La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.


Fiche 1 2007-08-03


Subject field(s)
  • Burners and Steamfitting
  • Biomass Energy

A type of biomass combustion burner in which a pile of fuel burns on the grates.


Primary combustion air comes from above the grates, not below.


The boilers are fed wood fuel from the main fuel bin located adjacent to the boiler house. The boilers are the "pile burner" type, which burn wood in a large pile on the floor of a refractory lined furnace box. Combustion efficiency with this type of boiler is generally low but pile burners are simple and therefore relatively inexpensive. Low combustion efficiency also means that emissions such as particulates and carbon monoxide are relatively high. One notable advantage to these systems is that high moisture content fuels can be burned as well as "dirty" fuels containing debris.


Pile burner: Boilers incorporating a pile burning design find applications where the anticipated wood fuel has a high (up to 65%) relative moisture content, as is found in whole green tree chips, bark, and green mill residue. Grates serve to support the fuel, and underfire air flowing up through the grates provides oxygen for combustion, cools the grates, promotes turbulence in the fuel bed, and dries the fuel. The most common form of pile burning is the Dutch oven, which was used almost exclusively during the early part of the century (Guinn and Turner 1990).


  • Fumisterie et brûleurs
  • Énergie de la biomasse

Le combustible de bois sec est mélangé à de la sciure de bois vert afin de produire un mélange de combustible qui convienne aux brûleurs de biomasse [...]


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