La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.

BIRTH MARK [1 fiche]

Fiche 1 2021-12-21


Subject field(s)
  • Scientific Measurements and Analyses
  • Fish

A clear variation in the angle of the corpus calcareum [that] corresponds to a growth rate acceleration in [fish].


Recent declines in abundance of skates ... have heightened the need for validated age and growth estimates ... skate vertebral centra collected seasonally ... were sectioned using a mass processing method, then used to reconstruct growth in each species. ... Total counts were obtained by summing visible and estimated band counts. Growth curves were then fitted to all length-at-age data including sections deemed unreadable near the focus. The location of the birth band (BB) in each species was confirmed by comparing suspected birth band radius (BR) measurements with [vertebral radius (VR)] measurements of available late-term embryos ... and/or early young-of-the-year fish ... Regressions between VR and [total length] for each species, along with published hatch lengths, were also used to verify the location of the BB along the corpus calcareum of each section ...


Birthmarks are usually represented by an angle change along the centrum face of whole vertebrae or along [the] intermedialia-corpus calcareum interface with an associated ring on the corpus calcareum in sectioned centra, but this feature may not be distinct in either.

  • birthband
  • birth mark


  • Mesures et analyse (Sciences)
  • Poissons


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