal(es) Record 33
Record 33, Main entry term, Spanish
- madreselva
1, record 33, Spanish, madreselva
correct, feminine noun
Record 33, Abbreviations, Spanish
Record 33, Synonyms, Spanish
Record 33, Textual support, Spanish
Record number: 33, Textual support number: 1 OBS
Mata fruticosa de la familia de las caprifoliáceas. 1, record 33, Spanish, - madreselva
Record 34 - internal organization data 2016-02-24
Record 34, English
Record 34, Subject field(s)
- Botany
Universal entry(ies) Record 34
Record 34, Main entry term, English
- carob tree
1, record 34, English, carob%20tree
Record 34, Abbreviations, English
Record 34, Synonyms, English
Record 34, Textual support, English
Record 34, French
Record 34, Domaine(s)
- Botanique
Entrée(s) universelle(s) Record 34
Record 34, Main entry term, French
- caroubier
1, record 34, French, caroubier
correct, masculine noun
Record 34, Abbreviations, French
Record 34, Synonyms, French
Record 34, Textual support, French
Record number: 34, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Grand arbre à feuillage persistant des régions méditerranéennes. 2, record 34, French, - caroubier
Record number: 34, Textual support number: 1 OBS
Famille des césalpiniacées. 2, record 34, French, - caroubier
Record 34, Spanish
Record 34, Campo(s) temático(s)
- Botánica
Entrada(s) universal(es) Record 34
Record 34, Main entry term, Spanish
- algarrobo
1, record 34, Spanish, algarrobo
masculine noun
Record 34, Abbreviations, Spanish
Record 34, Synonyms, Spanish
- algarrobera 1, record 34, Spanish, algarrobera
feminine noun
Record 34, Textual support, Spanish
Record 35 - internal organization data 2016-01-19
Record 35, English
Record 35, Subject field(s)
- Botany
- Silviculture
Universal entry(ies) Record 35
Record 35, Main entry term, English
- cork-oak
1, record 35, English, cork%2Doak
Record 35, Abbreviations, English
Record 35, Synonyms, English
- cork oak 2, record 35, English, cork%20oak
Record 35, Textual support, English
Record number: 35, Textual support number: 1 DEF
An oak (Quercus suber) of southern Europe and northern Africa and esp. abundant in Spain and Portugal, attaining a height of 40 feet and furnishing the cork of commerce which is cut off in large plates at intervals of from 12 to 15 years. 2, record 35, English, - cork%2Doak
Record 35, Key term(s)
- corkoak
Record 35, French
Record 35, Domaine(s)
- Botanique
- Sylviculture
Entrée(s) universelle(s) Record 35
Record 35, Main entry term, French
- chêne-liège
1, record 35, French, ch%C3%AAne%2Dli%C3%A8ge
correct, masculine noun
Record 35, Abbreviations, French
Record 35, Synonyms, French
Record 35, Textual support, French
Record number: 35, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Variété de chêne à feuillage persistant, qui fournit le liège. 2, record 35, French, - ch%C3%AAne%2Dli%C3%A8ge
Record 35, Spanish
Record 35, Campo(s) temático(s)
- Botánica
- Silvicultura
Entrada(s) universal(es) Record 35
Record 35, Main entry term, Spanish
- alcornoque
1, record 35, Spanish, alcornoque
correct, masculine noun
Record 35, Abbreviations, Spanish
Record 35, Synonyms, Spanish
Record 35, Textual support, Spanish
Record 36 - internal organization data 2015-04-24
Record 36, English
Record 36, Subject field(s)
- Scientific Research
- Fires and Explosions
Record 36, Main entry term, English
- sustained combustion
1, record 36, English, sustained%20combustion
correct, standardized
Record 36, Abbreviations, English
Record 36, Synonyms, English
- sustained ignition 1, record 36, English, sustained%20ignition
avoid, standardized
Record 36, Textual support, English
Record number: 36, Textual support number: 1 DEF
The combustion of a test specimen that persists for longer than a defined period of time. 1, record 36, English, - sustained%20combustion
Record number: 36, Textual support number: 1 OBS
The defined period of time varies across different standards. 1, record 36, English, - sustained%20combustion
Record number: 36, Textual support number: 2 OBS
sustained combustion; sustained ignition: terms and definition standardized by ISO. 2, record 36, English, - sustained%20combustion
Record 36, French
Record 36, Domaine(s)
- Recherche scientifique
- Feux et explosions
Record 36, Main entry term, French
- combustion persistante
1, record 36, French, combustion%20persistante
correct, feminine noun, standardized
Record 36, Abbreviations, French
Record 36, Synonyms, French
- allumage persistant 1, record 36, French, allumage%20persistant
avoid, masculine noun, standardized
Record 36, Textual support, French
Record number: 36, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Combustion d’une éprouvette d’essai qui dépasse une durée définie. 1, record 36, French, - combustion%20persistante
Record number: 36, Textual support number: 1 OBS
Cette durée définie varie selon les différentes normes. 1, record 36, French, - combustion%20persistante
Record number: 36, Textual support number: 2 OBS
combustion persistante; allumage persistant : termes et définition normalisés par l'ISO. 2, record 36, French, - combustion%20persistante
Record 36, Spanish
Record 36, Textual support, Spanish
Record 37 - internal organization data 2015-03-11
Record 37, English
Record 37, Subject field(s)
- Atmospheric Physics
Record 37, Main entry term, English
- brave west wind
1, record 37, English, brave%20west%20wind
Record 37, Abbreviations, English
Record 37, Synonyms, English
Record 37, Textual support, English
Record number: 37, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Strong and rather persistent westerly wind which blow in all seasons between about 40 and 65° S latitude over oceanic and adjacent regions. 2, record 37, English, - brave%20west%20wind
Record 37, Key term(s)
- brave west winds
Record 37, French
Record 37, Domaine(s)
- Physique de l'atmosphère
Record 37, Main entry term, French
- grand vent d'ouest
1, record 37, French, grand%20vent%20d%27ouest
correct, masculine noun
Record 37, Abbreviations, French
Record 37, Synonyms, French
Record 37, Textual support, French
Record number: 37, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Vent d’ouest fort et plutôt persistant qui souffle pendant toutes les saisons entre environ 40 et 65° S de latitude sur les régions océaniques et leur voisinage. 2, record 37, French, - grand%20vent%20d%27ouest
Record 37, Key term(s)
- grands vents d'ouest
Record 37, Spanish
Record 37, Campo(s) temático(s)
- Física de la atmósfera
Record 37, Main entry term, Spanish
- oeste duro
1, record 37, Spanish, oeste%20duro
masculine noun
Record 37, Abbreviations, Spanish
Record 37, Synonyms, Spanish
Record 37, Textual support, Spanish
Record number: 37, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Viento del oeste fuerte y bastante persistente que sopla durante todas las estaciones entre los 40° y los 65° S de latitud en regiones oceánicas y adyacentes. 1, record 37, Spanish, - oeste%20duro
Record 37, Key term(s)
- oestes duros
Record 38 - internal organization data 2015-02-12
Record 38, English
Record 38, Subject field(s)
- Meteorology
Record 38, Main entry term, English
- blizzard
1, record 38, English, blizzard
Record 38, Abbreviations, English
Record 38, Synonyms, English
Record 38, Textual support, English
Record number: 38, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Violent winter storm, lasting at least 3 hours, which combines below freezing temperatures and very strong wind laden with blowing snow that reduces visibility to less than 1 km. 2, record 38, English, - blizzard
Record 38, French
Record 38, Domaine(s)
- Météorologie
Record 38, Main entry term, French
- blizzard
1, record 38, French, blizzard
correct, masculine noun
Record 38, Abbreviations, French
Record 38, Synonyms, French
Record 38, Textual support, French
Record number: 38, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Violente tempête d’hiver, persistant pendant au moins 3 heures, qui combine des températures au-dessous de zéro et des vents très forts chargés de chasse-neige réduisant la visibilité à moins de 1 km. 2, record 38, French, - blizzard
Record number: 38, Textual support number: 1 OBS
Ce terme est originaire de l’Amérique du Nord, mais il a été étendu à des vents semblables d’autres contrées [(ex. :] buran). 3, record 38, French, - blizzard
Record 38, Spanish
Record 38, Campo(s) temático(s)
- Meteorología
Record 38, Main entry term, Spanish
- ventisca
1, record 38, Spanish, ventisca
correct, feminine noun
Record 38, Abbreviations, Spanish
Record 38, Synonyms, Spanish
- blizzard 2, record 38, Spanish, blizzard
correct, masculine noun
Record 38, Textual support, Spanish
Record number: 38, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Tempestad invernal violenta que dura por lo menos tres horas y combina temperaturas inferiores a 0°C y vientos muy fuertes cargados de nieve que reducen la visibilidad a menos de 1 km. 3, record 38, Spanish, - ventisca
Record number: 38, Textual support number: 1 OBS
En las regiones templadas el fenómeno denominado "blizzard" se conoce como "ventisca", el cual es mucho menos violento. 4, record 38, Spanish, - ventisca
Record number: 38, Textual support number: 2 OBS
nevisca: término utilizado por la Asociación Mundial de la Carretera. 5, record 38, Spanish, - ventisca
Record 39 - internal organization data 2014-11-05
Record 39, English
Record 39, Subject field(s)
- Atomic Physics
- Nuclear Waste Materials
- CBRNE Weapons
Record 39, Main entry term, English
- residual nuclear radiation
1, record 39, English, residual%20nuclear%20radiation
Record 39, Abbreviations, English
Record 39, Synonyms, English
- residual radiation 2, record 39, English, residual%20radiation
Record 39, Textual support, English
Record number: 39, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Nuclear radiation caused by fallout, artificial dispersion of radioactive material or irradiation which results from a nuclear explosion and persists longer than one minute after burst. 3, record 39, English, - residual%20nuclear%20radiation
Record 39, French
Record 39, Domaine(s)
- Physique atomique
- Déchets nucléaires
- Armes CBRNE
Record 39, Main entry term, French
- rayonnement nucléaire résiduel
1, record 39, French, rayonnement%20nucl%C3%A9aire%20r%C3%A9siduel
correct, masculine noun
Record 39, Abbreviations, French
Record 39, Synonyms, French
- rayonnement résiduel 2, record 39, French, rayonnement%20r%C3%A9siduel
correct, masculine noun, officially approved
- radiation résiduelle 3, record 39, French, radiation%20r%C3%A9siduelle
feminine noun
Record 39, Textual support, French
Record number: 39, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Rayonnement nucléaire provoqué soit par une retombée radioactive, soit par une dispersion artificielle d’une matière radioactive, soit par une irradiation résultant d’une explosion nucléaire et persistant plus d’une minute après l'explosion. 4, record 39, French, - rayonnement%20nucl%C3%A9aire%20r%C3%A9siduel
Record number: 39, Textual support number: 1 OBS
rayonnement résiduel : terme et définition uniformisés par le Comité de terminologie française du Conseil de doctrine et de tactique de l’Armée de terre. 5, record 39, French, - rayonnement%20nucl%C3%A9aire%20r%C3%A9siduel
Record 39, Spanish
Record 39, Campo(s) temático(s)
- Física atómica
- Desechos nucleares
- Armas QBRNE
Record 39, Main entry term, Spanish
- radiación residual
1, record 39, Spanish, radiaci%C3%B3n%20residual
correct, feminine noun
Record 39, Abbreviations, Spanish
Record 39, Synonyms, Spanish
- radiación nuclear residual 2, record 39, Spanish, radiaci%C3%B3n%20nuclear%20residual
correct, feminine noun
- irradiación residual 3, record 39, Spanish, irradiaci%C3%B3n%20residual
feminine noun
- irradiación remanente 3, record 39, Spanish, irradiaci%C3%B3n%20remanente
feminine noun
Record 39, Textual support, Spanish
Record 40 - internal organization data 2014-04-25
Record 40, English
Record 40, Subject field(s)
- Communication and Information Management
- Federal Administration
Record 40, Main entry term, English
- complaint pending
1, record 40, English, complaint%20pending
Record 40, Abbreviations, English
Record 40, Synonyms, English
Record 40, Textual support, English
Record number: 40, Textual support number: 1 CONT
On April 1, 2001, the Office had 1044 complaints pending from the previous fiscal year. 2, record 40, English, - complaint%20pending
Record number: 40, Textual support number: 1 OBS
complaint pending: term used by the Office of the Information Commissioner of Canada. 3, record 40, English, - complaint%20pending
Record 40, French
Record 40, Domaine(s)
- Gestion des communications et de l'information
- Administration fédérale
Record 40, Main entry term, French
- plainte en suspens
1, record 40, French, plainte%20en%20suspens
correct, feminine noun
Record 40, Abbreviations, French
Record 40, Synonyms, French
- plainte en attente 2, record 40, French, plainte%20en%20attente
correct, feminine noun
Record 40, Textual support, French
Record number: 40, Textual support number: 1 CONT
L'arriéré constant et persistant d’enquêtes que nous avons rapporté au dernier exercice ne s’est pas amélioré en 2007-2008, malgré les efforts considérables que nous avons déployés pour réduire le nombre de plaintes en suspens. 3, record 40, French, - plainte%20en%20suspens
Record number: 40, Textual support number: 1 OBS
plainte en suspens; plainte en attente : termes en usage au Commissariat à l’information du Canada. 4, record 40, French, - plainte%20en%20suspens
Record 40, Spanish
Record 40, Textual support, Spanish
Record 41 - internal organization data 2013-02-04
Record 41, English
Record 41, Subject field(s)
- Scientific Research
- Medicine and Health
- Preoperative and Postoperative Treatment
- Diagnostic Procedures (Medicine)
Record 41, Main entry term, English
- persistent adverse event
1, record 41, English, persistent%20adverse%20event
correct, standardized
Record 41, Abbreviations, English
Record 41, Synonyms, English
Record 41, Textual support, English
Record number: 41, Textual support number: 1 DEF
An adverse event that is present at the conclusion of a clinical investigation. 1, record 41, English, - persistent%20adverse%20event
Record number: 41, Textual support number: 1 OBS
persistent adverse event: term and definition standardized by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). 2, record 41, English, - persistent%20adverse%20event
Record 41, French
Record 41, Domaine(s)
- Recherche scientifique
- Médecine et santé
- Traitements pré- et post-opératoires
- Méthodes diagnostiques (Médecine)
Record 41, Main entry term, French
- effet indésirable persistant
1, record 41, French, effet%20ind%C3%A9sirable%20persistant
correct, masculine noun, standardized
Record 41, Abbreviations, French
Record 41, Synonyms, French
Record 41, Textual support, French
Record number: 41, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Effet indésirable toujours présent à la fin d’une investigation clinique. 1, record 41, French, - effet%20ind%C3%A9sirable%20persistant
Record number: 41, Textual support number: 1 OBS
effet indésirable persistant : terme et définition normalisés par l'Organisation internationale de normalisation(ISO). 2, record 41, French, - effet%20ind%C3%A9sirable%20persistant
Record 41, Spanish
Record 41, Textual support, Spanish
Record 42 - internal organization data 2012-11-23
Record 42, English
Record 42, Subject field(s)
- Medical and Dental Services (Military)
Record 42, Main entry term, English
- operational stress injury
