La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.

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Fiche 1 2008-06-11


Subject field(s)
  • Computer Mathematics
  • Mathematical Geography
  • Remote Sensing
  • Astronautics

Spatial Archive and Interchange Format (SAIF, pronounced safe) is a Canadian geomatics standard for the exchange of geographic data. The underlying model itself is devoid of geographic meaning; rather it deals with fundamental concepts from mathematics and computer science. SAIF uses an object oriented data model, and consists of definitions of the underlying building blocks, including tuples, sets, lists, enumerations, and primitives. It also includes the rules for defining higher level constructs, and the SAIF standard defines a base set of approximately 300 classes. These include such things as Points, Spatial Reference Systems, Map Projections, Arcs, and Polygons.


The Spatial Archive and Interchange Format (SAIF) can be used as the basis of geospatial modeling, as well as for exchange and archival purposes. SAIF, a Canadian national standard, is also closely related to international efforts such as the openGIST initiative and the SQL Multimedia Spatial development.


The Spatial Archive and Interchange Format (SAIF) features a powerful object-oriented data model described in an easy-to-use data definition language called Class Syntax Notation (CSN). SAIF is the standard archive and interchange format for geographic data in the province of British Columbia. SAIF was developed to address both data interchange and data archival issues.


Canadian General Standards Board. ... CAN/CGSB-171.1-95. -- CGIS-SAIF. Canadian geomatics interchange standard: spatial archive and interchange format: format definition (release 3.2). Prepared by the Ministry of the Environment, British Columbia, January, 1995.


  • Mathématiques informatiques
  • Géographie mathématique
  • Télédétection
  • Astronautique

Le stockage des données s'effectue, comme pour un document XML, sous forme de texte. Par exemple, pour les besoins de cet article, j'ai pu convertir les 7000 dossiers concernant la Colombie britannique au [sic : dans le] format SAIF sous forme de texte GML.


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