La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.


Fiche 1 2022-01-06


Subject field(s)
  • Federal Government Bodies and Committees (Canadian)
  • Nuclear Plant Safety

The Regulatory Operations Branch(ROB) supports the CNSC [Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission] mission and mandate by making final regulatory decisions, or by making recommendations to the [Canadian Nuclear Safety] Commission in the areas of licensing, certification and regulation.


Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission.


  • Organismes et comités fédéraux (Gouvernement canadien)
  • Sûreté des centrales nucléaires

Commission canadienne de sûreté nucléaire.


Conserver la fiche 1

Fiche 2 2021-02-25


Subject field(s)
  • International Bodies and Committees
  • Oceanography
  • Water Resources Management
  • Commercial Fishing

The Marine Stewardship Council is an international non-profit organisation. [It recognises] and [rewards] efforts to protect oceans and safeguard seafood supplies for the future. … [Its] mission is to use [its] ecolabel and fishery certification program to contribute to the health of the world's oceans by recognising and rewarding sustainable fishing practices, influencing the choices people make when buying seafood and working with... partners to transform the seafood market to a sustainable basis.


  • Organismes et comités internationaux
  • Océanographie
  • Gestion des ressources en eau
  • Pêche commerciale

Conseil pour la bonne gestion des mers : traduction non officielle fournie à titre d'information seulement.


Conserver la fiche 2

Fiche 3 2019-10-24


Subject field(s)
  • Private-Sector Bodies and Committees
  • Agriculture

Mission : to coordinate biodynamic agriculture certification in Canada.


  • Organismes et comités du secteur privé
  • Agriculture


Conserver la fiche 3

Fiche 4 2018-07-04


Subject field(s)
  • Non-Gov. Provincial Bodies and Committees (Canadian)
  • Bowling, Billiards and Other Ball Games

[Master Bowlers’ Association of Alberta's mission is to] promote the sport of five pin bowling by providing coaching certification and instruction for the sport of five pin bowling in Alberta.


  • Organismes et comités provinciaux non gouv. canadiens
  • Quilles, billards et autres jeux de boules


Conserver la fiche 4

Fiche 5 2017-10-18


Subject field(s)
  • Occupational Bodies and Committees
  • Personnel Management (General)

A small provincial organization founded in 1984. [Its mission is] to promote and encourage [the] maintenance of the professional standards in the field of human resources management and to set out the standard and process for certification as a certified human resources professional.


  • Organismes et comités professionnels
  • Gestion du personnel (Généralités)

Organisme provincial de petite envergure fondé en 1984.


Conserver la fiche 5

Fiche 6 2017-09-21


Subject field(s)
  • Non-Gov. Provincial Bodies and Committees (Canadian)
  • Ice Hockey

The Saskatchewan Hockey Association(SHA) is the governing body for organized hockey in the Province of Saskatchewan with a mission to lead, develop and promote positive hockey experiences. The SHA encourages competition on all levels – from recreational to elite – for those who enjoy the great game of hockey for the sportsmanship, skill and enjoyment it can provide.... The SHA is also dedicated to ensuring all coaches and officials registered within the province are given ample opportunity to further enhance their education within the game by offering camps and clinics across the province. Through these opportunities proper certification and development of coaches and referees is maintained.


  • Organismes et comités provinciaux non gouv. canadiens
  • Hockey sur glace


Conserver la fiche 6

Fiche 7 2017-09-20


Subject field(s)
  • National Bodies and Committees (Canadian)
  • Surgery
  • Medical Staff
  • Cardiovascular System

The Canadian Council of Cardiovascular Nurses (CCCN) represents the largest group of Canadian nurses practicing within the cardiovascular (CV) field. It is a national, not-for-profit organization founded on the pillars of health promotion and advocacy, professional education, research, and excellent membership services.


CCCN's Mission. To be the voice for Cardiovascular nursing in Canada and promote the health and well-being of Canadians through standards, research, education, health promotion, specialty certification, advocacy and strategic alliances.


  • Organismes et comités nationaux canadiens
  • Chirurgie
  • Personnel médical
  • Système cardio-vasculaire

Le Conseil canadien des infirmières et infirmiers en soins cardiovasculaires (CCIISC) est un organisme national sans but lucratif. Il repose sur les piliers de la promotion de la santé, de la promotion et défense des intérêts des membres, l’éducation, la recherche et d’excellents services aux membres.