1, record 42, English, operational%20stress%20injury
Record 42, Abbreviations, English
- OSI 2, record 42, English, OSI
Record 42, Synonyms, English
Record 42, Textual support, English
Record number: 42, Textual support number: 1 DEF
A persistent psychological difficulty resulting from operational duties performed by a Forces member. 3, record 42, English, - operational%20stress%20injury
Record 42, French
Record 42, Domaine(s)
- Service de santé et service dentaire (Militaire)
Record 42, Main entry term, French
- blessure de stress opérationnel
1, record 42, French, blessure%20de%20stress%20op%C3%A9rationnel
correct, feminine noun
Record 42, Abbreviations, French
- BSO 2, record 42, French, BSO
correct, feminine noun
Record 42, Synonyms, French
Record 42, Textual support, French
Record number: 42, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Trouble psychologique persistant que peut éprouver un militaire à la suite de fonctions opérationnelles. 2, record 42, French, - blessure%20de%20stress%20op%C3%A9rationnel
Record 42, Spanish
Record 42, Textual support, Spanish
Record 43 - internal organization data 2012-11-05
Record 43, English
Record 43, Subject field(s)
- Visual Disorders
Record 43, Main entry term, English
- after-image
1, record 43, English, after%2Dimage
Record 43, Abbreviations, English
Record 43, Synonyms, English
- afterimage 2, record 43, English, afterimage
Record 43, Textual support, English
Record number: 43, Textual support number: 1 DEF
A visual sensation occurring after the stimulus to which it is a response has been removed. 2, record 43, English, - after%2Dimage
Record 43, Key term(s)
- after image
Record 43, French
Record 43, Domaine(s)
- Troubles de la vision
Record 43, Main entry term, French
- image consécutive
1, record 43, French, image%20cons%C3%A9cutive
correct, feminine noun
Record 43, Abbreviations, French
Record 43, Synonyms, French
- image rémanente 2, record 43, French, image%20r%C3%A9manente
feminine noun
Record 43, Textual support, French
Record number: 43, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Sensation visuelle persistant après que la stimulation initiale a été supprimée. 1, record 43, French, - image%20cons%C3%A9cutive
Record 43, Spanish
Record 43, Campo(s) temático(s)
- Trastornos de la visión
Record 43, Main entry term, Spanish
- postimagen
1, record 43, Spanish, postimagen
correct, feminine noun
Record 43, Abbreviations, Spanish
Record 43, Synonyms, Spanish
Record 43, Textual support, Spanish
Record number: 43, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Sensación visual que continúa después de terminar el estímulo. 1, record 43, Spanish, - postimagen
Record 44 - internal organization data 2012-05-15
Record 44, English
Record 44, Subject field(s)
- Human Diseases
Record 44, Main entry term, English
- pathophysiology
1, record 44, English, pathophysiology
Record 44, Abbreviations, English
Record 44, Synonyms, English
- physiopathology 2, record 44, English, physiopathology
Record 44, Textual support, English
Record number: 44, Textual support number: 1 DEF
The study of the biologic and physical manifestations of disease as they correlate with the underlying abnormalities and physiologic disturbances. 3, record 44, English, - pathophysiology
Record number: 44, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Pathophysiology does not deal directly with the treatment of disease. Rather, it explains the processes within the body that result in the signs and symptoms of a disease. 3, record 44, English, - pathophysiology
Record 44, French
Record 44, Domaine(s)
- Maladies humaines
Record 44, Main entry term, French
- physiopathologie
1, record 44, French, physiopathologie
correct, feminine noun
Record 44, Abbreviations, French
Record 44, Synonyms, French
- pathophysiologie 2, record 44, French, pathophysiologie
correct, feminine noun
Record 44, Textual support, French
Record number: 44, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Étude des mécanismes modifiant les fonctions organiques (respiration, circulation, digestion, élimination, reproduction). 3, record 44, French, - physiopathologie
Record number: 44, Textual support number: 1 CONT
La physiopathologie étudie les perturbations de la physiologie, permet de connaître le mécanisme d’action des maladies et de remonter à leurs sources. La physiopathologie explique, par exemple, comment l'asthme retentit sur la fonction respiratoire, comme l'hypertension artérielle est responsable de complications cardiovasculaires, comme un diabète non traité et persistant lèse l'œil ou le rein, ou comment certaines infections sexuellement transmissibles peuvent provoquer une stérilité. 3, record 44, French, - physiopathologie
Record 44, Spanish
Record 44, Campo(s) temático(s)
- Enfermedades humanas
Record 44, Main entry term, Spanish
- fisiopatología
1, record 44, Spanish, fisiopatolog%C3%ADa
feminine noun
Record 44, Abbreviations, Spanish
Record 44, Synonyms, Spanish
Record 44, Textual support, Spanish
Record 45 - internal organization data 2012-02-01
Record 45, English
Record 45, Subject field(s)
- Bones and Joints
Record 45, Main entry term, English
- sprain
1, record 45, English, sprain
Record 45, Abbreviations, English
Record 45, Synonyms, English
Record 45, Textual support, English
Record number: 45, Textual support number: 1 DEF
A joint injury in which some of the fibers of a supporting ligament are ruptured but the continuity of the ligament remains intact. 2, record 45, English, - sprain
Record 45, French
Record 45, Domaine(s)
- Os et articulations
Record 45, Main entry term, French
- entorse
1, record 45, French, entorse
correct, feminine noun
Record 45, Abbreviations, French
Record 45, Synonyms, French
Record 45, Textual support, French
Record number: 45, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Lésion articulatoire avec élongation ou arrachement d’un ou plusieurs ligaments, mais sans déplacement persistant des surfaces articulaires. 2, record 45, French, - entorse
Record number: 45, Textual support number: 1 OBS
Terme entériné par le réseau Entraide Traduction Santé. 3, record 45, French, - entorse
Record 45, Spanish
Record 45, Campo(s) temático(s)
- Huesos y articulaciones
Record 45, Main entry term, Spanish
- torcedura
1, record 45, Spanish, torcedura
correct, feminine noun
Record 45, Abbreviations, Spanish
Record 45, Synonyms, Spanish
Record 45, Textual support, Spanish
Record 46 - internal organization data 2012-01-16
Record 46, English
Record 46, Subject field(s)
- Bowels
Record 46, Main entry term, English
- Barth's hernia
1, record 46, English, Barth%27s%20hernia
Record 46, Abbreviations, English
Record 46, Synonyms, English
Record 46, Textual support, English
Record number: 46, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Hernia of loops of intestine between the serosa of the abdominal wall and that of a persistent vitelline duct. 1, record 46, English, - Barth%27s%20hernia
Record 46, French
Record 46, Domaine(s)
- Intestins
Record 46, Main entry term, French
- hernie de Barth
1, record 46, French, hernie%20de%20Barth
correct, feminine noun
Record 46, Abbreviations, French
Record 46, Synonyms, French
Record 46, Textual support, French
Record number: 46, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Hernie intestinale qui se situe entre la paroi de l'abdomen et le canal vitellin persistant. 1, record 46, French, - hernie%20de%20Barth
Record 46, Spanish
Record 46, Textual support, Spanish
Record 47 - internal organization data 2011-12-22
Record 47, English
Record 47, Subject field(s)
- Culture of Fruit Trees
Universal entry(ies) Record 47
Record 47, Main entry term, English
- anchovy pear tree
1, record 47, English, anchovy%20pear%20tree
Record 47, Abbreviations, English
Record 47, Synonyms, English
- anchovy pear 1, record 47, English, anchovy%20pear
Record 47, Textual support, English
Record number: 47, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Evergreen tree of the family Lecythidaceae, native to the West Indies. The tree is cultivated for its edible fruit. The plant grows to about 15 metres (50 feet) tall and bears spear-shaped, glossy leaves about 90 cm (35 inches) long that are produced in tufts at the ends of the branches. The fragrant yellow flowers are about 5 cm (2 inches) across. The fruit, which contains one seed, is pear-shaped, russet brown, 5–7 cm (2–3 inches) long, and rich in vitamin C. 2, record 47, English, - anchovy%20pear%20tree
Record number: 47, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Anchovy pear. West Indian tree bearing edible fruit resembling mango. 3, record 47, English, - anchovy%20pear%20tree
Record 47, French
Record 47, Domaine(s)
- Arboriculture fruitière
Entrée(s) universelle(s) Record 47
Record 47, Main entry term, French
- Grias cauliflora 1, record 47, French, Grias%20cauliflora
Record 47, Abbreviations, French
Record 47, Synonyms, French
Record 47, Textual support, French
Record number: 47, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Grias cauliflora. [...] Distribution Amérique tropicale. [...] Arbre persistant(haut : 30 m). Feuilles oblancéolées [...], fleurs aux sépales obovaux, aux pétales oblongs ou obovaux, blanchâtres(long : 10-23 mm), groupés par 2-4 en corymbes cauliflores. Fruits fusiformes [...] 1, record 47, French, - Grias%20cauliflora
Record 47, Spanish
Record 47, Campo(s) temático(s)
- Fruticultura
Entrada(s) universal(es) Record 47
Record 47, Main entry term, Spanish
- árbol de pera de anchoa
1, record 47, Spanish, %C3%A1rbol%20de%20pera%20de%20anchoa
correct, masculine noun
Record 47, Abbreviations, Spanish
Record 47, Synonyms, Spanish
- pera de anchoa 2, record 47, Spanish, pera%20de%20anchoa
correct, feminine noun
- Paco 3, record 47, Spanish, Paco
correct, masculine noun
Record 47, Textual support, Spanish
Record number: 47, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Árbol de [la familia de las Lecitidaceas], de 5-10 metros de alto, poco ramificado, con hojas grandes (hasta 70 cm de largo). Produce inflorescencias en el tronco; el fruto redondo o en forma de pera, contiene semillas rodeadas por una pulpa carnosa. 3, record 47, Spanish, - %C3%A1rbol%20de%20pera%20de%20anchoa
Record 48 - internal organization data 2011-11-17
Record 48, English
Record 48, Subject field(s)
- Analytical Chemistry
Record 48, Main entry term, English
- persistent
1, record 48, English, persistent
Record 48, Abbreviations, English
Record 48, Synonyms, English
Record 48, Textual support, English
Record number: 48, Textual support number: 1 OBS
persistent: A term used to characterize "radicals" which have lifetimes of several minutes or greater in dilute solution in inert solvents. Persistence is a kinetic or reactivity property. In contrast, radical "stability," which is a thermodynamic property, is expressed in terms of the C-H bond strength of the appropriate hydrocarbon. The lifetime of a radical is profoundly influenced by steric shielding of the radical centre by bulky substituents. 1, record 48, English, - persistent
Record 48, French
Record 48, Domaine(s)
- Chimie analytique
Record 48, Main entry term, French
- persistant
1, record 48, French, persistant
Record 48, Abbreviations, French
Record 48, Synonyms, French
Record 48, Textual support, French
Record number: 48, Textual support number: 1 OBS
persistant : Terme utilisé pour caractériser des radicaux dont les temps de vie sont de plusieurs minutes ou plus, en solution diluée dans des solvants inertes. La persistance est une propriété cinétique ou de réactivité. Par opposition, la «stabilité» d’un radical, qui est une propriété thermodynamique, est exprimée en fonction de la force de la liaison C-H de l'hydrocarbure approprié. Le temps de vie d’un radical est fortement influencé par le blindage du centre radicalaire par des substituants volumineux. 1, record 48, French, - persistant
Record 48, Spanish
Record 48, Campo(s) temático(s)
- Química analítica
Record 48, Main entry term, Spanish
- persistente
1, record 48, Spanish, persistente
Record 48, Abbreviations, Spanish
Record 48, Synonyms, Spanish
Record 48, Textual support, Spanish
Record number: 48, Textual support number: 1 DEF
[Dícese de la] cualidad de los productos químicos que requieren un largo período de tiempo de degradación o inactivación, tales como algunos plaguicidas. 1, record 48, Spanish, - persistente
Record number: 48, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Las sustancias persistentes pueden llegar a concentrarse peligrosamente en los tejidos de los organismos que ocupan el extremo superior de la cadena alimentaria. 1, record 48, Spanish, - persistente
Record 49 - internal organization data 2011-11-14
Record 49, English
Record 49, Subject field(s)
- Cultural Practices (Agriculture)
- Crop Protection
Record 49, Main entry term, English
- pesticide
1, record 49, English, pesticide
Record 49, Abbreviations, English
Record 49, Synonyms, English
Record 49, Textual support, English
Record number: 49, Textual support number: 1 DEF
A [substance, usually a] chemical, used to control, to repel, to attract or to kill pests, for example, insects, weeds, birds, mammals, fish, or microbes, that are considered a nuisance. 2, record 49, English, - pesticide
Record number: 49, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Pesticides are usually, but not always, poisons. Examples of pesticides [are] - herbicides for destruction or development prevention of weeds; - fungicides for destruction or development prevention of fungi (example, QoI); - insecticides for destruction or development prevention of insects; - Growth regulators to prevent excess growth of a plant (prevention of lodging in wheat); - molluscicides (against snails...); - acaricides or miticides against mites; - products favoring plant resistance ... 2, record 49, English, - pesticide
Record number: 49, Textual support number: 1 OBS
Regulations on pesticides make a distinction between those mainly used for crop protection purposes, which are generally known as phytopharmaceuticals or, more commonly, phytosanitary products (Directive 91/414/EEC), and those known as biocides (defined in particular in Directive 98/8/EEC). For example, an insecticide is a phytosanitary product when applied to a wheat crop, but is called a biocide when applied to roof timbers. 3, record 49, English, - pesticide
Record number: 49, Textual support number: 1 PHR
Agricultural, biological, chemical, domestic, inorganic, low-impact, minor-use, natural, organic, synthetic pesticide. 4, record 49, English, - pesticide
Record 49, French
Record 49, Domaine(s)
- Soin des cultures (Agriculture)
- Protection des végétaux
Record 49, Main entry term, French
- pesticide
1, record 49, French, pesticide
correct, masculine noun
Record 49, Abbreviations, French
Record 49, Synonyms, French
Record 49, Textual support, French
Record number: 49, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Substance ou produit chimique capable de contrôler, d’attirer, de repousser ou de détruire des organismes vivants (microbiens, animaux ou végétaux) considérés comme nuisibles ou de s’opposer à leur développement. 2, record 49, French, - pesticide
Record number: 49, Textual support number: 1 PHR
Pesticide agricole, à usage limité, biologique, chimique, inorganique, naturel, organique, organique persistant, synthétique. 3, record 49, French, - pesticide
Record 49, Spanish
Record 49, Campo(s) temático(s)
- Cuidado de los cultivos (Agricultura)
- Protección de las plantas
