La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.


Fiche 1 1995-10-12


Subject field(s)
  • Titles of Audio-Visual Documents

Video produced in 1994 by Ziji Consulting, Vancouver, British Columbia. Nine dramatic vignettes that illustrate how abusive men rationalize or deny their violent behaviour. The video deals with the repeated themes of those rationalizations: the relationship blamer, the evader and minimizer, the great communicator, the depressed and compliant, the denier, the alcohol blamer, the guilty, the born again and the super-cooperative. Each scene is followed by a discussion with Dale Trimble, a therapist who has worked with abusive men for over 15 years and who developed the concept for this program. The video and accompanying materials will teach professionals in the field how to respond to each of these themes in a way that increases the man's responsibility for his behaviour. The program also describes the dangers of working with these men and stresses the primary importance of keeping the woman and children safe. The video and training materials constitute a two to three hour workshop.

  • Themes of Defence


  • Titres de documents audio-visuels

Vidéo produit en 1994 par Ziji Consulting, Vancouver (Colombie-Britannique).


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