The Government of Canada’s terminology and linguistic data bank.

AERONEF MOYEN [1 record]

Record 1 2015-10-21


Subject field(s)
  • Types of Aircraft
  • Statutes and Regulations (Air Transport)

An aircraft certificated for a maximum take-off weight of more than 5 700 kilograms (12,500 pounds), but less than 136 000 kilograms (300,000 pounds).


  • Types d'aéronefs
  • Réglementation et législation (Transp. aérien)

Aéronef certifié pour un poids maximal au décollage de plus de 5 700 kilogrammes (12 500 livres), mais de moins de 136 000 kilogrammes (300 000 livres).

Key term(s)
  • moyen porteur


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Copyright notice for the TERMIUM Plus® data bank

© Public Services and Procurement Canada, 2024
TERMIUM Plus®, the Government of Canada's terminology and linguistic data bank
A product of the Translation Bureau


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