Record 49, Main entry term, Spanish
- plaguicida
1, record 49, Spanish, plaguicida
correct, masculine noun
Record 49, Abbreviations, Spanish
Record 49, Synonyms, Spanish
- parasiticida 2, record 49, Spanish, parasiticida
correct, masculine noun
- pesticida 3, record 49, Spanish, pesticida
avoid, anglicism, masculine noun
Record 49, Textual support, Spanish
Record number: 49, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Sustancia utilizada para luchar contra los seres vivos perjudiciales al hombre y a aquello que es útil para su existencia, excepto los productos farmacéuticos o veterinarios. 4, record 49, Spanish, - plaguicida
Record number: 49, Textual support number: 1 OBS
Substancia que sirve para matar los parásitos. 5, record 49, Spanish, - plaguicida
Record 50 - internal organization data 2011-10-18
Record 50, English
Record 50, Subject field(s)
- Labour and Employment
Record 50, Main entry term, English
- worklessness
1, record 50, English, worklessness
Record 50, Abbreviations, English
Record 50, Synonyms, English
Record 50, Textual support, English
Record number: 50, Textual support number: 1 DEF
The condition of being unemployed and having little or no prospect for employment. 2, record 50, English, - worklessness
Record number: 50, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Unemployment ... could be translated as "I haven't got a job this week." Worklessness, meanwhile, could be defined as "I never expect to have a job, no one in my family has had a job for two generations, so why should I bother." 2, record 50, English, - worklessness
Record 50, French
Record 50, Domaine(s)
- Travail et emploi
Record 50, Main entry term, French
- désœuvrement
1, record 50, French, d%C3%A9s%26oelig%3Buvrement
correct, masculine noun
Record 50, Abbreviations, French
Record 50, Synonyms, French
Record 50, Textual support, French
Record number: 50, Textual support number: 1 CONT
[L'unité baptisée Social Exclusion Unit] a recommandé la formulation d’une stratégie pour combler le fossé séparant les quartiers défavorisés du reste de l'Angleterre, c'est-à-dire :[...] pour faire en sorte de réduire le désœuvrement persistant, d’abaisser le taux de criminalité, d’améliorer la santé et de rehausser le niveau d’instruction dans tous les quartiers problématiques. 1, record 50, French, - d%C3%A9s%26oelig%3Buvrement
Record 50, Spanish
Record 50, Textual support, Spanish
Record 51 - internal organization data 2011-10-14
Record 51, English
Record 51, Subject field(s)
- Labour and Employment
- Special-Language Phraseology
Record 51, Main entry term, English
- long-term worklessness
1, record 51, English, long%2Dterm%20worklessness
Record 51, Abbreviations, English
Record 51, Synonyms, English
Record 51, Textual support, English
Record number: 51, Textual support number: 1 CONT
... the SEU [Social Exclusion Unit] proposed that a strategy was needed to bridge the gap between the most deprived neighbourhoods and the rest of England; and in all the worst neighbourhoods, to achieve lower long-term worklessness; less crime; better health; and better educational qualifications. 1, record 51, English, - long%2Dterm%20worklessness
Record 51, French
Record 51, Domaine(s)
- Travail et emploi
- Phraséologie des langues de spécialité
Record 51, Main entry term, French
- désœuvrement persistant
1, record 51, French, d%C3%A9s%26oelig%3Buvrement%20persistant
correct, masculine noun
Record 51, Abbreviations, French
Record 51, Synonyms, French
Record 51, Textual support, French
Record number: 51, Textual support number: 1 CONT
[L'unité baptisée Social Exclusion Unit] a recommandé la formulation d’une stratégie pour combler le fossé séparant les quartiers défavorisés du reste de l'Angleterre, c'est-à-dire :[...] pour faire en sorte de réduire le désœuvrement persistant, d’abaisser le taux de criminalité, d’améliorer la santé et de rehausser le niveau d’instruction dans tous les quartiers problématiques. 1, record 51, French, - d%C3%A9s%26oelig%3Buvrement%20persistant
Record 51, Spanish
Record 51, Textual support, Spanish
Record 52 - internal organization data 2011-05-17
Record 52, English
Record 52, Subject field(s)
- Education
Record 52, Main entry term, English
- prolonged 1, record 52, English, prolonged
Record 52, Abbreviations, English
Record 52, Synonyms, English
Record 52, Textual support, English
Record 52, French
Record 52, Domaine(s)
- Pédagogie
Record 52, Main entry term, French
- persistant 1, record 52, French, persistant
Record 52, Abbreviations, French
Record 52, Synonyms, French
Record 52, Textual support, French
Record number: 52, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Le malaise persistant du secteur industriel, ainsi que la spéculation sur la monnaie ont été les principaux facteurs responsables de la forte détérioration de la balance courante de l'Italie [...] 1, record 52, French, - persistant
Record 52, Spanish
Record 52, Textual support, Spanish
Record 53 - internal organization data 2011-01-31
Record 53, English
Record 53, Subject field(s)
- Chemical Elements and Compounds
- CBRNE Weapons
Universal entry(ies) Record 53
Record 53, Main entry term, English
- sarin
1, record 53, English, sarin
Record 53, Abbreviations, English
Record 53, Synonyms, English
- O-isopropyl methylphosphonofluoridate 2, record 53, English, O%2Disopropyl%20methylphosphonofluoridate
- fluoro(isopropoxy)methylphosphine oxide 3, record 53, English, fluoro%28isopropoxy%29methylphosphine%20oxide
- isopropoxymethylphosphonyl fluoride 3, record 53, English, isopropoxymethylphosphonyl%20fluoride
- isopropoxymethylphosphoryl fluoride 3, record 53, English, isopropoxymethylphosphoryl%20fluoride
- isopropyl ester of methylphosphonofluoridic acid 3, record 53, English, isopropyl%20ester%20of%20methylphosphonofluoridic%20acid
- isopropyl methanefluorophosphonate 3, record 53, English, isopropyl%20methanefluorophosphonate
- isopropyl methylfluorophosphonate 3, record 53, English, isopropyl%20methylfluorophosphonate
- isopropyl methylphosphonofluoridate 3, record 53, English, isopropyl%20methylphosphonofluoridate
- methylisopropoxyfluorophosphine oxide 3, record 53, English, methylisopropoxyfluorophosphine%20oxide
- methylphosphonofluoridic acid 1-methylethyl ester 3, record 53, English, methylphosphonofluoridic%20acid%201%2Dmethylethyl%20ester
- GB 4, record 53, English, GB
correct, see observation
- T144 3, record 53, English, T144
- T2106 3, record 53, English, T2106
- TL1 618 3, record 53, English, TL1%20618
- Trilone 3, record 53, English, Trilone
- Zarin 3, record 53, English, Zarin
- iso-propyl methylphosphonofluoridate 5, record 53, English, iso%2Dpropyl%20methylphosphonofluoridate
Record 53, Textual support, English
Record number: 53, Textual support number: 1 DEF
An extremely toxic and potentially lethal human-made chemical warfare agent, classified as a nerve agent, that is a clear, colourless, odourless and tasteless liquid in its pure form. 6, record 53, English, - sarin
Record number: 53, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Exposure to sarin can occur through inhalation, ingestion, or through direct contact with the skin or eyes. 7, record 53, English, - sarin
Record number: 53, Textual support number: 2 CONT
Sarin is the most volatile of the nerve agents, which means that it can easily and quickly evaporate from a liquid into a vapor ... Because it evaporates so quickly, sarin presents an immediate but short-lived threat. 8, record 53, English, - sarin
Record number: 53, Textual support number: 1 OBS
Chemical formula: C4H10FO2P 6, record 53, English, - sarin
Record number: 53, Textual support number: 2 OBS
GB: military designation. 6, record 53, English, - sarin
Record number: 53, Textual support number: 3 OBS
sarin; O-isopropyl methylphosphonofluoridate; iso-propyl methylphosphonofluoridate: terms extracted from the "Disarmament and Peace Keeping" glossary with the permission of the United Nations Office at Geneva. 6, record 53, English, - sarin
Record number: 53, Textual support number: 4 OBS
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) list this chemical as a potential chemical weapon used by terrorists. 6, record 53, English, - sarin
Record 53, French
Record 53, Domaine(s)
- Éléments et composés chimiques
- Armes CBRNE
Entrée(s) universelle(s) Record 53
Record 53, Main entry term, French
- sarin
1, record 53, French, sarin
correct, masculine noun
Record 53, Abbreviations, French
Record 53, Synonyms, French
- méthylphosphonofluoridate de O-isopropyle 2, record 53, French, m%C3%A9thylphosphonofluoridate%20de%20O%2Disopropyle
masculine noun
- O-isopropyl méthylphosphonofluoridate 3, record 53, French, O%2Disopropyl%20m%C3%A9thylphosphonofluoridate
masculine noun
- méthylphosphonofluoridate d'isopropyle 4, record 53, French, m%C3%A9thylphosphonofluoridate%20d%27isopropyle
masculine noun
- GB 5, record 53, French, GB
correct, see observation, masculine noun
Record 53, Textual support, French
Record number: 53, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Agent de guerre chimique de conception humaine extrêmement toxique et potentiellement mortel qui appartient à la catégorie des agents neurotoxiques et qui, à l’état pur, se présente sous forme de liquide limpide, incolore, inodore et insipide. 6, record 53, French, - sarin
Record number: 53, Textual support number: 1 CONT
[...] le sarin [...] peut aisément entrer dans le corps par la respiration, [par] la nourriture et [...] la boisson, par le contact avec la peau ou les yeux. 7, record 53, French, - sarin
Record number: 53, Textual support number: 1 OBS
[Le sarin] s’évapore 36 fois plus rapidement que le tabun et peut être rendu plus persistant par l'ajout de certaines huiles ou produits pétroliers. 8, record 53, French, - sarin
Record number: 53, Textual support number: 2 OBS
Formule chimique : C4H10FO2P 6, record 53, French, - sarin
Record number: 53, Textual support number: 3 OBS
GB : désignation militaire. 6, record 53, French, - sarin
Record number: 53, Textual support number: 4 OBS
sarin; méthylphosphonofluoridate de O-isopropyle; méthylphosphonofluoridate d’isopropyle : termes tirés du lexique «Désarmement et Maintien de la Paix» avec l’autorisation de l’Office des Nations Unies à Genève. 6, record 53, French, - sarin
Record number: 53, Textual support number: 5 OBS
Aux États-Unis, les Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) ont inscrit ce produit chimique sur la liste d’armes chimiques susceptibles d’être utilisées par des terroristes. 6, record 53, French, - sarin
Record 53, Spanish
Record 53, Textual support, Spanish
Record 54 - internal organization data 2010-12-17
Record 54, English
Record 54, Subject field(s)
- Investment
- Loans
Record 54, Main entry term, English
- patient capital
1, record 54, English, patient%20capital
Record 54, Abbreviations, English
Record 54, Synonyms, English
Record 54, Textual support, English
Record number: 54, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Funds invested for medium of long term (generally for 5 to 10 years). 2, record 54, English, - patient%20capital
Record number: 54, Textual support number: 1 CONT
More patient capital will be made available, and new lines of business currently not served by commercial institutions will be explored. 3, record 54, English, - patient%20capital
Record 54, French
Record 54, Domaine(s)
- Investissements et placements
- Prêts et emprunts
Record 54, Main entry term, French
- capitaux patients
1, record 54, French, capitaux%20patients
correct, masculine noun, plural
Record 54, Abbreviations, French
Record 54, Synonyms, French
Record 54, Textual support, French
Record number: 54, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Capitaux à risque placés à long terme et que les détenteurs n’ acceptent pas facilement de déplacer, persistant dans leur choix d’investissement et préférant une rentabilité plus stable sur une longue période à la réalisation de profits immédiats. 1, record 54, French, - capitaux%20patients
Record number: 54, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Un volume accru de «capitaux patients» sera mis à la disposition des entreprises, et de nouvelles gammes d’activité, actuellement absentes dans les établissements commerciaux, seront envisagées. 2, record 54, French, - capitaux%20patients
Record 54, Key term(s)
- capital patient
Record 54, Spanish
Record 54, Textual support, Spanish
Record 55 - internal organization data 2008-03-17
Record 55, English
Record 55, Subject field(s)
- Atmospheric Physics
Record 55, Main entry term, English
- levantera
1, record 55, English, levantera
Record 55, Abbreviations, English
Record 55, Synonyms, English
Record 55, Textual support, English
Record number: 55, Textual support number: 1 DEF
A persistent east wind in the Adriatic, usually bringing cloudy weather. 2, record 55, English, - levantera
Record 55, French
Record 55, Domaine(s)
- Physique de l'atmosphère
Record 55, Main entry term, French
- levantera
1, record 55, French, levantera
correct, feminine noun
Record 55, Abbreviations, French
Record 55, Synonyms, French
Record 55, Textual support, French
Record number: 55, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Vent d’est persistant de l'Adriatique. 1, record 55, French, - levantera
Record 55, Spanish
Record 55, Textual support, Spanish
Record 56 - internal organization data 2007-09-20
Record 56, English
Record 56, Subject field(s)
- Sugar Industry
Record 56, Main entry term, English
- dark amber honey
1, record 56, English, dark%20amber%20honey
Record 56, Abbreviations, English
Record 56, Synonyms, English
Record 56, Textual support, English
Record number: 56, Textual support number: 1 CONT
According to the Jefferson County Beekeepers Association local honey is produced from bees that gather pollen from well over 100 flowers, thus it is called wildflower honey. From season to season, established hives will give white/clear to dark amber honey, depending on the flow of flower pollen and the weather. 2, record 56, English, - dark%20amber%20honey
Record 56, French
Record 56, Domaine(s)
- Sucrerie (Industrie de l'alimentation)
Record 56, Main entry term, French
- miel ambré foncé
1, record 56, French, miel%20ambr%C3%A9%20fonc%C3%A9
correct, masculine noun
Record 56, Abbreviations, French
Record 56, Synonyms, French
Record 56, Textual support, French
Record number: 56, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Le miel de miellat du maquis : C'est un miel ambré à ambré foncé, chaleureux, persistant et long en bouche, de forte intensité aromatique, au goût malté et généreux récolté sur les coteaux forestiers de la Balagne au mois de juin. 2, record 56, French, - miel%20ambr%C3%A9%20fonc%C3%A9
Record 56, Spanish
Record 56, Textual support, Spanish
Record 57 - internal organization data 2007-07-24
Record 57, English
Record 57, Subject field(s)
- Botany
- Silviculture
Universal entry(ies) Record 57
Record 57, Main entry term, English
- Russian-olive
1, record 57, English, Russian%2Dolive
Record 57, Abbreviations, English
Record 57, Synonyms, English
- oleaster 1, record 57, English, oleaster
Record 57, Textual support, English
Record number: 57, Textual support number: 1 OBS
A plant of the family Elaeagnaceae. 2, record 57, English, - Russian%2Dolive
Record 57, Key term(s)
- Russian olive
Record 57, French
Record 57, Domaine(s)
- Botanique
- Sylviculture
Entrée(s) universelle(s) Record 57
Record 57, Main entry term, French
- olivier de Bohême
1, record 57, French, olivier%20de%20Boh%C3%AAme
correct, masculine noun