Mission du CCIISC. La mission du CCIISC est d'être la voix des soins infirmiers cardiovasculaires au Canada et promouvoir la santé et le bien-être des Canadiens et des Canadiennes par l'application de normes, la recherche, l'éducation, la promotion de la santé, la certification spécialisée, les interventions en faveur des soins cardiovasculaires et les alliances stratégiques.


Conserver la fiche 7

Fiche 8 2017-09-13


Subject field(s)
  • Occupational Bodies and Committees
  • Corporate Security
  • Information Technology (Informatics)

NAID-Canada is the national non-profit association representing companies that specialize in secure information and document destruction.


NAID-Canada's mission is to raise awareness and understanding of the importance of secure information and document destruction... NAID-Canada also plays an active role in the development and implementation of industry standards and certification and provides a range of member services which include advocacy, communication, education and professional development.

  • National Association for Information Destruction


  • Organismes et comités professionnels
  • Sécurité générale de l'entreprise
  • Technologie de l'information (Informatique)

NAID-Canada s'est donné pour mission d'accroître la prise de conscience et la compréhension de l'importance de sécuriser les opérations de destruction des données et supports d'information. [Elle] joue également un rôle actif dans le développement et la mise en œuvre de normes industrielles et de certification [...]

  • National Association for Information Destruction


Conserver la fiche 8

Fiche 9 2017-08-04


Subject field(s)
  • National Bodies and Committees (Canadian)
  • Non-Surgical Treatment

A small national organization. [Its mission is] to establish and maintain standards for the certification of teachers and teacher training courses to provide services to its members [and] to educate the public about the F. M. Alexander technique.


  • Organismes et comités nationaux canadiens
  • Traitements non chirurgicaux


Conserver la fiche 9

Fiche 10 2017-01-31


Subject field(s)
  • Provincial Government Bodies and Committees (Canadian)
  • Labour and Employment
  • Beverages

[The mission of Smart Serve Ontario] is to provide state-of-the-art training and certification and increased awareness for responsible alcohol sales, service and consumption which is both affordable and accessible.


  • Organismes et comités de gouvernements provinciaux canadiens
  • Travail et emploi
  • Boissons (Industrie de l'alimentation)

[La mission de Smart Serve Ontario] est de fournir un programme d'avant-garde de formation, de certification et de sensibilisation accrue sur la vente, le service et la consommation responsables des boissons alcoolisées, programme à la fois abordable et accessible.


Conserver la fiche 10

Fiche 11 2016-07-12


Subject field(s)
  • Occupational Bodies and Committees
  • Industries - General

Association for Facilities Engineering(AFE) is a professional membership organization [that] brings together professionals who ensure the optimal operation of plants, grounds and offices at Fortune 500 manufacturers, universities, medical centers, government agencies and innovative small firms from around the world. And, they all look to AFE as the leading technical resource on engineering issues. AFE's mission is to provide trade-craft related certification, technical information and other relevant resources to plant and facility engineering, operation and maintenance professionals worldwide.


  • Organismes et comités professionnels
  • Industries - Généralités


Conserver la fiche 11

Fiche 12 2012-05-22


Subject field(s)
  • Occupational Bodies and Committees
  • Personnel Management (General)

The Ordre is the primary human resources management and industrial relations reference organization in Quebec. It is a leader in its domain in disseminating knowledge, as well as in developing and communicating new ideas. A source of inspiration and pride for its members, the Ordre has considerable influence with decision-makers in the field. The Ordre's mission : promote the profession's strategic contribution to the success of organizations through enhancing the value of human potential from an organizational and societal perspective, as well as through optimizing human resources management and industrial relations in the workplace; improve the quality of professional practice, through the development and certification of its members’ competencies; ensure that professional practice complies with ethical standards and other Ordre rules intended to protect the public.


  • Organismes et comités professionnels
  • Gestion du personnel (Généralités)

L’Ordre est un organisme de référence incontournable en gestion des ressources humaines et en relations industrielles au Québec. Dans son domaine, il est le chef de file en matière de partage des savoirs ainsi qu’en matière d’émergence et de diffusion d’idées nouvelles. Source d’inspiration et de valorisation pour ses membres, l’Ordre exerce une influence auprès des décideurs dans son domaine. [Sa mission est de :] promouvoir la contribution stratégique de la profession au succès des organisations, par la valorisation du potentiel humain sur les plans organisationnel et sociétal ainsi que par l’optimisation de la gestion des ressources humaines et des relations industrielles dans les milieux de travail; améliorer la qualité de la pratique professionnelle, par le perfectionnement et la certification des compétences des membres; assurer la conformité de la pratique professionnelle aux normes déontologiques et aux autres règles de l’Ordre visant la protection du public.


