La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.

période de garantie [5 fiches]

Fiche 1 2016-02-25


Subject field(s)
  • Government Contracts
  • Law of Contracts (common law)
  • Execution of Work (Construction)

The period, after completion of a contract, during which a contractor is required to make good at his own expense any work which needs repair.


Do not confuse "warranty" and "guaranty". According to Construction Specifications Canada, "a Warranty is a ... contract or agreement between two parties and usually is included in a contract for goods or services between these parties", whereas "a guarantee is a 'collateral' agreement for the performance of another's undertaking".


guarantee. A. And "warranty". Originally the same word, "warranty" and "guarantee" (or "-ty") arrived in the language through different medieval French dialects. "Guarantee" is the broader term, ordinarily meaning either (1) "the act of giving a security; the undertaking with respect to (a contract, performance of a legal act, etc.) that it shall be duly carried out," or (2) "something given or existing as security, e.g., for fulfillment of an engagement or condition" (OED). "Warranty", as a legal term, has slightly more specific and elaborate senses: (1) "a covenant (either express or implied) annexed to a conveyance of realty by which the seller warrants the security of the title conveyed"; (2) "an assurance, express or implied, given by the seller of goods, that he will be answerable for their possession of some quality attributed to them" (the seller hereby disclaims all warranties); or (3) "in a contract for insurance, an engagement by the insured that certain statements are true or that certain conditions shall be fulfilled" (OED). B. And "guaranty". The distinction in BrE once was that the former is the verb, the latter the noun. Yet "guarantee" is now commonly used as both n. & v.t. in both AmE and BrE. In practice, "guarantee", n., is the usual term, seen often, for example, in the context of consumer warranties or other assurances of quality or performance. "Guaranty", in contrast, is now used primarily in financial and banking contexts in the sense "a promise to answer for the debt of another." "Guaranty" is now rarely seen in nonlegal writing, whether in G.B. or in the U.S. Some legal writers prefer "guaranty" in all nominal senses.


  • Marchés publics
  • Droit des contrats (common law)
  • Exécution des travaux de construction

Période contractuelle au cours de laquelle le titulaire du marché s'oblige à remettre en état ou à remplacer tout ou partie de l'ouvrage ou de la fourniture qui serait reconnu comme défectueux.


Malgré ce qu'indique la source OLFMB 1985, il ne faut pas confondre les termes anglais «warranty» et «guaranty», qui ne sont pas [...] synonymes. En effet, selon une étude insérée dans le Devis de Construction Canada, le premier signifie «garantie», tandis que le second correspond à «cautionnement».


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Contratos gubernamentales
  • Derecho de contratos (common law)
  • Ejecución de los trabajos de construcción
Conserver la fiche 1

Fiche 2 2014-06-02


Subject field(s)
  • Titles of Documents and Works
  • Government Contracts
Universal entry(ies)
code de système de classement, voir observation

Warranty Period: extracted from the Standard Acquisition Clauses and Conditions (SACC) Manual, produced by Public Works and Government Services Canada.


K0029C: Standard procurement clause title.


  • Titres de documents et d'œuvres
  • Marchés publics
Entrée(s) universelle(s)
code de système de classement, voir observation

Période de garantie : extrait du Guide des clauses et conditions uniformisées d'achat (CCUA) de Travaux publics et Services gouvernementaux Canada.


K0029C : Titre de clause uniformisée d'achat.


Conserver la fiche 2

Fiche 3 1996-01-09


Subject field(s)
  • Foreign Trade


  • Commerce extérieur


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Comercio exterior
Conserver la fiche 3

Fiche 4 1991-05-09


Subject field(s)
  • Government Contracts


  • Marchés publics

Termes provenant du Guide de la politique des approvisionnements et services en usage au MAS.


Fiche conservée

Fiche 5 1988-06-06


Subject field(s)
  • Insurance


  • Assurances


Conserver la fiche 5

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