Record 57, Abbreviations, French
Record 57, Synonyms, French
Record 57, Textual support, French
Record number: 57, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Grand arbrisseau à feuillage argenté persistant de la famille des Éléagnacées pouvant atteindre 7 à 8 mètres. 2, record 57, French, - olivier%20de%20Boh%C3%AAme
Record 57, Spanish
Record 57, Campo(s) temático(s)
- Botánica
- Silvicultura
Entrada(s) universal(es) Record 57
Record 57, Main entry term, Spanish
- olivo de Bohemia
1, record 57, Spanish, olivo%20de%20Bohemia
correct, masculine noun
Record 57, Abbreviations, Spanish
Record 57, Synonyms, Spanish
Record 57, Textual support, Spanish
Record 58 - internal organization data 2007-04-25
Record 58, English
Record 58, Subject field(s)
- Microbiology and Parasitology
- Plant Biology
- Plant Diseases
Record 58, Main entry term, English
- propagative virus
1, record 58, English, propagative%20virus
Record 58, Abbreviations, English
Record 58, Synonyms, English
Record 58, Textual support, English
Record number: 58, Textual support number: 1 DEF
A virus which multiplies in its vector. 1, record 58, English, - propagative%20virus
Record 58, French
Record 58, Domaine(s)
- Microbiologie et parasitologie
- Biologie végétale
- Maladies des plantes
Record 58, Main entry term, French
- virus propagatif
1, record 58, French, virus%20propagatif
correct, masculine noun
Record 58, Abbreviations, French
Record 58, Synonyms, French
- virus multipliant 1, record 58, French, virus%20multipliant
correct, masculine noun
Record 58, Textual support, French
Record number: 58, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Virus transmis par un insecte à une plante sur le mode persistant, ayant la propriété d’envahir tous les organes du vecteur, de s’y multiplier et d’être transmis à la descendance. 1, record 58, French, - virus%20propagatif
Record number: 58, Textual support number: 1 OBS
Les virus propagatifs sont pour la plupart transmis par cicadelles. Les virus du groupe des Rhabdovirus sont de ce type. 1, record 58, French, - virus%20propagatif
Record 58, Spanish
Record 58, Textual support, Spanish
Record 59 - internal organization data 2007-04-25
Record 59, English
Record 59, Subject field(s)
- Microbiology and Parasitology
- Plant Biology
- Plant Diseases
Record 59, Main entry term, English
- non-circulative virus
1, record 59, English, non%2Dcirculative%20virus
Record 59, Abbreviations, English
Record 59, Synonyms, English
Record 59, Textual support, English
Record number: 59, Textual support number: 1 CONT
...attributed a considerable reduction of the infection level of BGMV [bean golden mosaic virus], a circulative virus in B. tabaci, to an antifeedant activity of M. azedarach on the vector ... demonstrated that the antifeedant effect of M. azedarach extract was not effective enough to prevent transmission of a non-circulative virus by B. tabaci, probably because it could not prevent probing of the leaves by the insect. This antifeeding action seems to be very specific to B. tabaci because ... observed that the transmission of two viruses (circulative and non-circulative) by Myzus persicae was not affected by M. aedarach extracts. 1, record 59, English, - non%2Dcirculative%20virus
Record 59, Key term(s)
- non circulative virus
Record 59, French
Record 59, Domaine(s)
- Microbiologie et parasitologie
- Biologie végétale
- Maladies des plantes
Record 59, Main entry term, French
- virus non circulant
1, record 59, French, virus%20non%20circulant
correct, masculine noun
Record 59, Abbreviations, French
Record 59, Synonyms, French
Record 59, Textual support, French
Record number: 59, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Virus non persistant ou virus semi-persistant caractérisé, dans les deux cas, par son absence de pénétration dans le corps de l'insecte et une transmission assurée par les pièces buccales infectées de l'insecte. 1, record 59, French, - virus%20non%20circulant
Record 59, Spanish
Record 59, Textual support, Spanish
Record 60 - internal organization data 2007-02-01
Record 60, English
Record 60, Subject field(s)
- Atmospheric Physics
- Remote Sensing
Record 60, Main entry term, English
- all weather
1, record 60, English, all%20weather
correct, officially approved
Record 60, Abbreviations, English
Record 60, Synonyms, English
- all-weather 2, record 60, English, all%2Dweather
- in all weather conditions 3, record 60, English, in%20all%20weather%20conditions
Record 60, Textual support, English
Record number: 60, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Refers to the capability of a sensing system to operate under any weather condition. 4, record 60, English, - all%20weather
Record number: 60, Textual support number: 1 CONT
However, remote sensing has not yet totally replaced ground-based survey methods and this is largely because some limitations with the technology still exist. These include potential limitations with spatial, spectral and temporal resolutions of the various sensors, problems with all weather capability (not all sensors can see through cloud), costs of data collection and data purchase, and problems with data analysis and interpretation. 5, record 60, English, - all%20weather
Record number: 60, Textual support number: 1 OBS
all weather: term officially approved by the RADARSAT-2 Terminology Approval Group (RTAG). 6, record 60, English, - all%20weather
Record 60, French
Record 60, Domaine(s)
- Physique de l'atmosphère
- Télédétection
Record 60, Main entry term, French
- sans égard aux conditions météorologiques
1, record 60, French, sans%20%C3%A9gard%20aux%20conditions%20m%C3%A9t%C3%A9orologiques
correct, officially approved
Record 60, Abbreviations, French
Record 60, Synonyms, French
- dans toutes les conditions météorologiques 2, record 60, French, dans%20toutes%20les%20conditions%20m%C3%A9t%C3%A9orologiques
- tout-temps 3, record 60, French, tout%2Dtemps
Record 60, Textual support, French
Record number: 60, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Qualifie un système de détection capable d’opérer, de jour ou de nuit, dans n’importe quelle condition atmosphérique. 3, record 60, French, - sans%20%C3%A9gard%20aux%20conditions%20m%C3%A9t%C3%A9orologiques
Record number: 60, Textual support number: 1 CONT
De nombreux travaux scientifiques se rapportant à la surveillance des milieux urbains s’appuient sur des données SAR; la capacité de détection de ce type de radar, qui fonctionne sans égard aux conditions météorologiques, est utile dans bon nombre de situations, notamment en ce qui a trait à la surveillance des inondations dans les endroits où le couvert nuageux est persistant. 1, record 60, French, - sans%20%C3%A9gard%20aux%20conditions%20m%C3%A9t%C3%A9orologiques
Record number: 60, Textual support number: 2 CONT
RADARSAT-1, premier satellite canadien d’observation de la Terre, est le seul satellite de télédétection civil entièrement opérationnel équipé d’un radar à synthèse d’ouverture (SAR). Contrairement aux satellites optiques, il est capable de prendre des images de jour comme de nuit, dans toutes les conditions météorologiques, sans égard au couvert nuageux, à la fumée, au brouillard et à l’obscurité. 2, record 60, French, - sans%20%C3%A9gard%20aux%20conditions%20m%C3%A9t%C3%A9orologiques
Record number: 60, Textual support number: 1 OBS
sans égard aux conditions météorologiques : terme uniformisé par le Groupe de travail de la terminologie de RADARSAT-2 (GTTR). 4, record 60, French, - sans%20%C3%A9gard%20aux%20conditions%20m%C3%A9t%C3%A9orologiques
Record 60, Spanish
Record 60, Campo(s) temático(s)
- Física de la atmósfera
- Teledetección
Record 60, Main entry term, Spanish
- todo clima
1, record 60, Spanish, todo%20clima
Record 60, Abbreviations, Spanish
Record 60, Synonyms, Spanish
- todo tiempo 2, record 60, Spanish, todo%20tiempo
Record 60, Textual support, Spanish
Record 61 - internal organization data 2006-08-19
Record 61, English
Record 61, Subject field(s)
- Atmospheric Physics
Record 61, Main entry term, English
- trade wind
1, record 61, English, trade%20wind
correct, see observation
Record 61, Abbreviations, English
Record 61, Synonyms, English
- tradewind 2, record 61, English, tradewind
correct, see observation
- trade 3, record 61, English, trade
Record 61, Textual support, English
Record number: 61, Textual support number: 1 DEF
trade winds: A major system of tropical winds moving from the subtropical highs to the equatorial trough. 4, record 61, English, - trade%20wind
Record number: 61, Textual support number: 1 OBS
It is northeasterly in the Northern Hemisphere and southeasterly in the Southern Hemisphere. 4, record 61, English, - trade%20wind
Record number: 61, Textual support number: 2 OBS
trade wind; tradewind: terms frequently used in the plural (trade winds; tradewinds). 5, record 61, English, - trade%20wind
Record number: 61, Textual support number: 1 PHR
Northerly trade wind. 6, record 61, English, - trade%20wind
Record 61, Key term(s)
- trade winds
- tradewinds
Record 61, French
Record 61, Domaine(s)
- Physique de l'atmosphère
Record 61, Main entry term, French
- alizé
1, record 61, French, aliz%C3%A9
correct, see observation, masculine noun
Record 61, Abbreviations, French
Record 61, Synonyms, French
- vent alizé 2, record 61, French, vent%20aliz%C3%A9
correct, see observation, masculine noun
Record 61, Textual support, French
Record number: 61, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Vent persistant, principalement de l'atmosphère inférieure, qui souffle sur de vastes régions, d’un anticyclone subtropical vers les régions équatoriales. 3, record 61, French, - aliz%C3%A9
Record number: 61, Textual support number: 1 OBS
Les directions prédominantes des alizés sont du nord-est dans l’hémisphère Nord et du sud-est dans l’hémisphère Sud. 3, record 61, French, - aliz%C3%A9
Record number: 61, Textual support number: 2 OBS
alizé; vent alizé : termes fréquemment utilisés au pluriel (alizés, vents alizés). 4, record 61, French, - aliz%C3%A9
Record number: 61, Textual support number: 3 OBS
alisé; vent alisé : graphie erronée. Ne pas confondre avec «alise» ou «alize», fruit de l’alisier (ou alizier). 4, record 61, French, - aliz%C3%A9
Record number: 61, Textual support number: 1 PHR
Northerly trade wind. 5, record 61, French, - aliz%C3%A9
Record number: 61, Textual support number: 2 PHR
Alizé du nord. 6, record 61, French, - aliz%C3%A9
Record 61, Key term(s)
- alizés
- vents alizés
Record 61, Spanish
Record 61, Campo(s) temático(s)
- Física de la atmósfera
Record 61, Main entry term, Spanish
- viento alisio
1, record 61, Spanish, viento%20alisio
correct, masculine noun
Record 61, Abbreviations, Spanish
Record 61, Synonyms, Spanish
- alisio 2, record 61, Spanish, alisio
correct, masculine noun
Record 61, Textual support, Spanish
Record number: 61, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Vientos persistentes sobre extensas regiones, generalmente en la atmósfera inferior, que soplan desde un anticiclón subtropical hacia las regiones ecuatoriales. 3, record 61, Spanish, - viento%20alisio
Record number: 61, Textual support number: 1 OBS
Las direcciones predominantes son: del NE para los alisios del hemisferio Norte y del SE para los del hemisferio Sur. 3, record 61, Spanish, - viento%20alisio
Record 61, Key term(s)
- alisios
Record 62 - internal organization data 2006-02-08
Record 62, English
Record 62, Subject field(s)
- Plant Diseases
- Morphology and General Physiology
- Plant Biology
Record 62, Main entry term, English
- persistent virus
1, record 62, English, persistent%20virus
Record 62, Abbreviations, English
Record 62, Synonyms, English
Record 62, Textual support, English
Record number: 62, Textual support number: 1 DEF
One which is retained for long periods, and sometimes through life, by vectors transferred from infected to healthy plants. 2, record 62, English, - persistent%20virus
Record 62, French
Record 62, Domaine(s)
- Maladies des plantes
- Morphologie et physiologie générale
- Biologie végétale
Record 62, Main entry term, French
- virus persistant
1, record 62, French, virus%20persistant
correct, masculine noun
Record 62, Abbreviations, French
Record 62, Synonyms, French
- virus circulant 1, record 62, French, virus%20circulant
correct, masculine noun
Record 62, Textual support, French
Record number: 62, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Virus transmis par un puceron à une plante sur le mode persistant, ayant la propriété après sa pénétration dans l'hémolymphe, de s’accumuler dans les glandes salivaires de l'insecte. 1, record 62, French, - virus%20persistant
Record number: 62, Textual support number: 1 OBS
La concentration et le temps de rétention du virus dans le vecteur dépendent de la durée de repas d’acquisition du virus sur la plante infectée. Ces virus ne sont pas transmis à la descendance. Les lutéovirus sont de ce type. 1, record 62, French, - virus%20persistant
Record 62, Spanish
Record 62, Textual support, Spanish
Record 63 - internal organization data 2006-02-01
Record 63, English
Record 63, Subject field(s)
- Organic Psychoses
Record 63, Main entry term, English
- organic psychotic condition
1, record 63, English, organic%20psychotic%20condition
Record 63, Abbreviations, English
Record 63, Synonyms, English
Record 63, Textual support, English
Record number: 63, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Syndrome in which there is impairment of orientation, memory, comprehension, calculation, learning capacity and judgment [and in which] there may also be shallowness or lability of affect, or a more persistent disturbance of mood, lowering of ethical standards and exaggeration or emergence of personality traits, and diminished capacity for independent decision. 1, record 63, English, - organic%20psychotic%20condition
Record 63, French
Record 63, Domaine(s)
- Psychoses organiques
Record 63, Main entry term, French
- état psychotique organique
1, record 63, French, %C3%A9tat%20psychotique%20organique
correct, masculine noun
Record 63, Abbreviations, French
Record 63, Synonyms, French
Record 63, Textual support, French
Record number: 63, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Syndrome dans lequel existe une altération de l'orientation, de la mémoire, de la compréhension, de la prévision, de la capacité d’apprendre et du jugement [et dans lequel] il peut exister également une labilité affective ou un trouble plus persistant de l'humeur, un abaissement de la moralité, une exagération ou une extériorisation de certains traits de caractère et une diminution de la capacité d’autonomie. 1, record 63, French, - %C3%A9tat%20psychotique%20organique
Record 63, Spanish
Record 63, Textual support, Spanish
Record 64 - internal organization data 2005-10-03
Record 64, English
Record 64, Subject field(s)
- Remote Sensing
Record 64, Main entry term, English
- random error
1, record 64, English, random%20error
correct, officially approved
Record 64, Abbreviations, English
Record 64, Synonyms, English
Record 64, Textual support, English
Record number: 64, Textual support number: 1 DEF
The errors which remain if all gross and systematic errors are removed; random errors tend to be distributed about the mean following the normal probability distribution function. 2, record 64, English, - random%20error
Record number: 64, Textual support number: 1 OBS
random error: term officially approved by the RADARSAT-2 Terminology Approval Group (RTAG). 3, record 64, English, - random%20error
Record 64, French