Conserver la fiche 12

Fiche 13 2010-05-19


Subject field(s)
  • National Bodies and Committees (Canadian)
  • Dental Surgery

The mission of the Royal College of Dentists of Canada is to maintain the high standards of practice of the recognized dental specialties by examining qualified candidates for admission to Fellowship in the College and by working with stakeholders to establish standards for dental specialty education, practice and certification.


  • Organismes et comités nationaux canadiens
  • Chirurgie dentaire

Le Collège royal des chirurgiens dentistes du Canada a pour mission de maintenir les normes élevées de pratique dans les différentes spécialités dentaires reconnues en soumettant à un examen les candidats et candidates admissibles au « fellowship » décerné par le Collège et en travaillant en collaboration avec les différentes parties concernées.


Conserver la fiche 13

Fiche 14 2008-02-15


Subject field(s)
  • National Bodies and Committees (Non-Canadian)
  • Accounting

The Institute of Management Accountants(IMA) is the world's leading organization dedicated to empowering management accounting and finance professionals to drive business performance. The statement of mission : To provide a dynamic forum for management accounting and finance professionals to develop and advance their careers through certification, research and practice development, education, networking, and the advocacy of the highest ethical and professional practices.


  • Organismes et comités nationaux non canadiens
  • Comptabilité


Fiche conservée

Fiche 15 2007-09-10


Subject field(s)
  • Organizations, Administrative Units and Committees
  • Social Services and Social Work

The mission of the Canadian Administrators of Volunteer Resources is to provide and maintain a national association which promotes the professional administration of volunteer resources, certification of membership, continuing education standards and collaboration with provincial, national and international organizations.


  • Organismes, unités administratives et comités
  • Services sociaux et travail social

Le but de l'Association des administrateurs canadiens des ressources bénévoles est d'établir et de maintenir une association nationale dont l'objectif est de promouvoir l'administration professionnelle des ressources bénévoles, d'accréditer ses membres, d'établir des normes d'éducation permanente, et de collaborer avec les autres organismes provinciaux, nationaux et internationaux.


Conserver la fiche 15

Fiche 16 2007-07-19


Subject field(s)
  • National Bodies and Committees (Canadian)
  • Foreign Trade
  • Economic Co-operation and Development

Our Vision : A world where fair trade principles are practised globally and locally. Our Mission : TransFair Canada is a national non-profit certification and public education organization promoting Fair trade certification to improve the livelihood of developing world farmers and workers.


  • Organismes et comités nationaux canadiens
  • Commerce extérieur
  • Coopération et développement économiques

Notre vision : Un monde où l'on applique globalement et localement les principes du commerce équitable. Notre mission : TransFair Canada est un organisme national sans but lucratif de certification et de sensibilisation qui fait la promotion du commerce équitable pour améliorer les conditions de vie des producteurs agricoles et des travailleurs des pays en développement.

  • Trans Fair Canada


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Organismos y comités nacionales canadienses
  • Comercio exterior
  • Cooperación y desarrollo económicos
  • TransFair Canada
  • Fair TradeMark Canada
    ancienne désignation, correct
Conserver la fiche 16

Fiche 17 2007-01-31


Subject field(s)
  • Remote Sensing

There was a complete upgrade of the hardware and production software of the Mission Management Data Base Management planning system, resulting in a faster and more powerful system which is now accessible 24 hours a day(up from 12 hours in 1998) for request transmittal and tracking to the 14 international network stations(with four stations receiving operational certification in 2000), and five order desks.


operational certification: term officially approved by the RADARSAT-2 Terminology Approval Group (RTAG).


  • Télédétection

On a en outre procédé à une mise à niveau complète du matériel et du logiciel de production du système de planification de la gestion de la base des données de mission, ce qui a permis de rendre le système plus rapide et plus puissant. Il est maintenant en effet accessible 24 heures par jour (plutôt que 12 heures en 1998) pour la transmission des demandes et leur suivi aux 14 stations du réseau international (dont quatre ont obtenu l'homologation opérationnelle en 2000) et à cinq bureaux de commande.


homologation d'exploitation : terme uniformisé par le Groupe de travail de la terminologie de RADARSAT-2 (GTTR).


