La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.


Fiche 1 2012-01-09


Subject field(s)
  • Roofs (Building Elements)
  • Waterproofing (Construction)

Most vinyl roofing membranes are sealed using hot air, which can be compared to welding metal. The process joins two rolls of membranes at the overlap areas (without using another dissimilar material) to create one monolithic layer that covers the entire roof. The heat-welded, permanently fused seams on vinyl roofing membrane form a watertight seal, and their peel strength can be critical to the roof system's long-term performance against wind forces.


ROOF technology allows old roof membrane to be renewed without removal. ROOF technology is based upon a thermochemical treatment of bitumen roof coating. With heat applied to a section of roof coating bitumen and bituminiferous mastics start melting. Imbued with own bitumen, roof coating gains improved waterproofing capabilities. Once cooled such coating becomes a tough monolithic layer, smooth and watertight.


Hot-applied rubberized asphalts consist of proprietary blends of asphalt, mineral fillers, elastomers (natural, synthetic, or a blend of both), virgin or reclaimed oil and a thermoplastic resin. It is applied hot in such a manner as to form an impermeable monolithic membrane over the surface to be waterproofed, which may be concrete, gypsum board or wood. Improved versions of this type of system consist of two coats of rubberized asphalt with a polyester mat in between, called the fully reinforced or two-ply system.


monolithic layer: term officially approved by the Lexicon Project Committee (New Brunswick).


  • Toitures (Éléments du bâtiment)
  • Étanchéité (Construction)

Les bitumes caoutchoutés sont constitués de mélanges particuliers de bitume, de fillers minéraux, d'élastomères (naturels, synthétiques ou un mélange des deux), d'huile vierge ou recyclée et d'une résine thermoplastique. Le produit est appliqué à chaud de manière à former une membrane monolithique imperméable au-dessus de la surface à hydrofuger, qui peut être en bêton, en plaques de plâtre ou en bois. Des versions améliorées de ce type de membrane sont composées de deux couches de bitume caoutchouté et d'un mat de polyester intercalaire; ces membranes sont dites «entièrement armées» ou «à deux épaisseurs».


couche monolithique : terme uniformisé par le Comité du projet de lexiques (Nouveau-Brunswick).


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