Record 64, Domaine(s)
- Télédétection
Record 64, Main entry term, French
- erreur aléatoire
1, record 64, French, erreur%20al%C3%A9atoire
correct, feminine noun, officially approved
Record 64, Abbreviations, French
Record 64, Synonyms, French
- erreur accidentelle 2, record 64, French, erreur%20accidentelle
correct, feminine noun
Record 64, Textual support, French
Record number: 64, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Erreur persistant une fois que toutes les erreurs grossières et systématiques ont été supprimées; les erreurs aléatoires ont tendance à se distribuer autour de la moyenne selon la fonction de distribution normale des probabilités(également appelée erreur accidentelle). 3, record 64, French, - erreur%20al%C3%A9atoire
Record number: 64, Textual support number: 1 CONT
L’erreur accidentelle : de valeur et de signe aléatoires, elle peut avoir diverses origines [-] défaut de calage de l’appareil à la mise en station, erreur de pointé, de lecture, des paramètres extérieurs non maîtrisables (température, hygrométrie.), erreur de réfraction accidentelle. 4, record 64, French, - erreur%20al%C3%A9atoire
Record number: 64, Textual support number: 1 OBS
erreur aléatoire : terme uniformisé par le Groupe de travail de la terminologie de RADARSAT-2 (GTTR). 5, record 64, French, - erreur%20al%C3%A9atoire
Record 64, Spanish
Record 64, Textual support, Spanish
Record 65 - internal organization data 2005-07-28
Record 65, English
Record 65, Subject field(s)
- Atmospheric Physics
Record 65, Main entry term, English
- avalaison
1, record 65, English, avalaison
Record 65, Abbreviations, English
Record 65, Synonyms, English
Record 65, Textual support, English
Record number: 65, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Persistent west wind in western France. 2, record 65, English, - avalaison
Record 65, French
Record 65, Domaine(s)
- Physique de l'atmosphère
Record 65, Main entry term, French
- avalaison
1, record 65, French, avalaison
correct, see observation
Record 65, Abbreviations, French
Record 65, Synonyms, French
Record 65, Textual support, French
Record number: 65, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Vent d’ouest persistant dans l'ouest de la France. 1, record 65, French, - avalaison
Record number: 65, Textual support number: 1 OBS
«avalaison» est du genre «féminin» au sens de : «cours d’eau torrentiel» et de «descente d’une rivière par des poissons migrateurs». Au sens de «vent», les sources consultées ne nous ont pas permis de déterminer le genre de «avalaison». 2, record 65, French, - avalaison
Record 65, Spanish
Record 65, Textual support, Spanish
Record 66 - internal organization data 2005-07-05
Record 66, English
Record 66, Subject field(s)
- Analytical Chemistry
Record 66, Main entry term, English
- labile
1, record 66, English, labile
see observation, adjective
Record 66, Abbreviations, English
Record 66, Synonyms, English
Record 66, Textual support, English
Record number: 66, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Said of [chemical species, for example] rocks and minerals, that are mechanically or chemically unstable ... 2, record 66, English, - labile
Record number: 66, Textual support number: 1 CONT
... a "labile sandstone" or "labile graywacke" containing abundant unstable fragments of rocks and minerals ... 2, record 66, English, - labile
Record number: 66, Textual support number: 1 OBS
As opposed to "stabile." 3, record 66, English, - labile
Record number: 66, Textual support number: 2 OBS
labile: The term has loosely been used to describe either a relatively "unstable" and "transient" chemical species or (less commonly) a relatively stable but reactive species. It must therefore not be used without explanation of the intended meaning, and is best avoided altogether. [Related concepts:] inert, persistent, reactive, unreactive. 4, record 66, English, - labile
Record number: 66, Textual support number: 1 PHR
Labile salts. 5, record 66, English, - labile
Record 66, French
Record 66, Domaine(s)
- Chimie analytique
Record 66, Main entry term, French
- labile
1, record 66, French, labile
see observation, adjective
Record 66, Abbreviations, French
Record 66, Synonyms, French
- instable 2, record 66, French, instable
Record 66, Textual support, French
Record number: 66, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Se dit de ce qui est fragile, peu stable (surtout en chimie [...]) 3, record 66, French, - labile
Record number: 66, Textual support number: 1 OBS
labile : Terme flou pour qualifier soit une espèce chimique «transitoire» et «instable», soit moins couramment une espèce relativement «stable» mais «réactive». On ne doit donc pas l'utiliser sans explication sur le sens qu'on lui donne. [Notions apparentées :] inerte; non réactif; réactif; persistant. 4, record 66, French, - labile
Record number: 66, Textual support number: 1 PHR
Composé labile. 3, record 66, French, - labile
Record 66, Spanish
Record 66, Campo(s) temático(s)
- Química analítica
Record 66, Main entry term, Spanish
- lábil
1, record 66, Spanish, l%C3%A1bil
correct, adjective
Record 66, Abbreviations, Spanish
Record 66, Synonyms, Spanish
Record 66, Textual support, Spanish
Record number: 66, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Que tiene escasa constancia o consistencia y desaparece pronto. 2, record 66, Spanish, - l%C3%A1bil
Record 67 - internal organization data 2005-06-07
Record 67, English
Record 67, Subject field(s)
- Atmospheric Physics
Record 67, Main entry term, English
- autan blanc
1, record 67, English, autan%20blanc
Record 67, Abbreviations, English
Record 67, Synonyms, English
Record 67, Textual support, English
Record number: 67, Textual support number: 1 CONT
The autan blanc brings fine dry weather, cold in winter, hot in summer, as a result of the downslope motion imposed by the Pyrenees and southern Cevennes. It occurs with an anticyclone centered near Denmark or moving northeastward from the Azores. It lasts for two to four days in winter, but may persist for more than a week in summer, bringing severe drought and desiccating the vegetation; in Catalonia (northeastern Spain) a similar wind is called the outo. 2, record 67, English, - autan%20blanc
Record number: 67, Textual support number: 2 CONT
Autan blanc [is] more frequent and of longer duration than [autan noir] (1 week). Anticyclone over northwestern Europe and depression over Iberian Peninsula. Generally fair weather. 3, record 67, English, - autan%20blanc
Record number: 67, Textual support number: 1 OBS
There are two types of autan : "autan blanc" and "autan noir." 4, record 67, English, - autan%20blanc
Record number: 67, Textual support number: 2 OBS
autan: (Also called altanus.) A strong southeast wind in south-central France, especially in Gascony and the upper Garonne River. 2, record 67, English, - autan%20blanc
Record 67, Key term(s)
- autan white
- white autan
- white autan wind
Record 67, French
Record 67, Domaine(s)
- Physique de l'atmosphère
Record 67, Main entry term, French
- autan blanc
1, record 67, French, autan%20blanc
correct, masculine noun
Record 67, Abbreviations, French
Record 67, Synonyms, French
- vent d'autan blanc 2, record 67, French, vent%20d%27autan%20blanc
correct, masculine noun
Record 67, Textual support, French
Record number: 67, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Vent chaud, sec et assez persistant(il peut durer jusqu'à une semaine) qui se manifeste principalement en été et est associé à une dépression située dans le golfe de Gascogne. 3, record 67, French, - autan%20blanc
Record number: 67, Textual support number: 1 CONT
L’autan blanc apporte du temps beau et sec, froid en hiver, chaud en été comme résultat du mouvement de descente des Pyrénées et des Cévennes du Sud. En Catalogne, i.e. dans l’Espagne du Nord-Est, un vent semblable est appelé outo. 4, record 67, French, - autan%20blanc
Record number: 67, Textual support number: 1 OBS
Ce type de vent est fréquemment responsable d’accidents d’échaudage sur les céréales. 3, record 67, French, - autan%20blanc
Record 67, Spanish
Record 67, Textual support, Spanish
Record 68 - internal organization data 2005-02-03
Record 68, English
Record 68, Subject field(s)
- Symptoms (Medicine)
- Epidermis and Dermis
Record 68, Main entry term, English
- tent of skin
1, record 68, English, tent%20of%20skin
Record 68, Abbreviations, English
Record 68, Synonyms, English
- tenting of skin 1, record 68, English, tenting%20of%20skin
Record 68, Textual support, English
Record number: 68, Textual support number: 1 OBS
A sign of dehydration. 1, record 68, English, - tent%20of%20skin
Record 68, French
Record 68, Domaine(s)
- Symptômes (Médecine)
- Épiderme et derme
Record 68, Main entry term, French
- pli cutané persistant
1, record 68, French, pli%20cutan%C3%A9%20persistant
correct, masculine noun
Record 68, Abbreviations, French
Record 68, Synonyms, French
Record 68, Textual support, French
Record number: 68, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Chez les personnes âgées, la déshydratation se traduit par un dessèchement de la bouche, de la langue et de la peau(pli cutané persistant lorsque l'on pince doucement la peau du bras par exemple). 2, record 68, French, - pli%20cutan%C3%A9%20persistant
Record number: 68, Textual support number: 1 OBS
pli cutané persistant : terme retenu par le réseau Entraide Traduction Santé. 3, record 68, French, - pli%20cutan%C3%A9%20persistant
Record 68, Spanish
Record 68, Textual support, Spanish
Record 69 - internal organization data 2005-01-14
Record 69, English
Record 69, Subject field(s)
- Lamps
- Clocks, Watches and Bells
- Medical and Surgical Equipment
- Biophysics
Record 69, Main entry term, English
- dawn simulator
1, record 69, English, dawn%20simulator
Record 69, Abbreviations, English
Record 69, Synonyms, English
- sunrise simulator 2, record 69, English, sunrise%20simulator
- bodyclock 3, record 69, English, bodyclock
Record 69, Textual support, English
Record number: 69, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Sunrise simulator ... slowly lights a bedside lamp to simulate dawn. This simulates sunrise and tells your brain that it is time to get up and start the day. Instructions are included. At the time you select, your lamp will slowly go from off to full on. 2, record 69, English, - dawn%20simulator
Record number: 69, Textual support number: 2 CONT
Research has shown that using a dawn simulator (or Bodyclock) can significantly reduce the severity of SAD [seasonal affective disorder] symptoms, and many SAD sufferers use both a Bodyclock and a lightbox to optimise their treatment. It has also been shown that using a Bodyclock improves mood, energy, productivity and quality of sleep and awakening. 3, record 69, English, - dawn%20simulator
Record number: 69, Textual support number: 1 OBS
Bodyclocks work by waking you up naturally with light. You choose the time you want to wake up and the light very slowly begins to get brighter (like a sunrise) and starts your body's natural wake-up process. Although you're still asleep, your body is responding to the increasing light and when the light reaches full brightness you wake up naturally, not suddenly, to a room filled with a sunny glow. By giving your body a kind of "head-start," instead of still feeling drowsy and confused when you wake up, you feel refreshed, positive and ready for the day ahead. 3, record 69, English, - dawn%20simulator
Record 69, French
Record 69, Domaine(s)
- Lampes
- Horlogerie et sonnerie
- Équipement médico-chirurgical
- Biophysique
Record 69, Main entry term, French
- simulateur d'aube
1, record 69, French, simulateur%20d%27aube
correct, masculine noun
Record 69, Abbreviations, French
Record 69, Synonyms, French
Record 69, Textual support, French
Record number: 69, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Simulateur d’aube. Se réveiller en douceur avec le soleil n’ est possible qu'en certaines périodes de l'année... Un appareil comme celui-ci, qui recrée la levée progressive de l'aube, permet au cerveau de passer doucement de la phase de sommeil à celle d’éveil. Fini l'inconfort persistant d’un réveil brutal, alors que le dormeur était en sommeil profond. Les utilisateurs se lèvent désormais pleins d’énergie. Ce type de lampe programmable limiterait aussi les effets de la dépression hivernale. 2, record 69, French, - simulateur%20d%27aube
Record number: 69, Textual support number: 2 CONT
Le Simulateur d’Aube (Dawn Simulator) «Digital SunRise Clock» vous éveille en douceur en simulant un lever de soleil. - Quelle façon agréable de commencer la journée! 3, record 69, French, - simulateur%20d%27aube
Record 69, Spanish
Record 69, Textual support, Spanish
Record 70 - internal organization data 2004-05-19
Record 70, English
Record 70, Subject field(s)
- General Vocabulary
Record 70, Main entry term, English
- fugacious
1, record 70, English, fugacious
Record 70, Abbreviations, English
Record 70, Synonyms, English
- fugitive 1, record 70, English, fugitive
- fleeting 2, record 70, English, fleeting
- evanescent 1, record 70, English, evanescent
Record 70, Textual support, English
Record number: 70, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Of an unsubstantial nature: lasting a short time. 1, record 70, English, - fugacious
Record 70, French
Record 70, Domaine(s)
- Vocabulaire général
Record 70, Main entry term, French
- fugace
1, record 70, French, fugace
Record 70, Abbreviations, French
Record 70, Synonyms, French
- évanescent 2, record 70, French, %C3%A9vanescent
Record 70, Textual support, French
Record number: 70, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Non persistant, tôt disparu. 1, record 70, French, - fugace
Record 70, Spanish
Record 70, Campo(s) temático(s)
- Vocabulario general
Record 70, Main entry term, Spanish
- evanescente
1, record 70, Spanish, evanescente
Record 70, Abbreviations, Spanish
Record 70, Synonyms, Spanish
Record 70, Textual support, Spanish
Record number: 70, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Delicado, fugaz. 1, record 70, Spanish, - evanescente
Record 71 - internal organization data 2004-02-23
Record 71, English
Record 71, Subject field(s)
- Diagnostic Procedures (Medicine)
- Cancers and Oncology
Record 71, Main entry term, English
- self-observation
1, record 71, English, self%2Dobservation
Record 71, Abbreviations, English
Record 71, Synonyms, English
Record 71, Textual support, English
Record number: 71, Textual support number: 1 DEF
The capacity of detecting suspicious signs, either passively (discharge, bleeding, persistent hoarseness) or actively (regular self-examination of breasts, testes or moles). 1, record 71, English, - self%2Dobservation
Record 71, Key term(s)
- self observation
Record 71, French
Record 71, Domaine(s)
- Méthodes diagnostiques (Médecine)
- Cancers et oncologie
Record 71, Main entry term, French
- auto-surveillance
1, record 71, French, auto%2Dsurveillance
correct, feminine noun
Record 71, Abbreviations, French
Record 71, Synonyms, French
Record 71, Textual support, French
Record number: 71, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Capacité à détecter des signes suspects pouvant être passive(constatation d’écoulements, de saignements, d’un enrouement persistant) ou active(auto-examen régulier des seins, des testicules ou des grains de beauté). 1, record 71, French, - auto%2Dsurveillance
Record 71, Key term(s)
- auto surveillance
Record 71, Spanish
Record 71, Campo(s) temático(s)
- Procedimientos diagnósticos (Medicina)
