La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.


Fiche 1 2021-07-14


Subject field(s)
  • Oil Drilling

The fracturing of rock in an oil or gas reservoir by pumping a fluid under high pressure into the well.


Although various forms of fracturing exist, authors often use the term "fracturing," or any one of its derivatives: fracking, fraccing or fracing (all pronounced "fracking"), in the sense of "hydraulic fracturing."

  • hydro fracturing
  • hydro-fracking


  • Forage des puits de pétrole

Procédé qui consiste à créer artificiellement, par pression hydraulique, des fractures afin d'augmenter la perméabilité au voisinage d'un puits.

  • hydro-fracturation


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Perforación de pozos petrolíferos

Método para inducir caudal en pozos de petróleo por inyección de agua a aguas saladas bajo presión en el estrato petrolífero.

Fiche conservée

Fiche 2 1996-03-31


Subject field(s)
  • Waste Management
  • Nuclear Waste Materials

There are two forms of injection into deep geologic formations that have been suggested or used for LLW disposal: hydrofracture and deep well injection. Both methods are primarily useful only for liquid or finely ground wastes. They both take precautions to prevent contaminating useful aquifers by carefully selecting the geologic formations into which the waste is injected. Hydrofracture disposal also uses a very insoluble waste form. Generally, hydrofracture involves injection of a mixture of waste and liquid grouting materials under high pressure into a deep layered rock formation such as shale. The injected material causes layers of rock to separate and the material forms flat "sheets" extending out from the injection well. The grout causes some surface uplift near the injection well.


Because of difficulty in transporting liquid wastes safely, the hydrofracture facility must be located near the source of the waste. A hydrofracture site requires large, generally impermeable (to nearby aquifers) layered formations that fracture horizontally. The surface area needed and visual impact of a hydrofracture facility are relatively small. Major barriers to nuclide release are the grout (waste form) and the geologic formation used. Perhaps the greatest problem with hydraulic injection is that there is little control of fracture propagation and it is not possible to define the final geometry of the grout/waste sheets from the surface.


Hydrofracturing would not be appropriate for Eldorado wastes because of the large volume of waste and the questionable ability to dry and pulverize it to the necessary fineness (40 mesh or smaller).


  • Gestion des déchets
  • Déchets nucléaires


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Gestión de los desechos
  • Desechos nucleares
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