La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.


Fiche 1 2015-03-11


Subject field(s)
  • Atmospheric Physics

Thin layer of air adjacent to the Earth's surface and whose depth varies about 10 and 100 metres.


... the "Atmospheric Surface Layer" (ASL), the layer of the atmosphere within which all our activities (except flying) take place. The ASL is the inner layer of the PBL within which vertical mixing is limited by proximity to the ground - a layer within which the eddy size is small because the solid barrier prohibits any organized downward (or upward) motion. Vast amounts of heat and vapour travel through this surface layer to the outer PBL and ultimately the whole atmosphere.


The term "atmospheric boundary layer" may sometimes means "planetary boundary layer". To avoid confusion and misunderstanding within one another, preferably do not use these terms.


Reproduced from "Titles, Names and Acronyms related to the activities of the International Oceanographic Commission of Unesco", with the authorization of Unesco.


  • Physique de l'atmosphère

Mince couche d'air adjacente à la surface du globe dont l'épaisseur est d'environ 10 à 100 mètres.


Le terme «couche limite atmosphérique» peut parfois s'appliquer aussi à la notion de «couche limite planétaire» (planetary boundary layer, en anglais).


Reproduit de «Titles, Names and Acronyms related to the activities of the International Oceanographic Commission of Unesco», avec l'autorisation de l'Unesco.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Física de la atmósfera

Capa fina de aire adyacente a la superficie terrestre cuyo espesor varía entre 10 y 100 m.


Reproducido del "Titles, Names and Acronyms related to the activities of the International Oceanographic Commission of Unesco", con la autorización de Unesco.

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