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Teledetección
Conserver la fiche 17

Fiche 18 2006-04-13


Subject field(s)
  • National Bodies and Committees (Canadian)
  • Organizations and Associations (Admin.)
  • General Medicine, Hygiene and Health

Titles and abbreviations confirmed by the organization.


The Canadian Health Record Association was founded in 1942 to provide a forum for health record professionals to share their expertise. Its federal charter was obtained in 1949. The Canadian College of Health Record Administrators was federally chartered in 1972 to deal with the educational standards and professional certification of the health record professional. These bodies operate jointly, under the acronym CHRA, to attain the following mission and goals. In February 2003, it has been approved by the members of the Canadian Health Record Association and Canadian College of Health Record Administrators that the name of the Association changed to Canadian Health Information Management Association.


  • Organismes et comités nationaux canadiens
  • Organismes et associations (Admin.)
  • Médecine générale, hygiène et santé

Appellations confirmées par l'organisme.

  • Association canadienne des archivistes médicales


Conserver la fiche 18

Fiche 19 2005-07-07


Subject field(s)
  • National Bodies and Committees (Canadian)
  • Ear, Nose and Throat Surgery

The Canadian Society of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, or CSO-HNS for short, is an association that regroups Canadian otolaryngologists. The Canadian Society of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery is dedicated to improving patient care through the support of education, the promotion of research, the dissemination of information, the scientific advancement of the Society and the maintenance of high professional and ethical standards. The means of accomplishing this mission include the publication of a journal, the holding of an annual scientific meeting, collaboration with the Royal College in the holding of certification examinations and the promotion of continuing medical education.



  • Organismes et comités nationaux canadiens
  • Chirurgie ORL


Conserver la fiche 19

Fiche 20 2005-05-09


Subject field(s)
  • Non-Gov. Provincial Bodies and Committees (Canadian)
  • Translation and Interpretation

The mission of the Society of Translators and Interpreters of British Columbia is to promote the interests of translators and interpreters and to serve the public by applying a Code of Ethics that all members are bound to comply with and by setting and maintaining high professional standards through education and certification.


Title and abbreviation confirmed by the association.

  • Society of Translators and Interpreters of BC


  • Organismes et comités provinciaux non gouv. canadiens
  • Traduction et interprétation

Appellation et abréviation confirmées par l'organisme.

  • Société des traducteurs et interprètes de C.-B.
  • Société des traducteurs et interprètes de Colombie-Britannique


Conserver la fiche 20

Fiche 21 2004-12-17


Subject field(s)
  • Federal Government Bodies and Committees (Canadian)
  • Astronautics

The Payload Support Center(PSC) is being implemented at the CSA [Canadian Space Agency] to conduct payload activities such as communication protocols verification and procedure validation & verification. The PSC will support crew training and mission simulations. The results of the PSC and DFL tests will be used in the final certification of a payload. In addition, the PSC will play an important role during the on-orbit operation of a payload. The payload flight backup unit or engineering model will be installed in the PSC and will be available to help the payload operators in case of any on-orbit problem. By using a duplicate of the payload in the PSC, the operators, with the help of the technical team, will be able to duplicate the situation and determine the proper corrective procedures. Those procedures will then be either forwarded to the on-orbit crew or to the ground operations personnel to correct the anomaly. The PSC includes the EXPRESS Rack Simulator, the Suitcase Simulator(when required), a workbench area for payload developers and a connection to the CSA Payload Telescience Operations Center(PTOC).


Payload Support Center; PSC: term and abbreviation officially approved by the International Space Station official approval Group (ISSOAG).


  • Organismes et comités fédéraux (Gouvernement canadien)
  • Astronautique

[...] le Centre de soutien de mission de charges utiles (PMSC) qui se situe au Centre spatial John H. Chapman de l'Agence spatiale canadienne à Saint-Hubert, Québec [...] se compose du Centre de soutien de charges utiles (PSC) et du Centre de télé-exploitation de charges utiles (PTOC). Le PSC a été mis sur pied pour appuyer les activités de certification et d'intégration des charges utiles canadiennes. L'installation permet aux développeurs de charges utiles, aux chercheurs principaux et au personnel chargé de l'exploitation au sol de suivre une formation sur le fonctionnement de leurs charges utiles, de vérifier les procédures d'exploitation et les protocoles de communications, de simuler des missions et d'appuyer des opérations de charges utiles en temps réel à partir de leur poste d'exploitation au sol. Le PSC servira également à l'intégration des échantillons et à des tests de vérifications d'échantillons.


