Writing Tips has been archived and won’t be updated before it is permanently deleted.
For the most up-to-date content, please consult Writing Tips Plus, which combines content from Writing Tips and The Canadian Style. And don’t forget to update your bookmarks!
Keep a copy of the unrevised draft. You may decide to reinstate a part of it at a later stage.
If you are revising a print copy of the document, use double or triple spacing, so that your changes are distinct and legible.
Make sure that the required reference tools—dictionaries, style guides, works on usage and grammar, and language data banks—are within easy reach so that you do not waste time looking for them.
If the person you are providing the revision for has in-house style guidelines or certain spelling, terminology or other preferences, respect them.
To organize the revision process efficiently, to ensure that all problems are covered, and to help you meet your deadlines, use a checklist, such as the one presented in REVISION CHECKLIST
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Writing tools – Writing Tips
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