La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.


Fiche 1 2000-02-02


Subject field(s)
  • Titles of International Programs
  • Environmental Management
  • Oceanography

The [CEOS : Committee on Earth Observation Satellites] project is designed within the general framework of the International Program of Ocean Science in Relation to Living Resources(OSLR), which is co-sponsored by the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission [IOC] and the Food and Agriculture Organization [FAO] of the United Nations(Bakun et al. 1982). It can be considered an initial effort in the newly proposed subprogram of OSLR and Ecosystem Dynamics and Living Resources(EDLR).


Ocean Science in Relation to Living Resources(OSLR), and Ocean Science in Relation to Non-Living Resources(OSNLR), have an overall aim to improve our understanding of the relationships between processes and conditions in the marine environment, and the availability of resources.

  • OSLR Program
  • IOC/FAO Program on Ocean Science in Relation to Living Resources
  • Joint FAO/IOC Program on Ocean Science in Relation to Living Resources


  • Titres de programmes internationaux
  • Gestion environnementale
  • Océanographie


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Títulos de programas internacionales
  • Gestión del medio ambiente
  • Oceanografía
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Fiche 2 1997-11-11


Subject field(s)
  • Titles of International Programs
  • Ecosystems

IOC [International Olympic Committee]/FAO [Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations] ;jointly sponsored OSLR [Programme on Ocean Science in relation to Living Resources] ;GLOBEC. I is an OSLR project, co-sponsored by ICSU's [International Council of Scientific Unions] Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research; seeks to understand the physical and biological processes that control the abundance of key populations of marine animals in space and time in an effort to predict the effects of global climate changes on production.


  • Titres de programmes internationaux
  • Écosystèmes


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Títulos de programas internacionales
  • Ecosistemas
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