The Government of Canada’s terminology and linguistic data bank.


Record 1 2004-02-10


Subject field(s)
  • Chemistry
  • Photography
  • Atmospheric, Climatic and Meteorological Phenomena
  • Reprography

A compound AgI occurring naturally as iodyrite and obtained synthetically as a yellow curdy precipitate when aqueous solutions of a silver salt and an iodide are mixed that darkens on exposure to light ...


... used chiefly in photography, in rainmaking, and in medicine in colloidal form in treatment of infections of mucuous membranes.


  • Chimie
  • Photographie
  • Phénomènes météorologiques, climatiques et atmosphériques
  • Reprographie

Poudre jaune pâle, inodore, insipide, noircissant par exposition à la lumière, cubique.


[...] les iodures des métaux alcalins (Na, K) sont employés dans la fabrication d’émulsions photographiques, de même que l’iodure d’argent. Ce dernier sert également à l’ensemencement des nuages.


Les cristaux d’iodure d’argent agissent comme amorces dans la formation des cristaux de glace. On ne sait pas encore s’ils agissent d’abord comme noyaux de congélation ou comme noyaux de sublimation.


Emplois : certaines émulsions photographiques, dispersion par avion pour produire la pluie artificielle; médecine.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Química
  • Fotografía
  • Fenómenos meteorológicos, climáticos y atmosféricos
  • Reprografía

Polvo amarillo inodoro e insípido. Soluble en soluciones de ácido yodhídrico, yoduro potásico, cianuro potásico, cloruro sódico y tiosulfato sódico. Insoluble en agua. Tóxico.

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Record 2 2002-10-31


Subject field(s)
  • General Scientific and Technical Vocabulary
  • Waterproofing (Construction)
  • Hydrology and Hydrography
  • Drainage and Irrigation (Agric.)

Water artificially applied in the form of rain, usually by a rainfall simulator for experimental purposes.


In BRI's laboratory for building foundation and soils, full-scale testing for soil dynamics is performed. A large-scale, shear soil layer box (5 m x 4 m x 10 m) is equipped in five large pits 6 m below ground to reproduce vibration of the ground during an earthquake. A test for rainfall is conducted in this laboratory using an artificial rainfall apparatus with an intensity up to 150 mm/h that addresses soil pressure during rainfall. In the wind and rain test laboratory, experiments are conducted on the effects of wind on buildings, the waterproof performance of finishes, and the air-flow characteristics in and around buildings.


They exposed different Sphagnum species to artificial rain (pH 4.2) containing different concentrations of bisulphite or sulphate, within the limits of very high values encountered in some samples of rain.


rainfall simulator: A device to simulate rainfall, primarily for use in determining infiltration on small areas. Some instruments permit application of droplets of controlled size, simulating natural rainfall; others use sprays. Sometimes called rain maker.

Key term(s)
  • artificial rain


  • Vocabulaire technique et scientifique général
  • Étanchéité (Construction)
  • Hydrologie et hydrographie
  • Drainage et irrigation (Agriculture)

On vérifie l'étanchéité à l'eau des fenêtres et portes-fenêtres en soumettant l'échantillon à une pluie artificielle projetée à différentes forces sur la surface extérieure du produit.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Vocabulario técnico y científico general
  • Impermeabilización (Construcción)
  • Hidrología e hidrografía
  • Drenaje y riego (Agricultura)
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Record 3 1999-10-22


Subject field(s)
  • Atmospheric, Climatic and Meteorological Phenomena

Artificial increase of rainfall, usually by the introduction of a seeding agent into a cloud.


  • Phénomènes météorologiques, climatiques et atmosphériques

Augmentation artificielle de la quantité de pluie, généralement par l'introduction d’un agent d’ensemencement dans un nuage.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Fenómenos meteorológicos, climáticos y atmosféricos

Aumento de la lluvia producido por la introducción de un agente de siembra en las nubes.

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© Public Services and Procurement Canada, 2024
TERMIUM Plus®, the Government of Canada's terminology and linguistic data bank
A product of the Translation Bureau


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