The Government of Canada’s terminology and linguistic data bank.

PLEA [7 records]

Record 1 2024-02-22


Subject field(s)
  • Sentencing

For an accused person to agree to plead guilty, or to give material information or testimony in exchange for an apparent advantage which the prosecutor offers, activity within the scope of a prosecutor's seeming authority.


  • Peines

La transaction en matière pénale.


[...] l’administration a le droit, après accord du ministère public, de transiger sur la poursuite de certains délits et contraventions.


[...] la décision de transiger n’est pas en réalité imputable principalement au ministère public.


[...] s’il est vrai que l’action publique appartient à la seule société, cette dernière confère le droit au ministère public d’en disposer par transaction pour des infractions de droit commun.


[...] la transaction [...] est considérée [...] comme un mode de gestion efficace de l’action publique en raison de l’économie de temps et de moyen qu’elle permet.


[...] la transaction [...] constitue une institution juridique propre au droit pénal [...]


[...] la transaction prévue par les art. [...] cour provinciale pénale [...] pour certaines infractions à la police des services publics des transports terrestres [...]


[...] si le législateur érige un jour la transaction en mode d’extinction de l’action publique de droit commun.


négocier un aveu :[...] dans les pays connaissant l'aveu négocié «plea bargaining» comme les pays anglosaxons où les affaires passant à l'audience sont très peu nombreuses.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Penas
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Record 2 2018-10-11


Subject field(s)
  • Non-Gov. Provincial Bodies and Committees (Canadian)
  • Social Services and Social Work
  • Social Problems

PLEA is an accredited, not-for-profit, charitable community services agency that has operated throughout BC [British Columbia] for more than 30 years. [PLEA delivers] residential and non-residential services to children, youth, adults and families facing significant challenges in their lives.

Key term(s)
  • Pacific Legal Education Association Community Services
  • Pacific Legal Education Association Community Services Society of BC
  • Pacific Legal Education Association Community Services Society of British Columbia


  • Organismes et comités provinciaux non gouv. canadiens
  • Services sociaux et travail social
  • Problèmes sociaux
Key term(s)
  • Pacific Legal Education Association Community Services
  • Pacific Legal Education Association Community Services Society of BC
  • Pacific Legal Education Association Community Services Society of British Columbia


Save record 2

Record 3 2016-02-05


Subject field(s)
  • Zoology
Universal entry(ies)


  • Zoologie
Entrée(s) universelle(s)


Save record 3

Record 4 2012-04-16


Subject field(s)
  • Non-Gov. Provincial Bodies and Committees (Canadian)
  • Legal Profession: Organization

The Public Legal Education Association of Saskatchewan (PLEA) was incorporated in 1980 as a non-profit, non-government organization that exists to educate, inform and empower through law-related education. PLEA's primary core funder is the Law Foundation of Saskatchewan. PLEA is also the designated recipient of the Department of Justice (Canada) public legal education and information funding and receives support from Saskatchewan Justice. Additionally PLEA enjoys the support of the Law Society of Saskatchewan, Canadian Bar Association (Saskatchewan Branch), College of Law, Saskatchewan Legal Aid Commission, Saskatoon Public Library and public libraries and regional colleges throughout the province.


  • Organismes et comités provinciaux non gouv. canadiens
  • Organisation de la profession (Droit)


Save record 4

Record 5 2010-05-05


Subject field(s)
  • Sentencing

plea discussions: term usually used in the plural in this context.


Plea bargaining. ... Crown counsel and defence counsel negotiate out of court, and reach an agreement. Without purporting rigidly to limit the area on which agreements may be made, we say that usually such agreements are: 1. That Crown counsel will, if the accused pleads guilty to a lesser charge, withdraw a major charge. ... 2. That Crown counsel, in return for a plea of guilty by the accused to a charge, will recommend to the Court the imposition of some lenient form of sentence, say probation. Or there may be a bargain which embraces both the above factors.


People in the business like to call it plea negotiation.


For reasons that will become evident in the course of this working paper, ... we prefer to abandon the expression "plea bargaining" (which, to some, has an inherently negative connotation) in favour of more neutral terminology. In our view, the process with which we are concerned (though unquestionably flawed) may better be described as that of "plea negotiation", or the holding of "plea discussions". The object of that process is to reach a satisfactory agreement, not to give the accused a "bargain." Accordingly, our recommendations eschew the expression "plea bargain" and replace it with "plea agreement". We define that expression (again, in neutral terms) as "any agreement by the accused to plead guilty in return for the prosecutor's agreeing to take or refrain from taking a particular course of action".


  • Peines

[...] le marchandage de plaidoyers est une entente intervenue hors de cour entre d’une part un procureur de la Couronne, - qui cherche à régler la cause avec un minimum de temps et de frais, - et, d’autre part, l’accusé qui espère voir réduire le nombre ou la gravité des accusations portées ou obtenir le choix d’un procès sommaire ou une réduction de peine. Par une telle entente le procureur de la Couronne promet à l’accusé, en échange de son consentement à plaider coupable, de recommander au juge d’entériner cette promesse.


Les spécialistes préfèrent parler de négociation de plaidoyers.


plea bargaining(en italique) : Cette expression anglaise est consacrée par la pratique.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Penas

Práctica judicial [...] mediante la cual la procuraduría puede optar por reducir los cargos que pesan sobre un inculpado, si éste denuncia a otros culpables.

Save record 5

Record 6 2001-02-01


Subject field(s)
  • Rules of Court

(plea) founded on some matter tending to impeach the right of action.

Key term(s)
  • plea pur breve abatre
  • plea ad breve prosternandum


  • Règles de procédure

[...] moyen de défense qui tend à faire déclarer l’adversaire irrecevable [...]


Plea : porte également le titre de «defense» ou «statement of defense» en Angleterre, et «answer» aux États-Unis.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Reglamento procesal
Save record 6

Record 7 1993-05-20


Subject field(s)
  • National Bodies and Committees (Non-Canadian)


  • Organismes et comités nationaux non canadiens


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© Public Services and Procurement Canada, 2024
TERMIUM Plus®, the Government of Canada's terminology and linguistic data bank
A product of the Translation Bureau


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