La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.


Fiche 1 1997-07-11


Subject field(s)
  • Archaeology

Middle-range theory consists of three fundamental assumptions that archaeologists must use to reconstruct the dynamic behaviors of the past from the static objects found in the archaeological record: 1) Once the components of the archaeological record ceased to be affected by the cultural system that created them, a static condition was achieved that has since been affected by natural processes and cultural behaviors unrelated to the initial formation of the record. 2) The archaeological record is a static phenomenon that exists only in the present. At any other moment in time, the actual manifestation of this record may be different than what you see right now. 3) To reconstruct the past dynamic behaviors, we must understand the relationship between the static record and the behaviors that created it. Middle range-research intends to address these assumptions by examining the factors that create and influence the relationship between the archaeological record and the original dynamic behaviors. As discussed in class, this research includes ethnographic analogy, ethnoarchaeology, and experimental archaeology.


  • Archéologie


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