- Tipos de cáncer y oncología
Record 71, Main entry term, Spanish
- autocontrol
1, record 71, Spanish, autocontrol
correct, masculine noun
Record 71, Abbreviations, Spanish
Record 71, Synonyms, Spanish
Record 71, Textual support, Spanish
Record 72 - internal organization data 2003-09-26
Record 72, English
Record 72, Subject field(s)
- Silviculture
- Ecosystems
Record 72, Main entry term, English
- sclerophyllous forest
1, record 72, English, sclerophyllous%20forest
Record 72, Abbreviations, English
Record 72, Synonyms, English
Record 72, Textual support, English
Record number: 72, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Forest characterized by the prevalence of species having leathery, generally small, leaves, and developed in a climate with relatively cold/wet and hot/dry seasons. 2, record 72, English, - sclerophyllous%20forest
Record 72, French
Record 72, Domaine(s)
- Sylviculture
- Écosystèmes
Record 72, Main entry term, French
- forêt sclérophylle
1, record 72, French, for%C3%AAt%20scl%C3%A9rophylle
correct, feminine noun
Record 72, Abbreviations, French
Record 72, Synonyms, French
Record 72, Textual support, French
Record number: 72, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Forêt caractérisée par la prédominance d’espèces à feuilles relativement dures, coriaces, petites, persistant pendant la saison la moins favorable à la croissance, soit en climat froid et humide, soit en climat chaud et sec. 2, record 72, French, - for%C3%AAt%20scl%C3%A9rophylle
Record 72, Spanish
Record 72, Campo(s) temático(s)
- Silvicultura
- Ecosistemas
Record 72, Main entry term, Spanish
- bosque esclerófilo
1, record 72, Spanish, bosque%20escler%C3%B3filo
correct, masculine noun
Record 72, Abbreviations, Spanish
Record 72, Synonyms, Spanish
Record 72, Textual support, Spanish
Record number: 72, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Monte caracterizado por el predominio de vegetales de hojas coriáceas, significando la adaptación a los climas secos durante el período vegetativo. 2, record 72, Spanish, - bosque%20escler%C3%B3filo
Record 73 - internal organization data 2003-07-15
Record 73, English
Record 73, Subject field(s)
- Symptoms (Medicine)
Record 73, Main entry term, English
- continuous fever
1, record 73, English, continuous%20fever
correct, see observation
Record 73, Abbreviations, English
Record 73, Synonyms, English
- continued fever 2, record 73, English, continued%20fever
Record 73, Textual support, English
Record number: 73, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Persistently elevated body temperature, showing no or little variation and never falling to normal during any 24-hour period. 1, record 73, English, - continuous%20fever
Record number: 73, Textual support number: 1 OBS
The term "continuous fever" was recommended by the Medical Signs and Symptoms Committee. 3, record 73, English, - continuous%20fever
Record 73, Key term(s)
- running fever
Record 73, French
Record 73, Domaine(s)
- Symptômes (Médecine)
Record 73, Main entry term, French
- fièvre continue
1, record 73, French, fi%C3%A8vre%20continue
correct, see observation, feminine noun
Record 73, Abbreviations, French
Record 73, Synonyms, French
- fièvre en plateau 1, record 73, French, fi%C3%A8vre%20en%20plateau
correct, feminine noun
Record 73, Textual support, French
Record number: 73, Textual support number: 1 DEF
État fébrile persistant, ne présentant que de légères variations de température. 2, record 73, French, - fi%C3%A8vre%20continue
Record number: 73, Textual support number: 1 OBS
Le terme «fièvre continue» a été privilégié par le Comité de sémiologie médicale. 3, record 73, French, - fi%C3%A8vre%20continue
Record 73, Spanish
Record 73, Campo(s) temático(s)
- Síntomas (Medicina)
Record 73, Main entry term, Spanish
- fiebre continua
1, record 73, Spanish, fiebre%20continua
correct, feminine noun
Record 73, Abbreviations, Spanish
Record 73, Synonyms, Spanish
- fiebre sinoca 1, record 73, Spanish, fiebre%20sinoca
feminine noun
Record 73, Textual support, Spanish
Record 74 - internal organization data 2003-01-13
Record 74, English
Record 74, Subject field(s)
- Programming Languages
- Computer Display Technology
- Computer Programs and Programming
Record 74, Main entry term, English
- object name
1, record 74, English, object%20name
Record 74, Abbreviations, English
Record 74, Synonyms, English
Record 74, Textual support, English
Record number: 74, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Object identity. A persistent object-identifier created for each instance of an object data type that is independent of the object's name, structure, or location , and that persists over time to forever avoid confusion with the identity of another object. 1, record 74, English, - object%20name
Record 74, French
Record 74, Domaine(s)
- Langages de programmation
- Techniques d'affichage (Ordinateurs)
- Programmes et programmation (Informatique)
Record 74, Main entry term, French
- nom de l'objet
1, record 74, French, nom%20de%20l%27objet
correct, masculine noun
Record 74, Abbreviations, French
Record 74, Synonyms, French
Record 74, Textual support, French
Record number: 74, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Identité d’objet. Identificateur-objet persistant créé pour chaque occurrence d’un type de donnée d’objet indépendant du nom, de la structure ou de l'emplacement de l'objet, et dont la permanence permet d’éviter toute confusion avec l'identité d’un autre objet. 1, record 74, French, - nom%20de%20l%27objet
Record number: 74, Textual support number: 1 OBS
Termes (et définitions) tirés de « Langage de bases de données SQL Annexe A - Fonctions offertes par les normes qui incluent la norme NCTTI SQL » publiée par le Conseil du Trésor. 2, record 74, French, - nom%20de%20l%27objet
Record 74, Spanish
Record 74, Campo(s) temático(s)
- Lenguaje de programación
- Técnicas de visualización (Computadoras)
- Programas y programación (Informática)
Record 74, Main entry term, Spanish
- nombre de objeto
1, record 74, Spanish, nombre%20de%20objeto
correct, masculine noun
Record 74, Abbreviations, Spanish
Record 74, Synonyms, Spanish
Record 74, Textual support, Spanish
Record 75 - internal organization data 2002-10-11
Record 75, English
Record 75, Subject field(s)
- Programming Languages
- Computer Display Technology
- Computer Programs and Programming
Record 75, Main entry term, English
- persistent object-identifier
1, record 75, English, persistent%20object%2Didentifier
Record 75, Abbreviations, English
Record 75, Synonyms, English
Record 75, Textual support, English
Record number: 75, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Object identity A persistent object-identifier created for each instance of an object data type that is independent of the object's name, structure, or location , and that persists over time to forever avoid confusion with the identity of another object. 1, record 75, English, - persistent%20object%2Didentifier
Record 75, French
Record 75, Domaine(s)
- Langages de programmation
- Techniques d'affichage (Ordinateurs)
- Programmes et programmation (Informatique)
Record 75, Main entry term, French
- Identificateur-objet persistant
1, record 75, French, Identificateur%2Dobjet%20persistant
correct, masculine noun
Record 75, Abbreviations, French
Record 75, Synonyms, French
Record 75, Textual support, French
Record number: 75, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Identité d’objet Identificateur-objet persistant créé pour chaque occurrence d’un type de donnée d’objet indépendant du nom, de la structure ou de l'emplacement de l'objet, et dont la permanence permet d’éviter toute confusion avec l'identité d’un autre objet. 1, record 75, French, - Identificateur%2Dobjet%20persistant
Record number: 75, Textual support number: 1 OBS
Termes (et définitions) tirés de « Langage de bases de données SQL Annexe A - Fonctions offertes par les normes qui incluent la norme NCTTI SQL » publiée par le Conseil du Trésor. 2, record 75, French, - Identificateur%2Dobjet%20persistant
Record 75, Spanish
Record 75, Textual support, Spanish
Record 76 - internal organization data 2002-10-11
Record 76, English
Record 76, Subject field(s)
- Programming Languages
- Computer Display Technology
- Computer Programs and Programming
Record 76, Main entry term, English
- instance of an object data type
1, record 76, English, instance%20of%20an%20object%20data%20type
Record 76, Abbreviations, English
Record 76, Synonyms, English
Record 76, Textual support, English
Record number: 76, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Object identity A persistent object-identifier created for each instance of an object data type that is independent of the object's name, structure, or location , and that persists over time to forever avoid confusion with the identity of another object. 1, record 76, English, - instance%20of%20an%20object%20data%20type
Record 76, French
Record 76, Domaine(s)
- Langages de programmation
- Techniques d'affichage (Ordinateurs)
- Programmes et programmation (Informatique)
Record 76, Main entry term, French
- occurrence d'un type de donnée d'objet
1, record 76, French, occurrence%20d%27un%20type%20de%20donn%C3%A9e%20d%27objet
correct, feminine noun
Record 76, Abbreviations, French
Record 76, Synonyms, French
Record 76, Textual support, French
Record number: 76, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Identité d’objet Identificateur-objet persistant créé pour chaque occurrence d’un type de donnée d’objet indépendant du nom, de la structure ou de l'emplacement de l'objet, et dont la permanence permet d’éviter toute confusion avec l'identité d’un autre objet. 1, record 76, French, - occurrence%20d%27un%20type%20de%20donn%C3%A9e%20d%27objet
Record number: 76, Textual support number: 1 OBS
Termes (et définitions) tirés de « Langage de bases de données SQL Annexe A - Fonctions offertes par les normes qui incluent la norme NCTTI SQL » publiée par le Conseil du Trésor. 2, record 76, French, - occurrence%20d%27un%20type%20de%20donn%C3%A9e%20d%27objet
Record 76, Spanish
Record 76, Textual support, Spanish
Record 77 - internal organization data 2002-10-11
Record 77, English
Record 77, Subject field(s)
- Programming Languages
- Computer Display Technology
- Computer Programs and Programming
Record 77, Main entry term, English
- identity confusion
1, record 77, English, identity%20confusion
Record 77, Abbreviations, English
Record 77, Synonyms, English
Record 77, Textual support, English
Record number: 77, Textual support number: 1 OBS
Object identity. A persistent object-identifier created for each instance of an object data type that is independent of the object's name, structure, or location , and that persists over time to forever avoid confusion with the identity of another object. 2, record 77, English, - identity%20confusion
Record 77, French
Record 77, Domaine(s)
- Langages de programmation
- Techniques d'affichage (Ordinateurs)
- Programmes et programmation (Informatique)
Record 77, Main entry term, French
- confusion d'identité
1, record 77, French, confusion%20d%27identit%C3%A9
correct, feminine noun
Record 77, Abbreviations, French
Record 77, Synonyms, French
Record 77, Textual support, French
Record number: 77, Textual support number: 1 OBS
Identité d’objet. Identificateur-objet persistant créé pour chaque occurrence d’un type de donnée d’objet indépendant du nom, de la structure ou de l'emplacement de l'objet, et dont la permanence permet d’éviter toute confusion avec l'identité d’un autre objet. 2, record 77, French, - confusion%20d%27identit%C3%A9
Record number: 77, Textual support number: 2 OBS
Termes (et définitions) tirés de « Langage de bases de données SQL Annexe A - Fonctions offertes par les normes qui incluent la norme NCTTI SQL » publiée par le Conseil du Trésor. 1, record 77, French, - confusion%20d%27identit%C3%A9
Record 77, Spanish
Record 77, Textual support, Spanish
Record 78 - internal organization data 2002-10-11
Record 78, English
Record 78, Subject field(s)
- Programming Languages
- Computer Display Technology
- Computer Programs and Programming
Record 78, Main entry term, English
- object identity
1, record 78, English, object%20identity
Record 78, Abbreviations, English
Record 78, Synonyms, English
Record 78, Textual support, English
Record number: 78, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Object identity. A persistent object-identifier created for each instance of an object data type that is independent of the object's name, structure, or location , and that persists over time to forever avoid confusion with the identity of another object. 1, record 78, English, - object%20identity
Record 78, French
Record 78, Domaine(s)
- Langages de programmation
- Techniques d'affichage (Ordinateurs)
- Programmes et programmation (Informatique)
Record 78, Main entry term, French
- identité d'objet
1, record 78, French, identit%C3%A9%20d%27objet
correct, feminine noun
Record 78, Abbreviations, French
Record 78, Synonyms, French
Record 78, Textual support, French
Record number: 78, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Identité d’objet. Identificateur-objet persistant créé pour chaque occurrence d’un type de donnée d’objet indépendant du nom, de la structure ou de l'emplacement de l'objet, et dont la permanence permet d’éviter toute confusion avec l'identité d’un autre objet. 1, record 78, French, - identit%C3%A9%20d%27objet
Record number: 78, Textual support number: 1 OBS
Termes (et définitions) tirés de « Langage de bases de données SQL Annexe A - Fonctions offertes par les normes qui incluent la norme NCTTI SQL » publiée par le Conseil du Trésor. 2, record 78, French, - identit%C3%A9%20d%27objet
Record 78, Spanish
Record 78, Textual support, Spanish
Record 79 - internal organization data 2002-08-27
Record 79, English
Record 79, Subject field(s)
- Sociology of persons with a disability
Record 79, Main entry term, English
- persistent impairment
1, record 79, English, persistent%20impairment
Record 79, Abbreviations, English
Record 79, Synonyms, English
Record 79, Textual support, English
Record 79, French
Record 79, Domaine(s)
- Sociologie des personnes handicapées
Record 79, Main entry term, French
- déficience persistante
1, record 79, French, d%C3%A9ficience%20persistante
correct, feminine noun
Record 79, Abbreviations, French
Record 79, Synonyms, French
- handicap persistant 1, record 79, French, handicap%20persistant
see observation, masculine noun
Record 79, Textual support, French
Record number: 79, Textual support number: 1 OBS
Le terme «handicap persistant» est à éviter sauf dans le contexte des textes juridiques où il est utilisé. 2, record 79, French, - d%C3%A9ficience%20persistante
Record 79, Spanish
Record 79, Textual support, Spanish
Record 80 - internal organization data 2001-02-09
Record 80, English
Record 80, Subject field(s)
- Chemical Elements and Compounds
- CBRNE Weapons
Record 80, Main entry term, English
- trichlorethylamine
1, record 80, English, trichlorethylamine
Record 80, Abbreviations, English
Record 80, Synonyms, English
Record 80, Textual support, English
Record 80, French
Record 80, Domaine(s)
- Éléments et composés chimiques
- Armes CBRNE
Record 80, Main entry term, French
- trichloréthylamine
1, record 80, French, trichlor%C3%A9thylamine
correct, feminine noun
Record 80, Abbreviations, French
Record 80, Synonyms, French
Record 80, Textual support, French
