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A long or complex report requires a table of contents. The table should be accurate and detailed enough to tell the reader what each section is about. It should list all the main divisions of the report that come after the table of contents, including supplementary matter. Titles for the different parts, chapters and main chapter divisions need to be shown, preceded by chapter or division numbers where appropriate, and followed by page numbers. The wording, capitalization and order of the headings must be the same as in the report (see section 11.16 Headings).
When a report contains numerous tables and illustrations, separate lists of tables and illustrations are included after the table of contents. The titles of the tables or illustrations are listed separately in numerical order and followed by the page number.
© Services publics et Approvisionnement Canada, 2024
TERMIUM Plus®, la banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada
Outils d'aide à la rédaction – The Canadian Style
Un produit du Bureau de la traduction