La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.


Fiche 1 2002-10-11


Subject field(s)
  • Programming Languages
  • Computer Display Technology
  • Computer Programs and Programming

The module language specification includes language bindings for programming languages COBOL, FORTRAN, Pascal or PL/1.


  • Langages de programmation
  • Techniques d'affichage (Ordinateurs)
  • Programmes et programmation (Informatique)

La spécification du langage de module inclut les éditions de liens des langages COBOL, FORTRAN, Pascal ou PL/1.


Termes (et définitions) tirés de « Langage de bases de données SQL Annexe A - Fonctions offertes par les normes qui incluent la norme NCTTI SQL » publiée par le Conseil du Trésor.


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Fiche 2 2002-10-11


Subject field(s)
  • Programming Languages
  • Computer Display Technology
  • Computer Programs and Programming

The module language specification includes language bindings for programming languages COBOL, FORTRAN, Pascal or PL/1.


  • Langages de programmation
  • Techniques d'affichage (Ordinateurs)
  • Programmes et programmation (Informatique)

La spécification du langage de module inclut les éditions de liens des langages COBOL, FORTRAN, Pascal ou PL/1.


Termes (et définitions) tirés de « Langage de bases de données SQL Annexe A - Fonctions offertes par les normes qui incluent la norme NCTTI SQL » publiée par le Conseil du Trésor.


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Fiche 3 1997-12-05


Subject field(s)
  • Programming Languages

University of California, San Diego Pascal. A version of the Pascal language developed at that university.


  • Langages de programmation


Conserver la fiche 3

Fiche 4 1994-04-29


Subject field(s)
  • Sociology of Communication
  • Social Psychology

[discussed were] the role of the nurse in counseling employees at risk for HIV [and] the importance of pre- and posttest counseling in accordance with Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommendations. The communication strategies ... used were open-ended questions, terminology (common or street language) easily understood and meaningful to the client, and recognition of cultural figures associated with each approach.


... The researchers’ own knowledge of street language and drug behavior has enabled them to capture information that would escape most observers... the creation, production, and distribution of a comic book... targeted for drug users... uses street language... ghetto street language and language variation and its effects on attitudes toward and perception of others... [Source :PASCAL database].


... the spoken language of everyday life is learned from infancy - in the home, in the streets and at times even from associates of dubious character. It includes figures of speech, manufactured words, phrases of obscure origin and also vulgarities and obscenities. In the spoken language we find nonsense words, grammatical errors, mispronunciations, and fad words and phrases which have a brief period of popularity and are then discarded ... it includes what in America is considered "colloquial" and "slang", and in France "familier, populaire, langue verte and argot ..." Slang is most closely paralleled in French by the "langue verte", which is defined as "the ensemble of words and figures of speech commonly used in the street, along the boulevards, in shops, clubs, markets and workshops, etc."


  • Sociologie de la communication
  • Psychologie sociale

Idiome dont les mots sont faits pour ne pas être compris par les non-initiés, parlé couramment et naturellement par une certaine classe de gens.

  • langage des rues


Fiche conservée

Fiche 5 1994-03-22


Subject field(s)
  • Social Psychology
  • Human Behaviour

[The study analyzes] the decoding of emotional facial expressions [and] how the proposed identification of the contribution of different facial components to the prototypes of different facial emotional expressions is to be accomplished ... the approach taken ... to collecting data from 5-6 and 9-10 years-old on their judgements of the quality of emotional expressions and their intensities is inadequately outlined. The empirical and theoretical work done ... on the development of emotional facial recognition in ontogeny is not adequately reviewed.


Comprehension and expression of affect in language-impaired(LI) children : 8 children with developmental language impairment and 8 age-, sex-, socioeconomic-status-, and I. Q.-matched controls were given tests of comprehension and expression of affective intent in spoken language and through facial expression... On tasks involving emotional facial expression, [these results] were observed : The Li children were more dramatic in their expression of facial affect than were the controls. Children with language impairment appear to have a deficit in affective comprehension and expression that is modality-specific, i. e., limited to vocal affect... To date little evidence is available as to how emotional facial expression is decoded, specifically whether a bottom-up(data-driven) or a top-down(schema-driven) approach is more appropriate in explaining the decoding of emotions from facial expression. A study is reported... in which decoders judged emotions from photographs of facial expressions. Stimuli represented a selection of photographs depicted both single muscular movements(action units) in an otherwise neutral face, and combinations of such action units... Schizophrenics, depressives, patients with anxiety neurosis and normal controls were asked to comment freely for 2 minutes on photographs depicting 7 facial emotional expressions.... [Source :PASCAL database].

  • emotion from facial expression


  • Psychologie sociale
  • Comportement humain


Conserver la fiche 5

Fiche 6 1987-03-25


Subject field(s)
  • Programming Languages

A programming language that requires that all variables be declared in advance of their use, and that provides several different data types. The language itself, then enforces rules concerning the manipulation of variables according to their types. PASCAL and ADA are strongly typed.


  • Langages de programmation

Le langage de programmation ADA se caractérise essentiellement par son caractère fortement typé (tout objet manipulé possède un type, le programmeur peut définir de nouveaux types adaptés à son application, le contrôle de la cohérence des types entre objets différents étant effectué automatiquement), etc. (...)


Ce contexte est tiré du texte intitulé ADA.


Conserver la fiche 6

Fiche 7 1985-01-17


Subject field(s)
  • Programming Languages

(The software) provides a powerful set of software tools including a design description language, with supporting methodology, ISO Pascal and Assembler as languages.


  • Langages de programmation


Conserver la fiche 7

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