Record number: 80, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Gaz vésicant; plus insidieux, plus persistant, moins inflammable que l'ypérite mais se conserve moins bien. 1, record 80, French, - trichlor%C3%A9thylamine
Record number: 80, Textual support number: 1 OBS
Reproduit du lexique «Disarmament and Peace Keeping/Désarmement et Maintien de la Paix» avec l’autorisation de l’Office des Nations Unies à Genève. 2, record 80, French, - trichlor%C3%A9thylamine
Record 80, Spanish
Record 80, Textual support, Spanish
Record 81 - internal organization data 2000-07-17
Record 81, English
Record 81, Subject field(s)
- Geological and Other Scientific Names
Record 81, Main entry term, English
- Kneehills Tuff
1, record 81, English, Kneehills%20Tuff
correct, see observation, Canada
Record 81, Abbreviations, English
Record 81, Synonyms, English
Record 81, Textual support, English
Record number: 81, Textual support number: 1 OBS
A same designation could refer to a geographic or a geologic entity, sometimes with a slight variant in spelling or writing. It is important to distinguish one from the other and write each correctly according to the given context. 2, record 81, English, - Kneehills%20Tuff
Record number: 81, Textual support number: 2 OBS
The Kneehills Tuff, the most distinctive and persistent marker, is in dark bentonitic shales underlain by white clay and sandstone near the middle of the [Edmonton] formation. 3, record 81, English, - Kneehills%20Tuff
Record number: 81, Textual support number: 3 OBS
Located in Western Canada. 4, record 81, English, - Kneehills%20Tuff
Record 81, French
Record 81, Domaine(s)
- Noms géologiques ou scientifiques
Record 81, Main entry term, French
- tuf de Kneehills
1, record 81, French, tuf%20de%20Kneehills
correct, see observation, masculine noun, Canada
Record 81, Abbreviations, French
Record 81, Synonyms, French
Record 81, Textual support, French
Record number: 81, Textual support number: 1 OBS
La règle concernant la majuscule au générique d’un nom géologique demeure imprécise. Habituellement, les noms de divisions stratigraphiques portent la majuscule et les entités de moindre importance n’en portent pas. 2, record 81, French, - tuf%20de%20Kneehills
Record number: 81, Textual support number: 2 OBS
Une même désignation peut se référer à une entité géographique et à une entité géologique, parfois avec une légère variante. Il importe de bien distinguer l’une de l’autre et d’utiliser la graphie correcte selon le contexte. 2, record 81, French, - tuf%20de%20Kneehills
Record number: 81, Textual support number: 3 OBS
Vers le milieu de la formation [d’Edmonton], repose le tuf de Kneehills, horizon repère le plus caractéristique et persistant, constitué de schistes foncés, bentoniques, sus-jacents à de l'argile blanche et du grès. 3, record 81, French, - tuf%20de%20Kneehills
Record 81, Spanish
Record 81, Textual support, Spanish
Record 82 - internal organization data 2000-05-11
Record 82, English
Record 82, Subject field(s)
- Geological and Other Scientific Names
Record 82, Main entry term, English
- Carnarvon member
1, record 82, English, Carnarvon%20member
correct, see observation, Canada
Record 82, Abbreviations, English
Record 82, Synonyms, English
Record 82, Textual support, English
Record number: 82, Textual support number: 1 OBS
A same designation could refer to a geographic or a geologic entity, sometimes with a slight variant in spelling or writing. It is important to distinguish one from the other and write each correctly according to the given context. 2, record 82, English, - Carnarvon%20member
Record number: 82, Textual support number: 2 OBS
The uppermost member, the Carnarvon, is a persistent dark argillaceous cryptocrystalline limestone, the lower part of which grades westward into shale and limestone inseparable from the Marston. 3, record 82, English, - Carnarvon%20member
Record number: 82, Textual support number: 3 OBS
Located in Western Canada. 4, record 82, English, - Carnarvon%20member
Record 82, French
Record 82, Domaine(s)
- Noms géologiques ou scientifiques
Record 82, Main entry term, French
- niveau de Carnarvon
1, record 82, French, niveau%20de%20Carnarvon
correct, see observation, masculine noun, Canada
Record 82, Abbreviations, French
Record 82, Synonyms, French
Record 82, Textual support, French
Record number: 82, Textual support number: 1 OBS
La règle concernant la majuscule au générique d’un nom géologique demeure imprécise. Habituellement, les noms de divisions stratigraphiques portent la majuscule et les entités de moindre importance n’en portent pas. 2, record 82, French, - niveau%20de%20Carnarvon
Record number: 82, Textual support number: 2 OBS
Une même désignation peut se référer à une entité géographique et à une entité géologique, parfois avec une légère variante. Il importe de bien distinguer l’une de l’autre et d’utiliser la graphie correcte selon le contexte. 2, record 82, French, - niveau%20de%20Carnarvon
Record number: 82, Textual support number: 3 OBS
Le niveau au sommet, le Carnarvon, est formé de calcaire persistant cryptocristallin, argileux, de couleur foncée; sa partie inférieure passe graduellement vers l'ouest en du schiste argileux et en du calcaire non séparable du niveau de Marston. 3, record 82, French, - niveau%20de%20Carnarvon
Record 82, Spanish
Record 82, Textual support, Spanish
Record 83 - internal organization data 2000-02-04
Record 83, English
Record 83, Subject field(s)
- Human Behaviour
- Educational Psychology
Record 83, Main entry term, English
- intermittent reinforcement
1, record 83, English, intermittent%20reinforcement
Record 83, Abbreviations, English
Record 83, Synonyms, English
Record 83, Textual support, English
Record 83, French
Record 83, Domaine(s)
- Comportement humain
- Psychologie scolaire
Record 83, Main entry term, French
- renforcement intermittent
1, record 83, French, renforcement%20intermittent
correct, masculine noun
Record 83, Abbreviations, French
Record 83, Synonyms, French
Record 83, Textual support, French
Record number: 83, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Il existe 2 modes d’attribution de renforcements : a) renforcement continu. On récompense à chaque fois que le comportement désiré apparaît. C'est le plus rapide pour apprendre mais le moins persistant; b) renforcement intermittent. On ne renforce pas à chaque bonne réponse. C'est plus long à apprendre mais le comportement persiste plus longtemps. Il y a 4 programmes de renforcement intermittent. 2, record 83, French, - renforcement%20intermittent
Record 83, Spanish
Record 83, Textual support, Spanish
Record 84 - internal organization data 1999-03-17
Record 84, English
Record 84, Subject field(s)
- Immunology
Record 84, Main entry term, English
- residual immunity
1, record 84, English, residual%20immunity
Record 84, Abbreviations, English
Record 84, Synonyms, English
Record 84, Textual support, English
Record number: 84, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Immunity consequent on infection and persisting after its termination. 1, record 84, English, - residual%20immunity
Record 84, French
Record 84, Domaine(s)
- Immunologie
Record 84, Main entry term, French
- immunité vraie
1, record 84, French, immunit%C3%A9%20vraie
correct, feminine noun
Record 84, Abbreviations, French
Record 84, Synonyms, French
Record 84, Textual support, French
Record number: 84, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Immunité consécutive à une infection et persistant, plus ou moins longtemps, après la disparition de l'agent pathogène. 1, record 84, French, - immunit%C3%A9%20vraie
Record 84, Spanish
Record 84, Textual support, Spanish
Record 85 - internal organization data 1997-02-28
Record 85, English
Record 85, Subject field(s)
- Atomic Physics
- CBRNE Weapons
Record 85, Main entry term, English
- persistent agent
1, record 85, English, persistent%20agent
Record 85, Abbreviations, English
Record 85, Synonyms, English
Record 85, Textual support, English
Record number: 85, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Agent which diffuses and dissipates slowly into the atmosphere and remains in the environment for days, weeks, and months. 2, record 85, English, - persistent%20agent
Record 85, French
Record 85, Domaine(s)
- Physique atomique
- Armes CBRNE
Record 85, Main entry term, French
- agent persistant
1, record 85, French, agent%20persistant
correct, masculine noun, officially approved
Record 85, Abbreviations, French
Record 85, Synonyms, French
Record 85, Textual support, French
Record number: 85, Textual support number: 1 OBS
agent persistant : terme uniformisé par le Groupe de travail de terminologie des Munitions. 2, record 85, French, - agent%20persistant
Record 85, Spanish
Record 85, Textual support, Spanish
Record 86 - internal organization data 1996-05-23
Record 86, English
Record 86, Subject field(s)
- Criminal Psychology
- Criminology
Record 86, Main entry term, English
- persistent sexual behaviour
1, record 86, English, persistent%20sexual%20behaviour
Record 86, Abbreviations, English
Record 86, Synonyms, English
- persistent sexual behavior 2, record 86, English, persistent%20sexual%20behavior
Record 86, Textual support, English
Record number: 86, Textual support number: 1 CONT
... persistent sexual behaviour involving children ... 1, record 86, English, - persistent%20sexual%20behaviour
Record 86, French
Record 86, Domaine(s)
- Psychologie criminelle
- Criminologie
Record 86, Main entry term, French
- comportement persistant d'ordre sexuel
1, record 86, French, comportement%20persistant%20d%27ordre%20sexuel
correct, masculine noun
Record 86, Abbreviations, French
Record 86, Synonyms, French
Record 86, Textual support, French
Record number: 86, Textual support number: 1 CONT
[...] un comportement persistant d’ordre sexuel à l'égard des enfants [...]. 1, record 86, French, - comportement%20persistant%20d%27ordre%20sexuel
Record 86, Spanish
Record 86, Textual support, Spanish
Record 87 - internal organization data 1993-10-12
Record 87, English
Record 87, Subject field(s)
- Economic Planning
Record 87, Main entry term, English
- global economic slowdown
1, record 87, English, global%20economic%20slowdown
Record 87, Abbreviations, English
Record 87, Synonyms, English
Record 87, Textual support, English
Record number: 87, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Over the past few years, a persistent and painful global economic slowdown has repeatedly forced governments, businesses and households in Canada and around the world to adjust their plans for the future. This has hastened the basic restructuring of our economy in response to global economic change. 2, record 87, English, - global%20economic%20slowdown
Record 87, French
Record 87, Domaine(s)
- Planification économique
Record 87, Main entry term, French
- ralentissement économique mondial
1, record 87, French, ralentissement%20%C3%A9conomique%20mondial
correct, proposal, masculine noun
Record 87, Abbreviations, French
Record 87, Synonyms, French
- ralentissement économique au niveau mondial 2, record 87, French, ralentissement%20%C3%A9conomique%20au%20niveau%20mondial
correct, masculine noun
Record 87, Textual support, French
Record number: 87, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Au cours des quelques dernières années, un ralentissement économique persistant et douloureux au niveau mondial a forcé les gouvernements, les entreprises et les ménages, aussi bien au Canada qu'à l'étranger, à modifier leurs plans d’avenir. 3, record 87, French, - ralentissement%20%C3%A9conomique%20mondial
Record 87, Spanish
Record 87, Textual support, Spanish
Record 88 - internal organization data 1993-10-12
Record 88, English
Record 88, Subject field(s)
- General Vocabulary
- Phraseology
Record 88, Main entry term, English
- plan for the future
1, record 88, English, plan%20for%20the%20future
Record 88, Abbreviations, English
Record 88, Synonyms, English
Record 88, Textual support, English
Record number: 88, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Over the past few years, a persistent and painful global economic slowdown has repeatedly forced governments, businesses and households in Canada and around the world to adjust their plans for the future. 1, record 88, English, - plan%20for%20the%20future
Record 88, French
Record 88, Domaine(s)
- Vocabulaire général
- Phraséologie
Record 88, Main entry term, French
- plan d'avenir
1, record 88, French, plan%20d%27avenir
correct, masculine noun
Record 88, Abbreviations, French
Record 88, Synonyms, French
Record 88, Textual support, French
Record number: 88, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Au cours des quelques dernières années, un ralentissement économique persistant et douloureux au niveau mondial a forcé les gouvernements, les entreprises et les ménages, aussi bien au Canada qu'à l'étranger, à modifier leurs plans d’avenir. 1, record 88, French, - plan%20d%27avenir
Record 88, Spanish
Record 88, Textual support, Spanish
Record 89 - internal organization data 1992-12-15
Record 89, English
Record 89, Subject field(s)
- Sociology of persons with a disability
Record 89, Main entry term, English
- persistent impairment
1, record 89, English, persistent%20impairment
Record 89, Abbreviations, English
Record 89, Synonyms, English
Record 89, Textual support, English
Record number: 89, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Persons with disabilities include those persons who, for the purposes of employment, consider themselves or believe that a potential employer would likely consider them, disadvantaged by reason of any persistent physical, mental, psychiatric, learning or sensory impairment. 2, record 89, English, - persistent%20impairment
Record 89, French
Record 89, Domaine(s)
- Sociologie des personnes handicapées
Record 89, Main entry term, French
- handicap persistant
1, record 89, French, handicap%20persistant
correct, masculine noun
Record 89, Abbreviations, French
Record 89, Synonyms, French
Record 89, Textual support, French
Record number: 89, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Personnes handicapées comprend les personnes qui se considèrent ou croient qu'un employeur éventuel pourrait les considérer comme défavorisées sur le plan de l'emploi en raison d’un handicap persistant d’ordre physique, mental, psychiatrique ou sensoriel ou de difficultés d’apprentissage persistantes. 2, record 89, French, - handicap%20persistant
Record number: 89, Textual support number: 1 OBS
6 mois ou plus. 3, record 89, French, - handicap%20persistant
Record number: 89, Textual support number: 2 OBS
Source : Règlement sur l’EME. 3, record 89, French, - handicap%20persistant
Record 89, Spanish
Record 89, Textual support, Spanish
Record 90 - internal organization data 1992-06-30
Record 90, English
Record 90, Subject field(s)
- Landscape Architecture
- Fences and Enclosures
Record 90, Main entry term, English
- evergreen hedge
1, record 90, English, evergreen%20hedge
Record 90, Abbreviations, English
Record 90, Synonyms, English
Record 90, Textual support, English
Record number: 90, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Screening from parked cars and nearby traffic is readily arranged with an evergreen hedge. 1, record 90, English, - evergreen%20hedge
Record 90, French
Record 90, Domaine(s)
- Architecture paysagère
- Enceintes et clôtures
Record 90, Main entry term, French
- haie à feuillage persistant
1, record 90, French, haie%20%C3%A0%20feuillage%20persistant
correct, feminine noun
Record 90, Abbreviations, French
Record 90, Synonyms, French