Centre de soutien des charges utiles; PSC : terme et abréviation uniformisés par le Groupe de travail de la terminologie de la Station spatiale internationale (GTTSSI).

  • PSC


Conserver la fiche 21

Fiche 22 2004-10-15


Subject field(s)
  • Federal Government Bodies and Committees (Canadian)

The Canadian Space Agency(CSA) has designed the MSS Operations Complex(MOC), which is located at its headquarters in Saint-Hubert, Quebec. The MOC is used to plan the missions, monitor the health ofCanadarm2 and train astronauts and cosmonauts. The Mission Operation Complex is a state-of-the-art centre that includes a number of operation and training facilities : Space Operations Support Centre, MSS Simulation Facility, Operations Kinematic Simulator, and the Canadian MSS Training Facility. Each facility plays a unique role in supporting Space Station mission planning and operations. It also provides training to astronauts and cosmonauts which leads to a certification to operate Canadarm2.


MSS Operations Complex; MOC: term and abbreviation officially approved by the International Space Station official approval Group (ISSOAG).


  • Organismes et comités fédéraux (Gouvernement canadien)

L'Agence spatiale canadienne (ASC) a conçu le complexe d'exploitation du MSS (CEM) qui est situé dans les locaux de son siège social à Saint-Hubert (Québec). Le CEM sert à planifier les missions, à surveiller le bon fonctionnement du Canadarm2 et à former les astronautes et les cosmonautes. Le complexe d'exploitation du MSS est un centre à la fine pointe de la technologie comprenant un certain nombre d'installations d'exploitation et d'entraînement: centre d'appui aux opérations spatiales, installation de simulation du MSS, simulateur cinématique des opérations et installation canadienne d'entraînement à l'exploitation du MSS. Chaque installation joue un rôle unique en matière d'appui à la planification de mission et d'exploitation de la Station spatiale. Le CEM est aussi un centre d'entraînement pour les astronautes et les cosmonautes en quête d'une certification d'exploitation du Canadarm2.


Complexe d'exploitation du MSS; CEM : terme et abréviation uniformisés par le Groupe de travail de la terminologie de la Station spatiale internationale (GTTSSI).

  • MOC


Conserver la fiche 22

Fiche 23 2002-11-13


Subject field(s)
  • Electronic Defects and Failures
  • Spacecraft

To this end the Design Certification Review, established for manned flights, serves an important role. Shortly our program of progressive Design Certification Reviews leading to certification for the manned lunar landing will commence. A significant part of the effort requires a comprehensive supporting analysis of critical hardware to assure that all single failure points have been identified and accepted by all levels of Apollo Program management.... it [is] necessary, therefore, that the Design Certification Review program formally record a listing of single failure points existing in flight and launch critical ground equipment which would cause crew or mission loss, together with a statement of rationale for accepting the risk of each of these single failure points.


  • Défectuosités et pannes (Électronique)
  • Engins spatiaux


Conserver la fiche 23

Fiche 24 1999-08-13


Subject field(s)
  • Publication Titles (Armed Forces)

This policy document provides a framework in which compliance and certification should take place. The policy applies to all DND/CF organizations that operate, manage or use computer-based systems to support critical mission operations.


Title of the document.


  • Titres de publications (Forces armées)

Ce document fournit un cadre aux mesures de conformité et d'homologation. Il s'applique à toutes les entités du MDN et des FC qui gèrent ou utilisent des systèmes informatiques à l'appui de missions critiques.


Titre tiré du document-même.


Conserver la fiche 24

Fiche 25 1999-08-13


Subject field(s)
  • Phraseology
  • Informatics
  • Management Operations (General)


  • Phraséologie
  • Informatique
  • Opérations de la gestion (Généralités)


Conserver la fiche 25

Fiche 26 1999-03-23


Subject field(s)
  • IT Security

Terminology of the Year 2000 Bug.


  • Sécurité des TI

Terminologie du bogue de l'an 2000.


Conserver la fiche 26

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