Record 90, Textual support, French
Record number: 90, Textual support number: 1 CONT
[...] pour rendre le grillage plus discret, il est possible de l'associer avec une haie à feuillage persistant(le grillage vert, en plastique ou plastifié, se confond avec le feuillage). 1, record 90, French, - haie%20%C3%A0%20feuillage%20persistant
Record number: 90, Textual support number: 1 OBS
Haie : Clôture faite d’arbustes, de buissons, de petits arbres, de branchages, qui sert à limiter un champ, à le protéger du vent, etc. 2, record 90, French, - haie%20%C3%A0%20feuillage%20persistant
Record 90, Spanish
Record 90, Textual support, Spanish
Record 91 - internal organization data 1992-06-30
Record 91, English
Record 91, Subject field(s)
- Landscape Architecture
Record 91, Main entry term, English
- planting of shrubs
1, record 91, English, planting%20of%20shrubs
Record 91, Abbreviations, English
Record 91, Synonyms, English
Record 91, Textual support, English
Record number: 91, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Mere planting of grass and shrubs is not landscaping. 1, record 91, English, - planting%20of%20shrubs
Record 91, French
Record 91, Domaine(s)
- Architecture paysagère
Record 91, Main entry term, French
- plantation d'arbustes
1, record 91, French, plantation%20d%27arbustes
correct, feminine noun
Record 91, Abbreviations, French
Record 91, Synonyms, French
- plantation des arbustes 2, record 91, French, plantation%20des%20arbustes
correct, feminine noun
- plantation d'un arbuste 3, record 91, French, plantation%20d%27un%20arbuste
correct, feminine noun
Record 91, Textual support, French
Record number: 91, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Plantation d’arbustes. Les massifs sont plantés à la densité moyenne de un arbuste par mètre carré(plantation serrée) ou de deux arbustes pour 3 mètres carrés. Les arbustes à feuillage persistant sont plantés en motte après avoir enlevé l'enveloppe de paille ou "tontine" dans laquelle ils sont livrés. 4, record 91, French, - plantation%20d%27arbustes
Record 91, Spanish
Record 91, Textual support, Spanish
Record 92 - internal organization data 1990-04-06
Record 92, English
Record 92, Subject field(s)
- Symptoms (Medicine)
- Musculoskeletal System
Record 92, Main entry term, English
- sustained clonus
1, record 92, English, sustained%20clonus
Record 92, Abbreviations, English
Record 92, Synonyms, English
Record 92, Textual support, English
Record number: 92, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Sustained clonus, i.e. contractions which continue as long as stretch is applied, reflects exaggerated tendon reflexes as a result of damage to the pyramidal pathway and is a "hard" neurological sign. 2, record 92, English, - sustained%20clonus
Record 92, French
Record 92, Domaine(s)
- Symptômes (Médecine)
- Appareil locomoteur (Médecine)
Record 92, Main entry term, French
- clonus inépuisable
1, record 92, French, clonus%20in%C3%A9puisable
correct, masculine noun
Record 92, Abbreviations, French
Record 92, Synonyms, French
Record 92, Textual support, French
Record number: 92, Textual support number: 1 CONT
L'exagération du réflexe achilléen s’accompagne habituellement d’un clonus du pied qui se recherche de la façon suivante : on saisit l'avant-pied et on fléchit brusquement le pied sur la jambe; on provoque une succession rythmée de mouvements d’extension du pied, persistant aussi longtemps qu'on maintient une certaine pression sur l'avant-pied. Ce clonus inépuisable ou clonus vrai diffère du faux clonus, fait de quelques secousses vite épuisées. 2, record 92, French, - clonus%20in%C3%A9puisable
Record 92, Spanish
Record 92, Campo(s) temático(s)
- Síntomas (Medicina)
- Sistema musculoesquelético (Medicina)
Record 92, Main entry term, Spanish
- clono inagotable
1, record 92, Spanish, clono%20inagotable
masculine noun
Record 92, Abbreviations, Spanish
Record 92, Synonyms, Spanish
Record 92, Textual support, Spanish
Record 93 - internal organization data 1989-07-21
Record 93, English
Record 93, Subject field(s)
- Mathematics
- Computer Graphics
Record 93, Main entry term, English
- fractional Brownian trail
1, record 93, English, fractional%20Brownian%20trail
Record 93, Abbreviations, English
Record 93, Synonyms, English
Record 93, Textual support, English
Record number: 93, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Fractional Brownian trails ... constitutes an example of a statistically self similar fractal curve with the dimension D=1/0.900=1.1111. Its coordinate functions are independent fractional Brownian functions of exponent H=0.9000, which implies that self intersections, though not strictly prohibited, are greatly discouraged by forcing the curve to be very persistent. 1, record 93, English, - fractional%20Brownian%20trail
Record 93, French
Record 93, Domaine(s)
- Mathématiques
- Infographie
Record 93, Main entry term, French
- vol brownien fractionnaire
1, record 93, French, vol%20brownien%20fractionnaire
correct, masculine noun
Record 93, Abbreviations, French
Record 93, Synonyms, French
Record 93, Textual support, French
Record number: 93, Textual support number: 1 CONT
vol brownien fractionnaire très persistant. Ce dessin constitue un exemple de courbe fractale, à homothétie statistique interne, dont la dimension est D=1/0, 9=1, 1 et pour laquelle la formation de boules sans être interdite-a été très fortement découragée, en imposant à cette courbe d’être très persistante. 1, record 93, French, - vol%20brownien%20fractionnaire
Record 93, Spanish
Record 93, Textual support, Spanish
Record 94 - internal organization data 1989-02-09
Record 94, English
Record 94, Subject field(s)
- Emergency Management
Record 94, Main entry term, English
- remedial evacuation
1, record 94, English, remedial%20evacuation
Record 94, Abbreviations, English
Record 94, Synonyms, English
Record 94, Textual support, English
Record number: 94, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Controlled evacuation directed by the authorities, designed to remove persons from an area made uninhabitable by radioactive fallout or some other continuing hazard. 1, record 94, English, - remedial%20evacuation
Record number: 94, Textual support number: 1 OBS
Term officially recognized by the Emergency Preparedness Committee. 2, record 94, English, - remedial%20evacuation
Record 94, French
Record 94, Domaine(s)
- Gestion des urgences
Record 94, Main entry term, French
- évacuation par mesure de précautions
1, record 94, French, %C3%A9vacuation%20par%20mesure%20de%20pr%C3%A9cautions
correct, feminine noun
Record 94, Abbreviations, French
Record 94, Synonyms, French
- évacuation palliative 1, record 94, French, %C3%A9vacuation%20palliative
correct, feminine noun
- évacuation préventive 1, record 94, French, %C3%A9vacuation%20pr%C3%A9ventive
correct, feminine noun
Record 94, Textual support, French
Record number: 94, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Opération destinée à évacuer les gens d’un territoire rendu inhabitable par les retombées radioactives ou par quelque autre danger persistant. 1, record 94, French, - %C3%A9vacuation%20par%20mesure%20de%20pr%C3%A9cautions
Record number: 94, Textual support number: 1 OBS
Terme adopté par le comité d’uniformisation de la protection civile. 2, record 94, French, - %C3%A9vacuation%20par%20mesure%20de%20pr%C3%A9cautions
Record 94, Spanish
Record 94, Textual support, Spanish
Record 95 - internal organization data 1988-04-21
Record 95, English
Record 95, Subject field(s)
- Forage Crops
Record 95, Main entry term, English
- diploid red clover Ruttinova 1, record 95, English, diploid%20red%20clover%20Ruttinova
Record 95, Abbreviations, English
Record 95, Synonyms, English
Record 95, Textual support, English
Record 95, French
Record 95, Domaine(s)
- Culture des plantes fourragères
Record 95, Main entry term, French
- trèfle violet diploide Ruttinova
1, record 95, French, tr%C3%A8fle%20violet%20diploide%20Ruttinova
correct, masculine noun
Record 95, Abbreviations, French
Record 95, Synonyms, French
Record 95, Textual support, French
Record number: 95, Textual support number: 1 OBS
Ruttinova est un trèfle de longue durée [...] typique. Il est persistant, précoce et fleurit abondamment. Sa bonne aptitude à la repousse permet quatre à cinq coupes annuelles. 1, record 95, French, - tr%C3%A8fle%20violet%20diploide%20Ruttinova
Record 95, Spanish
Record 95, Textual support, Spanish
Record 96 - internal organization data 1985-11-14
Record 96, English
Record 96, Subject field(s)
- Air Pollution
Record 96, Main entry term, English
- allochthonous matter
1, record 96, English, allochthonous%20matter
Record 96, Abbreviations, English
Record 96, Synonyms, English
- allochthonous organic matter 2, record 96, English, allochthonous%20organic%20matter
Record 96, Textual support, English
Record number: 96, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Organic matter in a lake originating from an external source such as leaves of deciduous trees and humic material eroded from soils. 1, record 96, English, - allochthonous%20matter
Record 96, French
Record 96, Domaine(s)
- Pollution de l'air
Record 96, Main entry term, French
- matière organique allochtone
1, record 96, French, mati%C3%A8re%20organique%20allochtone
correct, feminine noun
Record 96, Abbreviations, French
Record 96, Synonyms, French
- matière allochtone 2, record 96, French, mati%C3%A8re%20allochtone
correct, feminine noun
Record 96, Textual support, French
Record number: 96, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Toute matière organique présente dans un lac et provenant d’une source étrangère au lac, comme feuilles d’arbres à feuillage non persistant et matière humique extrait du sol par érosion. 2, record 96, French, - mati%C3%A8re%20organique%20allochtone
Record number: 96, Textual support number: 1 CONT
(...) la décomposition de la matière organique allochtone et autochtone dans l’eau de surface amène une production de CO2. 3, record 96, French, - mati%C3%A8re%20organique%20allochtone
Record 96, Spanish
Record 96, Textual support, Spanish
Record 97 - internal organization data 1985-06-25
Record 97, English
Record 97, Subject field(s)
- Astronomy
Record 97, Main entry term, English
- twilight glow 1, record 97, English, twilight%20glow
Record 97, Abbreviations, English
Record 97, Synonyms, English
Record 97, Textual support, English
Record 97, French
Record 97, Domaine(s)
- Astronomie
Record 97, Main entry term, French
- lueur crépusculaire
1, record 97, French, lueur%20cr%C3%A9pusculaire
proposal, feminine noun
Record 97, Abbreviations, French
Record 97, Synonyms, French
Record 97, Textual support, French
Record number: 97, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Faible éclairage persistant quelque temps après le coucher du soleil et avant la nuit. 1, record 97, French, - lueur%20cr%C3%A9pusculaire
Record 97, Spanish
Record 97, Textual support, Spanish
Record 98 - internal organization data 1979-09-12
Record 98, English
Record 98, Subject field(s)
- Human Behaviour
- Clinical Psychology
Record 98, Main entry term, English
- emotional inoculation 1, record 98, English, emotional%20inoculation
Record 98, Abbreviations, English
Record 98, Synonyms, English
Record 98, Textual support, English
Record number: 98, Textual support number: 1 OBS
A device used in decision counselling process. 2, record 98, English, - emotional%20inoculation
Record number: 98, Textual support number: 2 OBS
Emotion: A complex feeling-state accompanied by characteristic behavioral and visceral activities. 3, record 98, English, - emotional%20inoculation
Record number: 98, Textual support number: 3 OBS
Inoculation: Introduction of pathogenic microorganisms into the body to stimulate the production of antibodies and immunity. 4, record 98, English, - emotional%20inoculation
Record 98, French
Record 98, Domaine(s)
- Comportement humain
- Psychologie clinique
Record 98, Main entry term, French
- inoculation émotionnelle
1, record 98, French, inoculation%20%C3%A9motionnelle
feminine noun
Record 98, Abbreviations, French
Record 98, Synonyms, French
Record 98, Textual support, French
Record number: 98, Textual support number: 1 OBS
Émotionnel : Qui concerne l'émotion en tant qu'état ou processus critique et non durablement persistant(op. sentiment). 2, record 98, French, - inoculation%20%C3%A9motionnelle
Record 98, Spanish
Record 98, Textual support, Spanish
Record 99 - internal organization data 1978-03-01
Record 99, English
Record 99, Subject field(s)
- Veterinary Medicine
Record 99, Main entry term, English
- pregnancy diagnosis 1, record 99, English, pregnancy%20diagnosis
Record 99, Abbreviations, English
Record 99, Synonyms, English
Record 99, Textual support, English
Record number: 99, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Another concern is a need for a simple and practical method of pregnancy diagnosis. 1, record 99, English, - pregnancy%20diagnosis
Record 99, French
Record 99, Domaine(s)
- Médecine vétérinaire
Record 99, Main entry term, French
- diagnostic de la gravidité
1, record 99, French, diagnostic%20de%20la%20gravidit%C3%A9
Record 99, Abbreviations, French
Record 99, Synonyms, French
Record 99, Textual support, French
Record number: 99, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Lors de mortalité embryonnaire, le corps jaune gestatif persiste tant que survivent les membranes : le diagnostic de la gravidité est alors généralement impossible et la formation lutéale est qualifiée de corps jaune persistant. 1, record 99, French, - diagnostic%20de%20la%20gravidit%C3%A9
Record 99, Spanish
Record 99, Textual support, Spanish
Record 100 - internal organization data 1977-02-08
Record 100, English
Record 100, Subject field(s)
- Geomorphology and Geomorphogeny
- Hydrology and Hydrography
Record 100, Main entry term, English
- rational method
1, record 100, English, rational%20method
Record 100, Abbreviations, English
Record 100, Synonyms, English
Record 100, Textual support, English
Record number: 100, Textual support number: 1 OBS
The most commonly used procedure for estimating PMP (...). An index of the maximum possible moisture supply is obtained by entering tables of effective-precipitable water with the 100-yr. 12-hr. maximum-persisting dewpoint for the basin. Maximization is achieved by multiplying the observed rainfall values by the ratio of this figure to that for the air supplying the atmospheric moisture to the actual storm. 1, record 100, English, - rational%20method
Record 100, French
Record 100, Domaine(s)
- Géomorphologie et géomorphogénie
- Hydrologie et hydrographie
Record 100, Main entry term, French
- méthode rationnelle 1, record 100, French, m%C3%A9thode%20rationnelle
Record 100, Abbreviations, French
Record 100, Synonyms, French
Record 100, Textual support, French
Record number: 100, Textual support number: 1 OBS
(...) méthode la plus utilisée pour estimer PMP(...). On obtient un indice de l'apport maximum possible d’humidité en utilisant pour le bassin les tables de précipitation effective et les valeurs maximales de point de rosée persistant de 12 heures ayant un intervalle de vécurrence de 100 ans. On réalise la maximisation en multipliant la valeur de précipitation observée par le rapport de cette dernière sur la valeur correspondant à l'air alimentant l'orage actuel en humidité(...) 1, record 100, French, - m%C3%A9thode%20rationnelle
Record 100, Spanish
Record 100, Textual support, Spanish
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